HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. November 12, 1959 -5 "UMi cro mr orj tjche dot ae v-y Classified Rates 3c per word minimum SOc per insertion. Black face or caps, double rate Cards of Thanks $1.00 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 5 p. m. Wednesday FOR SALE 1954 Mercury Mon terey 4 door, radio, heater, overdrive, 6 tires like new. Call 6-9453 between 1 and 5 p m. 36-37p CAKE & CANDY, Fancy work, too. Lots of things to show you. These you'll find at our baz aar. Christmas isn't very far. Heppner Methodist church, Nov 21, 2 to 5 p m. 35-37c FOR RENT 3 bedroom house in' Lexington, full basement, liUsed pianos from ?40 up baths, wired for washer and Also used electric organ dryer, newly redecorated.! come in or write George Hermann. Phone 3-8420, 1 JACK MULLIGAN after Oct 1, 3-8409. 29-tfc Box 537 Pendleton, Ore. WANTED After school and weekend job. Phone 6-9694 af ter 6o'clock. 36-38c BRING "A FRIEND-and come for tea. You'll enjoy it, so will we. Heppner Methodist church, November 21, 2 to 5 p m. 35-37c FOR SALE Cat D-4, 7 U series, 6000 hours, good running con dition. Phone 6-9710. 34-36c PROFITABLE fall season" ahead. Good Watkins dealership a vailable. Obtain stock on cred it if qualified. For FREE de tails write the J R Watkins Company, 3903 Brooklyn, Ave., ' Seattle 5, Washington. 36-41c FOR SALE 1955 Chevrolet Y ton pickup; 1958 Lloyd 2 door sedan; 1959 Thunderbird 2 door hardtop with air conditioning. Elmer C Holtz, phone lone, 8-7244. 32-tfc FOR YOUR CAR Farley Motor Co, Heppner has just installed a new Sun-Scope to accurately 1 check your ' engine's perfor- j mance. All the guesswork is gone the TV-like picture tells the story. Let us show you the Sun-Scope in action. 3Q-tfc DR R W PFEIFFER, Chiropractic physician. 6 E Willow, phone 6-9694. 9 to o:3U Monaay through Friday, 9 to 12 Satur day. 22-tfc DON'T " MISS "the- St" Patrick's Smorgasbord Sunday, Nov 15 at the fair pavilion. Served 3 to 7 p m. 36 c MAKh UUK Ki US and carpets look like new. Cali Case Fur niture Co. lor carpet cleaning service. 46tlc ELECTRIC "ORGAN Tobe"picked up in this vicinity. Will sacri fice for quick sale to responsi ble party. Also spinet piano, Cash or terms. Write Tallman 34-36c FOR APULIANCE REPAIR call or bring to Case Furniture Co. phone 6-9432. 5tfc FOR SALE approximately 5 acres with large 2 story house, modern, located in Irrigon on banks of Columbia river. Fine potential boat landing. Phone Umatilla 381 after 5pm week days. 36-38c FORrRENT one bedroom fur nished bachelor apartment. Phone 6-9435. 35-tfc HOUSE FOR SALE 1200 sq ft main floor, 1000 sq ft of fin ished basement, hardwood floors, lath & plaster construc tion, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, forced air oil heat, large pic ture windows, garage, large lot, excellent view, breeze in summer. Qualified buyer may take over present contract. Write Classified Box ES, co Heppner Gazette-Times. 33-tfc FORSALE-Good oil stove. Don Bennett, phone 6-9221. FOR SALE 1958, 4 by 4 Inter national pickup. Inquire Elsie Cole, phone 3-8159 or Lexing ton Implement Co. 34-36c LAWNMOWER and saw sharpen ing. N D Bailey, phone 6-9491. 5-tfc WE SPECIALIZE in sea foods chops, fried chicken and steaks, cooked the way you like them. Ella's Grill, Hotel building. 5-tfc WE SPECIALIZE in sea foods chops, fried chicken and steaks, cooked the way you like them. Ella's Grill, Hotel building. 5-tfc ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, portables, electric and stand ards; sales, service and repair. Office equipment, office sup plies. Roscoe N. Allen, Milton Freewater, Ore. For service call Heppner 6-9228. 33-34c DO YOU NEED Cabinet work, Interior decorating, or all around carpentry work done? Call Avery Taylor, 6-5385. 19-tfc SMORGASBORD Sunday, Nov 15, fair pavilion, Heppner. Ser- ved by St Patrick's church 3 to 7 p m. 36 c W ILL BABY SIT in my home. 58 Elder, Irma Jefcoat, phone 6 - 5860. 36-37p WANT TO BUY 2 bottom trac tor plow, 14's or 16's. Joe Cor nelison, Lexington. 35-36p FOR RENT 2 bedroom unfur nished house in Heppner, wired for washer and dryer. $65, water furnished. Vacant Nov 15. Call lone 8-7261. 36-tfc FOR RENT small furnished apartment, suitable for one. 475 Elder St, phone 6-9673. 35-tfc PIANO BARGAINS pianos from $425 up New 36-37C WHEAT ACREAGE $27.50 Perl 10,000 acres, 550 acres dryland farming, 85 alfalfa, 225 fall wheat, 9,355 acres wooded. Carry est. 500-700 cattle or 5000-6000 sheep. $40,000 to $80,000 income shown from wheat and cattle. 4 brm ranch home, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. Modern cook hse with full basement, bunk hse, 3 lge barns, corrals, chutes. Watered by creeks, springs & reservoir. A-l return on investment! $265,000, less Y down. STROUT REALTY, Rt 2, box 61, Her- miston, Ore. 34-37c fORSALE7 dairy cows, fresh" ened since Oct 10. Jerseys, Guernseys, milking shorthorns. Tillamook breeding. C W Wal dron, phone Hermiston, JO 7 5723. 36-37C wILLThE PERSON who took Linda Valentine's red coat by mistake at the 4-H achieve ment party exchange it for your own at the county agent's office. 36-c RANCHLISTINGS WANTED Roderick Realty, 1412 SW Court Pendleton, phone CR 6-7063. 35-tfc Fqr SALE 1 gentle saddle horse. Frank M Monahan, Con don, Oregon. 36-39p ANNUAL" BAZAAR All Saints' Episcopal parish house, Sat urday, Dec 5. Gifts, food items, luncheon and tea. 35-ftcUhe year 1959-60. C. J. D. Bauman FOR SALE 1959 Willys 4 wheel, was appointed Civil Defense Dir drive green station wagon. Ra-jector, replacing Norman Nelson, dio, heater, back up lights. 6000 miles. Call 8-7274 lone or Pendleton CR 6-6521. 36-37C WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN." ,((h ci.t uaht hn,u,nrk. t wrUt afi.37n 'FOR RENT Large one bedroom apartment. Phone 6-9723. l 37-40c FOR SALE Three bedroom house in lone. Basement, fur nace, large yard in lawn. Phone 8-7188. 33-36p SAND & GRAVEL delivered daily any amount, any time. Call lone 8-7277 or Umatilla 755 or 503 collect Sue Hams or Pete Hams. 30-tfc FOR RENT 2 bedroom duplex apartment, stoves and water furnished. Nice & clean. Ph 6 9959. 25-tfc RUGS AND CARPETS cleaned In your home. Wool or cotton Fast Service. Phone 6-9432. 46tfc FOR RENT two bedroom unfur nished apartment Call Dick Meador, 6-9192. 32-tfc Legal Notices NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice is hereby given that the undersigned as Join t A d m 1 n istrators of the estate of William W. Bechdolt, deceased, have filed their final account and report in said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed Monday, the 23rd day of November, 1959, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., as the time, In the County Court room In Heppner, Oregon as the lace for hearing objections to said final account and the settle ment thereof. Archie S. Bechdolt Adrain C. Bechdolt Joint-Administrators Mahoney and Abrams Attorneys for Joint-Administrators Heppner, Oregon 33-37c ltttlCEblMFINAL HEARING" Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator, c. t a. of the estate of B .Frank lin Berry, deceased, has filed his Final Account in said estate with the Clerk of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County; and that the Judge han fixpd Tupsdav. the ' 1st day of December, 1959, at the hour of 10:0q o'clock A. M. as the time and the County Court Room in the Court House at Hep - pner, Morrow County, Oregon, as , ' . ., - al . ; - Dated and first published: Oct ober 29, 1959. Date of last publication: Nov ember 26, 1959. JAMES H. RALEY Administrator, c. t. a. of the Estate of B. Franklin Berry, deceased. 34-38c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, Administratrix of the estate of MATTIE EUNICE ANDERSON, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present same with proper vouch ers duly verified to the Admin istratrix at the office of Mahoney and Abrams, Heppner, Oregon, wthin six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 22ud day of October, 1959. FAYE M. ANDERSON, Administratrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, the executrix of the es tate of L. REDDING, Deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to present the same to the under signed at the law office of Joseph J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon with proper vouchers duly verified as required by law within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. DATED and first published this 29th day of October, 1959. ALENA ANDERSON, Executrix 34-38c COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS County Court met In regular session on October 7, 1959. The minutes of the September term were read and approved. A con tract was awarded to Witherell and Witherell for the audit for resigned. The following warrants were issued on the General Fund: Oscar E. Peterson, Judge $332.94 Sadie Parrish, Clk 303.74 Mary Bryant- DePuty 268-21 C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff .... 339.90 Elvira Irby, Deputy .... 234.16 Lillian Sweek, Deputy 199.61 Sylvia McDaniel, Treas 218.56 Harry Dinges, Assessor .... 366.96 Rod Thomson, Deputy 316.08 Velma Glass, Health Nurse 331.54 Alma Green, Off. Clk 60.44 Darl Hudson, Janitor 280.93 J. O. Hager, J. P 157.72 R. B. Rands, J. P. 97.50 Josephine Rands, Off. Clk. 47.55 A. D. McMurdo, Phys 24.37 Herbert W. White, Jr., Ct Reporter 91.01 St. Dept Finance & Adm, Civil Defense 27.10 Witherell & Witherell, Audit 1150.00 E. O. Ferguson, Cty Court .. 30.54 Russell K. Miller, Cty Court 73.07 Empire Mach. Co., Cthse 1.80 A. D. McMurdo, M. D. Jail Exp 2.00 Oscar E. Peterson, Cty Court 16.25 W. E. Finzer & Co., Clk's Incid'ls - 2.91 Peterson's Jewelry, Cthse 3.50 Gilliam & Bisbee, Cthse 2.05 Herman Green, Cthse. 3.00 Harry Dinges, Assessor, Field Work 129.16 Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co., Cthse. 8.64 E. E. Peck, Ins 174.93 Heppner Laundry, Jail Exp. .70 Roscoe N. Allen, Clk's Incid. 3.45, Tax Dept 39.05 - 42.50 State Tax Comm., Salaries 306.60 Mahoney & Abrams, D. A. 79.92 Mahoney & Abrams, D. A. 1657 Court St Mkt, Jail Exp. 9.09, Cthse. 2.40 11.49 Kilham Sty. & Print Co., Clk's Incid'ls. 65.83 Richfield, Oil Corp., sheriff's car 12.20 Jack's Auto Repair, Cthse. 1050 Shorb's Inc., Clk's Incid'ls .... 32.50 Humphreys Drug Co., Assess. Incid'ls - LOO Union Oil Co., Sheriff's car 10.26 Standard Oil Co., Sheriff's Car 27.03, Nurse's Car 29.92 56.95 Heppner Gazette Times, Off. Pub. 28.99, Assess. Incid'ls. 64.75, Co. Ct 11.85 105.59 C. J. D. Bauman, Jail 1.00. Sheriffs Incid'ls. 5.75 6.75 Velma R. Glass H. Nurse 1053 Case Furn. Co., Cthse. 1753 Pnfkr.Spntt Cn.. CthsA 16.44 Pacific Power & Light Co., Cthse. 103.39 city Water Dept., Cthse 14.30 1 Bruce Motors, Sheriffs Car 9.20 John A. Pfeiffer, Cthse 3.60 'Mid-Columbia Typewriter cb, Tml liidd'to. - 32.' .75 Simmon's Carbon Co., Inc., Clk's Incid'ls 19.35 Texaco, Inc., Sheriff's Car .. 65.65 Thomson Bros., Jail Exp 3.24 Pub. Emp. Ret Bd., Salaries 117.46, Coc. Sec. 293.19 410.65 Howell Appling Jr., Audit .. 25.00 Norman C. Nelson, Sheriffs Incid'ls 8.39 Harry Tamblyn, Surveyor .... 15.00 Nat. Dist. Atty's Assoc., D. A - - 15.00 Pacific Tel,. Cur. Exp 112.56 Harold T. Keller, Cthse. Repairs - 1630.00 Richfield Oil Corp., Sheriffs Car .. 21.99 Glenn Way, Civil Defense .. 24.75 First Nat'l Bk of Oregon, Salaries 558.00 Walter Hayes, Elections 2.40 St. Ind. Accid. Comm., Sal. 16.22 Phil's Pharmacy, Sheriffs Incid'ls 5.54, Clerk .39 5.93 Simmons Carb. Co., Inc., H. Nurse - 22.79 R. B. Rands, Just Ct. 25.00 N. W. Hosp. Serv., Salaries 84.12, Ins. 56.00, D. A. 7.28 147.40 Robert Lowe, Civ. Def 66.73 C. J. D. Bauman, Stamps & Envelopes 25.00 The following warrants were issued on the Gen. Roads Fund: Lewis Ball 381.65 Dick Borman 357.55 Tom Wells 357.55 Andy Hayes 296.50 Ray Bailey 311.80 Glenn Irby 369.55 Jerry Rood .. 334.89 Donald Munkers 408.23 Harold Wilson 393.25 Charles Bailey ..: 296.50 W. C. Heath 381.65 George Irvin 396.53 Donald Ball 369.55 Calvin Yackley 390.25 Laurel Wilson 390.25 H. C. Sherer 422.22 Harry Munkers 37.10 Empire Mach. Co. .. 100.01 Gilliam & Bisbee Hdwe 2.87 Tum-A Lum Lumber Co 1.20 ! State Tax Commission .... 382.00 ' Pacific Power & Light ........ 5.79 City Water Department 4.90 Pub. Emp. Bd - 17L35 Pacific Telephone 12.15 First Nat'l Bank of Ore 692.20 St Ind. Acc. Comm 164.16 Phil's Pharmacy 11.88 Snyder's Tire Service 615.56 Fulleton Chevrolet 33.59 Oil Filter Serv. Co 62.80 City of Heppner 66.40 A. W. Davis Supply Co 112.99 Armco Drainage & Metal Prod., Inc 2740.76 J. E. Haseltine & Co 125.70 Heppner Auto Parts 33.49 English & Co 34.62 Fruehauf Trailer Co 66.96 Shell Oil Co 417.94 Ind. Air Prod. Co. 50.20 Howard Cooper Corp. 151.52 Anderson's Builders Supply 2.80 Independent Garage 1.80 Farley Motor Co 1.50 Paul Pettyjohn 100.37 Bert Kane 75.00 Umatilla Elec. Coop. Assoc 1.00 Union Oil Co .... 462.27 D. H. Jones & Son 10.00 Barratt Sales Co 669.12 Northwest Indust. Ldry 14.96 Lexington Implement Co. 100.74 Heppner Hdwe. & Elec 1.00 Ford's Tire Service 468.10 Bruce Motors, Inc. 35.20 The following warrants were Issued on the Miscellaneous Fund: St. Ind. Acc. Comm. Weed Control 6.33 First Nat'l Bank of Oregon, Wefd Control 26.30 rub. Emp. Ret. Bd., Weed Control - 4.38 St Tax Comm., Weed Control 30.00 Heppner Auto Parts, Weed Conirol 7U.5Z Union Oil Co., Weed Control 7.79 Gilliam & Bisbee Hdwe, Weed Control 2.75 Lyle Cox, Alcohol Enforce- ment lu.w James W. Norene, D. V. M. Dog Fund 1.00 Elva Ruhl, Dog Fund 16.00 Lexington Implement Co., Weed Control 9.80 The following warrant was issued on the Hospital Mainten ance Fund: Pioneer Memorial Hosp. 1,000.00 CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev Rod MacKenzie, pastor Church school at 9:45 A M. Morning worship at 11 A M. Junior Pilcrim Fellowship at 3 to 5 P M at the parsonage. Senior Pilgrim Fellowship at 7 P M. Subject, "About Myself," a discussion. Dianna Pettyjohn in charge. Choir practice Monday at 8 P M. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Homer Wolfington, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morning worship, 11:00 a.m. Evening service 7:00 p.m. Tuesday evening service, 7:45 HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Alfalfa Street Worship services 11:00 am. Sunday school 9:45 am. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev C Bruce Spencer, rector Holy Communion, Sunday, 7:80 a m. Family service, 10:00 a m. Holy Communion Wednesdays, at 10 a m and 10 a m all Holy days. Inquirer's and Confirmation classes Tuesday, 7:30 p m In Rector's study. 10 a m Saturdays, Catechism classes for children at Rector's study. THE THE METHODIST CHURCH Rev Austin McGhee, Pastor Church school. 9:45 a m. Mrs Tom Wells, Superintendent. Morning worship, 11:00 a m. Methodist Youth Fellowship at 7:00 p m. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS' American Legion hall Priesthood meeting, 8:30 am. Sunday school at 10:30. Sacrament service will bogin at 11:30. Those who are inter ested are welcome to attend. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST C L Vories, Pastor Saturday services Sabbath school, 9:45 A M. Sermon, 11:00 A M. "Voice of Prophecy" radio broadcast over KGO every Sun day, 9 PM. "Quiet Hour" radio broadcast Portland, Oregon, KWJJ Monday through Friday, 9:30 P M. LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Walter Smith, pastor Sunday school 10:00 a m. Worship 11:00 a m. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charles V Knox, minister Bible school 9:45. Worship service 11:00 a m. ST PATHiCKT CHURCH Heppner Rev Raymond Beard Masses 7:30 and 10:30 a Sunday. Weekdays, 7:30 a m. USED CARS WITH AN THAT COUNTS 1958 Edsel. V-8. Overdrive $1875 1957 Pontiac 4 door, radio, heater power steering ...... $1450 1956 Plymouth Savoy V-8. Automatic trans. $1350 1956 Chevrolet 2 dr. 6 cyL. engine over hauled $1050 1955 Chevrolet 4 door powergUde $1100 1955 Chevrolet Station wagon, V-8. over drive H300 Trucks - Pickups 1954 Willys pickup, 8 cyl 4 wheel drive 11350 1953 Ford 1 ton grain truck 11100 Thrifty Financing Of Course! FULLETON Chevrolet Co. WEDDING INVITATIONS A Important et the troimeau, . to Invite frlendi to your wedding or to announce that you are married. Uniurpassed In quality; velvery raised lettering on Strath, more Expressive paper at a price that you can effordi i finer paper ever made. Mi f n L.T w rmyiui fugs&iioru ana mttwun cmt'Crm Al 1 on important J fi 0 tvwc&iji aofi Wef-6 any HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Home and Garden Work R. L. SANDVIG Sandy and Joe lone. Oregon J. H. ANGELA. PLUMBING & HEATING PHONE 6-9298 HASKELL & HASKETT, INC. TV and Radio Sales & Service 323 N. Main Ph 6-9975 Morrow County Farm Bureau Reg. Meeting 4th Tuesday Bill Barratt Insurance Agent PLUMBING SEBVICE Gilliam & Bisbee HARDWARE CO. Phone 6-9433 SINGER SEWING MACHINE SERVICE Mrs David Eckman Ph 6-9101 Heppner JOS. J. NYS VrTORNEY AT LAW. Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O.TURNER ATTORN ET AT LAW Phone 6-9213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon MAHONEY AND ABRAMS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building Phone 6-9141 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph 6-9210 Off. Ph. 6-9616 Heppner City ft ' Mti Plnrt Monday UOUnCII Each Month Citizens having matters for discussion, please bring them before the Council. Ph. 6-9618 "Aow that you art to St MAtritdT hy ViroMA Courten&Y, contains many t. .. . r .. r . tod&l customs bdort uid Kerr Electric Co. Phone 6-9492 Heppner ELECTRICAL WIRINd Contracting Electric Beat Dr. Rob't W. Pfeiffer Chiropractic Physician Heppner Hotel Bldg. Phone 6-9694 Wallace H. Wolff, M. D. Office Hours 10 to 12. 2 to 8 Monday through Saturday Ph. 6-9253. Bee 6-9620 The Heppner Clinic C. M. WAGNEB. M. D. D. J. BAYLXNK. M. a Physicians and Surgeons Ph., Day or Night 6-9114 If No Answer -9133 J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches. Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch A Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE ' .. CRESWICK MORTUARY Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 6-9600 Heppner, Oregon Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 6-9465 Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. TITLE INSURANCE Office In Peters Building C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCT Phone 6-9625 Box 611 Heppner, Oregon MONUMENTS -MARKERS- See Oliver Creswlck Creswlck Mortuary