4 HEPPNEB GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. June 11, 1959 Heppner Gar. Health Nurse 10.25 COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS For May, 1959 County Court mot in regular session on May 6, 1959. The min utes of the April term were read and approved. The resignation of Bruce Lind say, County Clerk was accepted by the Court, and Sadie Parrish was appointed to succeed him, effective June 1st. Mary E. Bry ant was appointed Deputy Clerk, as of June 1st. The Budget Committee met on May 18th to draw up the County Budget for the fiscal year, 1959 GO. Twenty-one votes were cast In favor of the formation of a Rur al Fire Protection District and 0 votes against. Districts 39 and 8j were dis solved as joint districts and are now a part of Morrow County. Districts 5J, 45j, 40j, and 28 j, Gilliam County, were dissolved as Joint districts and are now a part of various Gilliam County districts. The following warrants were Issued on the General Fund: Sadie Parrish, Deputy ....$259.00 Elvira Irby, Deputy 228.70 Lillian Sweek, Deputy 188.25 Union Oil Co., Health Nurse 4.15 Rod Thomson, Deputy 281.05 Ford's Tire' Service, Health Velma Glass, Health Nurse 342.44 Nurse 78.61 Alma Green, office Clk 75.80 Pendleton, Heppner Freight, Darl Hudson, Janitor 291.05 j No nNelson, "civn" Def'. 3W A. D. McMurdo, phys. 24.37 iDppt. of Finance & Adm., Josephine Ranas, office Clk 47.55 1 Civil Defense 93.10 Herbert W. White, Jr 91.00 Mahoney and Abrams, Dist. Standard Oil Co., Nurse I AttV 56-00 and Sheriff 73.32 wanuney anu Aorams, uisi. The Texas Co., Sheriff 20.71 Phil's Pharmacy, Sheriff's Incidentals 2.90 Mid-Columbia Typewriter Co., Sheriff's Incid 14.75 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriffs Incid 9.90 Fulleton Chev. Co., Sheriff 68.78 Kilham Stat & Prtg., Clk .... 7.48 Roscoe N. Allen, Clk 6.16 Oregon Assoc. of Co., Assessor 25.00 Harry Dinges, Assessor's Field Wk 152.72 Humphreys Drug Co., Assessor 60 Kilham Stationery & prtg. Co., Treas 3.97 J. O. Turner, Circuit Ct 15.00 Eastern Oregon Tel. Col, Justice Ct 17.70 Bert Wade, Justice Ct 35.00 R. B. Rands, Office Rent .... 25.00 Velma Glass, Health Nurse 27.50 Bruce Motors, Inc., Health Nurse 3.00 A. D. McMurdo, Health Nurse 278.00 1 THE Wagon Whee (Formerly O'Donnell's Cdfe) WILL BE Closed June 16-17 FOR REPAIRS idMMHk iriHit IHHk jn ' tf '& i i , , 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii t ..:-'...-.jS-:.v..:.. DON'T LET GRAB YOUR CASH Hail or other damage may wipe out your crops , . , but weather can't cost you money whon you have ade quate insurance. MAIL IT COSTS NO MORE To Buy Your Hall Insurance Nowl Turner, Van Martcr fir Bryant INSURANCE AGENCY 183 N. Main Phone 6-9652 Atty 14.16 Northwest Hosp. Serv. Sal. 44.45 Public Emp. Ret. Bd, Sal. 403.40 State Indust. Accid. Comm, Salaries 15.87 First Nat. Bk of Ore., Sal 524.15 Pacific Tel., Current Expense 84.70 Sadie Parrish, Registrar .... 16.00 Lowell Gribble, Coroner 3.00 Marion Green, Coroner 3.00 Cornett Green, Coroner 3.00 Jack Bedford, Coroner 3.00 Paul Koenig, Coroner 3.00 Turner, Van Marter & Bryant, Bonds 25.00 E. E. Peck, Insurance 124.00 Heppner Gazette Times, Official Publ 5b.l5 Heppner Red and White, Jail Expense 42.20 John A. Pfeiffer, Jail and Courthouse 3.36 Pioneer Memorial Hosp. Clhse. Incid 7.54 Gilliam & Bisbee Hdwr. Cthse 19-32 Valley Forge Flag Co., Cthse 35.58 Court Street Mkt,. Jail expense 34.48 Pac. Power & Light, Power and Light 85.89 City of Heppner, Water Dept. Cthse 7.59 Jack's Chevron Station, Cthse 1.00 Inland Chemical Serv., Cthse 9.00 Swender Blue Print Co., Cthse 10.37 Oregon State Bureau of Labor, Cthse ..: 8.00 Kerr Elec. Co., Cthse Rep. 30.25 Herman Green, Cthse 3.00 J. H. Angell, Cthse Repairs 76.96 The following warrants were Issued on the General Road Fund: Charles Bailey 284.39 William Andy Hayes 288.84 Ray Bailey 304.04 Glenn Irby '345.57 Donald Munkers 383.75 Harold Wilson 357.21 Calvin Yackley, 360.55 Jerry Rood .'. 333.57 Donald Ball 345.57 Thomas Wells 333.57 Laurel Wilson 370.27 Harold Sherer 402.05 W. C. Heath 357.47 Dick Borman 333.57 Lewis Ball 347.47 George' Jrvin 3G9.17 Harry Munkers 44.77 Northwest Hosp. Serv 14.45 Pub. Emp. Ret. Board 162.51 State Indust. Acc. Comm.. 217.66 First Nat. Bk of Oregon .... 637.20 Pacific Telephone 10.15 Gilliam & Bisbee Hardware 19.11 Pacific Power & Light 13.36 City of Heppner, Water Dept 4.55 Union Oil Co 366.38 Shell Oil Co 931.95 Standard Oil Co 39.00 A. W. Davis Supply Co. 2,563.90 John A. Pfeiffer 20.00 C. A. Rugglos Ins. Co 7.21 Tom Walker 79.78 Loggers and Cont. Macff Co. 39.28 Heppner Hdwe. & Elec. Co 1.70 Cornett Green Feed 2.66 Turner, Van Marter & Bryant 15.00 Independent Garage 1.65 lone Chevron Station 3.00 Heppner Auto Parts 126.46 Pendleton -Heppner Freight Line 2.31 Lexington Implement Co. 115.87 Northwest Ind. Ldry 7.00 Umatilla Elect. Co-op 1.00 Harold Sherer 34.87 Farley Motor Co 9.05 English & Co 366.85 Bruce Motors 25.72 Boardman Garden Club Installs Mrs Coats President By MART LEE MARLOW Mrs Claud Coats was Installed president of the Boardman Gar den Club Monday night at the annual "Sandflower Sister" party held at the home of Mrs Nate Macomber. Mrs Macomber was Installing officer. Mrs Florence Root is vice-president; Mrs Lou ise Earwood, treasurer; and Mrs Earl Brlggs, secretary. There were 19 members pres ent and Mrs Don Downey was a guest Mrs Arnold Hoffman was accepted as a new member. All club members were In Centen nial dress. Each new officer and Mrs Russell Miller, retiring pres ident, and Mrs Arthur Allen, re tiring vice-president, were pres ent with corsages. Roll, call was answered by guessing who each Sandflower sister was. Names were revealed with gift exchange, and names drawn for next year. The club voted to assist with expenses of the convention of the Oregon State Federation of Garden Clubs to be held at Lew is and Clark College in Portland June 16-18. Local members going to the convention are Mrs Flor ence Root, Mrs Earl Briggs and Mrs Glen Carpenter. Co-hostesses for the party were Mrs Charles Anderegg and Mrs Nathan Thorpe. Hostesses for the next meeting of the club July 20 will be Mrs Guy Ferguson and Mrs Walter Wyss. It will be held at the Wyss home. Howell Service 255.00 Paul Pettyjohn 95.64 Empire Mach. Co 250.57 Snyder's Tire Service H-73 Oil Filter Serv. Co. 40.47 State Highway Dept 153.00 The following warrants were issued on the Miscellaneous Fund: Ralph Marlatt, Weed Cont. 276.41 First Nat. Bk of Ore., Weed Control 52.60 State Indust. Accid. Comm.. Weed Control 8.73 Public Emp. Ret. Board 8.75 Gilliam & Bisbee Hdwe. Weed Control 5.98 A. W. Davis Supply Co 24.45 Empire Mach. -Co., Weed Control 9.40 Heppner Auto Parts, Weed Control - 13.42 Lexington Oil Co-op, Weed Control . .. 5.00 Stephen Thompson, Dog Fund 140.00 James W. Norene, Dog Fund 4.00 USB GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Grain Warehouses Required to Insure Deposits on July 1 Effective July 1, all grain warehouses licensed by the state department of agriculture must fully insure the market value of grower grain deposits. The insur ance must be against loss by fire, lightning, inherent explosion, windstorm, cyclone or tornado. The only exception, and it applies to individual deposits, is grain for which the depositor waives the insurance require ment. Any person who does not wish his grain insured by the warehouse must notify the ware house operator in writing to that effect. This is a new provision in the 1959 amendments to the Oregon public crain warehouse act. Evi dence of insurance coverage must be approved by and filed with the department at the time the annual license is renewed on July 1. The insurance require ment is in addition to bonding feature which has been in effect for some time. If a warehouse license has ex pired or been revoked or if the full amount of bond has not been filed and approved and no Insur ance received, the 1959 act stip ulates that the warehouse must post this sign: "This is not a Licensed or Bonded Grain Ware house." The sign is to remain in place for at least a year. Another change effective July 1 gives the department the right to inspect any unlicensed ware house to determine it it should be licensed. A second 1959 act relating to grain modernized the Oregon law on storage or grain as a basis of farm credit. Information about both 1959 laws may be obtained from the state department of agriculture's division of grain inspection, 606 S E Ninth Avenue, Portland. J E Wallin Is warehouse supervisor in charge of enforcement of the warehouse laws. LEXINGTON , Mr and Mrs Newt O'Harra had the following weekend guests, Mr and Mrs Edwin Walker of Roseburg and Mr and Mrs Ro bert Wheeler and children of Moses Lake, Wash. Mr Wheeler is a nephew of Mrs O'Harra. Mrs Huldah Mortimore of Ellensburg, Wash and Mrs Jack Queener of Hermiston visited Mrs Bertha Hunt one day last week. Get more out of life, see KATHY O' based on a Sat. Eve. Post story it's fun! Also GUN RUNNERS, good action story with popular Audie Murphie. Star Theater, Thursday-Friday-Saturday. GET MORE' PROFIT FROM YOUR WHEAT ACRES APPLY YIELD - INCREASING PHILLIPS 66 Agricultural Ammonia Order Your Supply Today! SOIL TESTING SERVICE E KST ROM FARM CHEMICALS HOME OWNED AND OPERATED PHONE 8-7289 IONE. OREGON Dobyns - Hart PestfControl RODENT AND INSECT CONTROL Spraying -:- Fogging (All kinds - including termites) We have the equipment and know how to do a first-class Job and can offer prompt and efficient service at reasonable prices. All Work Guaranteed - Immediate Service Harold Dobyns, lone Phone: 8-7180 John Jepsen, lone Bob Hart Phone: 8-7244 3045 SW Kirk, Pendleton Phone: CR 6-2125 , llli!l!l!lllllllllll!llllll!illi!llllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIII!ll!ll!l!!lllllll!ll!IIIH 1 g SUrVTVY I BROOK Sm ff MAM fe iSsSS AVORITE OF THE OLD WEST' TODAY'S GREAT WHISKEY $3.00 PIN $4.60 45 THE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE. KY., DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CO. W PROOF . 65X GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS Independent experts and official facts and figures prove Chevrolet's ahead of its field in seven big ways. BEST BRAKES ... In direct com petitive tests of repeated stops from highway speeds, conducted by NAS CAR, Chevy out-stopped both the other leading low-priced cars and why not: Chevy brakes are far larger, built with bonded linings for up to 66 longer life. BEST TRADE-IN . . . Check the figures in any N.A.D.A.f Guide Book. You'll find that Chevy used car prices last year averaged up to $128 higher than comparable models of the "other two." BEST STYLE . . . Popular Science magazine sums it 'National Auociation lor Stotk Car Advanmment and Rettarck up: "The fact is, in its price class the Chevy establishes a new high in daring styling . . ." It's the only car of the leading low-priced three that's un mistakably modern in every line BEST ECONOMY ... No doubt about this: two Chevrolet Sixes won their class in the famous Mobilgas Economy Run, got the best mileage of any full-size car. BEST ROOM . . . Official dimensions reported to A.M A.t make this clear. For example, Chevy front seat hip room is up to 5.9 inches wider than comparable cars. BEST ISational AutomobUt Dmitri Auoeiatio ENGINE . . . Every motor magazine has given Chevy's standard and Corvette V88 unstinted praise. As Sports Cars Illustrated puts it: "Indeed, this device is surely the most wonder fully responsive engine available today at any price." BEST RIDE . . . ou'U be able to tell this yourself, instantly. But Motor Trend mag azine expresses it this way: ". . . the smoothest, most swwpwj quiet, softest rid ing car in its price class." WCUEVROIKT A !! authorized Chevrolet dealer f LET0N CS?LET COMPANY r HONE 6-9921 HEPPXEB. OREGON