s Destroy Grain, Building In tone Area ECHO PALMATEER urn was destroyed by fire Harold Sherer ranch about Northwest of lone Fri ornlng of last week about . M. The cause was un . A small amount of hay, md machinery parts were turned In the barn. The tick was called from lone, arage, which was nearby ved. The barn was insured, leat fire destroyed between I 4o acres of wheat on the almateer ranch near Mor laturday morning of last About 300 acres of stubble ilso burned. Fire fighting nent was sent from lone, ton and Cecil, also Gar iimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiumiii oajm Compare! j togalS" (7 "Golden Sleep'1 tton-Free Mattress IUTT0NS! NO BUMPS! NO LUMPS! Save during Sealy's Golden Values Sals ' IASY IUD0IT THtMS I " CASE JRNITURE CO. iiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii Aviation plane from Lexington. The wheat was Insured. Origin of fire unknown. The fire truck was called to put out a grass fire on the John Hughes lot on Second Street Thursday afternoon of last week. Those from here who attended the Morrow county picnic in Port land Sunday were Johan Treed son, Carl Ttoedson, Mrs Arvilla Swanson, Mr and Mrs Clell Rea and Katherine and John; Noel Dobyns, Mr and Mrs E R Lundell, Mrs Cleo Drake and Fred Ely. George and Charles Ely, resi dents of the Odd Fellow home in Portland and Mr and Mrs Fran cis Ely and son of Salem also attended. Most of the group going from here passed the walking grandma, Mrs Emma Gatewood, below Blalock. The Troedsons and Mrs Swanson shook hands and talked with her. Ernest MeCabe of Bay City spent the weekend here with his family. Mildred Bristow and Judy Kelly of Portland are spend ing the week at the David Rlet mann home. Mrs Ida Grabill and son, Gene, Mrs Hazel Wiles and Mr and Mrs James Morgan and daughters spent Sunday with Mrs Frances Jones in Hermiston. Mr and Mrs Walter Jacobs en tertained the members of the bridge club and their husbands at a barbecue at their home Sun day evening. Others present were Mr and Mrs Walter Corley, Mr and Mrs Robert DeSpain, Mr and Mrs Ernest McCabe, Mr and Mrs Gene Hall, Mr and Mrs Robert Jepsen, Mr and Mrs Pete Cannon, Mr and Mrs Ray Boyce and Mr and Mrs Delmer Crawford. Carla Hickey, daughter of Mr and Mrs James Hickey of Echo, spent a few days at the home of Mr and Mrs Ronald Bishop. Dates to Remember: August 9 Rebekah picnic in the city park. Members of the Rebekah and Odd Fellow lodges and their friends are welcome. Bring your own ta ble service. Potluck dinner at noon. Coffee and punch will be furnished. August 9 Baseball game here with Condon at. 2 p m. August 11 Garden club meeting at the home of Mrs Fredrick 6flR AVIATION SPRAYING-FERTILIZING DUSTING-SEEDING. HOME OWNED AND OPERATED - We're As Near As Your Telephone PHONE LEXINGTON QidO2 DAY OR NIGHT J'OU Martin at 2 p m. August 12 Mara natb.a clur meeting at Stefcmni at y m. August 16 Grange picnic at the city park with pouucic ainn at noon. Ice cream, punch and coffee will be furnished by the grange. All grange members and friends ere welcome. Funeral services were held for Mrs Delbert Anson in Hermiston Saturday. AuBust 1 in the Burns Mortuary Chapel. She died at her home in Hermiston, July 1. one ic onrvivoH hv her husband; two daughters, Mrs Robert (Betty) Rietmann of lone ana Mrs rnyi Us Thombure of Hermiston; two brothers and one sister; and two grandchildren. Books added to the lone Pub lic lihrarv: Mv Own Little House, Kaune; No Fighting, No Biting, Minauk; Tiny Toosey's Birthday, LaRue; Pebbles and Shells, Pod endorf; Bear Stories, Circus Stor ies and Elephant Stories all three bv Edward and Marguerite Dolch. These books are recom mended for summer reading by first and second graders. Mr and Mrs Verner Troeason and daughter, Shirlee McGreer and Mr and Mrs John Mulr spent a few days at Wallowa Lake and saw the wagon train at Baker. Mrs Adon Hamlett gave a birthday in honor of her son, Richard's sixth birthday Thurs day afternoon, July 30. Guests Dresent were Bonnie Jean Mor gan; Teresa and Tanya Tucker; Teresa and Teena Stefani; Terry O'Connor; Jim Swanson; Chris tine Lindstrom; and Sharlene and Tommy Hamlett. Games were played and refreshments were served. Mrs Norman Swanson and daughters, Marie and Linda of Portland spent Wednesday of last week at the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs Mary Swan son. and other relatives. They were on their way home from Billings, Montana where they visited relatives. Mrs E Markham Baker and Mrs Rod MacKenzie returned home Wednesday of last week from the Women's Retreat of congregation al churches at Camp Adams. They reported a very interesting meeting. Mr and Mrs Henry Buschke and sons Michael and Eddie, re turned to their home by plane Friday of last week from Port land. His father, Ed Buschke, took them to Portland. They as sisted with the work at the Ed Buschke ranch at Morgan. Mrs Alfred Nelson returned home from the Pioneer Memor ial hospital last week. Her niece, Kathy Merewether of Spokane is staying with her. Mr and Mrs Dean Rohde of Echo spent the weekend at the Victor Rietmann home. Joan and Susan Healy of But ter Creek, spent the weekend with their uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Ted Palmateer. The Palmateer children, Janet and Ronnie spent the weekend at the William Healy home on Butter Walking Grandma Makes Overnight Stop at Boardman By MART LEE MARLOW Mrs Emma Gatewood, the walking Grandma, arrived in Boardman at 5:30 p m last Fri day after hiking down through the desert on highway 30 from Stanfield Junction. During the day Grandma was met by many people taking her cold drinks and ice cream. She said, "it was mighty hot out there, but if peo ple would let me alone, I could get along faster. She rested at Nelson's melon stand three miles out of town before coming on into Boardman. She was served dinner at the M & M Cafe, and had her des sert at the Hltchin' Post Cafe. She was a guest at the Nugget Motel over night, and after a light breakfast there the next morning was on her way to Ar lington at daybreak. Grandma said people were try ing to scare her out but stated after getting through Wyoming, which she considered the worst part of her travels, and getting this far, she would continue on to Portland, where she Is to be the guest of honor at the Cen tennial Exposition. Several people going out to meet her as well as tourists on the road tried to take pictures of Mrs Gatewood, but she held her old blue umbrella down close to her face, and not one person was able to get a picture of any thing except the top of the um brella. Joe Tatone, city mayor, went out to meet her about five miles from town, and had to walk along with her In order to ex tend his invitation for her to stop in Boardman. She told him that people bothered her too much, and she had to keep walk ing. She was escorted into town by Mrs Dewey West and Mrs Ronald Black, who went out in a car to meet her. Jim Thorpe, 18 year old son of Mr and Mrs Nathan Thorpe, re turned home from the Good Shepherd hospital in Hermiston last Thursday, after being there two days after having a narrow escape from death from being bitten by a wasp. He was stung Helena Rubinstein's ANNUAL BEAUTY SALE Buy one... get one free! Limited time only! 1113 i'7 1 izsJ DEW KISSED UPS! With: Dew Kissed Lipstick. Guaranteed not to dry lips I Freel Silver-plated Convert' ible case worth 1.101 2.10 Value Now 1.00 NEW MOISTURE MAKEUP! With: New Silk-Tone Moisture Make up. Creamy base. Free! New Silk-Tone Face Powder. Delicate, silken. 2.02 Value No 1-50 COLOR AND LUSTRE FOR HAIR! With: Color-Tone Shampoo. Washes heir with color. Free! Headtiner heir groom to polish, keep hair In place. 1X8 Value Now 1.25 llll MASCARA-MATIC MAGIC I With: Mascara-Matlc. Curls, colors lashes without a brush. Freel Mascara Remover 3 Purpose Oil. Worth 1.001 3.00 Value Now 2.00 DRY SKINf With: Deep Cleanser with Penetrel Cleanses, smooths. Free! "Pasteurized" Face Cream Special. Rich cream. 2.32 Value Now 1.50 NORMAL OR OILY SKINf With: Deep Cleanser with Penetrel. Cleanses, protects. Freel "Herbal" Skin Lot ton. Refreshes, "tightens" pores. 2.00 Value Now 1.50 Creek. Mr and Mrs Malcolm McKin non and three children of Salem spent two days last week at the Ernest Hellker home. Mrs Mc Klnnon is a niece of Mrs Hellker. Mr and Mrs Jerry Holly and children of Portland visited at the Harold Dobyns home last week. Mr Holly is a son of Mrs Dobyns. Marlene Crawford returned home last week from Portland where she visited relatives for the past two weeks. She came up with her grandmother, Mrs Franklin Ely, who is attending summer school at Portland State and spent the weekend here. Victor Rietmann is a patient in the Pioneer Memorial hospital. Mr and Mrs O L Lundell and son, Kenneth, spent the weekend with relatives in Monument Mrs Carl Bergstrom was a pa tient in the Providence hospital In Portland last week. She is now staying at the home of her sister, Mrs Roy Janin in Port land. on the nose and arm while work ing at the Roy Partlow farm. Knowing he was allergic to bee stings he was taken home, and by that time he was so ill he lost consciousness. Mrs Thorpe, having no car there, called Mrs Frank Marlow to take him to the doctor. Mrs Marlow's son, Har old, of Stanfield, was at his mo ther's home, and rushed Jim to a Hermiston physician. By that time he could hardly breathe, and had to be carried into the doctor's office. After treatment there he was taken to the hos pital where he stayed until Thursday, when he was pronoun ced out of danger. Mrs Allen Ely entertained with a party Saturday afternoon in honor of her daughter Renee's fifth birthday. Guests were Mrs Ely's mother and sister, Mrs Vir gil Osborne and Margie, Hermis ton, Mrs Eldon Lilly and Jlmmle, Janet, Jerry and Jay of LaGrande, Mrs Elvin Ely, Mrs Erwin Flock and Charma Lee and Frankie, Mrs Harold Rash and Diane, Mrs Harold Baker and Ronnie, Randy and Karen, Mrs Delbert Ball and Larry, Susan and Linda, Mrs Don Downey and Jerry and Wayne, and Mrs Delmer Hug and Debbie, Pam and David. Mr and Mrs Lyle Tannehill and daughters of Eugene arrived at the home of Tannehlll's par ents, Mr and Mrs Clyde Tanne hill, Sunday to visit for several days. Mr and Mrs Eldon Lilly and children Jimmie, Janet, Jay and Jerry, of La Grande, were week end visitors at the home of Mrs Lilly's parents, Mr and Mrs Elvin Ely. Jay remained to visit this week at his grandparents home, and Janet is visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Allen Ely. Mr and Mrs Sigvald Aase and children Lynae, Sigurd and Eric of Echo, were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Richard Waymire last Wednesday even ing, surprising Mrs Waymire on the occassion of her birthday. Mrs George Holderman and son Billie of Corvallis visited at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs W G Seehafer several days last week. Friday they and Mrs Seehafer went to Enterprise to visit at the home of Mrs Holder man's brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Ronald Tye. Sunday visitors at the Seehafer home were their sons-in-law and dau ghters, Mr and Mrs Joe Gaars land and children JoAnn, Elaine, Johnnie and Melvin, and Mr and Mrs Walter Corley and daughter HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. August 6. 1959 Sherry of lone. Other recent vis itors were Mr and Mrs Walter Seehafer of Foster. Mr and Mrs Bob Miller were on a fishing trip to East Lake last week, returning home Sat urday. Mrs Claud Coats, Mrs Zearl Gillespie, Mrs Florence Root, Ronald Black and Dewey West attend the funeral of Charles McDanlel in Heppner Saturday. Mr and Mrs Nate Macomber and Mrs Flotence Root went to The Dalles Monday to see Ma- comber's brother, Al Macomber of Arlington who is in the hos pital there. Mr and Mrs Harold Baker and children Ronnie, Randy and Kar en went to St Maries, Idaho Sun day to visit several days with relatives. Lorelei Hamilton has returned home from a three weeks stay in Bellingham, Wash visiting relatives. Mr and Mrs Darrell Marlow and Mrs Frank Marlow went to Portland Saturday to get Frank Marlow who was in St Vincent's hospital there for eleven days for treatment on his back. Dick and Anita Garner of Hines spent the weekend here visiting friends. Anita visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Dewey West. Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Elmer Messenger were Mrs Messenger's niece, Mr and Mrs Roy Smith and grandson Nor man Lefever of Danville, Calif. Other visitors were Mr and Mrs Edgar Macken of The Dalles. Mr and Mrs Bob Stewart spent the weekend in Estacada visiting at the home of Mrs Stewart's parents, Mr and Mrs Oscar Veele, Sr. Their son Randy returned home with them after visiting with his grandparents for the past two months. Tree Yard Cattle SPRAYING Commercial fogging. Insect and rodent control, termites, grain elevators sprayed and fogged. Free estimates, work guaranteed. AYERS PEST CONTROL Phone 8-7133 lone GET MORE PROFIT FROM YOUR WHEAT ACRES APPLY YIELD - INCREASING PHILLIPS 66 Agricultural Ammonia Order Yovr Supply Today! SOIL TESTING SERVICE EKSTROM FARM CHEMICALS HOME OWNED AND OPERATED PHONE S-7289 IONE, OREGON a'i' tit THE HEAVENLY COMPLEXION! With: Heavenly Glow Compact Make up Gold trimmed case. Freel Deep Cleanser with Penetrel. Cleanses, protects 2.19 Value Now 1.50 FACIAL HAIRf With: Nudlt Face Cream De- oilatory with Super-Finishj- Freel Heaven-Sent Talc. For all-over loveliness. 2.00 Value Now 1.50 ALL-DAY BODY FRESHNESS! With: Perfume Spray Deodor ant Fragrant antl perspirant Freel Heaven-Sent Eau de Toilette. Romantic, young. 100 Value Now 1.29 TM price pftntu GCB393 THI NATION'S I DIGGEST 1959 aw EXPOSITION Now Till Aug. 14 Sam Snyder's Water Follies An Exciting Musical Revue In Water and On Staae Matinees 2:30 Aug. 7 8 1:30 Aug. 9 Eveninae 8:15 Mon.-Sat 5:30 Sunday, Aug. s Coming August IS Ricky Nelson One Night Only! August 16 Spike Jones IN VVV IX BIGGEST FAMILY r FUN-TIME L ATTRACTION MN OREGON'S HISTORY r.ri finn fnnrto SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7-8 O'COMA FROZEN Chicken BREASTS THIGHS DRUMSTICKS plug. 5 PET RITZ PIES APPLE, CHERRY & PEACH 2 for 79c FRENCH CUT 303 CANS GREEN BEANS 2 for 25 CUP CUSTARD COOKIES SUNSHINE 2 pk9S- 53c TOMATOES 2 lbs. 29c mm 2 heads U. S. NO. 1 POTATOES IO lbs. 49c AND S&H GREEN STAMPS TOOI Central Market & Grocery HEPPNER PHIL'S PHARMACY PHIL BLAKNEY, OWNER PHONE 6-9614