Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 13, 1959, Page 4, Image 4

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    HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, August 13, 1959'
gociAL Happenings
Josephln Thompson, Social Reporter
Miss Peterson Weds
Kenneth Lamb At
Hermiston Ceremony
Miss Alcy Jane Peterson of
Umatilla became the bride of
Kenneth Lamb, son of Mr and
Mrs Al Lamb of Heppner, at St
John's Episcopal church in Her
miston Friday, July 31.
Those from Heppner attend
ing the wedding were Mr and
Mrs Lamb, Mrs Elwyn Hughes,
Wayne Lamb, Mr and Mrs Har
lan McCurdy, Jr, Mr and Mrs
Ralph Richmond, Mr and Mrs
Riley Munkers, Mr and Mrs Bert
Corbin, Mrs Jack Healy, Mrs
Donald Bennett and Mrs George
Guests at the Lamb home for
the wedding were Mr and Mrs
Frank Lamb, Salem; Mr and Mrs
Lester Lamb, Albany; Mr and
Mrs Harry Lamb and daughters
"hmn. Sandra, Krlsti and Sus
an, Seattle,
Bridge Club Meets
i At McQuarrie Home
Co-hostpsses Wednesday even
t a 1L . rr: 11- . I
ing ior ine rungs imie vut-"3
bridge club were MiJ C E Mc
Quarrie and Mrs Harry O'Don
nell at the McQuarrie home.
Their guests were Mrs Bill
Glennie, Mrs Gene Pierce, Mrs
Paul Koenig, Mrs John Williams,
Mrs Jerry Daggett, Mrs Phil
Blakney. Mrs Pat O'Brien, Mrs
Willard Blake, Mrs Bill Sowell,
Mrs Phil Mahoney, and Mrs Max
High winner for the evening
was Mrs Pierce, second high was
Mrs Koenig, low was Mrs O'Brien
and the jack high prize was
won by Mrs Daggett.
Refreshments were served.
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Mrs Nagel Guest Of
Honor At Shower
Thursday evening of last week
a surprise baby shower was giv
en in honor of Mrs Sam Nagel
at the home of Mrs Harry Bong
ers, with Mrs Fred Trussing, Mrs
Philip Blakney and Mrs Gene
Pierce also as hostesses.
Those attending were Mrs Ben
Stenkamp, Mrs Wallace Wolff,
Mrs Pat Jensen, Mrs Eva Jean
Cawdry, Miss Carla Rulkens, Mrs
Paul Koenig, Mrs Norman Case,
Mrs Margaret Gaarsland, Mrs
Wilbert Lane, Mrs M Casebeer,
Mrs William Brinda, Mrs Bill
Blake, Mrs Bob Brlndle, Mrs Vic
Krolmeyer, Mrs Roy Williamson,
Mrs Don Clark, Mrs Oliver Cres
wick, Mrs Pat Mollahan, Mrs Bill
Kenny, Mrs Bud Springer, and
Mrs M O Storro.
Refreshments were served by
the hostesses.
Housewarming Party
Honors Mrs George
Mrs LaVerne Van Marter and
Mrs Frank Hamlin planned a
surprise housewarming party for
Mrs Elaine S George last Wed
nesday evening.
Those attending were Mrs
Frank Turner, Mrs W C Collins,
Mrs V R Runnlon, Mrs E' C
Dougherty, Mrs L E Dick, Mrs
Conlcy Lanham, Mrs Clarence
Rosewall, Mrs Robert Penland,
Mrs Hamlin and the guest of
Bridge was played during the
evening with Mrs Hamlin hold
ing high score, Mrs George sec
ond high and Mrs Collins low.
Refreshments were served dur
ing the evening and the group
presented Mrs George with a
money tree.
Soroptimists Plan
Annual Card Party
For September
The Soroptlmist Club of Hepp
ner held Its regular monthly bus
iness meeting Thursday at the
Wagon Wheel with vice presi
dent, Mrs C E McQuarrie in
charge of the meeting in the ab
sence of president, Mrs John
Committee reports were given
and Mrs E E Gonty, chairman
of the ways and means commit
tee, reported on the plans of
that committee for the year.
The annual card party to fin
ance the Hallowe'en hayride Is
planned for the end of Septem
ber and Mrs Floyd Adams will
have charge of the prizes.
Float plans were discussed and
a committee of Mrs C E McQuar
rie, Mrs Rolce Fulleton and Mrs
E E Gonty was appointed to dec
orate the tables for the Thurs
day meeting when the queen
and court of the Morrow County
rodeo are entertained at lunch
Engagement Told By
Dora Sue Davidson
Mr and Mrs Robert Davidson
of Lexington announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Dora
Sue to Mr Vern Viall, son of Mr
and Mrs F S Viall of Grandview,
Dora Sue is a 1959 graduate
of Lexington high school and
Vern is a 1955 graduate of the
Grandview high school and has
just completed four years In the
Air Force.
TWO DANDIES re-released be
cause of their excellence: THE
san Hayward, Fred MacMur
ray, Taulette Goddard, In
Technicolor, plus WELLS FAR
GO with Joel McCrea, his wife
Frances Dee, and Bob Burns.
Star Theater, Thursday, Fri
day, Saturday.
Baby Shower Honors
Mrs Tom Hamm
Mrs Tom Hamm was honored
with a baby shower Wednesday
evening of last week at the home
of Mrs Matt Hughes with Judy
Collins as co-hostess.
The guests were Mrs Mike
Sallng, Mrs Ellis Fettyjohn, Mrs
Glenn Erby, Mrs N D Bailey, Mrs
Don Bellenbrock, Mrs Dean Sha
ver, Mrs Roy Quackenbush, Mrs
Delbert Piper, Mrs Creston Rob
inson, Mrs Grace Hughes, and
Mrs Elwyn Hughes.
Those sending gifts but unable
to attend were Mrs Homer
Hughes, Carol Groshens, Joann
Brosnan, Mrs Jerry Buschke, Mrs
Charles Marquardt, Miss Iris
Miller, Mrs Mcrritt Gray and Mrs
James Norene.
Refreshments were served by
the hostesses.
Sumner Home Scene
Of Saturday Party
A pre-dance patio party was
given Saturday evening by Jay
Sumner at the home of his par
ents, Mr and Mrs J C Sumner.
His guests were Janice Martin,
Merwln Howell of Lebanon, Mary
Jo Stewart and Myrna Corwin
Sherri Lindsay Feted
At Farewell Party
A farewell swimming party
was given in honor of Sherri
Lindsay Friday evening of last
week at the Heppner swimming
pool, and the hostesses were Bev
erly Blake, Dianne McCurdy,
Libby Van Schoiack, Jerry Swag
gart, Mary Johnston, Bonnie
Hannon, Shlrlee Gaines and Jean
Those attending were Janice
Drlscoll, Tom Drlscoll, Oakley
Ott, Wayne Ball, Russ Dolven,
Archie Ball, Eugene Lesser and
Neal Penland.
After the swimming party a
picnic supper was served on the
court house lawn.
Home Agent
I find many of you are in the
midst of jam and jelly making
with all our lovely Oregon fruit
coming on the market. Mrs Ruth
Klippestein, extension nutrition
ist, has sent me some good tips
on jam and jelly making that
I would like to pass on to you.
Sparkling jams and jellies
with Northwest fruits will "turn
out" better if popular recipes are
revised for local use. Two of the
main jolly-making' ingredients,
pectin and acid, are found in
somewhate higher quantities in
some Oregon fruits and need to
be reduced in many recipes.
When local homemakers use rec
ipes written for a national aud
ience, they often are disappoint
ed in their results firm Jams
and tough jellies.
Before changing any recipes,
Mrs Klippstein suggests making
a small "test" batch following
the recipe. Then make changes
needed. To "localize" a recipe,
use about a third less pectin
than recommended. For "high
acid" ,berry jams and jellies
added lemon juice or other acid
is usually not necessary. Improve
berry jellies by substituting
apple juice for half of the berry
Juice called for in recipes. Highly
prized for their "fruity" flavor
and color, Oregon Iruits are
unique and somewhat variable
in their acid content.
Successful jellym a k i n g de
pends on a balance between the
three jelly Ingredients, pectin,
acid and sugar. Fruit naturally
contains some pectin, the sub
stance that makes jellies "jell".
Slightly underripe fruit contains
more pectin than green fruit or
fruit that is overmature, but
lacks flavor of fttlly ripened
fruit. Powdered or liquid pectin
is added to shorten the cooking
time, and to help "set" jams
Well, I took
my DOCTOR'S word for it,
HEALTH PLANS. Bert . . . and we re . ,
I Charley l very happy with
how do vnu know ' OP5
i ... so many
Mors thin 1200, Orsgon doctors niakt it
possibls for you and your family to have the
health protection that ia custom-tailored for
th particular needs of Oregon people Oregon
Physicians' Service. Ask your doctor about
an OPS l'Un today.
(19 S.W. Eleventh Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Hawaiian Tour From
Oregon is Planned
Plans are underway for tours
to Hawaii In conjunction with
the forthcoming annual meeting
of the National Home Demon
stration Cfluncil, October 11
through 14, according to tsther
Kirmis, Morrow county extension
agent. The tour is being handled
by Elizabeth Beeson Stavrides of
the Beeso Travel Bureau, Wash
ington, D C.
A ten-day tour is planned, as
well as an extension of the tour
to 16 if that is preferred. The
ten-day tour includes a yacht
cruise into Pearl Harbor and
other historic points; a full day
Circle Island excusion around
Oahu to the island's scenic spec
tacles; a Luau (Hawaiian feast);
various sight-seeing drives, and
walks; and free time for shop
ping and exploring on your own.
Cost of this tour is $3-19, which
includes air tourist transporta
tion from Portland to Honolulu
and return; twin-bedded room
with bath in Hawaii; transfer
from the airport in Honolulu to
hotel and vice-versa; sightseeing
by limousine with chauffeur
guide; and gratitudes to porters
and hotel bellhops. Not Included
Is transfer from hotel in Port
land to airport; meals in Hono
lulu; baggage and personal in
surance, laundry, room service
and other items of a personal
nature. Taxes are not included.
The extended tour Includes the
above, plus a morning flight to
Kauai, with an exploratory drive
around the Island to points of
interest; a boat excusion through
the jungle; picnic lunch, caves,
etc; the return flight to Hono
lulu, connecting to Maul, with
dinner and night there. j
Cost of the entire 16 days Is i
$579. Meals outside of Honolulu
are Included in this cost, as well i
as all transfers from airports
to hotels and vice versa.
Any extension unit member, j
ner nusDana or iamuy, is wei
come to join this tour.
where fully ripened fruit Is used.
Lemon Juice or citric acid
must be added to low-acid fruits,
such as apricots, peaches and
plums so the pectin can "Jell,"
the home economist advises.
Sugar helps preserve the jelly
and adds flavor. Low calorie
sweeteners should not be substi
tuted for sugar in most recipes.
To assure perfect preserves,
follow recipes closely and avoid
pitfalls listed.
Jelly may be "cloudy" if mix
ture is poured into glasses too
slowly, cooled before it was
poured, or Juice may not have
been properly strained of all
pulp. If jelly sets too fast, it
may cloud, usually the result
of using fruit that is too green.
Soft jelly may be caused by
not using enough sugar, too
much Juice in the mixture, not'
enough acid, or making too
much jelly at a time. Soft jelly
can sometimes be made firmer,
Mrs Klippstein says. Measure 1
quart of jelly, add 4 teaspoons
of pectin, V cup sugar. Boil ft
minute. Add 2 tablespoons of
lemon juice, if more acid Is need
Sirupy jelly too little pectin,
acid or sugar. Too much sugar
can also cause sirupy jelly.
Jellies that "weep" are usually
caused by. too much add, by
covering jelly with a thick para
ffin layer of a fluctuation In stor
age temperature.
To help prevent fruit from
rising to the top in the finished
jam, stir the mixture frequently
five minutes after removing from
the heat. Fruit absorbs some of
the sugar solution and won't
More help dh jam and jelly
making is offered In "How to
Make Jellies, Jams and Preserves
at Home," free on request from
our county agent's office. The
bulletin includes Instructions for
making table spreads using
liquid and powdered pectins and
old-fashioned cooking methods.
Directions for popular uncooked
spreads that can be stored In
the freezer are also given in the
We also have a bulletin on
"Pickle and Relish Recipes" that
you might like at this season.
Just call or write.
Many of you will be surprised
and haoDV to heat that Miss
Betty J Sedgwick, Morrow county
supervisor, has resigned her pos
ition to take the post of Wasco
county extension agent at The
Bettv has often expressed to
me several times that an agent
receives much more satisfaction
in working with people directly
In a county rather than once
removed in the case of a
state extension agent.
We welcome Betty, as a neigh
bor agent, to Eastern Oregon.
Mrs Max Buschke, and Mrs
Charles Becket.
Mrs Harris won high prize, Mrs
Lowe won second high, Mrs Man-
kin won low, and the douoie
Dinochle was won by Mrs BecKet
and Mrs Happold.
Dessert was served.
R B Rice Surprised
On 87th Birthday
A surprise birthday party hon
oring the 87th birthday of R B
Rice was given last week at his
home by Mrs Rice.
The guests were their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Ed
ward Rice and their daughter,
Mrs Martha Van Schoiack, Dr
and Mrs A D McMurdo, Mrs L
D Tibbies, Mrs Pearl Devine, Mrs
W M Mahan, Mrs Jack Loyd and
son Tim, Mr and Mrs L E Dick
Sr of Helena, Montana, Mr and
Mrs L E Dick Jr and Mrs Sam
Punch and cake were served
and the cake was baked by Mrs
By Advertising
Mrs Harris Has High
Score In Pinochle
Mrs Fred Mankin was hostess
for her pinochle club at her home
Friday afternoon of last week.
Guests were Mrs Max Harris,
Mrs Ed La Trace, Mrs Walter
Becket, Mrs Robert Lowe, Mrs
A S Watkins, Mrs Henry Hap
pold, Mrs Clarence Johnson, Mrs
0 E Wright, Mrs Earl Evans,
Insurance 1 1 I
Are you thinking of taking
A little vacation-
In Canada, Mexico, or just
Down to the ocean?
Canada & Mexico really are
Considered foreign lands!
Check on your insurance first;
Be sure of how It stands!
Have fun on your vacation,
Not a lot of worry!
Take a few precautions now
Instead of being sorry!
For All Your Insurance Needs
Phone 6-9625 Box 611
I Morrow County Fair & Rodeo
irk V
mshie y
A Mutual Invffifmtnf fund I
v I
United INCOME Fund
United SCIENCE Fund
Fund j
Fund '
For Prospectus and descriptive 1
literature, without obl'Sauon. fill
in and KiTi'DN This Advektiss-
MtST. !
Principal Vndwwritwt
"OffUe. From Coast To Cowt" I
Box 869 Heppner !
Queen Sharon Cutsforth
mil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti 1 1 11 1 1 1 ti 1 1 1 1 ti 1 1 1 m inn 1 111 1 ii ittt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii ii i ii iti 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 mini ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nu mm minimi
Saturday, August 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii MiiMMiiimimiii illinium i miiiiiimmiimMii inn u m m
Fair Pavilion
10 TIL 2