6 HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, May 28. 19S9 Boardman Holds Baccalaureate And Class Night By MART LEE MARLOW I In behalf of the school band. Merrill E Shaw, pastor of Sigvald Aase superintendent, Boardman Community Church I gave the response. Susan also spoke on "The Successful Life" to members of the graduating class of Boardman high school at Baccalaureate services held at the church Sunday night The processional was played by Mrs Merrill Shaw, organist and Mrs Russell Miller, pianist Invocation was by Mr Shaw. Mrs Wayne Kuhn sang "In Times Like These," accompanied by Mrs Shaw. The scripture was read by Mr Shaw. The audience sang, "The Solid Rock", which was followed by the sermon. Douglas Shattuck played a cor net solo, accompanied by his mother,. Mrs Lowell Shattuck. The audience sang "All For Jes us." Mr Shaw gave the bene diction, and the recessional was played by Mrs Shaw and Mrs Miller. Members of the grad uating class are Barbara Ander egg, Evangellna Pedraza, Lor elei Hamilton and Dean King. Class night exercises were held Monday night In the school gymnasium. Dean King, stu dent body president, was master of ceremonies. The school band played the "Star Spangled Ban ner". This was followed by the flag salute. The senior Class Prophecy was read by Lorelei Hamilton. This was folowed by another band number. The Jun lor cass presented a skit. Dean King read the senior class his tory, followed by a skit by the sophomore class. Barbara An deregg read the senior class will. This was followed by a band number. Evangellna Pe draza read the dedication of the annuals to the parents of the seniors. A skit was presented by the freshman class. Marion Morlan presented the following awards: Typing II, Evangelina Pedraza; typing I, Mike Taylor; award for playing In the band for seven years, Lor elei Hamilton; outstanding girl athlete, Chloe McQuaw; com mercial award, Barbara Ander egg; outstanding as editor of yearbook, Barbara Anderegg. Susan Partlow presented the Oregon State flag to the school 1 MORROW COUNTY Ready -Mix LOW COST-CONVENIENT DEPENDABLE SERVICE CALL HEPPNER 6-9106 SPECIALIZING IN Finishing Concrete Flat-Work Steps, Patios Sidewalks. Driveways Portable Batch Plant We Co Anywhere Estimates Gladly presented Marion Morlan a gift from the band as helr director. SIgvald Aase presented the fol lowing awards: American His tory, Barbara Anderegg and Kurt Gantenbein; geography, Caro lyn Baker; valedictorian trophy and medallion, Barbara Ander egg; salutatorlan trophy and me dalllon, Evangelina Pedraza. Dean King presented a gift to Aase from the student body. Harold Gauger presented the following awards, journalism, Barbara Anderegg; science rec ognition, Chloe McQuaw and Fred LaChance; English, Shir ley Earwood. Evangelina Pedraza presented a gift to Gauger from the journ alism class. Ronald Black presented the following FFA awards: certifl cates to Basil Beeler, Keith Gron qulst, Alan and Mike Taylor, Fred LaChance, Richard Watts, Jim Miller, Bob Taylor, Gill Getz, Douglas Shattuck, Dean King, Larry West, Robert Obermeler, Israel Pedraza and Kurt Ganten bein. Dean King received a spec ial award in farm mechanics. Carolyn Baker received the biol ogy award. Douglas Shattuck presented Black a gift from the FFA class. Richard Waymlre presented the following athletic letters: football Israel Pedraza, Fred La Chance, Mike Taylor and Jim Miller. Football and basketball, Robert Obermeler, Basil Beeler, Larry West, Alan Taylor and Douglas Shattuck. He presented Robert Obermeler an award as outstanding athlete. Robert presented Waymlre a gift from the boys. Other gifts presented were as follows: senior class gift by Bar bara Anderegg to Marion Mor lan; junior class gift by Alan Taylor to Ronald Black; soph omore class gift by Jim Miller to Sigvald Aase; freshman class gift by Richard Watts to Har old Gauger; seventh grade gift by Sandra Thorpe to Richard Waymlre. Dean King presented gifts to Mrs Joe Tatone and Ar thur Allen for their assistance In giving square dancing classes for the Youth Club last year. Dean King presented annuals as gifts to Sigvald Aase, Marlon Morlan, Wally Hendrix, Gene Hiigel, the school library and parents of the seniors. The program ended with the band playing "Auld Lang Syne. Eileen Ely, eighth grade stu dent, was crowned queen of the annual May Day Festival held In the school gymnasium Tues day of last week. Johnny Part !iw was crowned king. Dean King, student body president, crowned them. Princess and prin losses were Jim Partlow and Anna Mae McQuaw, David Skoubo and Nancy Morlan. Flow er girls were Diane Black and Linda Hoffman. Crown bearers were Larry Ball and Sammy Bel lamy. The coronation march was played by the school band under the direction of Marion Morlan. Presentation of the colors was by Richard Watts, Basil Beeler and Alan Taylor. The flag salute was led by King Johnny Partlow. This was followed by the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner" and the "Oregon State Song" by grade school pupils, led by Mrs John Partlow. Pupils of the grade school and the high school band presen ted a Centennial Pageant. This was followed by the recession al of the royal court. A picnic lunch was enjoyed by everyone at noon on the school grounds, and races were held In the afternoon. GET MORE PROFITS FROM YOUR WHEAT ACRES APPLY YIELD - INCREASING PHILLIPS 66 Agricultural Ammonia Order Your Supply Today! SOIL TESTING SERVICE EKSTROM FARM CHEMICALS HOME OWNED AND OPERATED PHONE 8-7289 IONE. OREGON SI) The Ladles Aid Society of Com munity church held an all day work meeting at the church Wednesday of last week, with a lunch at noon. Mrs Clyde Tanne hill and Mrs Arthur Allen were hostesses. Mrs Henry Zivney pre sented the missionary program in the afternoon. Mrs Eldon Lilly and children Jimmle, Janet, Jay and Jerry, and Mrs Leonard Robertson and daughter, Anita of La Grande, visited at the home of Mrs Lilly's parents, Mr and Mrs Elvln Ely, Tuesday of last week and at tended the May Festival pro gram at the school. Mr and Mrs Chub Warren of rendleton were here for the May Festival and visited Mrs War ren's sons and daughters-in- law, Mr and Mrs Ralph Skoubo and Mr and Mrs Ed Skoubo. Mrs Mary Healy is seriously ill In Pioneer Memorial hos pital in Heppner. Mr and Mrs Al Macomber of Arlington visited at the home of Macomber's brother and sister- in-law, Mr and Mrs Nate Ma comber Sunday. Mrs Ronald Black was hos tess for a pink and blue shower for Mrs Sigvald Aase at her home last Thursday even ing. Co-hostesses were Mrs Del- mer Hug, Mrs Arthur Allen, Mrs Mrs Henry Gantenbein, Mrs Roy gggf peed Research ramow, Mrs waroia A.ress, us John Partlow and Mrs Harold Baker. In games played prizes were won by Mrs Gene Taylor, Mrs Dewey West, Mrs Florence Root, Diane Black and Etta Jones. Other guests present lnclud ed Mrs Franklin Ball of Her mlston, Mrs Robert Harwood, Mrs Nate Macomber, Mrs Louise Ear wood, Mrs Don Downey, Mrs Ce cil Hamilton, Mrs Nathan Thorpe, Mrs Zearl Gillespie, Mrs Glen Carpenter, Mrs Myron Watts, Mrs Rollln Bishop, Mrs Walter Hayes, Mrs Wayne Kuhn, Mrs Harold Gauger, Mrs Ralph Skoubo, Mrs Vernon Russell, Barbara Ganten bein, Mrs Russell Miller, Mrs Ef fie Miller, Mrs Merrill Shaw, Mrs Bob Miller, Mrs Don Bellamy, Mrs Willard Baker, Mrs Richard j Waymire, Mrs Algy Taylor, Mrs Earl Briggs, Mrs Sid Ferguson, Mrs Charles Higuera, Mrs Har old Rash, Mrs Nels Kristensen, Barbara Anderegg and Susan Partlow. Those sending gifts but un able to attend included Mrs Er- nest Obermeier, Mrs Bob Thorn hill, Mrs Charles Graham, Mrs Roy Ball, Mrs Adaline Baker, Mrs Frank Marlow, Mrs Elvin Ely, Mrs Joe Tatone, Mrs Charles Dil lon, Mrs Jack Getz, Mrs George Weise, Mrs Joe Crouch, Mrs Dale Eades, Mrs Henry Zivney, Mrs Arnin Hug, Mrs Erwin Flock, Mrs Seth Russell, Mrs Andy Jones, Mrs Charles Anderegg, Mrs Claud Coats, Mrs Gunnar Skoubo, Findings Reported New findings In beef cattle feeding, Including adjustment of rations for animals receiving treatment, have been reported by the Oregon State College agri cultural experiment station. Results are summarized In a bulletin, "Results of 1957-58 Mil-ton-Freewater Beef Feeding Ex periments." Oregon residents may obtain free copies from lo cal county extension agents or from the OSC bulletin clerk, Cor-vallis. David C England, OSC scien tist, and Norton Taylor, Uma-I tilla county extension agent, conducted the trials In cooper ation with Umatilla county beef producers. More than 20 animals provided by local ranchers were used in the trials. Major findings In elude adjustment of grain In take as animals gain weight, best protein levels, comparisons of various types of roughages, and experiments with single and multiple hormone implants to stimulate growth. Zoe Billings, Mrs Ronald Haas, Mrs Ed Kuhn, Mrs Marion Mor lan, Mrs W A Simcox and Mrs Ray Gronqulst. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Marlow were Marlow's nephew, Mr and Mrs Edward Marlow and daugh ter, bamtra of Milton -Freewater, and his brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Roy Marlow, Mi s La era Hadley and Darrell Hadiey all of Umatilla. Mrs Harold Gauger entertain ed a group of small youngsters on Tuesday of last week at her home in honor of her son Glade's second birthday. Guests were, Si gurd and Lynae Aase and Andy R'orlan. PP&L Employees Set Safety Record Local employees of Pacific Power & Light Company have received congratulations from PP&L President, D R McClung for achieving a safety-at-work performance during the past year which has won a national Injury Frequency Reduction Award for the company. The certificate was presented to PP&L by the Edison Electric Institute in recognition of a re duction of 25 percent or greater in the Injury frequency among employees as compared with the three previous year. injury irequency rates are based on the number of lost time accidents per million man-hours worked, according to Fons J Hughes, safety director of the power company. Through May 11, local district employees had worked 611,080 man-hours with out a lost-time mishap. My Neighbors "Been driving a school bus ery long, Mister? THESE THOUSAND HILLS-new -exciting-beautiful, plus WIND ACROSS THE EVERGLADES with Academy Award Winner Burl Ives. Star Theater-Thursday-Friday-Saturday. This is a long.long show-come early! v LUTHERANS four Insurance Needs of all types, writ Lutheran Brotherhood Insurance Society 1923 W. 5th Ave., Kennewick. Wash. Livestock Market Cattle Hogs Sheep SALE EVERT TUESDAY 12 Noon On U. S. Hiway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-66S5 Hermlston, Orsgea Frank Wink Sons. Owners Don Wink Mfz. Bos. Honnistan JO 7-3111 c rhhWt MIX U3 7 aft n sGmg Cw dob mm wm Every day, in dozens of ways, electricity helps my family live better! All these appliances work for us . . . how many work for you? 0 & SL It's wonderful to enjoy all the comfort and convenience that only electricity can give you. See your electric appliance dealer today! Switch to better living right away! PACIFIC POWER Sz LIGHT COMPANY - Live Better. . . Electrically 3 jg Electric service is today's rVf bieeect vfl!no it wo--- It gilM JTVU more for your money than al most anything else you buy!