HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, Nownbw 2a 1959 ' I "" fit li -1. ,1. H Htlwl I ! WB1 Kit W lll't i ' i I Riverside High Students Have Guidance Session By MARY LEE MARLOW Guy Lutz, representative of the Oregon State Education System, Eugene, and Robert Smith, dean of students at OTI at Klamath Falls, held a guidance session for Riverside high school stu dents last Friday, covering prep aration for college or other train Ing beyond high school level. These are conducted annually, giving students an oportunlty to become familiar with everything concerning higher education. The following students of Riverside high school were on the honor roll for the first nine weeks of school, with an average of 25 or higher: Darryl Hobbs, Irrlgon, 3.80; Kurt Gantenbein, 3.60; Sandy Davis, Irrigon, 3.50; Alan Taylor, Boardman, 3.50; Linda Warner, Irrigon. 3.50; Douglas Shattuck, Boardman, 3.40; Mike Taylor, Boardman, 3.33. There were six students who had an average of 3. or more, but not 3.25, which is the requirement for the honor roll. Jack Flug, school principal, sta ted he thought this was excep tionally well for the first nine weeks of school. The Riverside high school will send four students to the Teen age Safe Drivers conference to be held at the CRC hall In Her miston Dec 4. Names will be announced later. The annual basketball jam boree will be held at Riverside high school in Boardman, Dec 4. Schools participating will be Heppner, lone, Echo, Stanfield, Umatilla and Riverside. The grade school P-TA met at the school Friday afternoon. Fol lowing is the program presented: Ronnla Flug, 2nd grade, read a poem; operetta, "The Three Bears," by the first and second grade; recitation, "To The Farm", 3rd grade; rhythm band, "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come", 3rd Livestock Market Cattle HogsSheep IALB EVEBY TUESDAY 12 Noon On U. S. Hlway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-66SS Hermlston, Oregon Don Wink Mgr. Res. HermUton JO 7-3111 Frank Wink & Sons, Owners and 4th grades; songs, "The Ves ter Hymn" and "Harvest Song", by the 5th and 6th grades. A mothers Club was organized with the mothers to take turns as chairman for the meetings. Presiding at the next one will be Mrs Wayne Kuhn. Refreshments were served by Mrs Ronald Black, Mrs Harold Baker and Mrs John Partlow. '"Mrs Roy Partlow "was a substi tute teacher for the first and second grades last Friday, as Mrs Zoe Billings was ill with the flu. Mr and Mrs Harold Baker were hosts for a dinner Saturday night at their home in honor of the Riverside high school faculty. Mrs Baker was assisted by Mrs John Partlow, Mrs Roy Patrlow, Mrs Ronald Black and Mrs Zoe Lillings. Guests were Mr and Mrs Wolfgang Edelman and Mr and Mrs C F Coy of Irrigon; Mr and Mrs Lester Leroux, Mr and Mrs Robert Strutz, Muriel Ley, Ronald Black, John Part- low and Roy Partlow, Boardman. Following dinner the evening was spent playing bingo. Mrs Arthur Allen was hostess for the county extension unit at her home Tuesday of last week. Subject for study was "Copper Tooling." Mrs Allen and Mrs Nathan Thorpe were leaders. There was a sack lunch at noon, with Mrs Richard Way mire and Mrs G C Deits serving the des sert The next meeting to be Dec 15 will feature "Holiday Breads." Leaders will be Mrs Myron Watts and Mrs Everett Daniels. It will be held at the home of Mrs Daniels. Mrs Watts, Mrs Daniels and Mrs Guy Ferguson went to Hepp ner Monday to attend a leaders meeting for "Holiday Breads." Twenty-three persons attend ed the Fellowship potluck sup per in the basement of Com munity church Wednesday even ing of last week. The Ladies Aid Society was observing the last meeting of the year of their missionary work. Hostesses were Mrs Charles Dillon and Mrs Frank Maxlow. Mrs Henry Ziv ney gave a report of the mission ary work for the past year. A girls quartet, Jean McKenzie, Charlotte McKenzie, Shirley Ear- wood and Eileen Ely, sang "Nothing But Leaves" and To The East, To The West", ac companied by Mrs Merrill Shaw. Boardman s weather was much different Monday morning with the temperature up to 58 above at 6:30 a m, in comparison to five above a week ago. At 1 p m it was 68 above. A storm Friday night brought .3 of an inch of rain. GAR AVIATION SPRAYING-FERTILIZING DUSTING-SEEDING HOME OWNED AND OPERATED . . . ., M ... . We're As Near As Your Telephone PHONE LEXINGTON 4 QAOO DAY OR NIGHT NOW AFEGUARD AGAINST EXPENSES OF CANCER AND 13 iI DREADED V DISEASES Ask about our new Insurance policy that pays expenses of up to $10,000 to each member of the family lor 13 dreaded diseases Including polio, dlptherla, meningitis etc, PLUS special cancer plan that will pay up to $1500. $2000 or $2500 for each member of the family. It U out newest dreaded disease policy. Cancer Expenses Up To $1500 $15 Cancer Expenses Up To $2000 $20 Cancer Expenses Up To $2500 $25 Turner Van Mortcr Cr Bryant INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Phone 6-9652 Heppner This Christmas- SHOP IN HEPPNER