Boardman News BY MARY LEE MARLOW Mrs Ernest Obermeier and children Roy and Annie have re turned home from St Helens, where they spent a week, and attended the wedding of Mrs Obermeier's son Ernest Lee Ober meier, and Miss Wanda Thomas, daughter of Mr and Mrs V Thom as, Portland. The wedding ser vice was performed by the Rev T Roy David at the Yankton Bap tist church, August 1. Mrs Obermeier and children visited at Deer Island at the home of her son-in-law daughter, Mr and Mrs Thorpe. Mrs Thorpe returned here with her to visit. Robert Obermeier also came home with his mother after working at St Helens the past two months. An other visitor is Irene Parnell, St Helens. The newly married couple also visited at the Obermeier's over the weekend. Mr and Mrs Cecil Hamilton daughter JoAnn, of Hermlston, left Friday for Bellingham, Wash to visit relatives. They went by way of Portland and planned to attend the Centennial Exposit ion. Mr and Mrs Clifford Pool and son Mike of Portland spent the weekend at their home here. They were accompanied by Mrs Fool s brother-in-law, John Flag boom and daughters Norma and Ella of British Columbia, Canada. Mr and Mrs Harold Baker went to Vancouver, Wash over the weekend to visit at the home of Mrs Baker's cousin, Mr and Mrs and Dean Griffin. Bill I Visitors last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Bob Miller were their granddaughter, Robbie Phillips, and her friend Sherry Shaefer of The Dalles, Mrs Mil ler's sister, Mrs Carl Gaede of Gresham, and her nephew, Allen Chase, also of Gresham, and her cousin, Lois Miles of Salem. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Harold Kress were Mrs Kress's brother-in-law Monument and daughter Lorelei, and their and sisters, Mr and Mrs Johnnie son-in-law and daughter, Mr LeM(W and Mrs winford Palmer and Mrs Larry Thorpe and 0f Lewiston. Idaho, her brother Elmer Myer of Portland, and her nephew, Gerald Myer, also of Portland. Mr and Mrs Truman Messen ger, Sr of Mitchell, who are spending a month at Lexington, jwere dinner guests at the home of Mrs Messenger's brother-in-'Jlaw and sister, Mr and Mrs Claud Coats, Sunday. Other guests were Mr and Mrs Zearl , Gillespie. Guests later in the day included the Messenger's sons, Franklin Messenger and daugh ters Marcia, Laurel and Kelly, and Carroll Mesenger of Lexington. By MARTHA MATTESON Mrs Evelyn Farrens of Hepp ner spent the past week at Happy Jack, with her son Dar rell. Mrs Vera Gardner and Mrs Mattie Stubblefleld drove to John Day Friday on business. Charlie and Walter Williams drove to Pasco, Washington Fri day evening to spend the week end visiting relatives. Mrs L D Vinson and daughter Ann, Mrs Belle Neal, and Mrs Roy Cork drove to Heppner Sat urday on business. Mrs Bob Leslie of Bend and Mrs Frank Williams spent Fri day afternoon, visiting at the Neal ranch with Mrs Lewis Neal and Mrs Belle Neal. Mr and Mrs George Capon, Mrs Delsia Sweek, and Oulda Cork drove to John Day, Tues day on business. Mr and Mrs Chas Hill and children left Saturday evening for Portland to take in the Cen tennial show. Miss Ruth Ann Capon and her grandfather Sam Riechen drove up from Portland, Thursday bringing Mrs Harold Cork and daughter, Sheryll home. Sheryll had surgery on her arm which BIGGEST 1959 EXPOSITION 4 Last Time Friday! Sam Snyder's Water Follies Exciting 2-Hour Musical Revue In Water & On Stage Evenings at 8:15 Coming August 15 RICKY NELSON One Night Only I AUGUST 16 SPIKE JONES BIGGEST FAMILY FUN-TIME 7 ATTRACTION N IN OREGON'S HISTORY 4 Hospi-Tales By RITA WOLFF Have you noticed any extra hnln of fha Vincnltnl WAnHnff A All a. .-...B ,T 7 u7. u perky lemon-yellow pinafores? side, Wash during the weekend lThps. . thp al,x,arv memhpra to visit his son and daughter-in law, Mr and Mrs Clayton Allen, and to go on a trip witli them to the mountains. Mr and Mrs Elvin Ely, accom panied by Mrs Allen Ely and children Renee, Rickie and Rena went to Pendleton Friday to take Janet and Jay Lilly there to meet their parents, Mr and Mrs Eldon Lilly of LaGrande, after visiting here last week. The Ladies Aid Society of Com munity church met at the church Wednesday afternoon of last week, with Mrs Charles Ander egg and Mrs Claud Worden as hostesses. Mrs Margaret Klitz was in charge of the spiritual program, and read "God's Anti dote for Fear". Mrs E J Moore sang "Then Jesus Came." The ladies voted to give one and one-half scholarships for two young people to go to the Youth Conference at Cannon Beach. GAR AVIflTIOH SPRAYING-FERTILIZING DUSTING-SEEDING HOME OWNED AND OPERATED We're As Near As Your Telephone PHONE LEXINGTON DAY OR NIGHT 3-8422 NOW SAFEGUARD AGAINST EXPENSES OF CANCER AND 13 DREADED DISEASES Ask about our new insurance policy that pays expenses of up to $10,000 to each member of the family for 13 dreaded disease Including polio, diptherla, meningitis etc, PLUS special cancer plan that will pay up to $1500, $2000 or $2500 tor each member of the family. It is our newest dreaded disease policy. Cancer Expenses Up To $1500 $15 Cancer Expenses Up To $2000 $20 Cancer Expenses Up To $2500 $25 Turner, Van Marter Cr Bryant Phone 6-9652 INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Heppner in their gay new cotton uniforms. The outfits are available to all the hospital auxiliary members and can be ordered through Mrs Velma Glass, Mrs Charles Jones or Mrs W C Rosewall for a mere $3.99. It is hoped all members working in the hospital will wear the new uniforms. Three Lexington high students have been helping at the hos pital with switchboard service. Paula Barak is training Carol Ann Palmer and Charlene Jones in telephone service for evening and Sunday duty. Mrs Eva Gean Caudry has re turned from a month's leave of absence during which she toured Great Falls, Montana, Yellow stone National Park, Coeur d' Alene and Lewiston and on to her home in Boise. Friends at the hospital have been threat ening reprisals for her forget fulness! Seems she spent an hour and a half in Frontier Town, Montana, buying cards and souv eniers and then somehow never mailed them! While in Boise she enjoyed a surprise visit from friends from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mr and Mrs M O Storro with their family have left for a week's vacation at Priest Lake. While there they will visit Mrs Storro's brother and his family. Mr and Mrs Ray Bailey have left on a ten day trip to Yellow stone National Park. Mrs Hubert Wilson is helping in the kitchen at the hospital while Mrs Mildred Morris is re covering from surgery. Mrs Ethel Rose has been visit ing in Grants Pass, Oregon for a week. Mrs Fern Henkes of College Place, Washington, is a new nurse at the hospital. The new projector donated by the hospital auxiliary has been used at each of the last hospital employee meetings. Movies on evacuation of patients and fire fighting and precaution were shown tying in with Civil De fense program and preparation of food and staff infection will be seen next Monday. The meet ings are held the second Monday of each month at 8 p m In the recreation room. Mrs W C Rosewall and Miss Leta Humphreys were Heppner representatives on mending de tail. This week Lexington ladies will sew at the hospital. Two or three women at a time could constitute a team to sew, press and fold linens. Any auxiliary members free to help with hos pital sewing can call Mr Bongers for a suitable hour. The next meeting of the Hos pital Auxiliary will be at 2:30 p m on Tuesday, September 8th, in the Bank of Eastern Oregon meeting room. she hurt 3 weeks ago when she fell from a horse. Mrs Jack Forrest and Mrs George Capon spent Friday after noon visiting at the L S Ranch with Mrs Dean Enrlght. Mr and Mrs Richard Drees and children are visiting back east, before he returns for school. He is the high school principal here. Fred Shanks, Bud Engles, George Stlrrltt, Laura Lee Bleak- man, Virgil Reynolds, Mrs Verne McCarty and son Donny, Mrs Elmer were all seen in Heppner Wednesday. Maynard Hamilton helped Del sia Sweek, fix up her house ready for teachers to move Into soon. Ben Spain drove to Coeur d' Alene Idaho for the weekend. Mr and Mrs Ernie Johnson drove to Heppner Thursday on business. Mrs Stanley Boyer and Mrs Vic Du Bosch drove to John Day Friday on business. Mr and Mrs Fred Gassner drove to Prineville Saturday morning on business and to take in the rodeo. Jack Sweek drove his wife and children to Coeur d' Alene Idaho Thursday, where they will visit for 10 days. Jack returned home Sunday night with Ben Spain. Mr and Mrs George Capon spent Saturday on Rudio where they are dismantling a house to move it. Mr and Mrs Jim Croker drove to John Day on business. Mr and Mrs Ernie Johnson drove to Prineville where they Joined their daughter and fam ily, the Ansel Martins, then all went on to Newburg for a family reunion. The Johnsons returned home Monday. Mr and Mrs Harry W Scott and Mr and Mrs Elmer Matteson drove to Burns Sunday where they met Mrs Irene Scott and daughter Barbara of Vale, Mr and Mrs Robert Kingman, Rob ert Dale Scott, Mrs Ray Ward and daughter, Sheryl of Alturas, California, and Mr and Mrs Bruce Strange, daughter Floy and children of Burns. Robert Scott had spent the past three weeks visiting with his aunts and uncles in Alturas and he returned home with his folks. Sheryll Ward came on here to visit her uncle, and Mrs Ward on to Vale to visit for a while. The 4-H'ers held a meetln? in the grange hall Saturday. There were four interviewers to talk with them. Thev were Jessie Gardner and Joe Brag of John Day, Eula Wyhe, Prairie Citv. and Dale Martin of Long Creek. HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, August 13. 1959 idson. Our mothers will then see the articles we've made. This will be our last meeting before fair time. Beverly Davidson, reporter BOARDMAN Mr and Mrs Frank Marlow went to Portland by train Mon day, where Marlow received a medical checkup. Mr3 Richard Nelson and child ren Lila and Mark of The Dalles were visitors for two weeks at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Vernon Russell. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Long Distance Nation-Wide Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phone CR 6-3111 SASSY SO AND SEWS The Sassy So and Sews 4-H club met at the home of Maur een Doherty on August 8 for a picnic. Members present were Maur een Doherty, Leora Van Winkle and Phyllis Thomburg, Glenda and Barbara McCorkle, Barbara Nichols, Kay and Joyce Peck and Jeanette Ledbetter. Visitors were Mrs Peck, Mrs Thomburg, Mrs Doherty, Martha, Tony, Becky and Nancy Doherty, Billy Thomburg, George Peck and Herb Davidson. After lunch we had our busi ness meeting. Included in the meeting were the Judging of everyone's articles to be exhib ited. This gave us practice in judging and also helped us to see how our articles could im proved. Plans were made for our mo ther's tea to be held Friday, Aug ust 14 at the home of Mrs Dav- TEMPEST storms across the Star Theater screen, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. From Push kin's "The Captain's Daugh ter", filmed in Technicolor and Technirama in Italy and Yugo slavia. Screen spectacle at its greatest. GET MORE PROFIT FROM YOUR WHEAT ACRES APPLY YIELD - INCREASING PHILLIPS 66 Agricultural Ammonia Order Your Supply Today! SOIL TESTING SERVICE EKSTROM FARM CHEMICALS HOME OWNED AND OPERATED PHONE 8-7289 IONE, OREGON Baking "cookies" for better roads Livestock Market Cattle Hogs Sheep SALE EVEBT TUESDAY 12 Noon On U. S. Hlway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-6655 Bonniiton. Oregon Don Wink Mgr. Be. Hermlston JO 7-3111 Frank Wink & Sou, Owmers "Cookies" of asphalt paving are baked and frozen in our laboratories, so we can measure how highways wear in all types of weather. The man is William H. Ellis, one of Standard's scientists who conduct many such tests to improve highway materials and construction methods. We actually build roads, subject them to crushing pressure, try out many paving mixes, work closely with highway engineers. Our work benefits you both as a motorist and a taxpayer. Asphalt costs less than any other pave ment . . . three miles of highway for the cost of two. You also get roads that resist skids, cut down glare, make lane markers easier to see . . . roads which are smooth, quiet and comfortable. Asphalt roads are ready for use within hours after laying . , . cost less to maintain and can be even stronger and better after years of service. By such continuing research that brings you better products at lower cost, the people at Standard are planning ahead to serve you better. Standard's asphalt products are made and sold by American Bitumuh & Asphalt Company, a wholly' owned subsidiary. , ii iiimrnrnniriilil I I ritiwn.n.mi,,!, , K s ii ur h nr mi nniiDAUV Af nll irnniJI A rei irsy i a unuHnu uil ifUifirHiii ur iHLirunmn ' mDCiyV" . ' - - - -