o Classified Rates 3c pr word minimum 90c pet iBMltiOO. Block lacs or caps. doubts rate Cards of Thanks 41 JO CLASSIFIED DEADLINE S p. m. Wednesday FOR RENT One bedroom fur nlshcd apartment. Phone 6-, 9723. 47 -50c IS IRONING your bugaboo? We' have the answer two used Imnrlt.ta Thv'r tirirm! uav under new cost but will give a lifetime of service. L E Dick. 281 Linden Way. 47-4'Jc FOR RENT 2 bedroom duplex, stoves and water furnished. No dogs-Phone 6-9959. 46-47c FOR SALE Prestone or Fomoco permanent antifreeze, GOc quart Thone 6 9152, Heppner Auto Sales, Inc. 46-c, WANTED gentle riding pony between GOO and 800 lbs. Must be reasonably priced. Give lull description and price. Address . "l"ONY", co Heppner Gazette- Tlmes. 47P APARTMENT FOR RENTT Avail able Feb 1. Lanham Apts, phone 6-5S90. 45-tfc FOR RENT 1 bedroom house, furnished. Fhone 6-9093. 46-47C LOST Ronson cigarette lighter with initials R G Mc Return tr r r. Mr Miirtrv. 48-c " i A BUSINESS of your own with 92 years reputation Top grade Watkins dealership available. Stock obtained on credit, If qualified. FOR FREE details write Watkins Products, Inc. 3903 Brooklyn Ave, Seattle 5, Washington. 44 -49c FOR SALE Trek or Fomoco methanol antifreeze, 40c quart, Phono 6-9152, Heppner auio Sales, Inc. 46-c FORSALE Choice baled alfalfa hay, will deliver. Del T Har mon, Stanfield, Oregon. 47-48c FOR RENT 3 bedroom house In Lexington, full basement, ltt baths, wired for washer and dryer, newly redecorated. George Hermann. Phone 3-8409, 29-tfc FOR SALE Two bedroom house, hardwood floors, garage, full basement on Gale Street Call 6-9670. 38-tfc FOR SALE House on North Court St., 3 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, dining room, birch kitchen it nook, full basement Phone 6 9936. 39 Uc MAKE i'OOii RUGS and carpets look like new. Call Case Fur niture Co. for carpet cleaning service. 46tfc FOR APBLIANCE REPAIR call or bring to Case Furniture Co. 6-9432. 5tfC FOOD SALE Saturday, Jan 30, 10 a m at Heppner Red & White. Sponsored by St Elizabeth's guild of All Saints' Episcopal church. 45-47C LAWNMOWER and saw sharpen ing. N D Bailey, phone 6-9491. 5-tfc FULLER BRUSH dealer for Hep pner area, Loren Bade, 420 N W Defense Way, Pendleton, phone CR 6-3460. 46-tfc ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, portables, electric and stand ards; sales, service and repair. Office equipment, office sup plies. Roscoe N. Allen, Milton Freewater, Ore. For service call Honmitr 6-9228. 33-34C DO YOU NEED Cabinet work, Interior decorating, or all around carpentry work done? Call Avery Taylor, 6-5385. 19-tfc To Give Away three year old female German Shepherd. Franklin Messenger, phone 3 8155, business hours 3-8115. 46-47p ftANCH "LWlNGSWANTED -Roderick Realty, 1412 SW Court Pendleton, phone CR 6-7063. 35-tfc SPECIAL 2 good used TV's. One RCA 21" table model only $199.95 with hookup, and one ncoH RPA console just $99.95. Haskell & Haskett, Inc, 323 N Main, phjme6-9975. SAND 4 GRAVEL delivered daily any amount, any time. Call lone 8-7777 or Umatilla 755 or 503 collect Sue Hams or pete Hams. 30-tfc FOR RENT two bedroom unfur nished apartment Call Dick nra,w R-Q1Q2. 32-tfC DR R W PFOFFERTChlropractie physician. 6 E Willow, phone 69694. 9 to S:30 Monday through Friday. 9 to 12 Satur. AlACUUva nr RUGS AND CARPETS cleaned In your home. or cotton r-.c cn-i Phone 6-9432. Im - - "Yfflia ULH-U IF YOU'VE BEEN wishing for anl THEREFORE, I will on the 5th Ironrli bettor cobble up thc day of Frt.ru.ry. 1W0. t th. Kins' Two used Ironrlte. hour of 10:00 A. M. t the front 1 ..i a Kt.w.P rxt th TniirthouM) In Ht'PD - n t...i n wood at bit disMuintu beraune cabinets arelncr. Oregon sell said property marred. L E Dick. 2S1 Linden Wiv. 4749c FOR SALE four bedroom house, furnace, good location, double garage. Phone 6 9C50. Al Fetsch. 46 Vp I RON RITE IRONERS for rent by week or month. New and used Ironritee for sale. We demon strate. L E DUk. 281 Linden Wav. uhone 69920. 41 tfc - ' - - - - .. WILL DO IRONING In my home, Phone 6 9100. 47-p G M C's Big Breakthrough All New V6 Now Available ThU I960 CMC 4 wheel drWe. V6 1 ma vraw wuo . - - motor, fully equipped, nylon tireg. lr- $3312.15 1957 Bulck 4 door hardtop, full poer and power seat. Like nous ii.rvS Vauxhall. the economy car 1958 Boreward, except I o n a 1 1 y clean .1957 Mercury 'llK5 r,Arri CI 1955 Dodge Sierra Station wagon 1955 Pontiac ........ i taDO vvuiy ricjtup, o vi. 1954 Willys pickup, 4 cyl. 1947 Wlllvs PlckUD 1944 Willys Jeep, full aluminum cab. 5 Hunting Jeeps hunters' spec ials! See Us For New FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES And a stock of USED APPLIANCES ALL PRICED TO SELL FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY Pontiac-Bulck-Waiys-GMC 40-tfc FOR SALE Refrigerator In good condition. Will sell tor Phone 6-5820. 47-tfc WANTED: BIDDERS & BUYERS! 33 Hereford range bulls, 5 bred and 15 open yearling heifers strong in "old-line Chandler breeding" going, going, going in the Bergevin Hereford Farms 25th Anniversary sale, Tuesday, Feb 2, 1 p m, in the new heated pavilion ai ine Southeastern Washington Fair grounds, Walla Walla, Wash. These are range bulls, not highly fitted, ready to work All heifers guaranteed safe In calf. For more information, write Claro Bergevin, Rt 2, Box 490, Walla Walla, wasn. Phone JA 5-5929. 47-c LUMBER Good farm and ranch lumber at Stud Planer Phone 6-9440 Heppner 45-47c SINGER Sewing Machine Com pany representatives will De in Heppnerarea 1st and 3rd Wednesdays every month. Re pairs on all makes sewing ma chines and vacuum cleaners. Contact Mrs David Eckman, TJpnnner. nhone 6-9101. 44-tfc HOOVER, EUREKA, Shetland and Bissell floor and rug care equipment for sale and rent. L. E. Dick, 281 Linden Way, phone 6-9920. 44-tfc vri ,. Legal Notices NOTICE OP SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, DATED January 6, 1960, I am authorzied and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Parcel No. 1 Beginning at a point 35 ft N. of the N.W. corner Lot 1 Blk. 7 original town of Heppner. Thence N. 25 ft along the E. line of N. Chase St Thence E. on line parallel with N. line of said lot 1 to the center of the channel of Willow Creek. Thence S. up the center of the channel of Willow Creek 25 ft Thence W. to the point of beginning. For the minimum price of $125.00. Parcel No. 2 Lots 5 to 8 Blk. 2 Cluffs 5th Add. City of lone for the minimum price of $300.00. -I..JH1 - i-tuij. JMJUU UU UWLSUJUKLOii A , i, ,ii door of the Courthouse In Jlepp to the highest and best bidder. C J. D. Bamaun Sheriff. Morrow County, Orecon 44 48c NOTICE Or ANNEXATION HEARING Notic la hereby clven: that by virtue of an Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Boardman. Oregon, duly adoptea the 15 day of January, 1900. and nubllshed In the Heppner oa zette Times, a newspaper of gen eral circulation In the City of Boardman, a public hearing will be held at th Greenfield Grange Hall. In the City of Boardman on the 29 day of January, I960. at the hour of 8:00 o'clock, P. M., Orecon Standard Time, before the Common Council of the City of Boardman. at which time the registered voters of the City of jsoaruman may ai Boardman may appear and be ncard on tne Question of the I .1 1L . 4. It 1 An annexation oi me iuiiuwiuk in scribed contleuoua territory to the City of Boardman, Township 4 South, Range 25 E.W.M. Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 8, In said township and range; thence South along the center of the County Road to the quarter corner common to Sections 8 and 17. thence South along center line of said County Road to the center of Section 17; thence easterly along center line of Section 17 to the quarter corner common to Sections 17 and 16; thence easterly alone the center line of Sec tion 16 to the center of Sec tion 16; thence Northerly along quarter section line to the quarter corner common to Sections 9 and 16; thence Easterly along the Section line between Sections 9 and 16 to the Section corner com mon to Sections 9, 16, 10 and 15, thence North along the Section line between Sec tions 9 and 10 and 4 and 3 to the meander line of the Columbia River: thence Westerly along the meander line of the Columbia River to present easterly boundary of City of Boardman or the NE corner of Lot 5, Sec. 8, Township 4 N., Range 25 E.W.M., thence south along said city limits to southeast corner of said Lot 5; thence west to the center of Section 8 in said township and range; thence South along the center line of Section 8 to point of beginning. By Order of the Common Council of the City of Boardman, made this 15 day of January, 1960. Joe Tatone, Mayor of Boardman 46-47C NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF SUPER VISORS To' all owners of land Ivlne within the Heppner Soil Conser vation District: Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of February, 1960, the annual meeting and election of two supervisors of the Hep pner Soil Conservation District will be held under the provisions of the Soil Conservation District Law of this State, Chapter 568, Section 590, ORS. The Dlace of meeting will be at the Lexington Grange Hall between the hours of 7:30 P. M. and 10:00 P. M. Every person, firm and corpor ation, state, county, or munic ipality being the record owner of or holding under contract of purchase, ten acres or more of land lying within the said dls trict are eligible to vote. Candidates to fill the board vacancy of two supervisors may vacancy oi two supervisors may k hv .titinn simed bv ten landowners. If no candidates are nominated by petition to fill the existing vacancy, nominat ions mav be made from the floor during the annual meeting. HEPPNER SOIL CONSER VATION DISTRICT By: N. C. Anderson, Sec. 1 Dated this 25th day of Jan- j uarv. 1960. 47-4SC1 CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS ST WILLIAMS CHURCH lone Rev Raymond Beard Sunday Mass, 9:15 a m. iSvrian-Lebanese community oi ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Portland, taking note that youth Homer Wolfington. pastor Iful Representative Atiyeh is the Sunday school, 9:45 a m. first westerner of those national Morning worship, 11:00 a m. origins to be elected to state Evening service 7:00 p m. .office. Tuesday evening service, 7:45 1 At the head table were all of jr-ranr?; -j -.rt;. in m-mt' II ir 111 HEPPNER BAPTIST MISSION Eld. H.rrt .uly P tor ,t Degree of Honor Lodge room f verv Sunday. Sunday achooi. iu a m. Church aervleea. 11 m. Mid week Blbl study and training. Wednesday. 7:30 in homes. rXRST BAPTIST CHUBCH lone Sunday school 10 i m Service 11 a m. rv.ninp service 7:00 p m Prayer meeUng Wednesday 7:30 In the home. VALBT LUTHERAN CHURCH u'orshlo services. 9:15 a m. Sunday school, 9:15 a m every Sunday. services held the second ana fourth Sunday of the month. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Alfalfa Street Worship services. 11:00 a m. Sunday school, 9:45 a m. THE THE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Austin McGhae, Paitor rhurrh school. 9:45 a m. Mrs Tom Wells, Superintendent Morning worship, xi:w a m. Methodist Youth Fellowship at :00 p m. CHURCH Or JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAT SAINTS' American Legion ball Priesthood meeting. 8:30 a m. Sunday school at 10:30. Sacrament service will begin at 11:30 a m. lONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev Rod MacKenzie, pastor Church school at 9:45 A M Morning worship at 11 A M, conducted by the senior high FVllnWshiD ErOUD. Junior high Pilgrim Fellow shin at 3 P M. Senior high Pilgrim Fellow ship at 7 P M. Choir practice, Monday at 8 P M. LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Walter Smith, pastor Sunday school. 10:00 a m. Worship 11:00 a m. IONE BIBLE CHURCH Rev James W Riley, pastor Bible school 10 a m. Classes for all ages. Church 11 a m. Everyone wel come. Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p m Sunday. flood News club lor cnnaren of all churches Mondays, 3:45. Bible Btories, songs, games. Prayer meeting and BiDie study, Thursday, 7:30 p m. All meetings are neia in xne Riley residence on 2nd street. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST C L Vories, Pastor Saturday services Sabbath school, 9:30 A M. Church service, 11:00 A M. "Onipt Hour" radio broadcast over KGO every Sunday, 8 PM. Vnirc of Proohecy radio Droaa- cast over KGO every Sunday, 9 P M. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Robert Whybrew, pastor Services each Sunday. Sunday school 2:30 p m. Worship service 3:30 p m. Meeting In Seventh Day Ad- ventlst church. Everyone welcome. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev C Bruce Spencer, rsctor Holy Communion, Sunday, 7:30 a m. Family service, 10:00 a m. Holy Communion Wednesdays, at 10 a m and 10 a m all Holy days- Inauirer's and Confirmation classes Tuesday, 7:30 p m In Rector's study. 10 a m Saturdays, catecnism - ;. ., ', Rotor's classes for children at Rectors study . ST PATRICK'S CHURCH Heppner Rev Raymond Beard Sunday Masses, 7:30 and 11 a m. Weekday Masses, 7:30 a m. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charles V Knox, minister Bible school, 9:45. Worship service 11:00 a m. CAPITAL PARADE Continued From Page 2 ii attPnHpd bv some 300 per enns. it was sponsored by the Iv r -M AW II1 the Hatfield Board of Control, the Governor. Secretary of State and new State Treasurer. Only Dem ocratic logliilator to appear was Atlyeh's persona! friend State Senator Monroe Sweet land, altho Speaker of the House. Bob Dun can sent a cordial telegram. rREEWAYS SAFER You ran correctly feel far safer driving on a freeway than you can on other high-ways. Oregon State Htuhwav Enclneer W C Williams told the state Traffic Safety Commission this week. He said the accident rate of free ways is only 1.26 accidents per 100 million miles of travel, com pared with 5.56 on other roads. Anniversary Stock Sale Is Slated WALLA WALLA. Claro Berg evin, co-owner of Bergevin Here ford Farms, today announced plans for a special production sale celebrating the organiza tion's 25th anniversary. The 25th anniversary sale will be the first event staged In the newly-erected pavilion at tne Southeastern Washlncton fair grounds, Walla Walla. It will be gin at 1 p m, Feb 2. with si Williams, Walla Walla, as auc tioneer. Bercevin said 33 ranee bulls, 5 bred heifers and 15 open year ling heifers would be offered at public auction. 'These bulls are not highly fitted, but conditioned Just right for range cattlemen," said Berg evin. "All of the bred heifers have already been guaranteed safe In calf." The Bereevlns have been breeding purebred Herefords In the Walla Walla area since 1935, under the direction of Clem Ber- gevln and his son, Claro. A tvDlcal Southeastern Wash- . Ington family livestock operat ion, Bergevin Hereford Farms .. has been breeding livestock on the same ranch since 1885. At one time the ranch served as n vnmMi rt f otnflnM Ann PHI A IRA a remount station ana nas aiso been a stock farm for horses and mules. 4-H Club News BLACKHOBSE UVESTOCK CLUB The Blackhorse Livestock club met Sundav. January 10 at the Harold Huber home. There were 10 members and one guest pres ent. It was decided to give a pro- USED CARS WITH AN THAT COUNTS 18S9 Chevrolet Biscayn 4 door, 6 cylinder .. $2195 1953 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 door, Turboglids $2135 1954 Chevrolet Del Ray . $700 Trucks - Pickups ltJ7 CMC Vi ton pickup, radio, heater. 4 speed trans, heavy duty bumper $1395 1955 Ford 4 wheel drive pickup $1350 1955 WUlys 4 wheel drive pickup $1250 1951 International pickup - $600 1951 WUlys 4 wheel drive pickup $900 Thrifty Financing Of Course! FULLETON Chevrolet-Co. XCPPNSR GAZETTE-TIMES. gram for the Lexington T TA In Msrvh to observe- National 4 II Week. Wt voted U ih abuut a window exhibit for 4 II Club Week, also. The club set several goals for the year. Martha Doherty gave a talk on the meaning of 4 H. Danny U'ardwell cave an Interesting re port on "Bloutlng In Livestock". ft K' viT' 5rn fOST ' -. XT-..---:.- : s .';v,-'.-,?v,o. r.:' i, 'w-. .... - '" ., PUT IT TO THE TEST! Come In for a demonstration and discover -'Jeep 4-wheel drive vehicles go more places do more job cost less to own! FIRST IN 4-WHEEL DRIVE ,on of tfil Com In for FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY HEPPNER BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Homo and Garden Work PL L SANDVIO Sandy and Jos lone. Oregon J. H. ANGELL PLUMBING & HEATING PHONE 6-9298 - HASKELL & HASKETT, INC. TV and Radio Sales & Service 323 N. Main Ph 6-997S Morrow County Farm Bureau Reg. Meeting 4th Tuesday Bill Barratt Insurance Agent " PLUMBING SERVICE Gilliam & Bisbee HARDWARE CO. Paons 6-9433 t JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW 127 W. Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-9213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner. Oregon MAHONEY AND ABRAMS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building Phons 6-9141 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 6-9210 OIL Ph. 6-9616 MONUMENTS - MARKERS - Se Oliver Crecwlck Creswlck Mortuary Thursday January M. i960 7 This was followed by a short discussion. After refienhments of cookies, lee cream and hot chocolate were served we went sleigh rid Inc. The next meeting will be Sun day. February 7 at the Bernard Poherty ranch. Barbara Bloodsworth, reporter 1 r. 'jy rvw VEHICLES BY WILLYS fc,'iORS...W0RL0'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF 4-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES rowln KAIUR kldiMtrlN demonstration Kerr Electric Co. Phons 6-9492 Heppner ELECTRICAL WIRING Contracting Electric Heat Dr. Rob't W. Pfeif fer Chiropractic Physician Heppner Hotel Bldg. Phons 6-9694 Wallace H. Wolff, M. D. Office Hours 10 to 12. 2 to 5 Monday through Saturday Ph. 6-9253, Res. 6-9620 The Heppner Clinic C. M. WAGNER. M. D. P. J. BAYLINK, M. D. Physicians and Surgeons Ph., Day or Night 6-9114 IX No Answer 6-9133 - 4. J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry 4 Ctft Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch 4 Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE CRESWICK MORTUARY Licensed Funeral Directors Phons 6-9600 Heppner, Oregon t Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 6-9465 t Morrow County Abstract Cr Title Co. INC TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building 4- C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phons 6-9625 Box 611 Heppner. Oregon