'A HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, May 28, 1959 Ahnr Makes Plans For Vacation Over The Tee Cup By Jackie Labhart There is an old saying that women are fickle, and at this writing I am Inclined to agree. For this month of May with Its feminine name, has certainly been capricious. Supposedly this month was to have been one of blue skies and sun, but guess "she" decided to use her fern mine wiles by shedding many "tears while coyly displaying a fit of "windy" temper. At this point all I can say, is, Rain and wind go away! We Heppner golf ers want to play. Despite the wind, dust, and gray skies, we had a fairly good turnout at our Klnzua-Heppner golf tournament Sunday. After a hearty breakfast cooked by Herb Hamilton at the Wishing Well, and ably served by Dee Gribble, Vi Lanham, Marie Mc- Quarrie, and Vivian Williams, 39 men teed off for their first nine holes. The Heppner golfers were Ned Sweek, Eddie Gunderson, Bill Collins, Phil Blakney, Har lan McCurdy, Lowell Gribble, Francis Doherty, Ted Palmateer, Harry O'Donnell, Bill Labhart, Bob Jepson, Jim Driscoll, Conley Lanham, Ed Bennett, C C Car michael, John Williams, Del Jor dan, LaVerne Van Marter, Gene Hall, Oliver Creswick, Al Bailey, Phil Mahoney, Clint McQuarrie, Bud Collins, Pete Cannon, Walt Jacobs and N D Bailey. Twelve fellows from KInzua played and low gross scores were shot by Ernie Wall of KInzua (79) and Gene Hall of Heppner with a fabulous 66. Ernie also made the longest drive of the day on No 6. The Heppner women playing were Kay Robinson, VI Lanham, Cathy Collins, Vivian Williams, Marie McQuarrie, Hazel Ma honey, Dee Gribble and myself. As far as I know Dee had low gross score of 39. (No prizes were given to the women, but her's was the lowest score posted) Eight women from KInzua also played with us. Tuesday "old lady May" had still decided to hide her sunny disposition and greeted the gals for ladies day competition with a cloudy frown and a few more "tears". The defiant damsels were Cork Norene, VI Lanham, Maxlne Gray, Meg Murray, Kay Robinson, Lucille Peck, Bonnie Mattoon, Hazel Mahoney, Vivian Williams and myself. Because there was such a small turnout we decided not to award new golf balls, but VI shot low gross score of 40. We had somewhat of a short business meeting during lunch at which time Vi and Viv ian were appointed to take charge of activities for ladies days during June. It was an nounced that next Tuesday we will host lady golfers from KIn zua. A chicken dinner will be served at the Wishing Well at 11:00 with an afternoon of golf and social hour to follow. All vvuiow LreeK goiting gals are asked to make a special effort to attend. I WONDER .... if John is as proud of Vivian as we are (she has made a tremendous improve ment In her game since her pri vate lessons by the golf pro at Pendleton) . . . if N D Bailey knows how much we all ap predate the new bridges he made on the course. ... if Gene Hall actually realizes he was only two strokes over par in his first nine holes Sunday . . . how Phil Blakney could shoot a 39 one day and then his next game was a 55 (but he was real consistent Sunday with a 39 and a 40) . . what Vi would have done Mon day morning if Ray Ferguson hadn't been there to hold the sprinkler still . . . what has hap pned to the Shaffitz' and Pen lands who used to golf quite a bit .... if Creston Robinson doesn't carry a good luck charm when he plays golf (saw him sink five putts by rolling around and coming in the "back door". Our Country Club president Lowell Gribble announces that soon each member of the club will receive a detailed report of all penalties and rules for our course. I have been asked to remind all members that this year's second half dues will soon be due. ATTENTION LADIES: Don't forget this next Tuesday, June 2! Chicken dinner served prom ptly at 11:00 and we entertain lady golfers from Kinzua. That's about all the link lore this week, so until next tee time . . . . Cheerio! Party Celebrates Sixteenth Birthday Mrs Archie Padberg enter talned Friday evening for her daughter Mary Evelyn Tucker on her 16th birthday. Games were played during the evening and refreshments served later to Kathy Spencer, Barbara, Slewert, Elajne Laird, Jeanne Schmidt, Larry Angell, Gerald Bunch, Ken Keeling, Micky Van Schoiack, Tom How ell, Omer Huston and the guest of honor. Summer School The St Patricks Altar Society met in the church basement for its monthly meeting Tuesday evening. In absence of the presi dent, Mrs Robert Brindle pre sided. It was decided to purchase 100 funeral pamphlets for use of the public during funerals. The forth coming potluck welcoming the sisters for vacation summer school was discussed. The of ficers will be In charge and all are asked to bring two dishes per family. It will be held on Sunday, May 31. A favorable report was made on the success of the Chamber of Commerce dinner. The re mainder of the evening was spent covering the books for the use of the vacation school. Refreshments were served by Mrs Carl Thorpe and Mrs Wayne Prock. OREGON S CENTENNIAL ALBUM WUIAM 6MOU Cub Scouts Visit Condon Air Base Cub Scout Den No 4 with their Den mother and father, Mr and Mrs Bill Labhart went to Con don Saturday to attend the Arm ed Forces Day Open house. The Scouts were Tlmmy Loyd, Randy Stillman, Steve Petty john, Ricky Gimbel, David Hall, Jerry Healy, John Van Winkle, and Chris Labhart. Mark and Laurie Labhart accompa n 1 e d them as did J O Hager. Reception Honors Mrs Emma Breshears The Lexington Altar Society and the auxiliary of Edwards Way Post of the VFW honored Mrs Emma Breshears Sunday with a reception at the Lexlng ton Rebekah hall, upon her re tirement as postmistress at Lex lngton. The tea table was decorated with large daisies In a milk glass bowl. The room was decorated with spring flowers and on one table there were old time kero sene lamps and a scroll which was made by the sisters at St Joseph academy at Pendleton. Mrs O G Breeding, Mrs Howard Crowell and Mrs Edwlna Rich elderfer poured; Mrs Cora Allyn was in charge of the guest book Working for the Altar Society was Mrs Don Hatfield and lor the VFW auxiliary was Mrs Al Winkloman. Ti' V 859-194 FATHER OF THE OREGON PLAN POWUST-ORATOR-MAYERIC REPUBLICAN--PROHIBITIONIST- ATTORN EY ORCH ARPI5T L I VlkTk. X.M W i ? $ Wats v jjt it ii n 3ED FIGHT FOR INITIATIVE and referendumC oiY Direct PRifAARiESC'w), RECALL fisoa), CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT AND OTHER REFORMS. WORKED FOR POPULAR ELECTION OF U.S.4EN ATORS. PERSUADED . XWVlftDCMI MII CftN Tfl I'STS CjIBBABT If TM SWA AMENDMENT. MYSOU PURPOSE IN THI6UFEI8 TO SECURE FOR THE PEOPLE THE DIRE CT CONTROL OF THE GOVERN MENT AND EVERY OFFICE IMfT. 111 Baling Twine 4(3)25 (Q) a bale GET YOURS NOW Gilliam & Bisbcc Hardware Co. HEPPNER Reception To Honor The Herbert Hynds A reception and open house is being held in honor of the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Herbert Hynd on Sun day, June 7 irom I to o p m at the home of Mr and Mrs, Jack Hynd, Jr at Cecil. Hosts are Mr and Mrs E R Schaffer, Mr and Mrs C L Lieu nllen, Mr and Mrs Ewing Hynd, Mr and Mrs F M McCllntock and Mr and Mrs Jack Hynd, Jr. All mends and relatives are cordially Invited. Potluck Dinner And Confirmation Held Friday evening a potluck din ner was held at All Saints' Epls copal church preceding the con firmatlon of a class by the Right Rev Lane W Barton, Bishop of Eastern Oregon. A large crowd enjoyed the din ner which was In charge of the Women s Auxiliary of the church, SUNDAY GUESTS Mrs Harry Duvall had as Sun day dinner guests the Rev and Mrs Lester Boulden and daugh ter, Celia and Mr and Mrs Clar ence Rosewall. FINE KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON Nature's finest bourbon There is none better ! 6 YEARS OLD THE OLD HERMITAGE CO., LOUISVILLE. KY. DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS COMPANY, 8$ PROOF Baccalaureate Held at Lex School Sunday By DELPHA JONES Baccalaureate services were held at the Lexington school auditorium on Sunday night with Dick Kononen Wins Scholarship at OSC OREGON STATE COLLEGE Richard L Kononen of Heppner has been named winner of a full -tuition $252 scholarship for 1959-60 at Oregon State College. His scholarship was one of 21 given this year by the OSC Mo thers Club to deserving students who have demonstrated high scholarship In their college work. the Rev Patrick J Gaire giving The 21 scholarships have a to- the message. The processional was played by Mrs C C Car michael followed by the invo cation by Father Gaire. The hymn Holy, Holy, Holy was sung by the congregation, with Roger Doherty giving a scripture read ing. The rest of the program was as follows: message; Hymn, Have Thine Own Way; dedica tory, Father Gaire; and recess ional, Mrs C C Carmlchael. The 1959 graduating class of the Lexington high school is Ro bert "Hank" Pointer, Dora Sue Davidson, Barbara Kay Steagall, Keith LeRoy Peck, Earl Lee Pap ineau, Judy Lee Darnielle, Ladd Henderson, Robert Steven Kllng er, and , Connie Lee Cornileson. The class motto, "The future be longs to those who prepare for it," class flower, American Beauty rose; class colors, blue and white. The eighth grade class includ ed the following: Penny Par sons, Janet maimer, Martna Do herty, and Louise Pointer. Class motto, We will do our best to do our duty to God and our Country"; class flower, pink and white carnations; class colors pink and white. The Lexington high school mo tored to Lehman Springs on Tuesday where they enjoyed the school picnic. Among those going were Mrs Bob Davidson, Mrs Ken Palmer, Mrs O W Cutsforth, Mr Dale Waddlll, Mrs W W Weather ford, Mrs Amy Sperry, and Mr Bob Mathews. Mr and Mrs W E McMillan and granddaughter, Valda Irvin were Cove and Haines visitors on Sunday. Mrs Edwina Richelderfer of The Dalles was a visitor with her mother on Sunday. At the meeting of the congre gation following church services on Sunday it was decided to is sue a call to the Kev smun oi Bellingham, Washington to fill the pulpit of the Lexington Christian church. Dates to Remember: Holly Rebekah Lodge meeting on Thursday, June 4th at 8 p m. Mr and Mrs Vernon Munkers 25th wedding anniversary to be celebrated at the Lexington Christian church on Sunday af ternoon, May 31. Don Campbell, son of Mr and Mrs Roy Campbell, to be or dained in the Lexington Christ- an church on Sunday, June 14th at 3 p m. Reception Immediately following. Mrs Orvllle Weiss and daugh ter, Sheila of Beatrice, Nebras- a are visiting with her sister nd brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs James reck. tal value of more than $5,000, Funds for the student grants are raised by the Mothers Club units each year through various projects. Kononen is a senior this year in the school of pharmacy. Hospi-Tales BY RITA WOLFF Mrs Sam Nagel flew to Dav enport, Iowa for a weeks vaca tion at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs C L Fletcher. Mrs Claire Andresen Is back to work after a 14 day vacation. Bill Lowe began a two weeks vacation May 18. He has been visiting relatives and friends In Arlington, Cecil and Pendleton. Miss Elizabeth Pinney, an aide at the hospital, will leave June 1 tor employment at The Dalles. Miss Margaret Campbell, an operating room aide, will also leave June 1 for Sunnyside, Washington. Misses Darlene French of Heppner and Alta Messenger of Lexington are new aides em ployed at Pioneer Memorial hos pital. Mrs WiLiam Kenny is wel comed back on the hospital nurs ing staff. A new small refrigerator has been installed at the nurses sta tion, making It possible to keep medications there Instead of storing them In the hospital laboratory. Pioneer Memorial hosp 1 1 a 1 was recently the recipient of a Bell and Howell 16 mm movie sound projector and screen giv en to It by the Hospital Aux iliary. Using funds earned at the Centennial Ball and with the discount given by Rod Mur ray of Humphreys Drug Co, as his contribution to aid the aux iliary, the unit was secured. It will be used for educational pur poses with films from the pub lic health department and var ious drug and equipment firms to Instruct aides, nurses and help. It will also be employed on special occasions for the en joyment of the county patients. Mr Bongers stated that a coffee hour is planned with the hos pital staff and members of the auxiliary executive board and members for formal presenta tion of the projector to the hos pital. THESE THOUSAND HILLS-neV exciting-beautiful, plus WIND ACROSS THE EVERGLADES with Academy Award Winner Burl Ives. Star Theater Thursday-Friday-Saturday. This is a long, long show-come early! I UMl STORM! $4 1($m 0fi Intvranf TODAY.,, C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE 6-S625 HEPPNER II i IU FRB i D)i!M pays EXAMINER TO BE HERE A drivers license examiner will be on duty in Heppner Tuesday June 2 from 9:30 to 3:30 at the court house. Long Diitance Ncrtion-Wlde Moving Service Mayflower Afents Tadded Vans PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phone CR -3111 SELECT A NEW CAR OR STATION WAGON FROM OUR LARGE STOCK OF NEW FORD AND A-l Used Cars Trucks These Units Are -INSPECTED -- RECONDITIONED ROAD TESTED, And WARRANTED 1958 FORD Fairlane Fordor Sedan, Radio, Heater, Fordomatic Transmission $2195 1957 FORD Del Rio Station Wagon, Radio, Heater, Fordomatic Transmission, Air Conditioner 1955 MERCURY Monterey Tudor Hardtop, Radio, Heater, Mercomatic Transmission $1 195 1957 JEEP Forward Control Pickup, Four-Speed Transmission, Warn Hubs -- DIVIDEND DAYS AT -- ruce Motors, Inc. PHONE 6-9152 HEPPNER, OREGON AFTER HOURS CALL BILL NICHOLS, 6-5858 17