4 HEPPNER GAZETTE -TIMES, Thursday, December 17, 1958 iiiiimuainmHiiiiiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiii jff,.Trilm,tmmTT gociAL Happenings Josephine Thompson, Social Reporter r- nwllfim(tllTlMJMMinnii;iiiMnM'Mn..trtiMn,1..1.M,,...tv THE FRANK MUNKERS CELEBRATE 50th ANNIVERSARY WITH RECEPTION Coming Events Masons-Royal Arch Fridav. Dee i&PHm . ' ijiuiiuiiwi u Christmas program, elemen tary school, 2 pm. Sans Soucl Rebekah lodge. Soroptimists Christmas party, Home ol Leta Humphreys. I m4 TW II ivimm e W I I V Saturday Evening Following a potiuck dinner, Saturday evening at the Masonic temple, with turkey supplied by the Masonic lodge and Royal Saturday. Dec 19-Elk, Family the Masonic lodge ,and RT Christmas notluck. lArch Masons, a joint Installation By DELPHA JONES A reception was held recently at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Munkers honoring them on their 50th weddtner anniver sary. Mr and Mrs Munkers were married November 21. 1901 at lone, Oregon and have spent most of their life In and around Lexington. The tea table was covered with a lace cloth over gold silk and was centerel with a beautiful three tiered anniversary cake decorated in white and gold with the number 50 in gold across the top. After the honored couple cut the first serving of the cake, It was cut and served by Mrs W C VanWinkle of Lexington, Mrs JKaiph Jackson and Mrs Earl Eskelson of Hermiston. Pouring during tne tea hours were Mrs L A J'almer, Mrs Elsie M Beach, and Mrs Roy Campbell of Lex ington. At the punch table were: Mrs Tom Beymer, The Dalles, Mrs Dee Cox and Mrs Omer Luttrell of Heppner. Teresa end Christine Munkers, granddaugh ters of the couple had charge of the guest book and the gift table. Assisting the hosts and hostesses with the reception were Mrs Lester Cox, of Lexington and Mrs Hattle Crabtree of lone. Around ninety relatives and friends called during the after noon to extend their eood wish es. Those coming from a distance were Mrs Tom Boymer, Mr and Mrs Lamer Hunt, and Mr and Mrs Michael Ignowskv and fam ily of The Dalles; Mr and Mrs Larl Eskelson, Mr and Mrs Ralph Jackson, Mr and Mrs Oral Scott, Mr and Mrs Harold Beach, and Mrs Carlyle Harrison Jr and son of Hermiston; Mr and Mrs Em ery Burnside of Sprav and Mrs Carlyle Harrison, Sr of Cascade Locks. Hosts and hostesses for the af fair were their sons and their families, Mr and Mrs Vernon Munkers. Mr and Mrs Archie Munkers, and Mr and Mrs Leo nard Munkers. Christmas potiuck. Monday, Dec 21 Rainbow for Girls. Christmas program for upper grades, 8 pm. Chamber of commerce, noon at Wagon WheeL Tuesday, Dec 22 High school Christmas program, gymn at 8 pm. Wednesday, Dec 23 Willows lodge no 66, IOOF. Friday, Dec 25 MEBRY CHRISTMAS Penlands Entertain Amateur Radio Hams Mr and Mrs Robert Penland and Neal Penland entertained Saturday evening with an ODen house for the staff of the Gazette Times and amateur radio friends. Christmas candles and decor ations were used about the room and the buffet table was cen tered with Santa rldlne In an old fashioned car. SHOP AT WILSON'S FOR ( (to make his Christmas Merrier! 1,1 I First National Holds Annual Christmas Party The Heppner Branch, First National Bank of Oregon held its annual Christmas party, for staff members and their hus bands and wives, Saturday even ing, December 12 at the Ameri can Legion hall. The evening started at 6:30 p m with a social hour, follow ed by a delicious turkey dinner, prepared and served by St Pat rick's Altar Society. Later there was a wide selec tlon of party games and sineini? oi nristmas carols. Those attending were. Mr and Mrs Jack Bedford, Mr and Mrs Don Pyle, Mr and Mrs Dean Shaver. Mr and Mrs Dean Gil man, Mrs Fern Graves, Mrs Elsie Lole, Wayne Lamb, Mr and Mrs James C Lovgren, Mr and Mrs Ben StenkamD. Mr and Mrs Wayne Snyder and Gerald E O'Malley. Parrish Home Scene Of Bookworm Party The Bookworms held their an- nual Christmas party at the home of Mrs Fred Parrish with Mrs Ted Smith as co-hostess. Those attending besides Mrs Parrish and Mrs Smith were Mrs nova Jones, Mrs Lucv Peterson. Mrs Ike Cole. Miss Leta Hum. phreys, Mrs Harry Dinees. Mrs Cornett Green, Mrs W E Hughes. Mrs Jim Thomson, Mrs J O Tur ner and Mrs Harold Rprkot Mrs Peterson read Dirkpnu' "Christmas Carol" and the re. corded Christmas music was fur nished by Miss Humphreys. uilts were exchanged with Mrs uinges acting as Santa Claus, of nffipprs was held The dinner was prepared and served by the Eastern Star, with Mrs Paul Jones supervising. Sev pral Rainhnw fiirls assisted with the serving of approximately 125 guests. In the Roval Arch those in staller! wpre Oliver Creswick. ex cellent high priest; Harold Beck- et, scribe; Larry Cook, principal sojourner; Clark Van Gaasbeck, Royal Arch captain; Karl Miller, master of the third veil; Myles McKay, master of the second veil: Rnhert Abrams. master of the first veil; and Roy Quacken bush, sentinel. Installing officers were Paul Jones, installing high priest; J O Turner, Installing marshall and Claude Graham, installing chanlain In the Heppner Masonic lodge those installed were Eugene Hall, worshipful master; Oliver Creswink. senior warden: Donald Turner, junior warden; R B Rice, treasurer; Harold Becket, secre tary; John Pfeiffer, senior dea con; J O Turner, junior steward; Claude Graham. chaDlain: Paul Jones, marshal and Roy Quack enbush, tyler. Those to be in stalled later are Weslev Marlatt. Junior deacon and Clarence Ba ker, senior steward. Installing officers were Harold Becket, Installing officer; Oliver Creswick. installing marshal and Claude Graham, installing chap-Iain. R B Rice was honored by the Masonic lodge with the public grand honors on hi3 service as treasurer for the past 13 years and his continuous membership for nearly 60 years. He affiliated with Heppner lodge on April 3, xyua and received his 50 year emblem from the grand secre tary, Harry Proudfoot in October 1950. Whats Trumps Club Has Christmas Party At Allen Case Home Mrs Allpn Case was hostess last Wednesday afternoon for the annual Christmas party oi the Whats Trumps bridge club. A nntluok luncheon was enlov- ed and a gift exchange was held after an afternoon of cards. Guests were Mrs Gene Fergu son. Mrs Claude Graham. Mrs James Thomson, Mrs L u Tib bies. Mrs P W Mahonev. Mrs Raymond Ferguson, Mrs E K scnamtz, Airs Kooert reniana, Mrs Lowell Gribble. Mrs Earl Blake, Mrs Clarence Rosewall and the hostess. Mrs Raymond Ferguson held high score for the afternoon, Mrs Rosewall was second high, Mrs Gribble third and Mrs Schaffitz low. Christmas decorations were used around the rooms and there was a small tree around which the gifts were placed. Mrs Harris Has High Score At Pinochle Mrs O E Wright entertained her Dinochle club Fridav after noon at the home of Mrs Robert Lowe. Those attending were Mrs Am brose Chapln, Mrs Max Harris, Mrs Henry Hapoold. Mrs Fred Mankin, Mrs Ben Anderson and Mrs Earl Evans. High score for th afternoon was held by Mrs Harris, low was Mrs Happold and Mrs Evans and Mrs Lowe won the double Din ochle. Even though there is only a week left to do your Christmas Shopping, we can still offer you a complete selection of SHU lor that SnaHnl Mnn. WVlt h.u li- I ' JVU pilK UU IiyUl size and color, and you can always be sure a gilt be can wear will be appreciated. SPORT SHIRTS ARROW DRESS SHIRTS DRESS SLACKS STETSON HATS BILLFOLDS MEN'S JEWELRY LEATHER BELTS A GIFT CERTIFICATE Three Couples Host Holiday Buffet A holiday party and buffet dinner was given Sunday even ing at the home of Mr and Mrs Bill Blake with Mr and Mrs Har lan McCurdy and Mr and Mrs Jerry Daggett as co-hosts and hostesses. x About thirty-six attended and cards were played after dinner. Soroptimists To Have Party Friday Night At their Thursday meeting, the Soroptimist Club of Heppner changed the date set for the an nual Christmas party from Dec 21 to Fridav evening. T)pp 18 at the home of Miss Leta Hum phreys. In observance of Human Rights Day, Mrs W C Collins gave a paper on the Bill of Rights and Human Rights and una Humphreys showed a film put out by the American Foun- dation of Overseas Blind Mrs Bongers Heads Altar Society The Altar Society of St Pat- ricks church met at the home of Mrs Lyle Jensen with Mrs Sam Nagel and Mrs Ben Stenkamn as co-hostesses. Election was held and the new officers are, president. Mrs Harry Bongers; vice president, Mrs Pat O'Brien; secretary, Mrs Bud Marshall; and treasurer, Mrs Gertrude Applegate. About fifteen attended the meeting. Carole Groshens Tells Engagement Mr and Mrs Victor Groshens announce the engagement of their daughter, Carole to Mr Dale Baker, son of Mr and Mrs O E Baker of Lexington. No date has been set for the wedding. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Saturday Dinner At i ... Ueveland Home Mr and Mrs Howard Cleveland entertained with a dinner party saiuraay evening at their home. i heir guests were Mr and Mrs Frank Anderson, Mr and Mrs Bill Barratt. Mr and Mrs Paul Koenig and Mr and Mrs Alex Ihompson. Rainbow Girls Plan Christmas Dance The Rainbow for Girls will hold their annual Christmas dances for lone, Lexington and Heppner students December 2S at the Oddfellows hall. The party oegins at 8:00 p m. jj RCA & Morales TELEVISION $19995 TO $32995 CONCERT ELECTRIC CHORD ORGANS $lg995 AND $19995 RECORDS Stereo, Long-Ploy, 78 & 45's Record Albums - RADIOS SMALL APPLIANCES And Many Other Gift Items GOMTY'S SHOES APPLIANCES ' M " " " S SI I WE SUGGEST For Her Peodlle&oin) SKIRTS - JACKETS - SWEATERS Tou know she loves Pendleton and we've got a wonderful election of skirts. Jackets and sweaters that will be hex Number One Gift Wilson's Men's Wear The Store of Personal Service ? - m - m J-l m w -J yy WE WANT TO SAY Thank You new round eritaae THI MRMTUAl MOTION C10CK the timekeeping of the future! When you see leCoultrt'i new Atmos "Heritage", sud denly you will ioy,"rhii I. whol I wont for my home!" In lU impressive, decorative crystal and gilt case, "Heritage" l truly beauty in action. You and your guests will gaxe In wonder at ill golden mechanism, moving so imoofhly, 10 lenity, to accurately. The amazing thing about this incred iWe clock li that it requires neither hand-winding nor elec-frlaty-nof even a drop of oil. Thank, to its inexhaustible lource of energy-the temperature of the air-Almos "Her. Itage" will run for yeari on end. We $1 OO Invite yov o tee this wondrous dock. JimL Peterson's Jewelers For Your Most Generous Reception To Last Week's Opening of Our New Appliance Store. Your many fine compliments on our new store and your Interest In visiting us during our grand opening was mast rewarding to us. We know that there were many more who couldn't visit u. an those special day,, and we extend you a welcome to drop in any time. HERE ARE THE Winners of our Door Prizes PIRL HOWELL Standard Wax Clo MRS. RALPH THOMPSON-Wax-O-Matic Floor Waxer MRS. WARREN THOMPSON-Carving Set FRED THOMAS Hunting Lantern MRS. ROY NEILL Bissell Upholstery Shampoo Kit These may be picked up at the store at any time f 7 f And, We Want To Wish You All Mem Cfmsimas APPLIANCES 281 Linden Way Phone 6-9920 -"