HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, June 11, 1959 3 Reception Honors Vernon Munkers' 25th Anniversary By DELPKA JONES Mr and Mrs Vernon Munkers were honored with a reception at the Christian church parlors in Lexington on May 31st The rooms were beautifully decora ted with pink carnations, peonies and chrysanthemums. The four tiered cake was made and dec orated by the daughter, Mrs Low ell Harris of Forest Grove. This was topped with the traditional wedding bells made of white with a whisper of pink in the centers. Mrs Harris also receiv ed with Mr and Mrs Munkers. The tea table arrangements were made of pink roses and carna tions placed In a silver crown holding white tapers. Pouring and serving during the afternoon was Mrs Frank Mun kers, and Mrs Leonard Munkers of Lexington; Mrs Omar Lutt rell of Hermiston; Miss Edna Luttrell, Los Angeles; Mrs C L Vanderwood, Libby, Montana; Mrs Ray Earwood of Mesa, Ari zona; and Mrs Archie Munkers of Heppner. In charge of the guest book were Miss Theresa Munkers, and Miss Linda Ear wood of Mesa, Arizona; Mrs Ken neth Smouse, Mrs Lowell Harris, and Leonard Munkers and Mrs C C Carmichael furnished mus ic during the afternoon hours from 2:30 to 5 p m. The hostesses for the after noon were Mrs Earl Evans, Mrs Walter Ruggles, Mrs Kenneth Peck, and Mrs Andrew Bald win. Mr and Mrs Munkers re ceived many beautiful and use ful gifts during the afternoon in cluding a silver money tree. Those coming from a distance for the occasion were Mr and Mrs T W Alley, The Dalles; Mrs E M Alley, The Dalles; Mr and Mrs Paul Alley, Moro; Mr and Mrs and Mrs Burl Coxen, Salem; Mr and Mrs C D Conrad and daugh ter Marda Kay of Salem; Mrs Maude Pointer, Corvallls; Mr and Mrs S A Kari, Pendleton; Mr and Mrs Harold Beach, Hermis ton; Mrs Alfred Nelson Sr, Oak Grove; Mr and Mrs Earl Mc Klnney and son Alan, of Her miston; and Miss Clara Miller of Salem. Mrs New't O'Harra entertain- Livestock Market Cattle Hogs Sheep SALE EVERY TUESDAY 13 Moon On U. S. Hiway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-6655 Hermiston. Oregon Frank Wink & Sons. Owneri Don Wink Mgr. Res. Hermiston JO 7-3111 ed the parents and friends of her piano students with a recital at her ranch home last week. Those taking part were Theresa and Christine Munkers, Sheila Luc iani, Kirstin Nelson, Karen Dar- nielle, John and Jack Hatfield, Chris and Mark Brown, Arietta McCabe, Marilyn Morgan, Linda Halvorsen. Refreshments were served by the mothers. There were 5 pupils unable to attend. Karen Darnielle daughter of Mr and Mrs Roy Darnielle Is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Newt O'Harra. Karen lives in The Dalles. Mr and Mrs Paul Nichols and Mr and Mrs Cletus Nichols of Portland were visitors with their mother, Mrs Ina Nichols on Sun day. Mr and Mrs Fred Allyn from Anderson, California and Mr and Mrs Wilbur Powell from Pen dleton were callers at the home of Mrs Cora Allyn and sons last week. Mr and Mrs Bill Parsons were Portland visitors this week. Gary Miller of La Grande is visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs C C Jones. Mr and Mrs Eugene Sawyer and children were visitors at the W E McMillan home over the weekend. Pearl Lee Sawyer remained .for a visit with her grandparents. Frank Munkers is a patient in Pioneer Memorial hospital recup erating from an emergency ap pendectomy on Monday. The Tops club met at the city hal! on Monday night with the cnairman, Millie Faircloth pre siding. The queen for the week was Mrs LaVerne Henderson. For entertainment the group Isang songs. Let's remember the 'Tops" meets every Monday night. Let's not forget the ordination of Don Campbell at the church on Sunday at 2:30. A reception will follow immediately. Let's remember the "Straw berry Festival" and dance at the IOOF hall on Saturday, June 20. This is the Rebekah and Odd fellow's Centennial celebration. The evening will start with a potluck dinner, for all and a pro gram and dance to follow. The dance is to be a donation affair for expenses. At eleven p m, there will be a strawberry supper served. Sunday school will start at the same time 10 a m each Sunday this month during the absence of a minister. E E Peck motored to Port land last week where he met his wife and daughter, Joyce who were returning from Stayton where Joyce had been a patient in the hospital. Mr and Mrs Gar Leyva re turned with their son Hugo from St Louis"last week where Hugo has been attending scnooi. Mr and Mrs Roy Campbell, Mr and Mrs M V Nolan, Mr and Mrs Carl Marquardt and Mr and Mrs Franklin Miles are spending some time this week in Eugene where they are attending the graduation exercises of Phyliss Nolan and Don Campbell from N C C. Mr and Mrs R S Burgett and family of Peteras, Wash and Mr and Mrs C R Burgett and Mrs s I. Cardlner of Pendleton and Mr and Mrs Roy Martin were Sat nite dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Don Hatfield. Mr And Mrs Don Hatfield are attending buyers week In Portland. The Stockholders, Directors And Management OF THE lone News Mrs Monetta Aldrich attended the weddine of Donna Louise Forrey, daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Forrey of Staniield to Les lie E Aldrich, son of Mrs Edward L Aldrich of Renton, Wash, at the L D S church in Hermiston May 30. It was an Informal wedding- and the theme was pink and white. Her sister was her only attendant and Melvln Lind- oulst was his brother-in-law's best man. A reception followed the ceremony. Mrs Monetta Ala rich made the three tiered square wedding cake which was decor ated with pink roses, crystal bells and a full wedding party. The eroom was a former resi dent of lone. The couple will make their home in Renton, Wash where he is employed in Boeing Aircraft. Weekend visitors at the Victor Rietmann home were Mr and Mrs D J Conway of San Francisco. Mrs Conwav is the former, Jos- Mr and Mrs Walter Bergstromi of Oakland, California spent last week with his parents, Mr and Mrs Carl Bergstrom. Dickie Ely of Portland is vis iting his grandparents, Mr and Mrs Franklin Ely. AdolDh Merrick is at Rock Creek helping relatives put up hay. Mrs Robert Crowell went to Portland last week to visit Mr Crowell at the Veteran's hos pital. He will undergo surgery this week. She was accompanied by Mrs Al Winkleman of Lexington. TAKE PLEASURE IN nvitirig You TO THE OP Ml Ml IN OF THEIR YUL BRYNNER, DEBORAH S KERR. JASON ROBARDS JR,; in an adventure in suspense! i THE JOURNEY, filmed in's Vienna in Technicolor. Excel-1 5 lent drama. Star Theater, Sun day-Monday -Tuesday. FOR OREGON'S SHOW OF THE CENTURY Yovr CENTENNIAL iXPOtlTIONl ADVENTURELAND INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR Gayway International Garden of Tomorrow ATOMIC ENERGY EXHIBIT NATIVE WILDLIFE CAMEO HOME OF IDEAS WATER WONDERS On Main Stagel EXPOSITION ARENA the ICE-CAPADES World-famed Skating Speef ocfe JUNE 11-24 Matlnooi: 1:30 p.m. Mdayt nd Saturday! 1 :30 p.m. Sundays Evonlngi: 8:15 p.m. Monday thru Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday! rlcou Malin..i, $2.50 and $1.00 Eyoningi, $3.30, $JJ0, $1.50. Country America (Evorly fofhon, ftrlln Huiky, Homar Jothro) June 26-July 5 Roy Rogers Show July 10-U e Harry Belafonte July 23-25 e Art Linkletter's House Party July 26-30 e Water Follies August 1-14 e Takarazuka Ballet Augui! 24-29 The Oregon Story (Can of 700, auiic by MorodlHi Wiltaon) September 3-17 1 i 1 New Dmie Branch I k A- : V.. , v. ' 4 1 1 cozpr nn;: i : I I I I I : !i I II II I i I II i ' yt i A f I fill I' I ' ' , f l-r-r C mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn m'MlmmnmiMi,immi i iinmium minnniiMnnminiiii mmMmmM&&&Mwtomnmm&m'-i& forest PRODUCTS PAVILION . r r . i.t ai.i. Ill I W ImmJwbv. rtlaBld m Tel centennial ifmiw w " I PLEASE SEND MEi ACRES OF THRILLING ATTRACTIONS! 1 lOO DAYa OF FUN! I (! (Chack) (Monty Oraor) lor $ I I I l.i SM fw "1CI CAPADU" O II N lmm OK fef "tCI CAPADU" . . - 11 .!mi hiw lwW . " . 9 1 10.90 yi.K itw . m mm ""-"J " ' w . ru..l aJkIuIm "KI CM AMI" II.M .far aboro Hcitti RESERVE YOUR TICKETS NOWI I I Dot dwirod for "ICC CAfADES" Titkott - Chodi omi tYonlnt Malinto (f rWoy, Jotwdoy. Suoday aaly). Saturday, June 13 FROM 2 TO 5 P. M. - GIFTS FAVORS - REFRESHMENTS BEGINNING MONDAY, JUNE 15 Regular Banking Hours Monday Through Friday 9 To 1 Saturday . . . 9 To 12 All Banking Facilities HANK OF D pastern Oregon Your Friendly, Home-Owned Bank ARLINGTON HEPPNER I0NE Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation s E r' 5 s i 3 i mm a B E 3 s B 5 3 3 s B 3 s 5 E B 3 r