Image provided by: Morrow County Museum; Heppner, OR
About Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1959)
HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. April 9, 1959 Boardman C of C Installs Officers By MARY LEE MARLOW Vernon Russell was Installed as president of the Boardman 1 Chamber of Commerce at the meeting last Thursday In the Saddle Room of the Hitchln' Post Cafe. Dewey West was Installed vice-president, Slgvald Aase, sec retary, and Wally Hendrlx, treas urer. Mrs Joe Tatone went to Union Thursday to attend the conven tion of the 5th District of the Oregon Federation of Woman's Clubs. Accompanying here were Mrs Harry Plnkerton, Moro 4th District president, and Mrs W A Burnap, Corvallis, 2nd vice-president. Thursday evening they joined Mrs Dexter O Arnold, 3rd vice-president of the G F W C, Concord, N H Mrs Walter Brown, Klamath Falls, state president, and Mrs Marion T Weathcrford in Pendleton, where they all had dinner at the Pendleton Hotel with members of the Pendleton rh,ha. Wprinesdav evening Mrs Tatone was hostess for dinner at the Saddle Room of the Hitchln Pnst Pafe for Mrs Fred Gast ana Mrs Gerald C Day, Portland, Mrs W A Burnap and Mrs Harry Pinkerton. On the honor roll at the Board- man high school for the past ntn weeks are Barbara Ander- egg, with a 1.2 average, Carolyn Baker with 1.6, Mike layior, and Shirley Earwood, 2. Mr and Mrs Andrew Jones are the parents of a daughter born April 3 at uooa bnepnera nos nital in Hnrmiston. She has been named Linda Lee. Grandparents are Mrs Blanche Jones, uoara man, and Mrs Cora Minnlck, Irri gon. The bay weighed seven pounds, 13 ounces. Mrs Wayne Kuhn was hostess for a nartv at her home Satur day afternoon, in honor of her daughter Casey s fourtn oirtnaay. Guests were Mrs Erwin Flock Ready for your bigger, tougher jobs! i Another...bigger... Forward Control 'Jeep' Truck It'i the completely new, more powerful, 7,000-pound CVW Forward Control Jeep'FC-nOTrucki More cargo space on leu wheelbaiet A 9-foot pickup boi on 1 wbeelbus only 103 Mi inchei long. Bed ii only 27-inche from ground for backiavlng eaae of loading. New advanced deilgnl Driver it in Forward Control position or greater command oi any driving situation, New high for "blf -load" maneuverability! 4-wbceI drive traction and 'Jeep "go-anywhere,,nianeuverabrt ity carry bulky payloadi up to 3500-poundi to area or dinary trucks can't reach. Other outstanding feataresi performance-proved, high torque Hurricane 6-226 engine spacious Safety-View cab big wrap-around windshield with power take-off, it operate wide range of special equipment. and Charma Lee and Frankle, Patsy Skoubo, Aria Thornhlll, Andy Morlan, Pam Kuhn and Mrs Ed Kuhn. Mr and Mrs Earl Brlggs were weekend visitors in Pendleton at the home of Mr and Mrs Hugh Brown. Sunday evening visitors at the Briggs home were Mr and Mrs Mervil Looney, Albany, and Mr and Mrs Joe Warner, Pendleton. Mr and Mrs Claud Coats went to Hardman Sunday to visit Coats' brother, Jess Coats. Mr and Mrs Harold Kress have sold their farm In the east end to Mr and Mrs George Hlnton of Dale, and have moved to their other farm, the former Veele place. Hinton's father, Will Hin ton, makes his home with the Hinton's who moved here last week. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Marlow were Mrs Marlow's Uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Andrew Knudson, her cousin, Mr and Mrs Dean Knudson and daughter Sally, of Weston, and another aunt, Mrs Ernest Zerba of Walla Walla, Wash. Mr and Mrs Bill Thorpe have moved here from St Helens.' The Ladies Aid Society of Com munity church met Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs Henry Zlvney, with Mrs Jim Agee as co-hostess. Mrs Arnin Hug was In charee of the spiritual pro gram. Mrs Merrill Shaw was pre sented with a cake In honor of her fifth wedding anniversary. Mrs Emery Lyons returned home Friday from a two weeks trip to San Francisco, California where she visited at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Clarence Maian. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Delmer Hug were Mrs Hug's brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Harvey Port er and sons, Rickle ana MiKe, The Dalles. Those who attended Pomona Grange at Lexlneton Saturday were Mr and Mrs Nathan Thorpe and son Jim, Mr and Mrs Guy Ferguson, Mrs Cecil Hamilton, Mr and Mrs Clyde Tannehlll and Mrs Arthur Allen. Jeep Forward Control "yrc-i70 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY T AX WARRANTS nwMW . n. per8onal Property Tax Warrants upon the following listed Nrvnc h hereby riven pursuant to 08S,15 of the JJ . w . . ii- da nni taxpayers. Payme or said warrants onunfv nnsf ehnll ; ... nm-inArtV issuea, ana we taxes on v v - f . wxsar, assessed as uu.n.- continue as a lien on all the Personal property of theperson c es though the people of the county had THXtet as provided by taxes covered by tne warrant xogeuier wiw PI1L LOAV.J - r0 PnTHrHll 111 LUC lUUtlllCllL UIH'KPT tf ro 1 J Thai ff flSraS theCuntyClerk of Morrow Cjmg agaIns't th . ifin.mnn the title to any Interest in real Priy t ltles and gts applicable thereto, shall pmbracea in uic I-haV otherwise provided by law. The effect shall be the same !rflfn,t th?PeSn charged for' the full amount of the dellnque law. Interest To Nam Albert Schunk C E. Lynch Cals Tavern dba C. E. Lynch Harold Ayers M. L. Case, Est W. 0. George Logging Equipment Tavern & Restaurant Trailer House Beauty Shop Horses, saddles ft Equipment Louie's Woodworking Shop Woodworking Equipment O'Donnell's dba Harry ft Claire CDonnell Storro Brothers Bernard Hartman Walton Young Floyd Hutchlns JljflOIB 3d Get an on-the-job demonstration at your 'Jeep' dealer! Farley Motor Company HEPPNER MERRY TAILOR SEWING CLUB The Merry Tailor Sewing club met at the home of Jan Hager with 14 members present We are to have our stuffed toys finish ed by our next meeting, April 18. Mrs Hager served punch, cook ies and ice cream. Gall Batty, reporter rjry ( FARM AND RANCH X Vvk- OPERATORSi Get a J Wj'Cl 7 3 production loan for J J!fC V crop or llvaatookl Get a First National production loan fpig on crops gJJJ or livestock Wd or a loan for machinery, buildings, or equipment You're sure to enjoy this low-cost, high-value financial service, so see your nearby First National loan man soonl ALL BANK SIRVICI (FARM LOANS INCLUDIO) Monday Ihnt Saturday I mm IPDEBSX National Bank roiruN F. E. Moyers Delbert ft Darrel Vinson Hugh Grim, Jr. Harry E. Luta Dan Bill's Tavern J. A. ft Grace Shoun Wm, H. Parker Arnold Braat Lexington Pastime (KUnger) Harold C Baker Delbert C Carpenter Fred Garrett Raymond Gronqulst Arnold Hoffman Clifford Jones Roy W. Olmstead L. G. Shattuck Skoubo Bros ft Anna Dave Kaylor L, E. Ruhl Woodrow Huston ft Myron Huston United Studs, Inc. Wm. J. Gollyhom M. J. ft Alice Smith Buford L. Wltherspoon Richard Dewey Lavene VanMarter Sr. Ray Paplneau Gladys Young Henry G. Peck R. B, Rands Roy E. Ball Erwin C Flock Jack Taylor M. A. Watts W. B. Gottchalk co Van Buskirk ft Lloyd Swanson ft Hamlett A. E. Stefanl A. A. Stefanl Harold Beckett H. J. Delameter Raymond Schroth M. L. Case, Est Restaurant, Lounge ft Pastime Contractor ft Builder Trailer House Trailer House Livestock Farm Equipment Farm Equipment ft livestock Farm Equipment A livestock Restaurant ft Pastime Farm Equipment ft Livestock Farm Equipment ft Livestock Farm Machinery ft Equipment Tavern Farm Equipment ft Livestock Farm Equipment ft Livestock , Farm Equipment ft Livestock Service Station ft Consignment Farm Equipment ft Livestock Farm Equipment ft Livestock Farm Equipment ft Livestock Farm Equipment ft Livestock Farm Equipment ft Livestock Livestock Farm Equipment ft Livestock Farm Machinery ft Livestock Sawmill - Farm Equipment ft Livestock Farm Equipment ft Livestock Farm Equip ft Livestock Livestock Trailer House Livestock Livestock Farm Implements Livestock ft Machinery Farm Equipment ft Livestock Farm Equipment ft Livestock Trailer Court Farm Equipment ft Livestock Trailer House Farm Equipment ft Livestock Insurance, Furniture ft Fixtures Farm Livestock Farm Equipment Blacksmith-Welding Farm Equipment Amusement Machines Apartments TeaI Tax March 15. 59 Total 1956-57 $ 5.75 $ .90 1QV7.58 5.39 ,41 1958-59 5.50 -05 18.00 1056.57 212.88 33.36 1957.58 269.77 20.69 1958-59 27.50 -23 564.41 1956.57 127.30 19.95 iq57.58 149.15 1L44 1958-59 1129 -93 421.06 1956-57 50-34 7- 5853 1956-57 27.04 4-24 3158 1956- 57 12.06 l 1957- 58 4.72 1958.59 4.84 -04 231 195657 26.S 411 1957- 58 38.23 3-31 1958- 59 34.85 39 106.01 1955- 56 546.03 12935 1956- 57 711.78 111.54 1957- 58 808.06 8158 1958.59 546.92 4.54 3,92010 1956- 57 14.14 ,232 1957- 58 134.99 104)5 1958- 59 H6-64 279.31 1956-57 1133 12.99 1956-57 45.76 T17 82.93 1956- 57 4 -J8 1957- 58 11-80 0 18.47 195657 33.06 518 1957- 58 28.10 21J 1958- 59 18-38 15 87.03 1956- 57 52.72 28 1957- 58 3152 2.44 1958- 59 29.03 34 124.51 1956-57 5D3 .79 531 1956- 57 10.05 tSI 1957- 58 1013 .78 1958- 59 173 14 40M 1956-57 8.16 138 9.44 1956- 57 3935 J-15 1957- 58 20.48 17 1958- 59 5.57 5 734)7 195657 188.48 25J3 1957- 58 583) 5.68 195859 6W1 Ai 3444)2 1956-57 4430 6J3 1957 58 1136 1958- 59 20.01 17 84.62 1956- 57 ' 112.73 17.66 1957- 58 33.04 2.53 1958- 59 124.02 14)2 29L01 1956-57 6498 L09 84)7 1956-57 744' 11.65 854 1956- 57 80.62 12453 1957- 58 9734 7.46 1958- 59 62.43 .52 260.90 1956- 57 75.73 11JJ7 1957- 58 71.05 5.45 1958- 59 5A83 223.42 1956- 57 153JS6 24.08 (Ma 1957- 58 130490 104)4 31856 1956-57 50.61 74)3 5&54 1956-57 2139 133 1958- 59 3498 4B 28.63 1956- 57 429.62 674)2 1957- 58 191.45 14.68 in 1958- 59 170493 L42 873.42 1956- 57 4188 6456 48.44 195758 1334)7 1033 m 1958-59 11319 494 257.73 1957- 58 11.51 14X) 1958- 59 1L39 4)9 234)9 1957- 58 890.93 6848 1958- 59 82130 64J4 1.790.40 1957- 58 74)4 454 1958- 59 2497 .02 10-57 1957-58 1834 1.40 19-6 1957- 58 166.72 1279 1958- 59 163498 L36 3444J5 1957- 58 9.92 .76 1958- 59 8535 39 4632 1957- 58 12436 495 1958- 59 U.73 10 2514 1957-58 124)8 495 13-& 1957- 58 8.40 38 1958- 59 518 SA m 1957-58 2Z64 1.74 2448 1957- 58 22.64 1.74 1958- 59 814)6 437 106-11 1957- 58 3710 24H MtH 1958- 59 3L40 38 704)1 1957- 58 SI 450 142 MOn 1958- 59 42453 435 784 1957- 58 35435 171 , 1958- 59 35438 39 7473 1957- 58 T35 J56 1958- 59 7455 4)8 15-52 195556 267.87 584)5 . 1956-57 423.40 68435 815.67 1956- 57 10430 L61 . 1957- 58 10.64 2 BJ(M 1958- 59 1174 M 8430 1956- 57 166.70 28.12 1957- 58 79.13 6.07 1958- 59 123453 L03 402458 195J-58 279.46 2L43 M 1958-59 183456 1452 485497 1956- 57 4150 6.09 1957- 58 33.04 2453 1958- 59 4159 35 12610 l?J7-58 46.63 3458 M 1958-59 3108 37 82455 1957-58 37.73 189 40.62 1956- 57 27118 4032 1957- 58 421497 3136 1958 59 38536 330 U57U BANK WHtRl VOU CAN ORHOW (Continued on Pap Niat)