HEPPNER GAZETTE -TIMES, Thursday, September IK, 1959 Welcome Rains Hit Boardman By MARY LEE MARLOW Two hard rains which fell here Saturday brought more than half an inch of precipitation, bring ing the total for the week to more than an inch. The first storm which occurred about noon was of a freak nature, striking in the west end of the project and town, but not a drop of rain fell In the east end. The second one about three p m had wind along with the rain, and sev eral trees and limbs were down as a result. No rain fell Sunday, and Monday the skies were clear with a light wind blowing. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Elmer Messenger were their son and daughter-in-law. Mr and Mrs Franklin De lano, and Mr and Mrs Ronald Court of Seattle, Wash. Mrs Florence Root has return ed home from a ten day trip to Gridley, Calif visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs M E Root. On her way home she attended the reunion of the Medford family at the home of Mr and Mrs Vernon Root In Wasco Sunday. Mrs Myrtle Schrever and Mrs Arthur Mefford of Portland vis ited friends here Saturday on their way home from the Round Up. Mrs Schrever formerly taught school here, and will be remembered as Myrtle McNeil, niece of Mrs Nick Faler, former resident here. Mr and Mrs Clyde Tannehtll were in La Grande last week for three days at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Don Tannehill, while Tanne hill received a medical checkup. Mr and Mrs Arthur Allen spent the weekend In Sunnyside, Wash at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Clayton Allen. Mrs Bessie NIckerson, The Dalles, was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs Earl Briggs. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs W G Seehafer were Mrs Seehafer's brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Evan Gwynne and daughters, May. belle and Marjorie of Kalama. Wash. Another recent visitor was Mrs Seehafer's sister, Mrs Win nifred Morgan of Spokane, Wash. Mr and Mrs Willard Baker went to Portland Saturday to get Mrs Baker's mother, Mrs Laura Allen, who was visiting her sister, Mrs Mary Nott. Mr and Mrs Leslie Stevens and sons Gilbert and Bobbie, and Truman Bowman of St Johns were weekend visitors at the home of Stevens' brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Henry Zivney. Darrel Rash of Portland was another visitor. Mrs Rash and daughters Valerie and Denlse returned home with him after visiting here last week. Mr and Mrs Clyde Shamhart of Newton, 111, are visiting at the home of Shamhart's rrephew, Mr and Mrs Bob Miller. Monday the Millers took their visitors to Portland for the day. Mr and Mrs Bill Thorpe of Deer Island were weekend vis itors at the homes of their par ents, Mr and Mrs Nathan Thorpe and Mr and Mrs Ernest Ober meier. Other visitors at the Ober- GET ill ORE PROFIT FROM YOUR WHEAT ACRES APPLY YIELD - INCREASING PHILLIPS 66 Agricultural Ammonia Order Yanr Supply Today! SOIL TESTING SERVICE EKSTROM FARM CHEMICALS HOME OWNED AND OPERATED PHONE 8-7289 IONE, OREGON meier home were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Ernie Obermeier, also of Deer Island. The Ladies Aid Society of Com munity church met Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs Seth Russell, with Mrs Leo Potts as co-hostess. Mrs Henry Zivney was in charge of the missionary program, and read an article. "The Crimson Shadow", by Dave Breese, dealing with communism in foreign countries. Mr and Mrs Arnin Hug went to Phillipsbure. Mont, the first 1 of last week to take their grand daughter, Tracee Ferguson, home after visiting here with her grandparents. Visitors at the Hug home last week were Mrs Hug's brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs J R Whitaker, of Auburn, Wash, and her mother, Mrs Katie Blckford of La Grande. Mrs Hug accompanied the Whltaker's to La Grande to take Mrs Blckford home. Mrs Richard Waymlre, Mrs G C Deits and Mrs Nathan Thorpe attended an officers training meeting for the county extension unit in Pine City last week. Word has been received here of the birth of a son to Sgt. and Mrs George Baker at Espanola, Wash Sept 16. He has been nam ed Richard Orven, and weighed five pounds, four and three fourths ounces. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Marlow were Bill Chain of Banks. Gay lene Buzard of Portland, and Mr and Mrs Charlie Woolley of Pas co, Wash. The Boardman Garden Club held a Centennial party Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs Russell Miller, with Mrs Arthur Allen as' co-hostess. Members were in Centennial dress. Roll call was answered by giving the name of an Oregon city. Special guests were Mrs Elmer Ferguson, chairman of the Blue Mountain district of garden clubs, Mrs C M Eager, Mrs M B Frazler and Mrs H 0 Mansfield of Milton -Freewater. Mrs Bessie NIckerson of The Dalles was al so a visitor. Mrs Zearl Gillespie gave a re port on cities of Oregon over 100 years old, which included Astoria, the oldest city In the state, Oregon City and The Dal les. The conservation pledge was read by Mrs Claud Coats. Mrs Algy Taylor won the door prize. The P-TA held an executive meeting at the home of Mrs Wayne Kuhn Monday afternoon. A nominating committee for of ficers for the Riverside high school P-TA was appointed as follows: Mrs James Keith and Mrs Harvey Warner of Irrigon, and Mrs Cecil Hamilton and Mrs Earl McQuaw of Boardman. A reception for teachers will be held in the school gymnasium Tuesday, Sept 29, at 8 p m. Com mittee in charge of food and decorations will be Mrs Harold Baker, Mrs John Partlow and Mrs Zoo Billings, elementary teach Monument By MARTHA MATTESON The Legion and Auxiliary had their meeting Thursday evening at the home of Mead and LTnnie Gilman. Plans were made for going to John Day Friday even ing for the district conference which was to have been held at Monument due to the fair, but was changed to John Day. Those who went from here were Mead Gilman, Richard Drees, Mr and Mrs Bob Holmes, Mrs June Hutchison, Mr and Mrs Ivan Smith. Mr and Mrs Van Richards, Mr and Mrs Jim Croker, Mrs Helen Holmes and Jack Sweek. J J Simas of La Grande was visiting old friend3 and relatives. Mrs Oleta Farrens and three children spent four days at the fair with their 4-H livestock. Frank and Walter Williams hauled gravel for two days from the old mill here to Long Creek to use there at the mill. Owen Smith was here from his camp 40 miles from Eugene for the weekend with his family. Jessie Scott, Theo May Van- ers. Ronald Black will be master of ceremonies. . M rand Mrs Earl Briggs and their puest, Mrs Bessie NIckerson of The Dalles went to Othello. Wash. Sunday to visit at. the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Mulli gan, Mrs Bob Sicard and daughter Roberta are visiting her brother-in-law and sister, the Rev and Mrs Henry Holsinger, in Rogue River. J Russell Miller, county commiss- I loner, attended a district con vention of county officials at ; Hood River Tuesday of last week. :Mrs Miller accompanied him and they went on to Portland, return ing home Thursday. Mik Blanche Barlow of Hepp nor visited at the home of her brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Mr and Mas Claud Coats, Mon day. Mi and Mrs Ralph Baker of Corbett, Mrs Dean Griffin and son Scott of Vancouver, Wash arrived Monday evening to visit at the home of Mrs Baker's bro ther and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Russell Miller. detta and Cholcey Vandetta were in Long Creek Sunday on busi ness. Miss Theo is now employed at Long Creek. Mr and Mrs Joe Batty and daughter of La Grande spent the weekend visiting her folks, the Henry Cuppers. Her brother, Hen ry Jr went back with them to La Grande where he will enter college. Helen Brown and Mary Du Bosch drove to Pendleton Friday morning for the weekend to vis it relatives and friends and see the Round-Up. Doris Canon spent some time in John Day over the weekend on business. Mr and Mrs Jack Forrest and children and Mr and Mrs Lynn Forrest drove to Heppner Thurs day on business. Mrs Frank Williams and son Charlie drove to Bend Thursday where he registered for college. Mr and Mrs George Erb of Mitchell spent the weekend vis iting here with their grandson and family, the Jimmy O'Briens. Tom Ross of the Ross Logging company from Heppner was In town Friday attending to busi ness interests. rnrk and Mr anu iv-ua uan. children spent the weekend in . l .... nvA XMClt. Prinevme on Dusinras au " ing' Mrs Harry Scott and son, Mrs Jim O'Brien and son and Mrs Elmer Matteson visited Thurs day at the Bob and Ruby Gien ger home. Some were getting fruit. m Tnn Hutchison and four children left Sunday morning to visit her folks in Idaho ana man. Miss Dixie Stubblefield drove nde Friday with Mr and Mrs Conklin who took their son Dave there to enter coiiege. Aubry Crum, who Is through at fVi statp forestrv here, is stay ing at the Bob Glenger home. We are getting some nice rain, which we would have loved to have last summer, but it will make good pasture. PATHFINDER NEWS The Pathfinders are preparing for the annual fair to be held at Moses Lake, Sept 27. They will eomrjete with other clubs of this area in knot tieing, semaphore signaling and fire building bal loon burst contests. Each club will prepare a booth on the theme working together builds better Christian cnar. Those on the knot tieing team are, Linda Clark, Bob Hager. Marianne Huber David Clark semaDhore ana jan na6:., . ,.. signaling team are, Dennis War ren, David and Richie Clark and Marianne Huber. The balloon burst team are, Terry Campbell, Richie Clark ana jan na- ..u mmiHu is. Jan Hager, Richie Clark, Bob Hager, Terry Campbell and Linda Clark. For Sept 30 meeting LaVerne Van Marter will talk to the club on stamp collecting. i,inaa war. icyunc FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hermiston, Ore. Ph. JO 7-6651 On Hermlston-McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS ) BUDGtT-WSl? vse Housemrmer Heat Our Heating Oil Budget Plan makes it easy to enjoy comfortable, modern oil heat without seasonal fuel bills. We simply spread the cost of your oil over ten monthly payments-end no interest or carryingchargesare added. You get more for your money with Standard Furnace Oil and Standard Stove Oil because they are super-refined-every drop turns to golden warmth. 'STANDARD' i HEATING OILS I For prompt KQUSEWARMER service, cat! L E (Ed) Dick, Heppner. Ph 6-9633 L F (Peck) Leathers, lone Ph8-7125 N0W..:60 CHEVROLET 1RUCKS OT A MOUSE WOTM WEARY WIRING? Not enough convenience outlets? Wiring Inadequate for that new appliance you'd like to have? Lights dim when r l.i .. appliancei go on? Have to unplug one appliance to use another? TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PP&L'S WIRING FINANCING PLAN Nothing down... as long as three years to payl Pay as little as $3 a month with your electric bill I Full information at your electrical contractor's or nearest PP&l office. P-ACIFIC POWER&LIGHT COMPANY - . Modern Living calls for Modern Wiring I WITH REVOLUTIONARY o&sr TORSION-SPRING SUSPENSION THAT GIVES ASTONISHING NEW SH0CKPR00F ACTION!!!!! Chevy's done the next best thing to paving every road in America! First they threw out the front axle and put in torsion-spring independent suspension. Then they built wide-base coil rear springs into most light-duty models, variable-rate leaf springs into heavies. That made it-a ride that completely eliminates I-beam shimmy and wheel fight, lets you move faster over any ground to get more work done in a day. Brawnier bulldozer build! They're tougher than any Chevy trucks ever made. Frames are stronger, cabs 67 more rigid. Front wheels and tires are precision-balanced. And that new suspension cushions jars and road shock that used to spell slow death for the truck's body and sheet metal. More comfortable cabs! Easier to hop in and out of too. Many models are a whole 7 inches lower outside. Yet there's more head room inside, plus more width for Bhoulders and hips. The windshield's bigger, with a wider, safer sweep of vision. Suspended pedals give you more foot room. Big in the power department! With the industry's most advanced gas-saving 6's. With high torque Workmaster V8 performance in heavyweights. With new 6-cyIinder or V8 power available in new Low Cab For ward models. More models than ever! New 4-wheel-drive models and tandems and high-styled Sub urban Carryalls. It's the handsomest, hardest working Chevy fleet ever to report for duty. See your dealer for the whole story and, by all means, take a ride. It's something! Anything less is an old-fashioned truck! See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer FULLETON CHEVROLET COMPANY MAT & MMK PHONE 6-9921 HEPPNEH. OBEGON