Mrs Hermann President of lone Legion B7 ECHO PALMATEER Mrs G Hermann was elected president of the lone unit of the American Legion auxiliary at a meeting Tuesday afternoon, June 2. Other officers elected were, Mrs Charles Doherty, 1st vice president; Mrs Vester Hams, 2nd vice president; Mrs Cecil Thome, secretary-treasurer. Appo 1 n t e d officers were Mrs Gladys Drake, chaplain; Mrs Robert DeSpain, sergeant-at-arms and Mrs Echo Palmateer, historian. Installation will be held In the fall. At the meeting conducted by Mrs C E Brenner, president, It was reported that 430 poppies were sold out of the 500. A win dow was decorated in Swanson's store with a poppy doll, a flag and poppies. Mrs Hermann and Mrs Thome was elected as dele gates to go to state convention at Salem in July. Alternates were Mrs Brenner and Mrs David Mc Leod. Refreshments were served after the meeting by Mrs Bren ner. A stork 6hower was given in honor of Mrs Pete Cannon at the home of Mrs Walter Jacobs Wed nesday evening, June 3 with Mrs David McLeod as co-hostess. Others present were Mrs Robert Jepsen, Mrs Gene Hall, Mrs Ted Palmateer, Mrs Ray Boyce, Mrs Delmer Crawford, Mrs Robert De Spain, Mrs Ernest McCabe, and Mrs Charles Hudson. Bridge and pinochle were played. Those re ceiving prizes in bridge were Mrs Boyce, high and Mrs Crawford, 2nd high. In pinochle, Mrs Palm ateer, high. Dates to Remember!- June 12 Topic club meeting at the home of Mrs Victor Riet mann at 2:15 P M. Members are to bring books to the book shower for the public library. June 15-19 Daily Vacation Bible school at the Baptist church, 9:30 to 2:30. Children 4 years old through the Junior class es may attend. Children are to bring sack lunches at noon. Anyone is welcome to attend. June 17 Arnica club meeting at the home of Mrs Earl Mc Cabe in the afternoon. June 19 H E C of Willows Grange at the Marion Palm er cabin in the mountains with potluck dinner at noon. June 19, 20 and 21 Morgan fam ily reunion at Cannon Beach. All relatives and friends wel come. Long Distance Nation-Wide Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phone CR 6-3111 Farmers- HARVEST IS JUST 30 DAYS AWAY Get Your Truck And Pickup Tires Ready Now! CROP NOTES A Low As 700x15 Hiway Full $15.38 700x16 Hiway Full $16.39 750x20 Hiway Rib $19.14 825x20 Hiway Rib $26.19 Ford s Tire Service HEPPNER LA GRANDE PENDLETON Non-Surgical Method Cures Hemorrhoids Painlessly A relatively painless, non surgical method of treating hemorrhoids (piles) is work ing therapeutic miracles for thousands who suffer from rectal and colon disorders. A recently developed elec tronic treatment is proving more effective than surgery, with none of the after effects of surgery. The relatively new tech nique requires no hospital June 21 Padberg family reunion at the lone city park. All rel . atives and friends welcome. June 20 Willows grange meet ing at 8 P M. Invitations are out for the wed ding of Carolyn Loften, daughter of Mr and Mrs Leonard Loften of Gresham to Paul Barnett, son of Mr and Mrs Ray Barnett of lone in Gresham June 12. A birthday party was held after the regular meeting of Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge Thursday evening, June 4. Those having birthdays during the past three months that were present were, Mrs Adon Hamlett, Mrs Mary Swanson, Mrs Ida Coleman, Mrs Harvey Ring, Mrs Sam Es teb, Mrs Cecil Thome, Mrs Cleo Drake, and Mrs Anna Lindstrom. The hostesses were, Mrs Ernest Heliker, Mrs Clell Rea, Mrs Ar villa Swanson, Mrs Lewis Ball, and Mrs Wate Crawford. At the business meeting, Mrs Adon Hamlett, noble grand nam ed the following committees for the year, Mrs Heliker, good of the order; Mrs Echo Palmateer, publicity; Mrs Cecil Thome, com munity service and Mrs Mary Thome and Mrs Wallace Mat thews gave very interesting re ports on the Rebekah Assembly at Roseburg in May where they were delegates. Mrs Matthews also gave a report on the secre taries school of instruction there. Michael Greer of Walla Walla is spending the summer with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs M G Greer and helping in the store. Melanie Bailey of Heppner spent a few days last week at the Oscar George home. Stephen and Lois Ring of Heppner visited their grandpar ents, Mr and Mrs Harvey Ring last week. David Barnett, son of Mr and Mrs Ray Barnett, made his first solo flight Friday of last week at Gar's Aviation in Lexington. . Those from here who attended the Olden-McCabe family re union at Emigrant Park Sunday, June 7 were Mr and Mrs Earl McCabe and Arleta; Mr and Mrs Leland McKlnney; Mr and Mrs L A McCabe and daughters; Mr and Mrs Alvln McCabe and Ash ley; Mr and Mrs James McCabe and family; Mr and Mrs Howard Eubanks and family and Linda and Earl James Pettyjohn. Mr and Mrs Wate Crawford and Earl Morgan attended state grange convention In Baker last week. Mr Morgan was a delegate from Willows grange. The Craw fords stopped in Helix and were accompanied from there by their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Vernice Crawford who were delegates from Cold Springs grange. They stopped in La Grande and visited their grand daughter, Janice Crawford, a stu dent at E O C E. They reported a very interesting convention. Those from here who attended the wedding of Miss Judy Kay Stine and Wayne Pierce at the Christian church In Madras Sun day, June 7 were, Mr and Mrs ization or confinement Pa tients show marked im provement almost immedi ately, and uncomplicated cases can be frequently cor rected in as little as 10 days. Further information with out obligation may be ob tained by writing the Dean Clinic, Chiropractic Physi cians, 2026 N. E. Sandy Blvd, Portland 12, Oregon. Auxiliary Harold Sherer and Kay, Dick and Judy; Mr and Mrs Raymond Lundell and Karen and Cheryle; Mr and Mrs Berl Akers and Bob, Bill and Bonnie; and Harold Rietmann and Melvln Martin. The Pierce's will be at home in Redmond where he is employed. Mr and Mrs Russell DeBondt and daughters of Milton-Free-water spent the weekend at the Charles Hudson home. A party was given in their honor Sat urday evening at the Hudson home. Others present were Mr and Mrs Robert DeSpain, Mr and Mrs Milton Morgan, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Morgan and Mr and Mrs E W Bristow. Mr DeBondt was a former coach in the high school here and has been a coach at Milton-Freewater for a few years and will leave next week for Hillsboro where he will be the coach. Mr and Mrs James Botts are visiting relatives In California. Mr and Mrs Berl Akers and family went to Forest Grove last week after their son, Berl Jr who is a student at Pacific Uni versity there. They also went to Seaside for a few days. Mr and Mrs John Eubanks and daughter, Sandra, attended the junior rodeo at Fossil Saturday and Sunday. Sandra, who was Queen of the rodeo last year, rode in the parade and entered in the calf roping, calf riding, the Texas 3 Mmrn-: Ji 4SW) -ilpS flip pR y lj- am Electric service is today's biggest value ... it gives you more for your money than al most anything else you buyl barrel race and the 9take race. Mr and Mrs Don Llnnell and family attended the rodeo one day. Mrs James Pettyjohn under went an appendectomy at the Pioneer Memorial hospital last week. She is now at home. Kenneth and Karen Nelson, children of Mr and Mrs Alfred Nelson, underwent tons i 1 1 e c tomles at the Pioneer Memorial hospital last week. Mr and Mrs E Markham Baker left for California last week where they will attend the grad uating exercises of their son, Duane, at Stanford University. Mr and Mrs Wallace Matthews and daughters went to Roseburg Friday of last week. Mr Mat thews returned home but the others will remain for a longer visit with relatives. The Community church par sonage is being cleaned and the mahogany woodwork is being re finished,. Those working there the past week were, Alfred Nel son, Garry Tullis, Fredrick Mar tin, Ralph Martin, Walter Ro berts, Mrs Walter Dobyns, Adon Hamlett, Mrs Lewis Halvor sen, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Howton, Robert DeSpain, Jean Martin, Walter Jacobs, Mrs Fredrick Martin, Mrs Norman Nelson, Mrs Cecil Thome, Mrs W E Melena, Melvin Martin and Mrs Mary Swanson. Michael Rowell ot Pendleton Is visiting his grandparents, Mr and Mrs Cleo Drake. HOUSE AND WE LOVE It's wonderful to have so much time for living. Electricity makes household chores easy, saves time and energy. If you're not living better electrically 'round the clock, you're missing something! See the many modern work-saving electric appliances at your dealers today! Mr and Mrs James Lindsay spent Sunday In The Dalles with their daughter and family, Mr and Mrs Roy Pettyjohn. Mr and Mrs Franklin Ely and granddaughter, Marlene Craw ford, spent a few days in Port land last week. Mr and Mrs E W Bristow took their grandchildren, Katrina and 10 Discount on wood preservative You can add extra years of life to any wood that comes in contact with the ground with Chevron Wood Preservative, and by taking delivery before August 31st you get 10 off the regular price. It penetrates wood pores, retards rot by reducing growth of fungi. Retards entrance and damage by termites, carpenter ants, powder post bee tles. Apply by brushing, soaking, or spraying. For any Standard OH product, call L E (Ed) Dick, Heppner, Pb 6-9633' L F (Peck) Leather!, lone Pb 8-7125 ISOELECTRIC... PACIFIC POWER Sc LIGHT COMPANY Live Better. . . Electrically HEPPNER CAZETTE-TIME3, Thursday, June 11. 1959 Kevin Bristow as far as The Dalles Saturday where they were met by their parents, Mr and Mrs Tommy Bristow of Portland. Mrs Ida Grablll and Mrs Ernest McCabe and Pamela accompan ied the Brlstows to The Dalles. At the city council meeting CHEVRON IT! All these appliance work for ui . . . how many work for you? Wafer Heater Range Refrigerator Freezer Dryer Automatic Waiher D?ihwaher Vacuum Cleaner Electric Blanket -11 Tuesday evening, June 2 the bud get was approved. It was report ed that fencing had been put up on two sides of the city dump and pipes have been laid in the city park. Several members of the Topic club cleaned the public library the past few days. Steam Iron Toaittr Mixer Sewing Machine Fry Pan CoffMMakw Power Tools Wart Dtpoier Air Conditioner A4rtiil