Homemakers Festival Features County History and Pioneers By ECHO PALMATE ER Over 225 people attended the Homemaker's Festival at the Willows Grange hall Thursday, April 30. The theme was Yester Years in Morrow. Registration started at 9:30 A M and the morning program started with the audience sing ing Oregon Extention song led by Mrs Norman Nelson and ac companied on the piano by Mrs E Markham Baker; the Home- maker's creed was given in uni son; Mrs Bryce Keene, chair man, gave the welcome and in troduced Miss Esther Klrmis, Morrow county extention agent; Miss Kirmls introduced her sec retary, Mrs Walter Corley and Miss Miriam Hall Information specialist from Corvallis. The native daughters of Mor row county were honored with Mrs Walter Rugp-les and Mrs Anne Smouse In charge. The na tlve daughters are those who were born In the boundaries of Morrow county of parents who came to the county before 1870 also their daughters and grand daughters. Those honored and presented with corsages were: decendants of William Cecil, 1863 who settled in Cecil, Mrs Norah Rasmus of Hoppner; decendants of Columbus Rhea, 1863, settled on Rhea Creek, Mrs Josie Jones of Heppner and Mrs Mary Ash beck of Echo; decendants of Amanuel C Petteys, 1868, settlod above lone, then known as Petteysville, Mrs Olive Engle man, Mrs Arvilla Swanson, Mrs Edith Nichoson, Mrs Clell Rea, and Katherine Rea. Other Pet tey's living in the area not pres ent were Mrs Walter Roberts, Mn Victor Rictmann, Miss Alice Nichoson and Mrs Dean Rohde; decendants of the Joseph Mason, 1869, settled on Rhea Creek, Mrs Clara Kincaid, Mrs Mabel Cotter, Debby and Tracy Kincaid, and Mrs Richard Rea and Donna Mae Rea; decendants of William Gil liam, 1870, near Heppner, Miss Ona Gilliam and Mrs Hazel Vaughan. Others reporting on their de cendants were Mrs Ruby Pad berg Nichols, decendant of Hen ry Padberg who came here in 1870. Debbie and Tracy Kincaid are the great-granddaughters of Henry Padberg and also of Jos eph Mason. Mrs Frank Young of Jiermiston decendant of the Far rens: Mrs Larry Schaad (Pat ricia Dobyns) decendant of the Dobyns of lone, Mrs Zoe Billings and daughter, Brenda, whose an cestors came to Hardman In 1876; Mrs John Vaughn (Muriel Ca son) of Portland a decendant of Walter Cason, Milton Hale and Elijah Sperry who came to the lone community in 1871; Mrs Mary Healy, a decendant of John Hughes, a settler near Lexing ton in 1880; Mrs Russell Miller (Hazel Akers) of Boardman a decendant of Jay Ball in lone community. 4 i white and 1 m Heppner Hardware & Electric LOYAL PARKER l Piitsduboh Faint Committee reports were given on 4-H clubs by Mrs Warren; research by Mrs Ruggles; pub licity by Mrs Dewey West; health and safety by Mrs Jerry Bros nan; Azalea House by Mrs Keene; citizenship by Mrs Warren Mc Coy, ACWW by Mrs John Berg strom; 100 attendance of units by Mrs Keene and district re ports by Mrs Helen Waas, dist rict representative; history or Morrow county extention units by Nels Anderson, county agent; What's Ahead for Extention, by Miss Hall, of Corvallis. I Installation of the new officers was held with a very impressive candle ceremony. Those Installed were lone unit Mrs Ed Baker, president, Mrs Art Warren, vice president; and Mrs Leland Mc Kinney, secretary. Boardman president, Mrs Richard Waymire; vice president, Mrs Nathan Thorpe; secretary and treasurer, Mrs Irene Dietz. Heppner Mrs Gene Ferguson, president, Mrs Riley Munkers, vice president and Mrs Nora Turner, secretary. Pine City Mrs Leo Ashbeck, president; Mrs Max Barclay, vice president; and Mrs Clarise Aber- crombie, secretary and treasurer; Lena Mrs Gale Hughes, presi dent; Mrs Judy Griffith, vice president; and Mrs Jerry Bros nan, secretary and treasurer; Rhea Creek Mrs John Graves, president; Mrs Emma White, vice president, Mrs DeLeva Rill secretary and Mrs Pearl Wright, treasurer; Irrigon Mrs Rose Ti tus, president; Mrs Isabelle Joney vice president, and Mrs Sylvia Morgan, secretary and treasurer. County committee officers lor MISS JANET WIGHTMAN. daughter of Mr and Mrs M R Wightman of Tomales. Calif, former residents of Heppner, was recently honored with the Outstanding Student Award given by the Savings and Loan of California. She received a bronze medallion and a cash award and is eligible to com pete for five $1,000 scholar ships. A (0)1 (01 PER GALLON ready - mixed body colors .... , , r t ' -J three years are Mrs Warren Mc Coy, Mrs Randall Martin and Mrs Richard Waymire; those for two years are Mrs Wlllard French and Mrs Paul Warren. Miss Hall and Mrs Jerry Brosnan were the Installing officers. Mrs James Pettyjohn Is the out going presi dent of lone, the host unit In the afternoon the program was a pageant In celebration of the Oregon Centennial presented by the Morrow county Extention Units. The 1st episode was the Coming of the White Man and the 2nd, The Great Migration presented by the Irrigon unit with Indians, white men and soldiers; 3rd episode was early settlers of Morrow county by Pine City unit. The first settlers were John Jordan, 1854 in lone and T W Ayers on Butter Creek; the 4th episode was What Pio neer Living Was Like by Lex ington, Heppner and Pine City units. An exhibit of a pioneer kitchen was shown with a cupboard with newspapers, with fancy perfor ations, on the shelves, kerosene lamns. old Dotterv and a churn. etc; a living room with an organ , and a bedroom with a bed cov-1 ered with a handmade quilt, I pillows shams and also a com mode. The 5th episode was The Pioneer Church by the lone unit. The exhibit represented the Lu theran Valby church. A mock wedding was performed. The bride and groom were Mr and Mrs Roy LIndstrom. Roy Is the son of the late Otto and Mrs (Anna Lundell) LIndstrom who were the first couple to be mar ried in the Valby church In Gooseberry. Others married there were Mrs Emil (Mary Lundell) Swanson; Mrs E R (Lena Baker) Lundell; Mrs Louis (Betty Graves Carlson; Mrs Rod (Eunice Peterson) Kvlstad; Mrs Herbert (Barbara Prock) Peterson; and Mrs Robert (Donna Lovgren) Pet erson. The sixth episode was the pio neer school by the Lena unit with an exhibit of a school with a water pail, log seats etc; The 7th episode was pioneer social life by Rhea Creek unit; a dra matizatlon of the Jewish peddler and a family, also a square dance. Episode 8 was the Early Villages in Morrow county by Heppner, lone, Lexington and Rhea Creek units and drama tized the Heppner flood and the naming of the towns. Lexington from name on a womans suit case from Lexington, Ky. lone from lone Arthur and Heppner from Henry Heppner. They had an exhibit of the hotel lobby in Hardman and told of the first doctor. The 9th epi sode was Twentieth Century towns in Morrow county by Boardman and Irrigon units showing the county officers look ing over the situation on the projects In these towns. The last one was the dedication by Pine City giving a summary. Mrs Elmer Holtz and daugh ters, Kathy and Carol showed how pioneer women and children make dresses from the same bolt of cloth. Nels Anderson was the narrator; Donald Heliker the Bal lad singer; the Heppner high school furnished the barbershop quartet and Elaine Laird the songstress. A large painting of Oregon was on the stage, also a covered wagon. Mrs Norman Nelson led all the singing and Mrs E Markham was the pianist throughout the day. YOUR hsarana jj Ik in viireajMt Heed The Need! We're very much in favor of Supplying blood that's need ed; Casualties & Sickness are a call That should be heeded! Everyone gives something to Prevent disease from bugs How can we read of auto deaths With not a thing but shrugs? Why could not contributions Be made to prevent tmsT Get driver training In our schools And for adults that wish? Every place they have the course Has proof of benefits it gives! Why shouldnt our young drivers Have a better chance to live? hi For All Tour Insurance Needs C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGKMCT Phone 6-9625 Box 111 HEPPNER. OREGON t " 7 TT llnietmitnt GENT HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday May 7, 1959 WIMIIIIIWIHIllHWIKIWIIIIIIIUIIIIHIKimiDWWIIIIIIIWIIWIimiWIW gociAL Happenings JoMphln Thompson, Social Reporter WEEKEND HIGHLIGHTED BY BANQUET AND PROM HONORING SENIOR CLASS The Junior class of Heppner French. high school was host last Thurs day evening for a banquet held at All Saints' Episcopal parish house, honoring the graduating class of 1959. The South Sea Island theme was carried out with the wait resses In costume and decorations on the tables and around the rooms in keeping with the theme. Jean Collins, Junior class pres ident, presided and Kay Keith ley Reed, s.'iior class president, gave the response for her class Robert Van Houte, guest speak er, said that graduating students today should strive for- objec tives that are worthwhile, should set a goal In life. He told them "A sense of direction, an aim In life and a realization that what one is today will decide what one will become tomorrow." Elaine Laird sang, accompan- led by Jeanne Schmidt and vocal solos were given by Judy Cochell, accompanied by Carol Anderson, Special guests were Mr and Mrs oe stewarc, ine Kev ana Mrs .'Jruce Spencer, Mr and Mrs Robert Van Houte of Stanfield, Mr and Mrs Howard Cleveland, Mr and Mrs Harlan McCurdy, Jr, and Mr and Mrs Raymond Lex Junior-Senior Banquet At Pendleton The Juniors and seniors of Lex ington high school held their annual banquet last Wednesday evening In the Emigrant room at the Temple Hotel In Pendle ton. The decorations were carried out In the colors of the senior class, blue and white. Each sen ior girl received a red rose cor sage and each senior boy a red boutonnlere. Charlene Jones was toastmis tress, Bob Davidson gave the welcome and Keith Peck replied. Dennis Doherty Introduced the guest speaker, Dan Dlnges. Mr Dinges, a Lexington high, school graduate, is now assistant man ager of the First National Bank of Oregon, Pendleton branch, and he spoke to the group on "In tegrity." After the banquet they all at tended the theater. Mrs Dick Has High Score At Bridge Friday evening Mrs Ned Sweek entertained her bridge club at the home of Mrs Riley Munkers. Mrs Munkers was co-hostess. Their guests were Mrs Don Bennett, Mrs Marion Green, Mrs Creston Robinson, Mrs Don Bell enbrock, Mrs Bill Heath, and Mrs Kemp Dick. High for the evening went to Mrs Dick, second high was Mrs Bennett, and Mrs Green won low. Luncheon was served at noon by the H E C of Willows grange. The tables were decorated with covered wagons, forts, teepees, etc. Children were taken care of at the Masonic hall by high school girls and others. Almost everyone wore centen nial costumes. on Wash and Wear Clothes Care I . W bow Wask-l-Wtor fabrics ...low U koop tbm Mw-looking ...(pfifily cloai nd pirftctly prtsiri witkoit shlto or glan. Doi't risk rglitig tm by "do-It-yoorsolf" ilioo's,.. SEND THEM TO US FOR Heppner PHONE Mrs Herman Green, Mrs t, Anderson and Mrs Andy Van Schoiack headed the committee of Junior class mothers In charge of preparing the banquet On Friday night the multi purpose room of the grade school was changed Into an island set ting for the annual Junior-Senior prom, whose theme was Ja maican Farewell. Coming Events Friday, May 8 Ruth chapter no 32, OES. Monday, May commerce, 11 Chamber of noon at O'Don nell's. Band Parents. Tuesday, May 12 Bookworms. Degree oi Honor. Wednesday, May 13 Willows lodge no 66, IOOF. P-TA, school, 8 pm. Thursday, May 14 Soroptimists, noon at O'Donnell's. Elks.' Friday, May 15 Sans Souci Be bekah lodge. Saturday, May 16 Elks, adult potluck, 6:30 p m. Sans Souci Rebekahs Meet Friday Night Sans Souci Rebekah lodge met Friday evening, May 1, with Mrs Gerald Rood presiding. There were 27 members and one vis itor present. Mrs Blanche Brown received the prize for the penny drill and there was a discussion on the delegates going to Rebekah as sembly. A food sale was held after the meeting, during the refreshment hour, after which pictures were shown by the Oddfellows. Mrs Merle Kirk, Miss Esther Bergstrom and Mrs Ray McDow ell were hostesses for the even ing. The next meeting will be Fri day evening, May 15. Pinochle Club Meets At Van Winkle Home Mrs Jack Van Winkle was hos tess to her pinochle club Thurs day evening at her home. Guests were Mrs Merrltt Gray, Mrs L L Robblns, Mrs Bud Col lins, Mrs Clarence Johnson, Mrs Stan Holmes and Mrs Riley Mun kers. Mrs Munkers won high prize for the evening and Mrs Collins won low. Both Mrs Munkers and Mrs Collins also won the double pinochle prize. Refreshments were served at the end of the evening. j Pratt Home Scene Of Saturday Potluck A no-hostess potluck dinner was held at the home of Mrs Gordon Pratt on Saturday even ing. The guests were Mrs Eddie Gunderson and sons, Mrs James Mallon and sons, and Mrs Clar encc Johnson and her daughter ana son. Bridge was enjoyed later In the evening after dinner. Cleaners 6-9441 iC-7 I i ii lone Community Church Scene of Mother-Daughter Tea By ECHO PALMATEER 118 persons attended the Mothers-Daughters tea at the Com munity church parlors Saturday afternoon which was sponsored by the Maranatha club. The program which was an nounced by Mrs Omar Rietmann, consisted of a reading, Mothers Everywhere, by Mrs Rietmann; the welcome by Karen Nelson and the response by her mother, Mrs Alfred Nelson; vocal solos by Lona White accompanied on the violin by Mrs Kenneth Smouse and on the piano by Mrs Lloyd Howton; reading by Con nie Emert; a reading by Joyce Howton; a dance by Marlene Crawford; piano solo by Linda Rowell; vocal solo by Mrs Edison Morgan accompanied by Mrs E Markham Baker; a dance by Merrilee Jacobs; an exercise by Susan Jane Jepsen and Linda Pettyjohn; a reading by Pam ela Proudfoot; a piano solo by Marjorie O'Connor; instrumental music by Linda Halvorsen, Shar on Crabtree and Dalene McDon ald. A prayer by Mrs Phil Em ert. Mothers and daughters hon ored were Mrs Mary Swanson, Morrow County Mother of the Year; Mrs Sam Esteb, the old est mother; Mrs L F Leathers and her daughter, Marllee, both having birthdays nearest Moth er's Day; and Mrs Wate Craw ford by having the most daughter-in-laws and daughters pres ent. They were all present with corsages. Pamela Proudroot re ceived the door prize. Refreshments were served from a table with a centerpiece of pink and white carnations and pink candles. Those pouring were Mrs Wate Crawford, Mrs Fannie Griffith, Mrs Arvilla Swanson, Mrs James Lindsay and Mrs E R Lundell. Their granddaughters presided at the punch bowl. They were Marilyn Morgan, Susan LIndstrom, Kathrine Rea, Arleta McCabe and Dianna Pettyjohn. The rooms were decorated with tulips and narcissls. Those working on committees were, refreshments, Mrs Bryce Keene, Mrs Marlon Palmer, Mrs Alfred Nelson, and Mrs Berl Akers; tables, Mrs Garry Tullis and Mrs Lloyd Howton; program, Mrs Omar Rietmann and Mrs Milton Morgan; arranging the rooms, Mrs Arthur Crawford, Mrs Gordon White and Mrs Kenneth Smouse. Mrs Ella Burgoyne and Mrs Carl Bergstrom had charge of the guest book. Mrs E Mark ham Baker and Mrs Clell Ray, WEARABLES FROM WILSON'S Graff TEE SHIRTS A whole bevy of cotton knit beauties. 2.95 - 4.95 PEDAL PUSHERS New spring styles in all colors. 4.95 BLOUSES Smart new cottons in 0 host of bright colors. 2.95 UP SKIRTS They're gay, comfortable and bo practical. 5.95 TWO-PIECE Smart summer cottons you'll practically live In. 10.95 TO 14.95 SHE LOVES BERKSHIRE & HANES HOSIERY 1.35 0 1.50 Wilson's Men's Wear The Store of yoreonal Service Buffet Given For Seniors After Prom Susie McQuarrle, Doug Grlbble, and Bob Mahoney entertained members of the senior class and their dates with a post prom supper party at the home of Mr and Mrs C E McQuarrle on Fri day night. The buffet was cleverly decor ated with two figures dressed as graduates beneath a canopy done in their class colors. Two bouquets with candles were at each side of the buffet also in the class colors of pink and lilac. Mrs McQuarrle, Mrs Lowell Grlbble and Mis P W Mahoney prepared and served the supper. Mrs Hamlin Hosts Soroptimist Club At New Home Thursday Mrs Frank Hamlin was hostess Thursday at luncheon for mem bers of the Soroptmlst Club of Heppner. ' The group presented the hos tess with a gift of shrubs for the yard of her new home. After lunch and a tour of the house, Mrs Elaine S George arid Miss Leta Humphreys gave re ports of the Northwestern Reg ional Conference which they at tended at the Multnomah Hotel in Portland in April. Duplicate Club Meets At Gribble Home The Duplicate bridge club met at the home of Mr and Mrs Low ell Grlbble Sunday evening. Their guests were Mr and Mrs Clint McQuarrle, Mr and Mrs LaVerne Van Marter, Mr and Mrs Gordon Pratt, Mr and Mrs Tom Wilson, Dr and Mrs Wallace Wolff, Mr and Mrs L E Dick and Mr and Mrs Conley Lan ham. Mr and Mrs McQuarrle were high partners for the evening and Mrs Tom Wilson and Mrs Pratt were second high. Wolffs Entertain Saturday Evening Dr and Mrs Wallace Wolff en tertained Saturday evening with a bridge and dessert party. Their guests were Mr and Mrs Bill Blake, Mr and Mrs Bob Brindle and Mr and Mrs Bob Jones. High prize for men was won by Mr Brindle and high prize for women went to Mrs Brindle. kitchen committee. aH 1