HER GAZETTE -TIMES. Thursday. June 25. 1959 Jocial Happenings Josephine Thompson, Social Reporter REN SCHOEN-TERRY THOMPSON vRRIED IN REDMOND CHURCH ' iovely June bride was Miss t Jean Schoen, daughter of tnd Mrs Victor Schoen of .ond, who was married to ' Evans Thompson of San :isco 4 o'clock Saturday af on, June 13, at the Commun Tesbyterian church in Red I. 9 groom is the son of Mr and Stephen Thompson of Pen n, former residents of Hep- James K Egly officiated, bride being given in mar- by her father, r bridal gown by Cahill was fhite delustered satin en I with a Chantilly lace yoke, had a shoulder-length veil, ht by a seed pearl pillbox, her bouquet was of yellow t, stephanotis and ivy. ss Terri Quinn was maid of r and Miss Bette Kallas and ; Judith Thompson, the n's sister, were bridesmaids, wore identical frocks, white jssed cotton sheaths, end ed yellow daisies and Shas hrysanthemums. illiam A Schoen, the bride's ler was best man, and ush were Jack Johns and Darrell ;e. The groom's sister, Miss it Thompson, lighted the tap- iskets of yellow snapdragons, te Shasta mums and daisies irated the church. Mrs Fred pstein sang "Because" and e Lord's Prayer," with Mrs n Eberhard as organist, ollowing the ceremony, a ra tion was held at Westminster L Mrs Samuel Toevs cut the e, and Mrs W C Carpenter, I George Carpenter and Mrs tl Schoen, aunts of the bride, ired. Mrs Luke Bibby, an aunt the groom, was in charge of 1 guest book and Miss Frances anson was in charge of gifts, fallowing a wedding trip to the ist, Mr and Mrs Thompson will at home June 23 at 15 Buck ,'ham way, Apartment 104, San mcisco 27. Che bride attended Oregon ite college and the University Oregon school of nursing. The m, who was graduated from egon State in 1958, is an en pi in the navy aboard the USS liner. In addition to the groom's fam other out-of-town guests in jded Lt William i Schoen and n, Scott, Reno, Nevada; Mr and rs W C Carpenter, Los Angeles; r and Mrs L L Smith, Oakridge; Miss Bette Kallas, Hood River; Mrs R A Thompson of Heppner, the groom's grandmother; Mr and Mrs Luke Bibby, Heppner. Mr and Mrs Paul Webb and daughters, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cutsforth, Darrell Blake and James Hayes, all of Heppner; Mr and Mrs Lester Johnson, Spo kane; Mr and Mrs Lew Evans and daughters, Portland; Miss Katie Herburger, Mt Vernon; Jack Johns, Fox. Mr and Mrs Jack Duff, Mrs Elmer Pahls, Mrs Fred Carmich ael, Mrs Beryl Grilley, all of Pendleton and Mr and Mrs Joe Bibby, Grass Valley. Two Parties Given By Three Hostesses Mrs James Driscoll, Mrs Wil liam Collins and Mrs Bruce Lind say were hostesses Monday for two dessert-bridge parties, at the Driscoll home. Guests in the afternoon were Mesdames Earle Gilliam, Wil liam Cox, C E McQuarrie, Dick Wells, Richard Meador, Allen Case, Robert Penland, Floyd Jones, Lowell Gribble, L D Tib bies, Frank Wilkinson, E K Schaffitz, Frank Turner, and Clyde Davis of Condon. High score for the afternoon was held by Mrs Gribble, Mrs Wilkinson was second high and Mrs Case received the traveling prize. In the evening the guests were Mesdames Howard Bryant, Elaine S George, Frank Hamlin, Robert Jones, Rod Murray, Fred Parrish, Ralph Richmond, LaVerne Van Marter, Wallace Wolff, William Labhart, William Heath, William Siewert, Robert Abrams, Ike Coe and Clyde Davis. Mrs Labhart held high score, Mrs Cole was second and the traveling prize was won by Mrs Richmond. Cristela Rodriquez Sets Wedding Date Mr and Mrs Joe Pedraza an nounce the coming marriage of their daughter, cristela Koa riguez, to James Allen Aardap pel, son of William Aardappel of Kin? Salmon." Alaska, and Mrs Dorothy Aardappel, Portland, at the Boardman Community church Saturday, June 27, at 8 p m, with the receDtlon to follow at the grange hall. Friends are invited to attend. V ,' V : i f , ; .V f :: j 1 P V t -.rf At t - ' V fix JM'i,'i Mr and Mrs Clell Rea Honored By Reception On 25th Anniversary Mr and Mrs Cloll Rea were honored on their 25th wedding anniversary with a reception at the home of Mr and Mrs Gary Tullis Sunday from 2:30 to 5:30 p m. Their children, Mr and Mrs Richard Rea, Mr and Mrs Jerald Rea. Mr and Mrs Keith Rea were hosts. The tea table was decorated with a center piece of varigated and red carnations, with a touch of silver and white and silver candles. The white cake w-as decorated with blue and white roses with silver leaves and the words Happy Anniversary and the num erals 25 in blue. Mrs Jerald Rea served the cake; Mrs Walter Roberts, Mrs Victor Rietmann, Mrs Wallace Matthews, Mrs Berl Akers and Katherine Rea, poured; those serving punch were Mrs Keith Rea and Mrs Richard Rea. Others assisting about the rooms were Mrs Tullis, Mrs Darrell Padberg, Mrs Loyd Howton and Mrs Mar ion Palmer. The Reas were presented with a silver money tree and other gifts. The rooms were decorated with spring flower arrangements. Mr and Mrs Rea were married in Vancouver, June 13, 1934 and have always lived in the lone community. They have six sons, Richard, Jerald, Keith, Dallas, Frances and John and one daughter Katherine. They have two grandchildren. mm Hi T II l w- mm - ' ' . : l f I ft 4 Van Marters Host Duplicate Club The Duplicate bridge club met at the home of Mr and Mrs La Verne Van Marter Saturday evening of last week. The guests were Mr and Mrs Conley Lanham, Mr and Mrs Bill Collins, Mr and Mrs L E Dick, Mr and Mrs Gordon Pratt, Mr and Mrs Lowell Gribble, Dr and Mrs Wallace Wolff, Mr and Mrs Clint McQuarrie and Dick Meador. Refreshments were served at the end of the evening. TWENTY-FIFTH Wedding anni versary was celebrated recent ly by Mr and Mrs Clell Rea at the home of Mr and Mrs Gary Tullis. UNITED IN MARRIAGE Saturday, June 13 at the Redmond Com. munity Presbyterian church were Karen Jean Schoen and Terry Evans Thompson, formerly of Heppner. The couple will make their home in San Francisco. (Giles Photo) Sans Souci Rebekahs Placed On Honor Roll YOUR HOME CAN BE I n n p -j Tv?,m. Noble grand, Mrs Gerald Rood, presided at the June 19 meeting of Sans Souci Rebekah lodge no 33, with 24 members and one visitor present. Among those present were 11 past noble grands. Miss Esther Bergstrom and Mrs Merle Kirk concluded reports on Rebekah Assembly at Roseburg. Sans Souci was one of the few lodges placed on the honor roll of the International Association of Rebekah Assemblies. Christine Smith, president of I A R A, pre sented the honor roll certificate to delegates at assembly, who presented it to the noble grand, Mrs Rood. The commission of Mrs Kirk as district deputy president was read, followed by a western skit Mrs Rood read a western poem while Mrs Herb Case, Mrs Don Munkers and Mrs Fred Thomas presented Mrs Kirk a silver belt from the lodge. Mrs W I O'Hara was appointed chairman of good of the tne order; Mrs Floyd Worden chair man of community service, to serve under this years grand of ficers. All members who had birth days in April, May and June were honored with cake and coffee after the meeting. Mrs Don Mun kers, Mrs Roy Quackenbush and Mrs Cete McMurtry were hostess es. The nennv drill was won bv Mrs Rood. The Triple Link club met, following the business meet ing. Familv nieht will be Saturday. June 27 with square dancing to music by the Koy yuacKenousn orchestra. The annual nicnlc will be at Cutsforth's park, July 12, for all Rebekahs and Oddfellows and their families. Anyone in need of transportation is urged to con tact the noble grand or either lodge. Sewing Club Meets At Spaulding Home Mrs Carl Spaulding was hos tess last Wednesday afternoon for the Sewing Club. Guests were Mrs Lowell Grib ble, Mrs C E McQuarrie, Mrs E K Schaffitz, Mrs Raymond Fer guson, Mrs Jack Bedford, Mrs John Pfelffer, Mrs Gene Pierce and Mrs A S Watkins. Family Dinner Party Held Thursday At Van Marter Home A patio dinner party was held last Thursday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs LaVerne Van Marter, In honor of the birthday of Mrs I A Mather, the former Kathleen Mahoney, of Santa Barbara, California. The guests were, Mr and Mrs P W Mahoney and Bob and Shan non, Mr and Mrs A C Ball and Archie Jr, Mr and Mrs ene Hall and sons, Mr and Mrs Herb Ek strom and children and Mr and Mrs Cy Flack and daughters. Later in the evening the fam ily attended the baptism of Mr and Mrs Flack s daughter, Den lece Renee at All Saints' Epis copal church, with the Rev Bruce Spencer officiating. MORE SOCIAL NEWS ON PAGE 4 Mrs Dick Hostess For Thursday Bridge Club Mrs Kemp Dick entertained her bridge club last Thursday even ing at her home. Guests were Mrs Dick Meador, Mrs Don Bennett, Mrs Don Bell enbrock, Mrs Riley Munkers, Mrs Bill Heath, Mrs Ned Sweek, and Mrs Marshall Lovgren. High prize for the evening was won by Mrs Bellenbrock, second high was won by Mrs Sweek ana low was won by Mrs Heath. GREAT SCOTT It's RAN DOLPH again In an excit ing Technicolor and Cinema Scope Western plus THE RESTLESS YEARS with a won derful cast of popular young actors and established veter an performers. Star Theater, Thursday-Friday-Saturday. FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hermlston. Ore. Ph. JO 7-6651 On Hermlston-McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS Renegers Bridge Club Meets At Hall Home The Renegers bridge club was entertained at the home of Mrs Gene Hall Wednesday evening of last week. Guests were Mrs James Nor- ene, Mrs Herb Hamilton, Mrs Rod Murrav. Mrs Cy Flack, Mrs James Farley, Mrs Paul Webb, Mrs La Verne Van Marter and Mrs Alex Thompson. Hieh prize for the evening's cards was won by Mrs Farley, second high by Mrs Norene, and Mrs Murray was low. Refreshments were served at the end of the evening. STANDBY Are At Central Market Fri. & Sat., June 26-27 IIP 5 for $1 Phone Your News Items to 6-9228 For Less Than You Think There is no need to suffer through a hot summer when your home or business can be air cooled o inexpensively. A Curtis air cooler can be installed to cool a complete home S and give you comfort the entire summer. Ask ui today . . E so you can be cool tomorrow I CURTIS AIR COOLING COMPLETE HOUSE AS LOW AS $ 179 oo i mm - i Let Us Quote You On t I LENNOX REFRIGERATED AIR CONDITIONING For Your Home or Business fm Case Furniture Co. BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE Ot. Dc CHET'S MEAT PIES Turkey, Chicken & Beef 3 For 69c Schilling Coffee lb. 65c ORANGE JUICE, Flav-R-Pac 12oz 2 For 79c its fiotlserva wore WATERMELONS (Sliced 6c lb.) pound gc WEDDING INVITATIONS Ai Important at the trouiieau, to Invite frlandi ta your wedding or to announce that you are married. Unsurpassed In quality; velvety raised lettering on StratK mora Expressiva papar at a price that you can affordi M finer paper aver mad. Fresh Peaches 2 lbs. 29c ML Oil n Jim m mfrw inui j vm w W VVMItWIH r Ipful iu$gestions tnd intim&t chttcfiAi Ana vri tutfvumiiK ivuai wivijh - Atvff a ct J7 ht yum, I BING I i t CHERRIES ! lb. 37c 4 MOODY'S PEANUT mmmmmrm Large Beefsteak f U- S. No. 1 Shatter TOMATOES I t POTATOES Lb- 19 I I 10 lbs. 75c BUTTER 3 lb. Jar $1.23 HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES !Central Market & Grocery PHONE 6-9614 HEPPNER 3 i