Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 04, 1959, Page 3, Image 3

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    lone High Seniors
Commencement exercises were
held for the high school and the
eighth grade graduating classes
in the school cafetorlum Thurs
day evening, May 28. Dr E Dean,
head of student teaching at Port
land gave the address, "Don't
Sit In The Back Seat;" Leann
Padberg gave the valedictory;
Kenneth Jones the salutatory; a
musical selection, a mixed chor
us was given, led by Arnie Hed
man and accompanied by Karen
The high school band played
the processional; Karen Lundell
played the recessional; Rev
James Riley, pastor of the Bap
tist church gave the Invocation
and the benediction; Dallas
Shockley, superintendent of the
lone schools presented the fol
lowing awards: award to the out
standing class, went to the fresh
man class of 1962, Kenneth Nel
son accepted the award; the sal
utatorian award to Kenneth
Jones; the valedictorian award
to Leann Padberg; a special a
ward in journalism to Leann
Padberg; a special award in ath
letics to Ellis Ball; the citizen
ship award to Leann Padberg
and Kenneth Jones; the P-TA
scholarship to Eastern Oregon
College of Education to Kay
Sherer, now a student there.
Don McEUigott presented high
school diplomas to Ivan Richard
Akers; Ellis Edward Ball, Susan
K Belmere; John Lloyd Howton;
Kenneth Allen Jones; Frank W
Jepsen; Lean A Padberg; Paul
G Pettyjohn Jr; Dallas Rea; Mil
dred Seehafer Essex and James
Glenn Swart.
Diplomas were presented to the
following 8th graders: William
LJimUllWUH' WrritfnWJ l 'i'"H. 'I
Hall or other damage may
wipe out your crops
but weather can't cost you
money when you have ade
quate insurance.
Turner, Van Marter b Bryant
183 N. Main Phone 6-9652
Farley Motor Co.
Receive Awards At
Akers; Ronald Crabtree; Sandra
Eubanks; James Howton; Leslie
Madden; James Martin; Ralph
Martin; Gary Morgan; Cheryl
Morrison; Marvin Padberg;
Katherine Rea; Mancell Town
send and Roland Ekstrom.
The motto of the graduating
class is Plan For The Future;
the colors, blue and silver and
the flower, the red rose, of which
the room was decorated.
New Pastor Due
Roderick MacKenzie has ac
cepted the call as pastor of the
lone Community church and will
be here July 7. He delivered a
sermon here a few weeks ago.
He is a graduate of the Pacific
School of Religion at Berkely,
California. He is married.
The church has been with out
a regular minister since Rev
Floyd Bailey left in April.
Chester Warfield of Athabas
ka, Alberta, Canada, was a re
cent visitor of his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Jesse
Mr and Mrs Ernest Drake of
Forest Grove are the parents of
a daughter, Becky Sue, born
May 22. Weight 7 lb and 3 oz.
Mr and Mrs Cleo Drake of lone
and Mr and Mrs Albert O'Connor
of Heppner are the grandparents.
Mr and Mrs E R Lundell of lone
and Mrs Alma Morgan of Hepp
ner are the great-grandparents.
Mr and Mrs Curtis Parker of
Newberg were recent visitors at
the home of her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Cecil
The Three Links club of
Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge met
at the home of Mrs Adon Ham
lett Wednesday afternoon with
Mrs Mary Swanson as co-hostess.
"" - ' -"y"
To Buy Your Hail
Insurance Now I
New Willys
Guests present were Mrs Verda
Ritchie of Portland. Mrs Jessie
Griffin of Heppner and Mrs
Grace Ware. At the meeting con
ducted by Mrs Cecil Thome, pres
ident, Mrs David Rietmann gave
a report on the lone cemetery
project. The club is planning on
putting markers on all unmarked
graves in the cemetery. Games
were played after the meeting
and those receiving prizes were
Mrs Paul Pettyjohn and Mrs Cleo
Drake. Mrs Thome received the
door prize.
Dates To Remember:
June 9 Garden club at the city
park with a potluck picnic
dinner at 12:30 P M If weath
er permits, otherwise at the
Walter Dobyns home. Mem
bers are to wear hats made
from some flowers from their
June 10 Maranatha club meet
ing at the home of Mrs Mar
ion Palmer at 2 P M.
June 12 Topic club meeting at
the home of Mrs Victor Riet
mann. Members are to bring
books for the book shower
for the public library. The
meeting will be at 2:15 P M.
June 21 Padberg reunion in the
lone dry park. All relatives
and friends are welcome.
June 15 to the 19 Vacation Bible
school sponsored by tne Bap
tist and Nazarene churches
at the Baptist church. The
hours are 9:30 to 2:30. Child
ren, 4 years through the jun
ior class. Sack lunches are to
be brought by the children.
Pool To Open
The lone swimming pool will
open Monday, June 1st with
Arnie Hedman in charge. Charles
Hudson will have charge or it
the first two weeks. Alter the
first Monday it will open every
day except Mondays. The hours
are 2 to 5 p m and 7 to 9 p m.
Prices are family $15; adults $9;
High school students $6; grade
school $4 for the season. r-or
singles, adults 50 cents ; High
school 25 cents; and grades la
cents. .
The iireman's ball Saturday
evenintr was a success. The pro
ceeds will go toward new fire
Locust Chapter No li u&ts
of lone elected Irene Nolan,
worthy matron and Millard Nol
an, worthy patron at their last
meeting, May 26.
Installation will be June 23 at
the Masonic hall. Other officers
elected are Katherine Lindstrom,
associate matron; Roy Lind
strom, associate patron; June
O'Connor, secretary; Mary Lind
say, treasurer; Dolores Barnett,
conductress;. Aloha DeSpain as
sociate conductress.
Dennis Swanson. son of Mr and
Mrs Garland Swanson, received
his commission as 2nd lieutenant
in the ROTC in the Air Force at
the University of Portland Sat
urday, May 30, Baccalaureate
services were held Sunday, May
3 at the University and grad
uating exercises were In the pub
lic auditorium In Portland, May
31 at 3 P M. Others irom trus
part of the country graduating
besides Dennis were Larry Lind
say of Lexington and John Mon
agle of Heppner. Those atten
ding the exercises from here
were, Mr and Mrs Garland Swan
son and son, John; Mr and Mrs
This new Maverick Station Wagon
comes equipped with four Goodyear
whitewall Captive-Air Steel Shield
tires . . . you need no spare for you
can drive 200 miles on a flat with no
damage to the tire. See this new wa
gon today I
Arinn Hamlett and children and
Mrs Mary Swanson. Dennis re
ceived his Bachelor oi science
degree in Industrial Administra
Those from here who are at
tending Catholic summer school
in Heppner for two weeks are:
Patrick, Maureen and Peter Mc
EUigott; John, Jim, Joe and Tom
McEUigott; John and Tom Raw
lins; Teresa and Jerry Stefani;
Gene Crowell, Jodine Snow; Jan
ice Snider; Janet and Ronnie
Palmateer, Jim Swanson; Bobby,
Susan and Nancy Baker; Mike
Davidson and Susan Hams.
Memorial Day services wore
held at the athletic Memorial
field Saturday morning sponsor
ed by the American Legion. Dal
las Shockley gave the address
paying tributes to the dead in
the wars and ended with the
poem, "In Flanders Field";
James Riley, pasior oi me Bap
tist church gave the invocation
and benediction; the color bear
ers and guards were Robert De
Spain, Eldon Tucker, Bill Riet
man and Delmer Crawford, Joel
Engleman, commander placed a
wreath on the memorial plaque
and Gene Rietmann played
taps; the school band directed
by Arnie Hedman with Karen
Lundell as majorette, played sev
eral numbers and also marched
around the field and over town.
Mrs Robert Jepsen gave a
birthday party in honor of her
daughter, Susan Jane, Sunday
afternoon, May 31 at the Noel
Dobvns home. She was 7 years
old. Others present were Nancy
Baker, Marcia Ball, Linda Petty
john, Anita Crawford, Kristin
Nelson, Krlstlne Peterson, Bar
bara Boyce, Debbie Warren,
Francine and Mark Lieuallen
and Billy Jepsen. Games were
played and refreshments were
Those from here who are at
tending Grand Chapter of the
Order of Eastern Star or uregon
in Portland this week are Mrs
Omar Rietmann, Mr and Mrs
Millard Nolan and Mrs Charles
Charles O'Connor and daugh
ters took Mrs O'Connor to Port
land and spent the weekend
there. She remained for the
Eastern Star convention.
Mr and Mrs Herbert Ekstrom
and son, Roland, spent the week
end at Crane Prairie.
Miss Anna Jepsen, nurse at the
Emanuel hospital and daughter
of Mr and Mrs Walter Jepsen,
was a visitor here lhursday
evening of last week.
The Lloyd Howton family spent
Memorial Day at Lind, Wash.
Mrs M G Greer and son Dick,
sDent the Memorial weekend at
Walla Walla. Mr Greer has been
in Walla Walla for medical treat
Mr and Mrs Thomas Bristow
of Portland are the parents of a
son, Shawn Paul, born May 28.
Weight 6 lb and 15 Mtox. Mr
and Mrs Paul Hlsler of Heppner
and Mr and Mrs E W Bristow
of lone are the Grandparents. Mrs
Frank Monohan of Heppner and
Mrs Ida Grabill of lone are the
great - grandparents.
Mr and Mrs Dixon Smith re
turned home Sunday evening
'If We Could Be
Twice Young And
Twice Old We
Could Correct All
Our Mistakes"
By Phil Elakney
Unfortunately we are all
given only one life and one
body to live In. All of us
must avoid those mistakes
which can cause Irrepar
able harm. Modern mothers
have the right idea. New
babies are taken to a phy
sician for regular examina
tions to prevent - future
If all adults would visit
their physician at least
once every year for a check
up, there would be fewer
serious cases of diabetes,
glaucoma or cancer.
Pick up your prescription
if shopping sees us, or let
us deliver promptly with
out extra charge. A great
many people entrust ms
with their prescriptions.
May we compond yourst
105 K. MAIN
Quotation by Euripides
(480-406 B. C.)
Copyright 1959 ( 5W2)
from a three day trip. They went
to Missoula and Hamilton Mon
tana and Spokane.
Mrs Rowena Childs of Fossil
and Mrs Pearl Robinson of Port
land were recent visitors of their
cousin, Mis Ida Grabill and other
relatives. ,
Mr and Mrs Cleo Drake and
Mr and Mrs Eldon Tucker and
family spent Sunday at Hat
Rock park where they met Mr
and Mrs Ray Tumor and sons
of Pendleton.
Miss Alice Nichoson of Port
land spent last week with her
mother, Mrs Edith Nichoson.
Mrs Ted Hall of South Bend,
Wash and Mrs Jalmer Koski of
Vashon, Wash spent the week
end here. They are nieces of
Mrs Olive Engleman, Mrs Arvllla
Swanson, Mrs Edith Nichoson
and G A Petteys.
Mr and Mrs Frank Lundell and
son Billy, Mr and Mrs Merle Lun
dell and daughter and Miss Jean
Hoskins of Mllwaukie were
weekend visitors here with rel
atives. Mr and Mrs Earl McCabe en
tertained at a dinner the evening
of May 22 in honor of the 13th
birthday of their daughter, Ar
let, Seventh grade pupils were
the guests. Dancing was enjoyed
after the dinner.
Mr and Mrs Paul Balsinger and
Mr and Mrs Alfred Balsinger of
The Dalles spent Memorial Day
in lone.
Mr and Mis Edgar Ball of For
est Grove were weekend visitors
at the Lewis Ball home. They
also visited other relatives here.
Mr and Mrs Glenn Ball left
this week from their home In
Yakima after visiting relatives
Weekend guests at the home of
Mrs Fannie Griffith were her son
and family, Mr and Mrs George
Griffith of McDermitt, Nevada
and her daughter and family, Mr
and Mrs Dwight Haugen of Os
wego. Mrs Carl Bergstrom was a pa
tient in the Pioneer Memorial
hospital a few days last week.
Mr and Mrs Harland Lundell
and family of Boise, Idaho spent
the weekend with his parents, Mr
and Mrs O L Lundell.
College students home over the
weekend were Mardlne Baker
and Sharon Cutsforth of Univer
sity of Oregon.
Anne Belle Coleman, and Keith
Truck Load
Canned! Food 1
JUNE 5 & 6 TOO? j f A
-, L I Wt m
fef PHONE 6-9614
vl If
HEPPNER GAZETTE -TIMES, Thursday, June 4. 1959
Rea of Oregon Tech. Mrs Rea and
son accompanied Mr Rea home.
Dirk Ekstrom and Kay Sherer
of EOCE at La Grande. Mrs Ek
strom and daughter came home
with Mr Ekstrom.
The lone school closed Friday,
May 29 with a picnic at the
school where over 400 attended.
Baseball and other games were
played and swimming in the pool
was enjoyed. The picnic is spon
sored by the P-TA. Mr and Mrs
Ralph Crum furnished the treats.
The McNary Yacht club met
at the home of Mr and Mrs Lloyd
Howton Wednesday eve n 1 n g,
May 27 with 41 present. Repre
sentatives came from Pendleton,
Hermiston and Pilot Rock. Re
freshments were served by the
women of the lone group.
Those going to East Lake on a
fishing trip over the weekend
were Mr and Mrs L A McCabe
and daughter, Christine; Mr and
Mrs Leo Crabtree and son Ron
Win - Dee's Snack Shack
Air Conditioned
Don't let hot weather bother you . . . Now you can eat of,
drink your coffee or coke In solid comfort at Winn-Dee's
for we are completely air conditioned. Come In any time and
cool off with a snack 1
Case Furniture Co.
For An Excellent Job of
Installing Our Cooling System
Central Market 6
ald; and Mrs Alvln McCabe and
son Ashley.
Mr and Mrs Franklin Ely spent
Memorial Day in Pendleton.
They were accompanied by the
grand daughters, Marlene and
Anita Crawford.
Mrs Kathryn Yarnell and son,
Alton, went to Madras last week
to visit at the home of her son
and family, Mr and Mrs Clifford
Yarnell and to attend the high
school graduation exercises for
her granddaughter, Robyn Yar
nell. Would YOU like to have a GID
Your Insurance Needs of all
types, write
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Insurance Society
1923 W. 5th Ave., Kennewick,