-1 rcalaureate Held at lone ' ECHO PALMATEER 1 J Buttrey. Conference r and Superintendent of (rational Conference of , gave the Baccalaureate to the High school grad ' class Sunday mornine. L Rev James Riley, pastor lone Baptist church gave vocation, the prayer, the re readme and the bene 5 the Community church ang two songs accomran the piano by Mrs Bill nn and directed bv Arnie n; Mrs E Markham Baker the processional and the Mial on the organ; light candles by Susan Lind and Cherilyn Smouse. seniors are Suzanne Bel Frank Jepsen, Paul Petty h, James Swart, Leann g, John Howton, Ivan f Kenneth Jones, Dallas (id Mildred Seehafer Es seniors held their skip Lehman Springs Friday week. They were accom by Charles Hudson and d Mrs Darrell Padberg. Ruth Cossmann of Los- is visiting relatives here, f a sister of Mrs Olive lan, Mrs Arvilla Swanson, dith Nichoson and G A u and Mrs Glenn Ball of a spent a few days with es here. They were on ray home from a trip Into nia and into Mexico. Mrs Ritchie of Portland came i and Heppner with them she Is visiting relatives, ihd Mrs Delmer Crawford Cr and Mrs Robert Jepsen weekend visitors in Port- Duane Essex of Sacra -, California is visiting rela here and came for grad i 10 host barbeque farewell was given In honor of Mr frs Don Brostrom and fam d Mr and Mrs Joe Hausler amily at the home of Mr 4rs Delmer Crawford Sun evening, May 24. Others it were Mr and Mrs Ernest be and family, Mr and Mrs 'annon and family; Mr and Robert DeSpain and son, r Lee; Mr and Mrs Arnie an and family; Mr and Charles Hudson and family; nd Mrs Gilbert Lujan and y; Mr and Mrs David Mc jand family; Mr and Mrs B McLeod and Stephen; Mr frs Walter Jacobs and fam Mr and Mrs Dallas Shock md family; Mr and Mrs r Corley and Sherry; and ind Mrs Delmer Crawford amily. 1 Brostrom and Milton took 8th grade boys to Salem Portland Friday and Satur of last week. They visited itatc capitol, the MacLaren home and plywood plant T take your wife for grant--take her to the movies! r Theater, open every night ept Wednesday. in Salem and spent Friday night with relatives in Monmouth. In Portland they visited the science museum. The boys were Gary Morgan, Jim Martin, Jim How ton, Leslie Madden, Roland Ek- strom, Bill Akers, Ronnie Crab tree, Marvin Padberg, Mancell Townsend, and Ralph Martin. Mrs Gordon White entertained the sophomore class at a barbe que party at the Garland Swan- son home Saturday evening of last week. Dr and Mrs A J Buttrey of Port land were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs E Mark ham Baker and were dinner guests at the Lloyd Howton home Sunday. Those taking the 1st and 2nd degrees in Willow grange Sat urday evening of last week were Mr and Mrs Phil Emert, Mr and Mrs Charles Doherty, Mr and Mrs Art Warren, Mrs Art Dalzell, Mrs Charles- Carlson, and Linda Halvorsen. Those re-inst a t e d were Mr and Mrs Walter Jacobs, Mr and Mrs David Baker, Charles Carlson and Art Dalzell. The 3rd and 4th degree will be given June 6 at 8 p m at Willows grange hall. Mrs Ralph Crum and son, Jack, will attend the Nazarene church conference In Walla Walla" this week. Mr and Mrs Donald Peterson and sons are spending a few days in Portland this week. Dates to Remember: May 29 School picnic at the school with a potluck dinner at noon. Also , the last day of schooL May 29 Poppies and poppy cor sages win oe soia oy tne American Legion auxiliary members. May 30 Memorial services at the athletic field at 10 a m sponsored by the American Leaion Post. May 30 Fireman's dance at the Legion hall 9:30 to 1:30. The proceeds to go for the organ ized fire department equip ment and training. The fire department will be active in rural areas and in town, une 2 American Legion Aux iliary meeting at the Legion hall at 2 p m. Election and installation of officers. June 2 City council meeting at 8 pm. June 6 The 3rd and 4th degree will be given at Willows grange at 8 p m. The Morgan family re-union will be held June 19, 20 and 21 at the Wave Crest hotel at Tol orana Park at Cannon Beach. All relatives and friends are wel come to attend. The Vacation Bible school planned to start June 8 has been cancelled. last week from Los Angeles where he visited relatives. He made the trip by plane. Mrs Van Hubbard and Mrs Ray Boyce and son, Jimmie, made the trip to The Dalles Fri day of last week. The Pilgrim Fellowship High school group of the Community church entertained the seniors Special Close - Out: DISCONTINUED PATTERNS Pottery-China AST CHANCE r many residents of this area to fill in their set of Alameda jgshell Nautilus pattern of this famous HOMER-LAUGHUN CHINA AND LU RAY POTTERY ' have practically all colors and all pieces in stock of lese two well-known potteries, but when these are gone tere will be no more. 1 '2 PRO Silliam & Bisbee Hardware Co. HEPPNER, ORE. at the Lewis Halvorsen home Fridav evening of last week. A picnic supper was served. Those assisting were Mr and Mrs Bui Rietmann, Mr and Mrs Charles Hudson, Mr and Mrs Alvln Me Cabe, Mr and Mrs Ray Heimbig ner and Mr and Mrs Lewis Halv orsen. After the supper dancing was held in the Halvorsen's new shop. All High school students attended the dance. Chosen Princess Linda Heimbigner, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ray Heimbigner was chosen as princess of the McNary Aqua Capers for July 4 and 5. Each town cnooses a princess and thev are voted on at the schools. Linda has com pleted her junior year in the lone High school. She is an honor stu dent, was editor of the school annual and treasurer of her class and is very fond of sports, es pecially water skiing. Mr and Mrs Carl Sehulz oi Rock Creek are 'the parents of a daughter, Hazel Marie, born May 22 at the Condon hospital. Weight 7 lb and 6 oz. Mrs Hazel Wiles and Edison Morgan of lone and Mr and Mrs Sehulz of Nebraska are the grandparents. Mrs Ida Grabill of lone is the great-grandmother. Mr and Mrs Ray Heimbigner and familv made a trip to Pasco and Kennewick, Wash Saturday of last week. They visited ner sister and family, Mr and Mrs Harry Fink, in Pasco. Several people have received invitations to the wedding of Wavne Pierce to Miss Judith Kay Stine at the Christian church in Madras June 7. He taught the 8th Grade here three years ago and is now teaching at Sisters. Mr and Mrs Jack Miller of Seattle are the parents of a daughter, Lauri Ann, born May 15. Weight 8 lb and 12 oz. Mrs Miller is the former Jean Knight en and taught in the high school here a few years ago. Debbie and Cynthia Barnett of Pendleton spent last week with their grandparents, Mr and Mrs Ray Barnett. Mrs Ruby Nichols, Cecil Pad berg and Mrs Delia Corson made a trip to Pendleton one day last week. Gary Brenner of Portland spent the weekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs C E Brenner. Mrs Roy Lindstrom gave a birthday party in honor of her daughter, Christine, Wednesday morning, May 20. She was 4 years old. Guests present were Tracy Brostrom, D'Ann Barnett, Neil Crawford, Billy Melena, Lisa McCabe, Cathy Cannon, Ronetta Fahl, Debbie McLeod, Carol Hausler, Richard Hamlett, Kathy Holtz, Patty and Jimmie Hudson, Cynthia Ekstrom, and Jeanette Lujan. Games were played and birthday cake and punch were served. The Arnica club meeting was held at the home of Mrs Lloyd Kite Wednesday afternoon, May 20. After the business meeting games were played. Those re ceiving prizes were Mrs Gilbert Lujan, high and Mrs Joe Haus ler and Mrs Lee Palmer tied for low. Mrs Raymond Lundcll re ceived the door prize. Mrs Tom White and Mrs Rich ard Rea were in Portland last week. Mr and Mrs Tom White plan to move to Portland about the first of June where he will attend a barber school. Earl Morgan made a business trip to Portland Wednesday of last week. Mrs Cecil Thome, Mrs Wallace Matthews, Mrs Omar Rietmann and Fred Ely returned home last week from Roseburg where they attended the Rcbekah assembly and grand lodge of the Odd Fellows. They reported,a very in teresting convention. Ed Buschke recently visited his son in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Ray Rines in Albany and new eranddauchter, Sherry Rines. He also, visited his grand son and family, Mr and Mrs Richard Peck ancl their daugh- Monument School Holds Graduation By MARTHA MATTESON Commencement for Monument eighth grade and high school was held Wednesday evening in the gym. The program included the Monument band; procession al, Mrs Harold Cork; invocation, Rpv Jack Chan: salutatory, Laura Lee Shank; song, "A Perfect nav". John Akers of Prairie City; valedictory, David Conklin; sen ior awards, Richard Drees; ad dress Richard G Hvatt of East ern Oreeon College on the sub ject, "Is there a- doctor in the house?"; presentation oi eigntn grade diplomas, Robert Gertson; nrpspntation of high school dip lomas, George Stubblefield; ben ediction, Rev Jack Chan; and recessional bv Mrs Harold Cork. The awards went to David Conk lin. Harold Reynolds, Laura Lee Shank and Carol Schoenberger. Hi sh school graduates were Rheo Ma VanDetta, Laura Lee Shank, Carol Schoenberger, Da vid Conklin. Carolyn Martin, Sharon Hinton, Walter Williams, Harold Reynolds, Herman Cov ington, LeRoy Buxton. The eiehth jrraders were Mat- tie Lou Stubblefield, Andrew Vandetta. Arthur Smith, Shar- ilvn Neal, Donald McKinnon, Dennis McKinnon, Wayne Leath ers, Mary Ella Hinton, Tommy Fleming, Melburn Covington and LaVonne Bleakman. Death Takes Mr Crismon Archie Crismon passed away May 15 at the veterans hospital in Boise, Idaho. He was born April 9, 1890 at Long Creek and had spent most of his Ufa in J Grant county. During the early 1 part of his life he hauled freight between Heppner anl Long Creek and later he tended sheep. Dur ing World War I he served in the Armed Forces and when he returned worked for Wayne Stewart. Between 1925 and 1937 he was in the sheep business for himself and had been assoc iated with the livestock business most of his life. He resided in Dayville the last few years and retired about two years ago. He leaves a half sister, Cora Mael and a number of nieces and nephews. Services were held in the Mon ument church Wednesday at 2 p m with Rev Jack Chan offic iating. Legion pallbearers were Bob Holmes, Joe Elder, Mead Gilman, Lynn Forrest, Owen Smith and Slim Owings. Singers were Reta Cupper, Pat Chan, Ouida Cork and Wayne Leathers with Mrs Harold Cork at the piano. Engagement Told Mr and Mrs Henry Martin of Monument announce the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Carolvn Deloris Martin to Mr Charles A Williams, son of Mr and Mrs Frank Williams of Mon ument. Miss Martin is attending beauty school in Portland while Mr Williams is attending college in Pasco. No date has been set for the wedding. Ernest Johnson drove to Prine ville Saturday to return Sunday with his wife who has spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs Ansil Martin and tamiiy. Mr and Mrs James Croker and son Ronnie spent several daysj at Salem where they were called by the illness of his father. He passed away May 16 following a long illness. I Henry Martin and Clarence Jacobson have been busy the past two weeks grading fire roads in the Monument fire dls-1 trict. I Mrs Bob Holmes drove to Prineville'Thursday accompanied by Mrs Clarence Holmes and Mrs A C Owings, to catch the bus. Mrs C Holmes was on her way to Sacramento to visit her son and family, and Mrs Owings to meet her brother, Archie Jones and wife. Thev will eo to Brem. erton, Wash to visit another sis ter. Mel Crawford of Sisters was an overnight euest of thp Mnn- ument forestry department, May Aubry Crum is now emnlnverl by the state forestry department here. Iffie Stewart of John Dav vis. ited her sister. Mrs Georee Stir. ritt here last week. Mr and Mrs Tonv Wvatt and Mr and Mrs H W Scott snent Monday in Pendleton. Mr and Mrs Gene Campbell and children drove to John Dav on business. Lois Hill tended the store and post office while they were gone. Mr and Mrs Bob Neel and fam ily were honored last week by a visit from his folks from Okla homa. Mrs Pearl Martin and daughter Margaret accompanied Mr and Mrs James Croker to John Dav on business. The high school drove to Rit ter Thursday for their picnic. Mrs William Mvart had her class and mothers up Deer creek at their home for a picnic. Mrs Tildle Potter and daughter came in Monday to visit her bro ther, Frank Howell and family. Choir practice and a church meeting was held Thursday ev ening at the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Cork. Plans were made to finish the rest of the floors in the study and classrooms. Friday morning at 4 o'clock the Monument seniors left for their sneak trip to Yellowstone Park, they were accompanied by Mr and Mrs Barney Cork. Mrs Carl Cox was honored Tuesday afternoon with a stork shower at the home of Mrs Bea Ogle at Top. Mr and Mrs Tony Hutchison and three children of Portland came In Friday night to visit HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, May 28, 1S59 his brother, Mike and family and their folks who had been visit irg here from Salt Lake City, L'tali. On their return home Sun day his folks returned with them to visit in Portland. Printing Is Our Business I Call Us On Saturday, Mr and Mn Har old Erwin and daughter, Shir ley attended the Inter-Collegiate Rodeo in Pendleton and then had dinner that evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Archie Murchl-son. 0LYMPIA BREWING COMPANY, 0LYMPIA, WASHINGTON, U.S.A., 0ly 0-1 KRAFTREADS SPECIAL FOR MAY 2 for $2222 A C Tread 670x15 -710x15 - 750x14 OR 800x14 EXCHANGE PRICE NOW KRAFTREAD TUBELESS TIRE CAPS. Guaranteed to run tubeless. Special venting process now in use. No mare tubes to buy. Ford's Tire jService LaGrande Pendleton Heppner I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM I f DECORATION DAY I 1 jt WEEEX-EMD i IWl1rririflC i 3 SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY & FRIDAY, MAY 28. 29 I FROZEN - 2 POUND FRYERS ea. Swanson's Meat Loaf, Turkey, Chicken TV DINNERS s M 3 mm ea. 59c ter, Shirley Helena, in Albany. Mr and Mrs Robert Rietmann and sons spent Sunday with the David Rietmann's in Kennewick, Washington. I KRISPIE PIES Frozen Apple, Wild Blackberry 2 F0R 89c Minute Maid 12 Oz. Frozen ORANGE JUICE 2 F0R 43c 3 3 3 c I DUNDEE PEACHES, Freestone IVi's FOR $J00 NOTICE to CITY UflTER USERS In order to make some necessary valve changes in the supply line WATER WILL BE OFF 5 A. M. TO 7 A. M. SATURDAY, MAY 30 PITTED OLIVES FOR $4 00 PAPER NAPKINS PKGS. 19( Tomatoes lb. II I mm I Potatoes u.s. No. 1 10 ibs. 59c ! CELERY BUNCH JgC YELLOW ONIONS 3 LBS 25c Central Market & Grocery City of Heppner PHONE 6-9614 HEPPNER