miiiiiimiirnmiiiiiiiiiimuiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiwmiim gOCIAL -AppENNGS Josephine Thompson, Social Reporter Hiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii8iiiiiiiiii)m:iiiiiiniiiiiinHmmt Granddaughter Of Heppner Man Tells of Engagement Mr and Mrs Raymond Huddle ston of Valdez, Alaska announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Lorene Anabel to Mr Har old Sloper, son of Mr and Mrs Fred Marquardt of Brooklyn, New York. A native Alaskan, Miss Hud dleston was graduated from Val dez high school and recently completed her sophomore year at the University of Alaska. She is a music major and sang so prano 'vith the University's Choir of the Worth. Mr Sloper also attended the University of Alaska, where he majored in recreation. Follow ing a September wedding in Val dez, Ate young couple will be at home in Eugene, Oregon where both will continue their studies at the University of Ore gon. Miss Huddleston is the grand daughter of Frank Turner of Heppner, her mother the former Jeannette Turner. Mrs Heoly Hostess For Bridge Club Mrs Jack Healy was hostess for her bridge club last Friday even ing. Those playing were Mrs Bill Heath, Mrs Riley Munkers, Mrs Creston Robinson, Mrs Dick Mea dor, Mrs Ned Sweek, Mrs Kemp Dick, Mrs Don Bellenbrock and the hostess. High prize for the evening was won by Mrs Robinson, second high went to Mrs Dick and low was won by Mrs Heath. Refreshments were served. Mrs Randy Lott And Daughter Guests Of Honor At Shower Forty six friends from Heppner, Lexington, lone and Hermiston honored Mrs Randy Lott and her new daughter Patti Lou with a baby shower at the Lexington IOOF hall on Tuesday, July 7. The rooms were cleverly dec orated with storks and pink, blue and yellow streamers. Mrs Carl Marquardt played selected pieces at the piano throughout the evening. Mrs Mervln Leonard poured from a beautifully appointed tea table, centered with yellow dais ies In milk glass with yellow tapers. A party plate was served the guests by the hostesses, Mrs Don McElligott, Mrs Jack Barak and Mrs Don Hatfield. Mrs McElligott and Mrs How ard Crowell assisted with the gifts. PICNIC SATURDAY EVENING The out-going, in-coming and installing officers of Ruth chap ter no 32, Order of Eastern Star held a potluck picnic Saturday evening on the court house lawn. Linoleum Tile Woodtones 8 Colors To Choose From Reg. 12c-Now 10c ea CARPETS-DRAPERIES-PAINT STARRETT'S Decor Center HERMISTON, OREGON Friday Barbecue At Bedford Home Fetes Out of Town Guests Mr and Mrs Jack Bedford en tertained Friday evening with a patio barbecue honoring their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs J W Bedford of Bakersfleld, California. Guests were classmates of Mr Bedfords and graduates of the class of 1945, Pendleton high school. Those attending were Mr and Mrs William Labhart (Jackie Tetz); Mr and Mrs Don Cooke (Helen Lorenzen) Hermiston; Mr and Mrs Robert Jepsen (Suzanne Lieuallen) and Charles Hudson, lone; Mr and Mrs Tom Simon ton, Pendleton. The Bedfords left Saturday for their home after a week's visit here with his parents. llj t ill' lilt "cl iit 'ii t if. i!i I i 1 HEPPNER GAZETTE -TIMES, Thursday. July 1G, 1959 DANCE SPECIALISTS One of the most graceful of the Yakima tribal dances is the Swan Dance, performed only by the tribal maidens. Here, three Yakima girls practice the dance they will pre sent during the National Indian Encampment in Pendleton, July 18-26. Left to right: Marda Miller. Nadine Miller and Phyllis Miller, all of Wapato, Wash. Soroptimists Hear Conference Report Miss Leta Humphreys gave her final report on the Regional con ference of Soroptlmist Clubs held in Portland in the spring, at the Thursday meeting of thte Soroptimist Club of Heppner. This report was on the business meeting of the conference and dealt with amendments to pre sent rules and laws. Ideas were also discussed for the rodeo float, which the club will enter In the parade. Bridge Party Held At Van Marter Home Mrs LaVerne Van Marter en tertained with a duplicate bridge party Friday evening at her home. Her guests were Mrs Rod Mur ray, Mrs Bill Sowell, Mrs Bob Jones, Mrs Bill Blake, Mrs Gene Hall, Mrs Ernie McCabe, Mrs Ray Boyce, Mrs Walter Corley, Mrs Robert DeSpain, Mrs Walter Jac obs and Mrs Delmer Crawford. The high winning couple for the evening was Mrs McCabe and Mrs DeSpain, and Mrs Cor ley and Mrs Jacobs were second high. Refreshments were served at the end of the evening. Mrs Thorpe Holds High Score At Bridge Mrs Marshall Lovgren enter tained her bridge club at her home Tuesday evening. Guests were Mrs Fred Glmbel, Mrs Carl Thorpe, Mrs Harry Bon gers, Mrs Ralph Richmond, Mrs Glen Ward, Mrs Marlon Green, Mrs Don Bennett, and Mrs Jim Mallon. Mrs Thorpe was high winner for the evening and Mrs Mallon was second high. Mrs Ward won both the low prize and the trav eling prize. Refreshments were served. Brindles Entertain At Sunday Barbecue Mr and Mrs Robert Brindle en tertain with a barbecue dinner Sunday of last week at their home. Their guests were Mr and Mrs Phil Blakney end family, Mr and Mrs John Williams and son, Mr and Mrs Paul Koenig and fam ily, and Mr and Mrs Dick Brun ner and family of Pasco. Mr and Mrs Brunner are formerly of Heppner. , . Norah's PRE -MOVING Has Birthday Party Mrs Lowell Shattuck was hos tess for a party at her home Monday night in honor of her son, Martin's birthday. Guests were Minnie Hodges, Evangelina Pedraza, Beatrice Rios, Barbara Gantenbein, Maxine Sicard, Dor othy Rash, Shirley Earwood, Ton! and Bob Taylor, Jim and Patty Miller, Bill Getz, Jim Thorpe, Tim Ward, Keith Gronquist, Larry West, Kurt Gantenbein, Larry Eades and Douglas Shattuck. logs at Long Creek mill. He broke three bones in his hand. Grace Stirritt, Lavelle -Shank, Laura Shank and Beulah Rounds drove to John Day Wednesday on business. Mrs Ann Hiese had the mis fortune to break one of her toes a week ago. Alfred Patzer has been work ing for Harold Lippert the past two weeks. Bernnie Alstott of the North Portland Livestock Commission Co was in town Friday on busi ness and .visiting some of his old friends. Mrs Marilyn Owens and child ren Patricia and Karen of Cor- vallis were Sunday guests at the W F Mahrt home. The Bob Leslie family of Bend were over for the weekend with her folks, Mr and Mrs Roy Cork and brother, Barney Cork and family. Mr and Mrs Archie Cox and children drove to Pendleton Mon day on business. Mr and Mrs Fred Shank, Laura Lee Shank and Mrs Boyd Hinton drove to Portland Friday where Miss Laura Lee will enroll in business school. She will join Miss Carolyn Martin and Miss Sharon Hinton who are already there in school. Mr and Mrs Clayton Sweek and children and her mother, Mrs J Schruam of Springfield came in Sunday to visit his brother and family, the Jack Sweeks, and her sisters the Verne Mc Carty family and the Darrell Dulaney family. Mr and Mrs August Mahrt and son Tommy of Spokane were weekend guests at the ranch home of the W F Mahrts. Tommy remained for a longer visit. Thelma Williams, Jessie Scott and Cholcy Van Detta drove to Prineville Thursday for medical aid for Mrs Scott as she has a badly sprained ankle. Miss Sherry Cross is visiting In Salem with her sister, Mr and Mrs George Roberts. Mr and Mrs Ernie Johnson and grandson, Gary Allen Martin drove to Heppner Monday on business and visited Gary's great grandparents, the Nels Baileys. Maynard Hamilton is Install ing hot water and a bathroom set In the Harold and Mary Lippert home this week. The family of Stanley Boyers left Friday morning for their va cation at Salem. Mrs Elmo Lewis Is reported to have Improved quite a lot and expects to get out of the John Day hospital this week. Mrs Mae McWillls and Miss Barbara Wheeler went to Pendle ton Tuesday, taking Mrs Frieda Wheeler over. She will stay there for medical aid. Mr and Mrs George Capon and Mrs Delsie Sweek were In Hepp ner on Monday. Dale and Harley Matteson of Heppner and Mr and Mrs Harry W Scott and son Robert Dale, gathered at the Elmer Matteson home Sunday for a birthday din ner in honor of little Robert Dale's third birthday. Mrs Linnie Gilman and Mrs Mary DuBosch are running the Boyer store while the Boyers are gone. lone News Mr and Mrs Walter Corley and daughter, Sherry, spent the weekend in Quincey, Wash where they visited his parents, Mr and Mrs Ralph Coats and other relatives. Sherry remained there for a longer visit. Mrs Sarah Bryant of Portland spent the weekend with her sis ter, Mrs Anna M Ball. Mrs Ball who is the local distributer for Chloromone products, appointed Mrs Bryant as a co-distribltor for the Portland branch. Word has been received that Louis Jackson is seriously 111 at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Rev and Mrs Floyd Bailey at 240 E Main, Welser, Idaho. RECIPE for Utmost Entertain ment: One Zsa Zsa Gabor, CinemaScope and Color added to Outer Space! All this plus a top bracket western in Color! Star Theater, Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. YOU'LL LOVE "GIGI", winner of NINE Academy Awards. Star Theater, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Sunday shows at 4, 6:10, 8:20. your InsnraJJljmW -1 1 1 v i iroHU m t Fire Weather! In this kind of weather Everyone should desire- To do everything possible To avoid even one fire! In case of a fire, call For help at once, Hold 'til someone answers! Don't be a dunce! hr For All Your Insurance Needs C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-9625 Box 611 HEPPNER, OREGON Within a short time we will be moving to our new location one block south And we must clear out our big stock of M-omen's and children's wear. We are just, showing a few of the items that are reduced, and there will be many,many more on sale at real money-saving prices. Hurry to Norah's NOW for exceptional values. PRICES REDUCED AS MUCH AS WOMEN'S COATS 1 TO JL OFF 3 2 WOMEN'S DRESSES SUB-TEEN DRESSES GOWNS AND SLIPS MATERNITY WEAR CHILDREN'S CLOTHING HOUSECOATS UNIFORMS, GLOVES Monument News By MARTHA MATTESON Mr and Mrs W A Sawyer re turned to their home in San Diego, Calif after a two weeks visit at the home of Mr and Mrs , W F Mahrt. George Capon and Mr and Mrs 1 Jack Forrest and children drove to Lexington Saturday on busi ness. Mr and Mrs Henry Martin and Miss Margaret were dinner guests Monday evening at the home of Richard Martin. Gary Allen Martin of Prine ville is visiting this week with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs Ernie Johnson and Mr and Mrs Henry Martin. Mr and Mrs Dick Williams drove to John Day Wednesday for medical aid as Dick was hit with a chain while unloading NYLON HOSIERY NOW 2 PR. $ jpo A diversified, managed Mutual Fund, organized in Canada, with investments in over 73 Canadian corpora tions, seeking possible long term growth of capital through: t,IovetmenU in CO 111 panlee expected to participate ia the de velopment and expun ion of Canadian natural resource, in dustry and commerce. (..Retention and rein vestment of all net earnings. , Lew tax coat. 2f AND MANY OTHER ITEMS REDUCED U awerbttV UMratani WADDEU. & REED, INC fritlpal Undwwrihn "Of flew rrota Comtt to Cot" CONLET LAN HAM BOX 869 HEPPNER THE HEPPNER CLEANERS WILL BE Closed for Vacation July 20 through Aug. 2 To allow our entire crew the opportunity for a vaca tion we will be shut down for a two-week's period. There will be no cleaning done during that time but the office will be open to pick up cleaning daily from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. All cleaning received by Thursday, July 16 will be processed and ready for you by Saturday. July 18. Remember OPEN DAILY FROM 9 TO 1 SO YOU MAY PICK UP YOUR CLEANING WE WILL Reopen Monday. August 3 Hoppnoir Cleanoirs NORAH'S SHOP PHONE 6-9441 J 3C