Chats With Your Home Agent By ESTHER KIRMIS I have had inquiries on making colored pine cones that give off colored flames in your fireplace.' Really a fire on the hearth can be a part of your holiday decoration as well as the tree and tinsel. I have written to Maud C Pur vine, Deschutes county extension agent, asking her how it is done. Here is Maud's answer. You need: 1. clean pine cones, 2. paraffin melted over hot water (old paraffin from jelly or old candles will do), 3. Commercial fire lighter usually comes in shaker can (65c) used for fire places. Method: Hold cones with top up, and with a large spoon pour melted wax into the cone. Shake fire lighter into area where your wax is, quick like. Hold cone over paper so as to catch any surplus fire lighter material. Pessalee Mallalieu, state rec reation specialist, has also put out a bulletin on color for your fireplace. Here are sorrie excerpts from her bulletin: Make your own color by get ting a few chemicals, pine cones, bits of wood or sawdust. Some chemicals are explosive but the National Board of Fire Under writers states that the following are safe to use with fire. Calcium chloride makes an orange flame; lithium chloride purple flame; copper sulphate (blue vitreol) a blue flame; strontium nitrate a red flame; and barium chloride a green flame. However, they give the warn ing that copper sulphate is very poisonous. Also many of these chemclals are corrosive to metal and should be mixed or kept in granite, glass, crockery or wood containers. A solution may be made by TB Fighter T "T i i mi m ii m. i num niimiMuwiMk- ywwi art This researcher physician ex amines so-called atypical TB germs, which do not respond welL to TB drugs. Christmas Seals further such vital research work In the fight against TB. using one pound of chemical to a gallon of water. It would be bet ter to dissolve each salt seper ately, but if necessary, several may be mixed in the same solu tion. A gallon of the solution will dip from V2 to 34 of a bushel of cones. Soak the cones for fif teen minutes, then dry slowly. Dip the cones again If deeper color tones are desired. Newspaper can also be soak ed in the solution and tied into tight rolls when dry, if cones are not available. If cones do not grow In your vicinity, use any pieces of wood fuel. Mix the powdered chemical with shellac, lacquer or varnish, stirring frequently. Paint the wood with the mixture, let it dry thoroughly. Common lumber mill sawdust can be saturated in the shellac, Mam nrllU tm MERRY TAILORS Communitv service was chosen as our special activity for this year at our meeting last Satur day afternoon at the home of our president, Marsha Sowell. Plans were made to make a scrapbook for the children s ward at the hospital. We also set our club's goals for this year and planned our program. Gail Batty demonstrated how to sew a straieht seam on the sewing machine. Our leader, Mrs Kk & Motorola TELEVISION $19995 TO $32095 CONCERT ELECTRIC CHORD ORGANS $ 159 95 AND $ 199 95 RECORDS Stereo, Long-Play, 78 & 45's Record Albums RADIOS SMALL APPLIANCES And Many Other Gift Items GONTY'S SHOES AFPLIANCES lacquer or varnish and chemical mixture, and then spread out to dry. A basket of chemically treated pine cones or a package of the treated sawdust would make a lovely gift When the prepared cones are burned, colors will flicker long after the cones have fallen to ashes. Batty showed us how to thread the machine and wind the bob bin. Mrs Rawlins demonstrated how to pivot while stitching and told us how to cnoose material for our place mats and luncheon cloths. We tried putting diner- ent kinds of dishes on the mater ials to see how they look. Joan Van Houte became a new member of our club. Verina French led us in soncs and we played a game of acting out songs. Refreshments were served by Mrs Sowell and Marsha. Carol Rawlins, reporter STITCH IN TIME CLUB The Stitch In Time 4-H club met November 18 at the home of Cheryle Corley. The meeting was called to or der by Elaine Gaarsland with Arleta McaCbe leading the American flag pledge. Elaine led the 4-H pledge. Two members were absent, Cheryle Lundell and Marllee Leathers. Roll call was answered by naming different kinds of needles. Our leader, Mrs L A Mc Cabe. showed some empty bolts that had material on them and showed us why it is important to read at the ends of the bolts. The next meeting will be at Marilee Leather's home on Dec ember 1 at 3:30 P m. Cheryle Corley, reporter H-EPPN'ER GAZETTE -THttE'S. Thursday, December 10. 19S9 STITCH IN TIME 4-H CLUB The meeting of the Stitch In Time 4-H club was held on Dec ember 1 at Cheryl Corley's home, with ail five members and Mrs L A McCabe, leader, present. The president, Elaine Gaars land called the meeting to or der and asked Marilee Leathers to lead the American flag pledge and Cheryle Lundell, the 4-H pledge. We answered roll call by telling what we did for Thanks giving. We talked about our program of work and the vice president, Arleta McCabe, read the goals we hope to accomplish this year. Our next meeting will be held at Marilee Leathers home on January 2. Our visitor attending this meeting was Doris McCabe. Cheryl Corley, reporter Smokehouse Plans Published by OSC If you like smoked meats, fish and fowl you might want to try smoking them yourself. Illustrated instructions for building a simple, inexpensive smoker and directions for both cool and hot smoking are in cluded in a new Oregon State College bulletin. Oregon residents can get a free copy of "A Smokehouse for the Sportsman and Hobbyist" from tlielr local county extension m fice, or from the OSC bulletin clerk, Corvallis. Phone Your News Itams to 6-9228 Annual Party CONDON ELKS LODGE No. 1869 Saturday Dec. 12 Lodge at 2:00 P. M. with Initiation by Heppner Officers Ladles Style Show in Lounge at 2:00 P. M. Dinner at 6:30 Floor Show at 8:30 Dance Following the Floor Show ELKS AND THEIR LADIES mm w v;i I .- m (S iBiiiSS At Mmmsm - - f " ps 11 ' ' T-,'v" .Cm giviig my wife si isDiwaslier m IMmmzl An Electric Dishwasher. . .The Perfect Gift For A Happier Household I An extra hour or more of free time every day ! A tidier kitchen with out-of-sight storage for dirty dishes ! ' Protects health by washing dishes sparkling clean and germ-free! See your appliance dealer today! From this Christmas on, wash dishes electrically!' Electric dishwashing is iust one of dozens of jobs PP&L electricity does to make living better and happier 'round the clock. PACIFIC POWER 2c LIGrHT COMPANY Qlve Electrical Qlfts For Happier Households I