limilMllim mmmrmi' HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. June 18, 1959 I ! L . ........... BliBfTV Jt) ivjfc. 1 n v, i . .;.,- -,x ......... r ... ..:...:-;''- ' r .o UlULnonir mrs nay yena; oimui oi 1UWM w w w citizenship following naturalization ceremonies last week at Pendleton. She is surrounded ler husband and family, from left, Amanda, Tamara, Patric, being held by his father, Timothy Michael (Photo courtesy East Oregonian) gOCIAL HAPPENIN6S Joaephin Thompson, Social R porter IIII1IHIIIIII IIIIHHHUt Boardman Man Wed Sunday at Prossor By MART LEE MARLOW Miss Marilvn Ann Miller, daughter of Mr and Mrs Gott lieb Miller of Prosser, wasn, De came the bride of Wayne King of Pendleton, son of Mr and Mrs George King of Boardman, In a double ring ceremony at the cen tral Christlon church In Prosser June 7. The candlelight service was performed by the Rev Wen dell P Small, pastor of the church. Rev Small was vocalist, ac companied by Mrs Harold Kam merzell of Portland, who also played the wedding marches. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of white lac"e and tulle over satin, with chapel train, a wrist-length veil caught with a tiara of pearls Lexington Group Entertain Thursday At Elks Ladies Night Ladies Night was held Thurs- dav night of last week at the Elks lodge with the Lexington women in charge of the even ing. In pinochle high prize for the evening was won by Mrs La Verne Keithley with Mrs LeRoy Gardner winning second high. High prize for bridge was won by Mrs Frank Hamlin and sec ond high was won by Mrs Mar shall Lovgren. The door prize was won by Mrs Ronald Leonnlg. Chairman for the evening was Mrs Bill Van Winkle, and her committee was Mrs Gar Leyva, Mrs Don Hatfield, Mrs Ike Cole, Mrs Elwynne Peck, Mrs Forrest veil laugJii " " ........ r , j ...... wiT.jniiv. . v.w and orange blooms, and carried Thornberg, and Mrs Eldon Pad I Souci Rebekahs bint Committees Soucl Rebekah lodge No d its regular meeting Frl line 5 with vice grand, Mrs McLachlan presiding, mittees for the fiscal year tinounced as publicity, Mrs Daniels, chairman, Mrs Kirk, assisting; good of rder, Mrs Floyd Worden; lal press, Mrs Clarence in. Kirk, district deputy pres gave a report on the sec s meeting at Rebekah As t in Roseburg. next meeting on June 19 the quarterly birthday program of Ruth E Vose, nt of Rebekah Assembly !gon, was read. fsses for the meeting were iy McDowell and Mrs Ruf ter. Miss Esther Bergstrom )e penny drill, illy night will be Satur June 27. There will be i dancing, with Roy Quack- playing. Pinochle Club Meets At Mankin Home Mrs Fred Mankin was hostess to her pinochle club Friday after noon at her home. Guests were Mrs Earl Evans, Mrs Henry Happold, Mrs A S Watkins, Mrs Max Harris, Mrs Orin Wright, Mrs Ben Anderson, Mrs Max Buschke, and Mrs Wal ter Becket. High prize for the afternoon was won bv Mrs Watkins, low by Mrs Evans and pinochle was won by Mrs Wright ana wirs Buschke. Dessert was served. Wedding Date Set For Friday, June 26 Fridav. June 26 Is the date that has been set for the wed ding of Miss Vonda Dugan or Hermiston to Mr Guy Hastings of Heppner. The ceremony will take place at 8:00 p m at the Heppner Meth odist church and all friends and relatives are Invited. mm Opening SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 20 'HEWfigon Wheel j (FORMERLY O'DONNELL'S CAFE) h ..... a '. i" Past Noble Grands Entertain Friday With Luncheon The past noble grands of Sans Soucl Rebekah lodge no 33, en tertained with a luncheon Fri day afternoon, June 12 at the IOOF hall. Out of town guests were Ella Ross, Gladys Brown, Sadie Moore, Gladys Scheer, Ethel Mills, Rova Bomboy, Estella S Enbysk, Win ifred Struve, Thelma Shelton, Esther Young, Lenora Perry, Ha zel Wainscott and Loris Perkins of Pauline lodge no 13, Pendle ton;. Lilian Smith, Orell Lewis and Vera Young, Sunbeam lodge no 180, Hermiston; Ethel Swisher, Myrtle lodge no 79, Richland, Oregon; Edith Walker, Anna Barnett, valtle lodge no 224, Stanfield. Several of the guests were In Centennial dress and their pic tures were taken by Mrs Gerald Rood. Entertainment followed the luncheon with prizes being a- warded. Mrs Rood, noble erand of Sans Souci lodtre. eave an Interesting account of her visit to the IOOF home in Portland. Mrs Letha Archer told of re ceiving a letter from her son and wife, Mr and Mrs Austin bmitn. Mrs Smith is teaching in Eng land and they had been extended an invitation from the yueen Mother to a garden party at the nalace. The Smiths will return to their home in Portland at the end of the school year in England. Officers of the past noble grand club are Miss Esther Berg strom, president; Mrs Mabel Chaffee, vice president; Mrs De- Lorls McDoweii.secretary-treas-urer. Mrs Elsie Avers had charge of the kitchen arrangements and Misses Shirley and Rose Marie Nash and Jacklyn Brown assls ted with the serving. a white Bible wun orcnia cor sage. Mrs Richard Miller, Pocatello, Idaho, sister-in-law of the bride, was a matron of honor, and wore a hallerina leneth dress of or chid nylon organza with match ing mitts. Her hat and liowers were in orchid. Miss Sharon Ferguson, La Grande, Miss Roberta Beck and Miss Mary Ann Wilson of Pros ser, as bridesmaids were identi cally gowned. Karen Ann Miller, Pocatella, niece of the bride, was flower girl and wore a white nylon dress. Terry King, Rufus, nephew of the groom, was ring bearer. Walter Hutchinson, La Grande, was best man, and Dean King of Boardman, brother of the groom, and Richard Miller, Pros sec,, brother of the bride, were ushers. Candleli g h t e r s were Keith and Kenneth Miller, twin brothers of the bride. Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the church social room. Assisting were Mrs John Kniss and Mrs Jake Ault, Portland, Miss Gladys Miller, Dodson, Mont, Mrs Jerry Heiser, Portland, Mrs James Gugin, Pen dleton, and Mrs John Suhadol nik, Prosser. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs Miller wore a blue lace dress, with blue hat and white accessories. The brideg room's mother wore a medium blue lace dress with white hat and access ories. Both wore corsages of white carnations. The bride, graduate of Prosser high school, was graduated from the Yakima Business College. The bridegroom is a graduate of La Grande high school. Aftpr a wedding triD to Calif ornia points the couple are liv ing in Pendleton, where the groom is in the logging business. Carolvn Baker. Boardman, ac companied the Kings to Prosser for the wedding. bevi Bobbette Jones Has Fourth Birthday Bobbette Jones celebrated her fourth birthday with a garden party June 6, Saturday after noon at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Robert Jones. Games were played and the guests who enjoyed birthday cake, ice cream and punch with Bobbette were Marie Van Marter, Shelley and Kelly Wolff, Terry Mallon, Greg Green, Allen Jor dan, iKathy Prussing, Shanny Farley, Judy Pratt, Libby Ab rams, Kathy McClure, Dave Eck man and Doug Gunderson. Garden Party Enjoyed At Thompson Home A morning garden party was given by Mrs Ralph Thompson at her home Thursday. Her guests were Mrs James Norene, Mrs Harry Bongers, Mrs LaVerne Van Marter, Mrs Gene Hall, Mrs Bruce Spencer, Mrs James Farley, Mrs Ruth Cleve land, and Mrs Alex Thompson. Dinner Party Given For Tom Wilsons Mr and Mrs LaVerne Van Mar ter entertained with a dinner party In honor of Mr and Mrs Tom Wilson last Tuesday even ing at their home. Their other guests were Dr and Mrs Wallace Wolff and Mr and Mrs Alex Thompson. Recorded music was enjoyed before and after dinner. TV's Range Rider blasts the screen with relentless action in an impressive western plus Jules Verne's FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON - a whale of a double bill! Star Theater, Thursday Friday Saturday. Barbara Barkhorn To Wed Dick Kononen Invitations have been receiv ed In Heppner for the wedding of Barbara Barkhorn, daugnter of Mr and Mrs George Barkhorn of Stockton. California, and Dick Kononen, son of Mrs Clarence Cox. The wedding will be Fri day. June 19. at 7:30 p m at the Unitarian church in Stockton. Surprise Party Fetes Shirley Van Winkle Last Saturday evening Shirley Van Winkle was surprised with a birthday party honoring her sixteenth birthday at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Jack Van Winkle. The guests were Fern Albert, Mike Healy, Marlene Griffith, Mike Gray, Mary Slocum, Rodney Flug, Shirley Gaines, Ronnie Gray, Julie Pfeiffer, Stewart Gribble, Effie Lane, David Cres wick, Elaine Laird, Tom Howell, Kit George, Neal Penland, and Doris Morris. Refreshments and dancing were enjoyed throughout the ev ening. Blakneys Entertain At Farewell Dinner Mr and Mrs Philip Blakney entertained with a farewell din ner party at their home for Mr and Mrs Tom Wilson on Wed nesday evening. Their guests were Dr and Mrs L D Tibbies, Mr and Mrs Harry Bongers, Mr and Mrs John Wil liams. Mr and Mrs Paul Koenig, and Mr and Mrs Wilson. After dinner Scotch bridge was nlnved and the couole winning high prize for the evening was Mr and Mrs Koenig, with Mr and Mrs Bongers winning low. Dinner Party Held At Bill Turner Home Mr and Mrs Bill Turner enter tained Saturday evening with a dinner party at their home. Thpir euests were. Mr and Mrs Jerry Daggett, Mr and Mrs Bill Sowell. and Mr and Mrs ram Koenig. FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hermiston, Ore. Ph. JO 7-GS51 On Hermlston-McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS THE HANGING TREE introduces the new teenage sensation BEN PIAZZA and MARTY ROB BINS sings the title song. Star Theater, Sunday-Monday-Tues day. MATURING Live Music Friday & Saturday BY THE LE0NNI6 FAMILY VISIT OUR REMODELED LOUNGE & RESTAURANT I FINE FOOD EYERY DAY I STEAK DINNERS I wned and operated by !mR. & MRS. RONALD LEONNIG iraan 1 SPECIALS FOB FRIDAY S SATURDAY. JUNE 19. 20 FROZEN i FRENCH FRIES I HASH BROWNS !l PEAS & CARROTS f. or fo 0 Mrs Lora Mover has recently WflUrrCI DKUVWLI returned from a three months - vacation spent visiting in Cllf- nrn a. Arizona. Missouri, Denver is niTNCAN HTNES and in SDokane ehe visited ner s son and daughter-in-law, Mr and S Mrs Ellis Moyer. 3 for 3D rrrl YOU! U dependent Insurance JJ AGENT ny tow yritt UIVI More Study! Had another Insurance session at the state University; Studying all about Bonds, and about Robbery and Burg lary! Much experience on those lines we really had not got, So, in last week's Seminar we surely learned a lot! No matter what Insurance, or Bond is decreed, Remember we are prepared to fulfill vour need! ' hi For All Your Insurance Needs C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY i J H'w V er DUNCAN HINES 51 Frozen Peas 3 pkgs. 49c CARNATION COTTAGE CHEESE PINT 2$c WHITE STAR CHUNK TUNA FAMILY PACK CAN 39c Minute Maid 6 oz. (12 ox. cans 2 for 39c) MARCEU! COSMETICS. . to glv your ikin thot wnooth, f)awte ojamour. The puntt and fh flni eowMtlc yog eon buy btau ingredient known to caut Irritation or aUcrglc reaction are eliminated. So Safe . for Sen$ilive Skint Widely pre tcribed by phyidani. The firil eoimerei to be ACCEPTED by the Commit, tee on Cotmefici of the Amtrkan MedeoJ Auocio Hon. HUMPHREYS REXALL DRUG We Give S4H Green Stamps LEMONADE 9 for I Kraft Mayonnaise (E3t59cj 4 ears 25 FARM FRESH! 1 Cantaloupes . 2 for 39c 1 Lettuce ... 2 heads 15c Carrots . 1 lb. pkgs. c l 2 pkgs. 15c Peaches lb. 19c 1 Central Market & Grocery 3 S Heppner Phone 6-9614 HEPPNER. OREGON L Phone 6-9625 Box 611