HEPPNER CAZETTE-TIME3, Thursday, December 10, 1959 Mrs E C Strahra of The Dalles, .Mr and Mrs Dutch Strahra and lone News Continued from Pag 7) day decorations. Mr and Mrs Robert Hosklns entertained at a pinochle party at their home Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs Donald Peterson re ceived high prize; Mr and Mrs Fobert Rletmann, low, Mrs Pet erson also received the traveling pinochle. Others present were, Mr and Mrs Bill Rletmann, and Mr and Mrs Harold Snider. Baby showers were given In honor of Mrs Gilbert Lujan and Mrs Arnle Hedman at the home of Mrs Lewis Halvorsen Monday afternoon, Nov 30. Mrs Dallas Shockley and Mrs James Monroe assisted with the gifts. The guests were mothers of high school students. The hostesses were Mrs Halvorsen, Mrs Milton Morgan, Mrs Ray Helmblgner and Mrs Lloyd Rice, all high school room mothers. Mrs Mary Swanson is a patient in the Salem General hospital In Salem where she underwent surgery Tuesday of this week. Mrs Ted Palmateer stayed with the Bill Healy children on Butter Creek last week while Mr and Mrs Healy took their daugh ter, Joan, to Portland for a med ical checkup. Mrs Lewis Halvorsen and Mrs Earl McCabe gave a birthday dinner in honor of the birthdays of Mr Halvorsen, Mr McCabe, Mrs Lloyd Rice and Mrs Ray Heimbigner at the Halvorsen home Saturday evening, Dec 5. Others there were Mr Rice, Mr Heimbigner and Mr and Mrs Paul Pettyjohn and all their families. children of Arizona and Mrs Ver non Strahm and children of Ce cil. Vernon Strahm of Cecil re cently underwent surgery at the Pioneer Memorial hospital. Marilyn Warren, daughter of Mr and Mrs Art Warren under went a tonsillectomy in the Hep pner hospital last week. Mrs Walter Corley entertained the bridge club at her home Fri day evening of last week. Those receiving prizes were Mrs Gene Hall, high, Mrs Walter Jacobs, 2nd high and Mrs Robert De Spain, low. Mrs W G Seehafer of Board man and Jo Ann Turner gave a Stanley party at the Joe Gaars land home Saturday fternoon. Leslie Keller of Umatilla and Ted Thornstad of Hermiston, United Nations Pilgrimage dele- ear AVIATION SPRAYING-FERTILIZING DUSTING-SEEDING HOME OWNED AND OPERATED .. - - , W're As Near As Your Telephone PHONE LEXINGTON OA 11 DAY OR NIGHT 0"O44. NEW! A "MAVERICK SPECIAL" Thanksgiving guests at thelates- 8ave talks a the school Ralph Crum home were Mr and Monciav afternoon of last week on their trip to the United Na tions building in New York. Dates to remember: Dec 11 Topic club meeting at the home of Mrs Echo Palm ateer at 2:15 P M. Dec 12 Junior Auxiliary meet ing at the home of Mrs Vet ter Hams at 1:30 P M. There will be an exchange of gifts. Dec 15 American Legion and Auxiliary Christmas party with potluck supper at 6 P M. All members and their STATION WAGON ggsstm. t Careful Selection Of Children's Books Is Recommended If a book or book set Is on your list for Christmas "stock ing stuffers", choose one to fit the child's age. Some books may be ageless but the youngster's aren't, reminds Miss Esther Kir mis, Morrow county extension agent. She says well-meaning parents and relatives often select books that are too advanced for their youngsters. They choose books for pre-schoolers, which they re call as favorites, but which they probably read at 8 or 9. There is little excuse for choosing books that are "too old" for the child for bookshelves are full of selections tailormade for pre school children. Some families, buy books and even book sets suitable for the school-age child, while children are still babes. By the time youngsters are old enough to read them much of the contents is dated. Every book is written for a select age group. Suggested ages are often listed inside book jackets. Lists of recommended reading for various age groups are also available from libraries and bookstores. When shoppng for books by mail, study advertisements care fully, Miss Klrmis advises. Buy from reputable salesmen and lomuies are welcome, wem- well known companies. . If In bers are to bring gifts for doubt, ask librarians for sug the Eastern Oregon hospital, gestians. Some companies offer Dec 16 Arnica club meeting at to send "typical examples" of the home of Mrs Adon Ham-1 their books, which may turn out ONLY plu optional tquipment, transportation, ,tate and local taxet, $572 less than the lowest list price of any Ford, Plymouth or Chevrolet wagon Seats six . Hauls V ton of cargo White side-wall "Captive-Air" Safety Tires and choice of two-tone finishes, at no extra cost. Vehicles by Willys Motors ffe itt Drive it! Tune-In MAVERICK Sunday, 7:30 P. M. FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY HEPPNER lett in the afternoon. Dec 19 Willows grange meeting and Christmas party with c potluck supper at 6:30 P M, The party scheduled for the 13th was cancelled. Dec 30 The Sunday school Christmas program at the Community church at 6:30 P M. It is entitled "Now Sing We". Dec 22 Christmas program and tree at the school cafetorium in the evening. The lone Post office will be open all day on Dec 12 and Dec 19 also mall will be received Dec 20. W Vernon Hahn. Hlllsboro, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Odd Fellows of Oregon, paid his official visit to the Morgan Odd Fellow lodge here Thursday evening, Dec 3. Norton Lundell is the noble grand of the local lodge. Several were present from the Heppner and Lexington lodges.! Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge also held their meeting that evening. After the meetings, Mr Hahn gave a talk to both lodges. Refreshments were served with Mrs Adon Hamlett and Mrs Da vid Rletmann in charge. The rooms were decorated in the Christmas theme. Mr and Mrs Charles O'Connor and daughters spent Thanksgiv ing in Portland where they vis ited her mother, Mrs Edna Yar nell. Mr and Mrs Harvey Ring and Linda Rowell and Tom Harris spent Thanksgiving in Portland Mr and Mrs Robert Rietenour brought them home. Mr and Mrs Dick Sherer spent the weekend In Odessa, Wash. They are now living in one of the O'Meara apartments Mr and Mrs Milton Morgan made a business trip to Portland Tuesday. to be selected samples of their best Beware of advertising that pushes books that fit a wide age span, such as "6 to 16." What's simple enough for the 6 year old is usually dull reading for the teenager. Consider use books will re ceive. For example, if shopping for a music book, select a size and soft cover, that will be easy to use on a music or piano rack. Families considering purchase of book sets encyclopedias, mu sic volumes, nature series, story book tales, adventure, or travel series should compare cost of sets with what they could pur chase in individual books. Fam ilies sometimes end up buying lot of books to get one or two that are finally used. Dont expect one set of books to answer all the child's reading needs. Encyclopedias sets con tain a limited amount of infor mation on a number of topics. Monument By MARTHA MATTESON Mr and Mrs Henry Cupper took their son Hank back to La Grande Sunday. While there they visited their daughter, Mrs Joe Batty and family. They re turned home Monday evening. The Lynch Logging company, who logs for Hudspeth Logging Co of Prinevllle, finished last week on the Barnard King ranch and moved to the Joe Wheeler place on Cottonwood. Chuck Williams Is home for a few days from school in Bend. Mr and Mrs Melvln Fiege and familv of Klamath Falls were dinner guests at the Earl Bar nard home Friday. Murd Stubblefield returned home Nov 28 from the John Day hospital where he had been the oast week, recovering from a heart attack. David Conklin and Hank Cup per spent the Thanksgiving hoi idays with their parents. They attend school in La Grande. Mr and Mrs Wayne Pickens of Springfield were overnight guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Earl Barnard Saturday night on their way to Milton Freewater to an Elks convention. Wayne is cousin of Mrs Barnard's. Cora Stubblefield and son Jim, accompanied by Vera Gardner and Orin Stubblefield,. visited Murd Stubblefield in the hospital Thanksgiving evening. George Stubblefield came home with them. He had been staying nights with his father. Mrs Theron King and son Earl spent several days at their ranch home during Thanksgiving. They spend the winter in Pendleton, Stella McCarty, Nestle Davis, Martha Matteson and Robert Scott spent Tuesday In Heppner on business. The M M M club held Its reg ular meeting Dec 3 at the home of Mrs Goldie Rounds. The Christmas meeting will be held at the home of Doris Capon, Dec 17 when they will have a pot- ruc'ft dmner and an exchange of gifts. Mr and Mrs Henry Durst and Mr and Mrs Theron King and son Earl were Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Earl Barnard. c However, they may provide the Incentive a child needs to get interested In learning more a- bout a subject. FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hennlstoa. On. Ph. JO 7-W51 On Hermlston-MeNaiy Highway CUSTOM SLAUCIHTSBIlfO. WHOLESALE MEATS GILLIAM & BISBEE HAS HEPPNER'S BIGGEST mm tap The famed ballet of Moscow's Bolshol Theater grew out of a dancing class organized in 1V73 for homeless children in a Mos cow orphanage. Two wayo to serve the Great Whiskey of the Old West both from Kentucky m iSMGHor $3.00 IX A 1 ...both beautifully wrapped $460 for the $4.60 45 qt. holidays 45 QT $3.00 PT. TO liPs d3& ir ftp1 1 ta SUNrVY Mk BROOK .irisf IRAK. , H I KINTVCSY VlSlP A BIG SELECTION Bicycles TRIKES AND WAGONS GAMES -WHEEL TOYS MANY, MANY OTHERS T7?7 BH003 I HI OLD SUNNY BftOOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT I0UR80N NI3HCY 81 PROOF, KENTUCKY BLENDED WHISKEY SS PROOF, 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRIT! JUST ARRIVED BIG NEW SHIPMENT Bauer Pottery In The Brand New Pattern 4 Pc. Starter Set $8.00 -CASSEROLES -VASES SERVING DISHES GILLIAM and BISBEE HARDWARE COMPANY HEPPNER J WE SPECIALIZE IN FINE Dost & V 0 0" J 91 IT Q -HAND TOOLED BAGS BY CLIFTON -PEWTER GIFTWARE By Handle & Debler -LEAD CRYSTAL Handout, From Germany -FRANCISCAN WARE And Franciscan China -VIKING GLASS This Week- Bexel Special Formula, Reg. $5.95 -$3.95 By McKesson, 100 caps. (40 caps, Reg. $2.98, now $1.98) Bexel Multiple Syrup For Children By McKesson 1 Pint, Reg. $3.98 Now $2.89 8 ox., Reg. $1.98 Now $1.49 4 ox., Reg. $1.19 Now 79c Lecithin Tablets, 5 gr 100 tabs $1.49 Dristan Tablets, 50's, Reg. 1.69 .... $1.19 9J'a 1 Of). mi rtv M a, icymuj 90G, riOW DTC; Lavoris, 89c sixe Now 59c Vick's Vaporub, $1.79 sixe $1.29 leac size, now esc; Chest Rub Stick, Reg. 98c Now 69c jonnson & Johnson TOYS A COMPLETE SELECTION t 88' t MANY REDUCED FREE 16mm Projector with the purchase of 1 Bell & Howell 16mm Electric Eye magazine load Camera at regular price. GOOD BOOKS Make Fine Gifts Complete selection cl children's books priced from 5c To $15.00 PB DRUG "THE PRESCRIPTION STORE" HEPPNER S4H GREEN STAMP