) HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. April 23. 1959 Boardman High Crowns Queen By MARY LEE MARLOW Lorelei Hamilton, high school senior was crowned queen of the Junior-SenidV prom Saturday night held in the school gym nasium. Jim Thorpe was her es cort Dean King, student body president, was master of cere monies and crowned the queen. Princesses and escorts were Bar bara Anderegg and Chuck La Rue, Evangelina Pedraza and Douglas Shattuck, Diane Black was flower girl, and Rickie Part low was crown bearer. Mrs Joe Tatone was hostess for a picnic party in the city park Saturday afternoon in honor of her son Jody's seventh birthday. Assisting here were her niece and nephew, Sandra Knopp and Bobby Tatone of Portland. Linda Tatone served the refreshments, assisted by her cousins, Cherie Tatone of Portland, and Nlckie Tatone of Coulee Dam, Wash. Gary Tatone and Greg Knopp of Portland were in charge of the gifts. Guests Included Mrs Char les Tatone and Venessa, Scotty, Jimmy, Chuck, Dan and Brad Hastings, all of Portland, Mrs Gene Knoll and Jimmy, Gary and Mike, of Spokane, Wash, David and Janelie Skoubo, Glen da Williams, Karen Gronquist, Bobbie Skoubo, Lynae Aase, Nancy and Andy Morlan, Terry and Christie Waymire, Jimmie Pierce, Mike Anderson, Richard Watkins, Kathy Getz, Lorena Nelson, Jerry and Wayne Dow ney. Randy Stewart, Timmy and Penny Bellamy, David McElrath, Pam and Casey Kuhn. Others sending gifts were Stephen and Janet Tatone of Portland, and Jim and Pat Crouch. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Elmer Messenger were Messenger's son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Frank Hammel and children Barbara, Eline and Billie of The Dalles. Mr and Mrs William Garner and children Dick and Anita of Hines were weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Dewey West. Mrs Joe Crouch and sons, Jim, Pat, and Danny 'spent the week end in Sunnyside, Wash, visit ing at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Frank Van Etta. Mr and Mrs Russell DeMauro and daughters Anna Marie and Dontia of Hood River visited at the home of Mrs DeMauro's bro ther and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Ralph Skoubo, Saturday. Mr and Mrs Elvin Ely and IMS) HAIL INSURANCE TODAY! C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE 6-9625 HEPPNER where ordinary trucks can't go ! With the extra traction of its 4-wheel drive the rugged all-purpose 'Jeep'Truck"takesoff"where other truck leave off. It carries a payload of more than a ton through mud, and, mow or toft earth goes where other trucks can't go. It travels at highway speeds in conventional 2-wheel drive. Equipped with power take-off, it supplies mobile power for many types of machinery used in industry or on the farm. It's time-tested and performance-proved... it'a America's lowest priced 4-Wheel-Drive Truck. 4 WHEEL-DRIVE iit ft im TRUCK IILLTS...worldj largsst nakers of 4-wbeel Mil Tthlcltt Come in for a demonstration todays FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY daughter, Eileen went to Rleth Sunday afternoon to attend a birthday celebration at the home of Mr and Mrs William Lilly in honor of Mrs Lilly and Jay Lilly, son of Mr and Mrs Eldon Lilly of LaGrande. Motion pictures of past fair parades of the North Morrow County Fair were shown at the meeting of the P-TA last Thurs day at the school. The pictures are the property of Mr and Mrs Charles Anderegg. The P-TA vot ed to not serve coffee and punch this year at the school picnic and May Day festival. Free Ice Heppner High School SCOOP MAY & CHASE ST. HEPPNER By CAROLYN McDANIEL The HHS student body met Tuesday, April 21, and elected a chairman for the band carnival. The general chairman for the carnival will be Steve Flug, a senior. Student body president, Renn Harris explained the plans for the carnival ana urged an students to help all they possi bly could, as both the student body and the HHS clubs and organizations profit from the carnival earnings. Cha 1 r m e n have been selected by their clubs and plans for the bootns are progressing rapidly. Each class has chosen a king and queen candidate. Freshman candidates are Bruce Moyer and Diane Mc Curdy. Sophomores have elected Dan Brosnan and Mary Slocum as the r candidates. Junior can didates are Mickey Van Schoiack and Bonnie Hannon. Candidates for the seniors are Dick Robison and Joan Moe. The usual booths will be featured. Again, the townspeople's cooperation and help is asked in presenting tne "Country Store" booth. If any one has anything to contribute, please call 6-9138 or contact Car- lyn McDaniel. Another HHS singing group, the Merryettes, appeared on Teen Time on channel 19 in Pasco. Judy Cochell, Fern Albert and Janice Martin are the members of the trio. This is ti e third Heppner group that has appeared on the program. Seniors are excited over tne arrival of their graduation an nouncements. Now the task of Inserting their cards and ad dressing the envelopes will keep everyone busy for awhile. Grad uation of the class or 19S9 wm be on Wednesday, May 27. The Future Business Leaders of America delegates came back from the state "convention at Cor vallis weary, but glad they at tended. Fifteen delegates and their advisor, Mrs Kirk attended the FBLA meetings on April 17 and 18. New state officers were elected and our own candidate for reporter, Carolyn Carter, was elected. This is the third year that HeDnner has had a state officer. The new state president is Roberta Ashby, irom btayton. Plans have the date of the Quill & Scroll National Honor Society banquet and initiation as May 6. The Quill & scroll mem bers will initiate four people Wilma Bothwell, Mickey Van Schoiack, Carolyn Carter and Carol K Anderson. The National Honor Society initiates are Bob Huffman, Carolyn McDaniel, Wil ma Bothwell, Tom Glass, Dennis Fergeson, Don Craber, Fern Al bert, Evelyn Tucker, Larry Tib bies, Jeanne Schmidt and Bill Monagle. In the sports news, the Stan field baseball team will meet the Mustangs here at 2:00 p m on Thursday, April 23. The next baseball game will be with lone, there. James Mallon, track coach, announced that 13 different schools will be competing in track events here Friday, April 24. The schools are Pilot Rock, Umatilla, Helix, Condon, Stan field, lone, Uklah, Lexington, Ar lington, Fossil, Weston, McEwen and St Joseph, The events will begin at 7:00 p m on Friday. cream will be given as in the past The money saved on the coffee and punch will be put to ward the one-half of a 4-H schol arship. This was the last meet ing of the year. W W Hartle spent last week in Washtucna, Wash visiting at the Ira Scott ranch. Mrs Delmer Hug was hostess for the Tillicum Club Tuesday night of last week at her home. There were 10 members present, and guests were Mrs Dallas Mc Elrath, Mrs Delbert Ball and Mrs Sid Fergeson. Mrs Ralph Skoubo read the annual report of the club's pro jects. The club voted to give one half a 4-H scholarship. Mrs Dew ey West reported that eleven pints of blood were donated from Boardman In the recent drive. The quota was five pints. The annual membership tea will be held at the home of Mrs Richard Waymire May 12 at 8 p m. Mrs Skoubo, Mrs West and Mrs Don Downey plan to attend the convention of the Oregon Feder ation of Women's Clubs at Rose burg, May 5-6. Mrs Ronald Haas, program chairman, gave as the thought for the day, "The crosses we all bear seldom show." The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Don Downey April 28. The Ladies Aid Society of Com munity church had an all day meeting at the church Wednes day of last week, and cleaned the church basement. They also packed a missionary box to send to the Open Door Children's Home in Hazard, Kentucky. Mrs Henry Zivney was in charge of the missionary program, and read an article on Southern Rho desia. A sack lunch was had at noon. Mrs Seth Russell and Mrs Leo Potts were hostesses. Mr and Mrs Walter Hayes and Mrs Rollin Bishop were in Port land last Friday. Mrs Florence Root has return ed home from a three weeks trip to eastern points. She accompan ied her brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Alvie Mefford to Davenport, Iowa, where Mefford will attend school. From there she went to East Moline, Illinois to visit at the home of her niece, Mr and Mrs Robert Knuth. She also visited at the home of her cousin, Mr and Mrs Roy Vinson, in Abilene, Kansas and on her way home visited at the home of Mr and Mrs A T Herrlam in Fort Collins, Colorado. Mr and Mrs George Wiese were called to Salem last Friday by the death of Wlese's uncle, Her bert Lane, 63. FINE KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON iiiimn hi m J. im irijin iini -w- ' - - mm i 'ii 1 HI ft ilMwLty - z. mifmmwmm ' klh -14 kb'-mmm StilfltKT Nature's finest bourbon Uu There is none better ! Zo THE 010 HERMITAGE CO., LOUISVILLE, KY. DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CO. . 86 PROOF rMlglMMiiiiM iiqugggJjjli PlilillllllllllllllM NOW n fViirPre DEALERS FOR FAMOUS ' HARRIS COMBINES HARRIS HILLSIDE HARVESTER i KM ' " " III Wliillll limffM ii niWsTsT NOT 27 ... NOT 37 . . . NOT 42 ...yil HARRIS LEVELS ON 55 GRADES HARRIS 98 Hillside Harvester is Western-Made for Western Crops. A 100 hillside machine ... not an adaption . . . conglomeration . . . modification! Exclusive, EXPLOSIVE Taper-Tooth Cylinder . . . Biggest Separating Area . . . Powerful, 130 hp Hercules Engine . . . Proven Performance! HARRIS 98 Is Your Best Bet for Bigger and Better Harvesting! WE CARRY. A COMPLETE STOCK OF HARRIS PARTS FOR SALE 1-1958 Model Massey-Harris Combine USED ONLY ONE SEASON PRICED TO SELL See The New Harris 98 On Display In Heppner At The Corner of Main & Center Sts. Gilliam & Bisbee Hardware CLAUDE & MARGARET BUSCHKE lllllilll illilliillliHllllilillHIimiHlllH! MlllllBIli IlllllllllllllllllllllllHli - "T-"- tt-t :i f ale APRIL 20, 1959 Bids will be received until 5:00 P. M., April 30th, 1959 on the old frame structure in Heppner, Oregon; form erly occupied by Mr. Cornett Green. The building for sale is all of the Northwest end of the frame structure, formerly owned by Interior Ware house Company, and not used for bulk grain storage. The buyer will be required to remove the building and clean up the ground by July 1, 1959. For further infor mation call our office in Lexington, 3-8423, and if you wish to look at the building, please ask Mr. Cornett Green to show it to you. Mail all bids to TREASURER, MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS, INC., LEXINGTON, OREGON. The Association reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Morrow County Grain Growers, Inc. Al Lamb, Treasurer