I Blllllllllllllliliiillii,ililll,lilllllllUmuuw gOCIAL HAPPENN6S I K?l"-iT Josephine Thompson, Social R porter axit;tii:i:ii:iiiittiiitiniiTitTTTgtttnttt?THrrtt:i::niiiimiitT!tttt:tiiiittTititt: IID-COLUMBIA PILGRIM FELLOWSHIP ALLY HELD IN IONE LAST WEEK By ECHO PALMATEER Tie Mid-Columbia Pilgrim lowship rally was held in lone ril 11 and 12. The theme was Ing for Jesus. liter registration on Saturday, ich was held in the city park h Mrs Paul Pettyjohn as chair n. In the aftrenoon a business eting was held in the sanct y of the Community church 1 the following new area offi 3 were elected for next year: sident, Willis Goodwin, Mil--Freewater; vice pres i d e n t, n Grahman, Mil t o n F r e e tor; secretary-treasurer, Mari- Morgan, lone; Faith commis n, Paula Barak, lone; Fellow p, Linda Halvorsen, lone; ion commission, Lynn Murray, Iton-Free water; Advisor, Rev Teth, Milton-Freewater. The rt rally will be at Enterprise, 'he Condon Pilgrim Fellowship 1 charge of the worship in the ernoon. n the evening on Saturday the up was served a banquet at school cafetorium by the ranatha club members. Marl i Morgan was master of cere nies and the quintones, sang tew numbers. The girls were la White, Jean Martin, Dalene Donald, Linda Halvorsen, and inna Pettyjohn accompanied charge of the high school church school class with Mrs Roland Bergstrom assisting. At the morn ing worship the Quintones sang, My God and I. A lunch was served in the church basement to the group at noon with Mrs Lewis Halvorsen as chairman. At the closing they all joined in a friendship circle. Representatives were here from Milton-Freewater, Ingle chapel, Condon, Enterprise and lone and the Portland area. There were around 60 registered. Those coming from a distance stayed at the following homes of Mr and Mrs Cecil Thorne, Mr and Mrs Roy Lindstrom, Mr and Mrs Fredrick Martin, Mr and Mrs Raymond Lundell, Mr and Mrs Milton Morgan, Mr and Mrs E Markham Baker, Mr and Mrs Lewis Halvorsen, Mr and Mrs Adon Hamlett, Mr and Mrs O L Lundell, Mr and Mrs Jack Barak, Mr and Mrs Charles Hudson and Mr and Mrs Joe Gaarsland. Saturday Dancing Party Enjoyed At Mary Johnson Home Mary Johnson entertained with an evening of dancing and re freshments Saturday nieht at the ; Karen Lundell. Around 55 home of her parents, Mr and re served. The theme was Cen- mial with table decorations of wers, kerosene lamps and flat ns. Many were dressed in Cen lnial costumes. Judy Sherer, leta McCabe, Sue Townsend d Dolores Emert waited on the )les. Mrs E Markham Baker is the chairman. Dn Sunday at the Community urch the area officers had arge of the church school. They re Bill Cason, president; inne Cason, secretary-treasur-i Roger Harris, action; Marilyn )rgan, Fellowship; and Paula ,rak, Faith. The state officers im the Portland area had arge of the morning worship, ley were Carol Friedel, action airman; Marilyn Miller, Fell fship chairman; Judy Prescott, ce president; and Mindy Cot ell, Conference chairman. Dar l and Sherri Tucker of Ingle apel were the candle lighters. Mrs Norman Nelson had Mrs Clarence Johnson. The guests were Ginny Lou Turner, Diana Fulleton, Virginia Moore, Jennifer Brindle, Martha Peterson, Corliss Quirin, Linda Stewart, Pam Cochell, Sharon Bunch, Bobby Massey, Daryl Dick, Bud Dubuque, Richard Clark, Larry Brinda, John Koen ig, David George, Stephen Peck, and Kenneth Smith. Coming Events Friday, April 17 Sans Soud Re- bekah lodge. Saturday, April 18 Musical tea, Methodist church, 2 to 5 p m. Monday, April 20 Chamber of commerce, noon at O'Don nell's. Rainbow for Girls. Tuesday. April 21 American Le gion hall, Girls' State report. St Monica's guild, 8 pm, home of Mrs P W Mahoney. Wednesday, April 22 Willows lodge no 66. IOOF. Thursday, April 23 Soroptimists, noon at O'Donnell's. Elks, fishermen's night stag dinner 6:30 p m. Friday, April 24 Ruth chapter no 32, OES. Saturday, April 25 Elks, adult potluck, 6:30 p m. Band Parents Carnival fair pavilion. Mrs Becket To Head Past Matrons Club Mrs Frank Davidson was hos tess for the Past Matrons club on Wednesday, April 8. A business meeting was held for the election of officers and to make plans for the ensuing year. The new officers are presi dent, Mrs Harold Becket; vice president, Mrs C C Carmichael; secretary-tr easurer, Mrs Roy Quackenbush. The meeting was followed by a social hour and delicious re freshments were served by the hostess. Those present were Mrs L D Tibbies, Mrs Dick Wilkinson, Mrs Frank Wilkinson, Mrs Loyal Par ker, Mrs Gene Ferguson, Mrs James Hayes, Mrs Floyd Worden, Mrs Archie Ball1, Mrs Harry Tamblyn, Mrs Frank Parker, Mrs Harold Becket, Mrs CC Carmich ael, Mrs Roy Quackenbush, and the hostess. Mother-Daughter Tea Held Monday Evening By Rainbow Girls A Mother-Daughter tea was given by the Rainbow Girls Mon day evening at 8:00 p m at the Masonic hall. The guests were entertained with two songs "The G.een Ca thedral" and "Chanson D' Amour" sung by Fern Albert, Janice Martin, and Judy Cochell. Sharon Case gave a talk on "What Rainbow Can Mean to a Girl," and Mrs Paul Jones gave a short explauation on Grand Assembly for Rainbow. Tea was served from a table decorated with a large bouquet of daffodils with a covered wagon on either side filled with for svthia. and Sharon Case and Susan McQuarrie were in charge. Mrs Claude Graham was gen eral chairman, Fern Albert was program chairman, and Mrs Roy Quackenbush was in charge of re freshments. Susan McQuarrie, Janice Driscoll, and Sharon Case assisted Mrs Quackenbush. During refreshments Janice Martin showed her robe and crown which was presented to her at the DeMolay Sweetheart Ball in Hermiston. On the cleanup committee were Marlene Griffin, Bernice Thom son, and Mrs Jim Thomson. Party Celebrates 84th Birthday John Stevens of Hardman cele brated his 84th birthday Sunday, April 12 at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Stanley Musgrave in Monument. His birthday was on April 11. Those who helped with his party and joined in the celebra tion were Mr and Mrs Harold Stevens, Mr and Mrs Rho Bleak man, Mr and Mrs Charles Roach, Grandma Leathers, Misses Mar inda Musgrave, Laura Lee and LaVonne Bleakman, Bonnie Kes sel, Judy Brinda and Alia Stev ens; Bob Stevens and Carlyle Stewart. Mrs Pfeiffer Hostess For Luncheon Party Mrs John Pfeiffer entertained with a luncheon last Wednesday afternoon for members of the Sewing Club. Guests were Mrs Cail Spauld ing, Mrs Bruce Spencer, Mrs Tom Wilson, Mrs P W Mahoney, Mrs Raymond Ferguson, Mrs Claude Graham, Mrs Lowell Gribble, Mrs E K Schaffitz, Mrs Gene Pierce land Mrs Robert Penland. Mrs Johnson Hostess For Pinochle Club Tupsdav evening of last week Mrs Clarence Johnson entertain ed her pinochle club at her home. Her guests were Mrs Fred Man kin, Mrs Glenn Smith! Mrs Max Harris, Mrs Jack Van Winkle, Mrs Honrv HaDDold. Mrs LeRoy Gardner, Mrs Lewellyn Robbins, and Mrs Bud Collins. High prjze for the evening went to Mrs Mankin, the double pin nrhlp nrize went tn Mrs Smith and Mrs VanWinkle, low was won by Mrs Robbins, and the door prize was won by Mrs loi lins. Dessert was served. Bill Lowe Surprised By Housewarming Mrs Tom Harris and Mrs Rob ert Lowe were hostesses for a surprise house-warming for Bill Lowe for his new home on Lin den Way Monday evening. Mr Lowe was presented with a hassock by the guests and they were Mr and Mrs Bill Brindle, Mrs Ethel Rose, Mrs Bud Spring er, Mrs Jack Everly, Mr and Mrs Norman Case, Mr and Mrs Calvin Yackley, Mr and Mrs Marvin Casebeer, Mr and Mrs Mike Sal- ing, Mrs Earl Gillette, Mrs Claire Anderson, Mr and Mrs Ray Bai ley, Eddie Gunderson Sr, Mr and Mrs Edgar Morris, Mr and Mrs Harry Munkers, Eva Jean Cow- dery, Mrs Lorraine Ball, Mrs Gene Pierce, Mrs Sam Nagel, Mr and Mrs Tom Harris, and Mr and Mrs Robert Lowe. Cake and coffee were served by the hostesses. Illllllllllllllll ! f I MX? .HIST ADR UP ( . ) i ' W : iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM when you shop at central market Iflav-r-pack frozen UP E U U A U L JLJ U v- 09 '?t.n:n:nt:ut:t:.,u;nn::Ktn:a:a:n:r:u4::: -mutt SW ANSON T.V. DINNERS Turkey, Chicken. Chopped Sirloin ea. 59c HALEY S FROZEN BEEF DINNER STEAK pkg. 49c Soroptimist Club Has 11th Birthday . Celebration Thursday The eleventh birthday was cel ebrated by the Soroptimist Club of Heppner last Thursday at its luncheon meeting at O'Donnell's. The tables were decorated by Mrs Joe Wright and carried out the Centennial theme, featuring covered wagons in the club's col ors, blue and gold. Miss Leta Humphreys introdu ced Joan Stockard who played a piano number and gave the reading that she did for the speech contest. The news stories of the charter night banquet on April 10, 1948 were read by Mrs Robert Pen land and a picture of the charter members shown. Mrs C A Ruggles, a charter and former member of the club, was at the piano to accompany the group in singing several songs. Special guests at the meeting were charter members who are no longer active in the club, Mrs C A Ruggles, Mrs Lester Cox of Lexington, Mrs William Farra and active charter members in troduced were Mrs E E Gonty, Mrs Grace Nickerson, Mrs Joe Hughs, Miss Leta Humphreys, Mrs Elaine S George, Mrs Loyal Parker, and Mrs Robert Dobbs. Other guests were Mrs Richard Hayes of Condon and Miss Mari lyn Calvin senior girl represen tative from Heppner high school. HEPPNER GAZETTE -TIMES, Thursday, April 16. 1959 Two Initiated By Sans Souci Rebekahs Sans Souci Rebekah lodge had a regular meeting and initiation Friday evening, April 3 at the IOOF hall. Mrs Gerald Rood, noble grand, was in charge ana iwo canui- dates, Mrs Stanley Holm and Mrs Doris Gollyhorn were initiated. Three delegates for grand lodge were elected. They are Miss Esther Bergstrom, Mrs Merle Kirk and Mrs Pearl Devine and Mrs Kirk was recommended for district deputy president from this lodge. The Triple Link club reported on the Easter cards and visitat ions to the hospital. Nate Mc- Bride won the sunshine prize. The refreshment committee for the meeting was Mrs Frank Ay ers, Mrs Oma Cox, Mrs Archie Fadberg, Mrs Blanche Brown and Mrs Martha Van Scholack. The next regular meeting will be Friday, April 17. Baby Shower Fetes Two Guests Of Honor Mrs Arnold Raymond and Mrs Clara Zlmmer were honored with a surprise baby shower Friday evening at the home of Mrs Glenn Barbour with Mrs Pat Cav onough as co-hostess. The guests were Mrs Marie Fore, Mrs Ellen Lippert, Mra Betty Sorenson, Mrs Jimmy Rich ardson, Mrs Clara Schunk, Mrs Lloyd Moyer, Mrs Kenneth Green, Mrs Avery Taylor, Mrs Paul Warren, and Mrs Dale Gardner. Several games were played throughout the evening and cake and ice cream were served by the hostesses. Phone Your News Items to 8-8228 USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Becky Fulleton Has Sixth Birthday Party Becky Jo Fulleton celebrated her sixth birthday with a party at the City Park Tuesday after noon . Becky's guests were Ronnie Sherman, Janet McCurdy, Leslie Collins, Brian Hughes, David Gunderson, Delbert McLachlan, Harry Bongers Jr, Dayle Ann Herschel, Susan Blakney, Susan Koenig, Ronnie Stillman, Re Ella Robbins, Mike Doherty, Mathew Murray, and Becky's sister, Ruby Ann. After ice cream and birthday cake were served they played games, and also played on the swings and slide. 1 1th Birthday Feted With Dinner-Theater Ray Jones celebrated his elev enth birthday with a dinner party at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Paul Jones. His guests were Mike Bunch, Mark and Chris Brown, Ronnie and Greg Jones, Mark Murray, Tim Driscoll, and Jimmy Lind say. After dinner Ray and his guests attended the show. I M M I "$ivijyou Ami" YOUR 1 impendent Insurance SI AGENT WRINKLING? If you, like a bird, over Grain fields could salL You'd see they could soon Be damaged by hall I Why let worry wrinkles Furrow your brow? Get grain hall insurance; It costs no more now I hi For All Your Insurance Needs C. A. ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-9625 Box 811 HEPPNER. OREGON v V f j i in ijni.un.ll. I ' I ' "'"H ' - , , v i&!w rrr in V a- 4 BRADLEY'S FROZEN APPLE PIES ea. g CARNATION DCH BANANAS 2 LBS- 29c LETTUCE LB 10c Radishes, Green Onions bun. 5c Central Market & Grocery ""msm moms 'I ; - i ' 4 i ' I 1 YOU O IT THI SOLID QUALITY OP BOOY Wt FlUUM, ...in a road-hugging Wide -Track Pontiac! Take all its beauty, balance it gracefully on a wider, steadier wheel design and you have a car the likes of which you've never owned. The wheels are five inches farther apart. This widens the stance, but not the car. You're secure atthe controls, more comfortable from head to toe. There's a noticeable lack of lean and sway. Narrow track cars fall far short by comparison. Wouldn't this be a good day for you to drive this sweet automobile? The keys are waiting. PONTIAC! AMERICA'S NUMBER 0 ROAD CAB ! - ' lX3Tz r r -vi THE ONLY CAR1WITH WIDE-TRACK WHEELS Dotted lines ihow conventional wheel positions. Pontiac'a wheels are five Inches farther apart This widens only the stance, not the car itself. Pontiac takes a better grip on the road, hugs tighter on curves ind corners. Sway and lean are considerably reduced, ride is smoother, balanced, steadier. SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY HEPPNER. OREGON MAY AND CHASE HEPPNER PHONE 6-9614