if tetter (famiti m?s MOHBOW COUNTY'S NEWSPAPER The Keppner Gazette, established March 30, 1983. The Heppner Timae established November 18, 1897. Consolidated February 15, 1912 NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS j ASSOCIATION ROBERT PENLAND Editor and Publisher GRETCHEN PENLAND Associate Publisher NATION At EDITORIAL Published Every Thursday and Entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as Second Class Matter Subscription Rates: Morrow and Grant Counties, $4.QT Year; Elsewhere $4.50 Year. Single Copy 10 Cents. Put the Money Where it Belongs A 40 tax on even an extreme luxury would seem excessive to most people. But such a tax Is now In effect on an absolute necessity gas oline. Federal, state and local taxes on motor fuel now equal a national average of 9c a gallon. And that amounts to 40 of the service station price of regular grade gasoline, exclusive of the tax. To make a bad batter worse, It Is proposed that the gasoline user be socked still harder, by raising the federal tax from Its present 3c rate to 4- cents. The excuse for this Is that the money Is needed to pay for the multi-billion dollar highway pro gram, and that the burden should be imposed on highway users. But that is a highly mislead- From The P County Agent's Office TO THE EDITOR By NELS ANDERSON Last Thursday evening leaders For those who are interested and from the lone, Blackhorse, Hoof yet do not wish to experiment and Horn and Rhea Creek live- with this under Morrow county stock clubs met to plan the an- conditions there are a number nual 4-H livestock field day of plantings here which we can which has been an event of the report on from time to time, past seven years. This gr ou p I number-of inquiries on agreed on Saturday, May 23 as the time and the Alfred and Nor- creep feeding of livestock Is an man Nelson ranch as the place, indication there will be consider ing alibi. For, If all the money collected from The field day has been held at aby more pouncjs 0f livestock these users were applied t0 the road program the Nelson ranch for the past Morrow "county ranchers there'd be no financing problem. , three years with excellent facili- ' mM..i'rf Simple statistics tell the story. In the last ties and most centrally located , this fall. While the word creep, fiscal year the federal government took In $3.6 lor all clubs to attend. This by dictionary definition means, billion from what is known as "highway-related" year's program in addition to .-t0 crawl to move 0r advance collections. These collections Include the gasoline fitting, grooming, showmanship Mo tQ thg fpeder crepp sig. tax.along with other motor vehicle taxes. But and judging will include demon- njfies fhe opposjte a speed up only $2.1 billion of that money was earmarked for strations. Detailed information th? rtevel'opment of an those highway purposes. A whopping 42 of the total- 6n the field day will be sent to fc anlmals pigs, caives and $1.5 billion went into the general fund, to be all club members within the next lamg Jnto more meat ln esg used for federal activities that have no relation few weeks, in the meantime, feedj ,s to highways don't forget to circle May 2 3 on fof lt ,g There is, therefore, no justification whatever your calendar and hold it. Vfcry much so. The economics of for increased gas taxes. What is needed Is to 'creep feeding must be figured put current revenues from highway users where As spring draws near, a re- pdce o llvestock and the they belong on the road. minder for dormant spraying of am0unt of gain which is norm- Industrial News Review apples and pears is timely. The ally' made on the pasture or dormant or aeiayea aormam natural feed available. Creep lea until 8 A M on Friday morning, afterwards. I had fun. while, spray is the first step in a well caives can put on up to an ad- Thursdav nieht It was so hot there, but we were all tired be-! planned, efficient orchard pest ditional 125 pounds per head, in our room We were rieht over 'cause we had been going strong 'spray program. Lime sulphur, or Lambs will g0 10 to 20 pounds L wtrhn'and w couldn't eet 1 day. combination of lime sulphur and heavier per head and are often our window open. I didn't sleep Saturday morning we didn't ?.ant 0llfem" B. th. in Sld 83 la.mb1 ff the,creeP HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. March 19, I959 A M Creep fed animals can also be marketed before declining pas t-. . n.iii Vciy KUUU al ail ttJiu Uidi wc gwi nave uicamaoi until 1 n iti , , , ... - 1 nm tawinT this mpans of .. ' f r.on a ur- ua m iw f!i cm ter buds swell but before open thanking the many people of breakfast of ham, eggs, potatoes, breakfast we had the director of in2 wI11 help control San Jose ture quaity a d dams reduced Heppner and vicinity and even muflnS( and coffee - enough finance as our guest speaker. ?cale' yster se11 sca'Vo milk flow result in lo,ss ?f blooiP' Portland in writing and congrat- t0 hold us for the day! lie told how the budget is made ler' sPld" mtes' apn'ds' ancdt, Creep fed animals dont suckle nint ntr mf on mv rprpnr noptrv ... . . ,. , ,i v, ua o nhnra uayna. ue on 'Tioneers" and their intention . Kr,-UfDEt Tha rnlin 'nuestion him. went to hear the joint ways and We then walked up to the su I means committee, but I had to preme court building and saw go to my interview. I the library. We went to the court Floyd Root (Pacific Power and room and the chief justice told I Light,) Mrs Bonner, and a coun ty agent were the ones that in 11 n.nn A tvt ,n Willow, KOCk "U iuwci we went down town and looked , Day watersheds suggests in view immH hut riirin't havp vprvlof the critical water supply that much time. This is where I saw! this year's ager irrigation wa- ST WILLIAM'S CHURCH lone Masses: Sunday, 9:00 a m. THE HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH 8 Church Street Lester D Boulden, Minister Church school, 9:45 a m. Morning worship, 11:00 a m. Tuesday, March 24, 7:30 p m. The final chapter in the life of Christ presented in color film. Choir practice, Thursday, 7:30 p m. HEPPNER BAPTIST MISSION Eld. Gordon Harris, supply pastor at Heppner Legion Hall every Sunday. Sunday school, 3 pm. Church services, 4 pm. Mid week Bible study and training, Wednesday, 7:30 In homes. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev C Bruce Spencer, rector Holy Communion, Sunday, 8 am. Family service, 10:30 a m. Holy Communion Wednesdays, at 10 a m and 10 a m all Holy days. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Willis W. Geyer. Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morning wodship, 11:00 am. Evening service 7:30 p.m. to contribute to the Matlock and Kelly monument Sincerely, Spencer Akers, Aumsvllle, Ore, us the duties of the supreme court. The only free time we had of the most effective sprays is the combina tion of lime sulphur or Poly sulphide plus dormant oil. The usual combination calls for lime sulphur 3 gallons plus 2 actual oil per hundred gallons of spray. A recent water supply outldok report for Umatilla, Walla Walla, John RnlAtir la o Inftor fmm "Mar dine Baker, lone 4-H member, terviewed me. Mr Root asked me who attended the "Know Your such questions as how to be- State Government" conference in come a better citizen, how you Salem last week. This is the can apply the things you learn j ,1. ... 1. 1 nt thla rnnfprpnce to vour own ESSnXT has sponsored' uh dty government, my idea on the ! t ' Haivorsenl and talked 7o 1 1 supply should 1 be "stretched'' a fonf'ence. TwoLys and two onm,lhe & ime while. , I ThT Lmendatto! iri ottnHincr xnnfirnro wptp olds having the right to vote, selected to attend the national etc. They asked me very little 4-H club conference in Washing- about my 4-H project work. Most ton, D C in June. Karl Beach, of the delegates thought their Lexington, was chosen one of the interview questions were easy, delegates ) Dut 1 surely didn't think so. I D hr .nd Mama, ISn" 'ZZ ...W'.S.In'lwIha,""' P V Tuti it 1 ,oaii nntnvofi means committee meeting after SfVnoT? ffl GoS S"!? ment" conference. It is the best l"S as they Passodt a 4-H experience I have ever had. we were up there to appropriate It was really interesting and I money for 4-H work. An never got tired of sitting and other one hat was passed was to listening to speakers. (decrease state fair from ten days r ' trx n, rrli f Anra KfVaiicA rf inn fire. Well, I will start out and tell nn rntnrin,. n - - We were then divided into you the schedule. Thursday night we started with a buffet u i'v,an 'possible. This recommendation the evaluation of the conference came in view of '3 by the delegates. I guess I left outlook for he 1959 irr.gation the most important thing till season (April-September) con last, but probably you know that tmuing to be only air tc poor Karl Beach was chosen to attend f"-1 lul 'e a . -the National 4-H club conference ! from reservoirs which will likely in Washington, D C in June. was really happy for him. Boy, I sure let people know that it was a boy from Morrow county that was chosen! There were so many congratulating him that I didn't get to say much to him. I am going to write him a letter congratulating him again as I think he really deserves it. We were through at about 2 P M and Cal Monroe (state 4-H have satisfactory water supplies. the mothers down so severely. Early weaning may save a sow 50 to 100 pounds of weight. Cows are commonly spared a full 50 pounds. Bill Doherty, Sandhollow ran cher is creep feeding his calves now to get them used to grain so he can full creep feed them from mid-June on as ranges dry up and before stubble is avail able. There are many more fan chers who are now creep feed ing or making plans to do so. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charles V Knox, minister Bible school, 9:45 am. Worship, 11 a m. Choir practice, Thursday, 7:30 p m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Ion Rev J W Riley, Pastor Sunday school 10 am. Momlng worship 11 am. Evening service, 7:30 pm. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, at 7:30 P m. IONE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Charles Wilkes, Pastor Sunday school at 10 am. Morning worship 11 am. Young People's meeting at 7:00 p m. Evening worship at 8:00 pm. Prayer meeting at 8:00 pm on Thursday evening. IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev Floyd S Bailey, pastor Church school at 10 A M. Morning worship at 11 A M. Junior Pilgrim Fellowship at 6 PM. Senior Pilgrim Fellowship at 7:30 P M. Maundy Thursday communion services, March 26 at 7:30 P M. Choir practice Monday at 8 P M. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH C L Vories, Pastor Saturday services Sabbath school, 9:45 A M. Sermon, 11:00 A M. Topic: "How You Can Know The True Church In 1959." "Voice of Prophecy" radio broadcast over KGO every Sun day, 9 PM. "Quiet Hour" radio broadcast, Portland, Oregon, KWJJ Monday through Friday, 9:30 P M. Morrow County Polled Here ford breeders rated tops again at the recent Polled Hereford show and sale held at Redmond last week. Barnett Hereford Ranch of Condon and Boardman showed the reserve champion bull while Kirk & Robinson, Hep- nrnvA -il 1 A Cm A rPOTYl OT PV . wiiuc ii.lCaae ' hibitors. They showed thefeserve .nnii j , v, I -i it Tnhrn on? time supper at the Marion Hotel (Sa- groups and half rt1 lem). Afterwards we were told hear the Senate ! and the others j , 7, same bus as how a bill becomes a law. There to the House. The Senate was, went back on the same du . . 1 t. it rnnl mIM All ihmt A H was nass 1 ulUl vve t n 1 L,ufo-'11- are several sicps anu navu win- a.... ...v., r ten them all down in my notes, a bill with little contro versy, They started the interviews for men we went 10 me House "u 5 P M. That's enough of that. I sup- rvttl m rt l-tvai nf selecting two boys and two girls saw some action. There , was i a;Pe - c b B cm up to mase ine euurauuii - ,...,.. ju i tn rnnrpuspnt Orppon nt the nat o-- . . .UI14 ional 4-H club conference ln oi meniany reiurucu uiuuien Washington, D C in June on compulsory. One woman really Thursday evening. Mine wasn't got emotional about it, but they finally passed it. 1 At noon we had a buffet lun cheon at the Marion Hotel. Here some of the representatives and senators had a question and answer period so they could ex plain what we had just seen that morning. I From two to four we heard a panel of lobbyists who told of their duties. This was perhaps ,the most boring of the whole conference, but still It was rather Interesting. We also had a quest Ion and answer period here. We were next taken on a tour of the capitol. We went clear to the top! All of us girls took off our heels before we climbed to the top because we weren't taking any chances of breaking our necks. STAR THEATER Thuri., Fri., Sat, March 19, 20, 21. Sabu And The Magic Ring Arabian Nights story with Sabu and William Marshall. PLUS The Defiant Ones Tony Curtis, Sidney Poltler. Sun., Mon., Tues., March 22, 23, 24. Bell, Book And Candle James Stewart, Kim Novak, Jack Lemmon, Ernie Kovacs and many more. Sunday at 4, 6 and 8. ! to write a letter to the 4-H lead ers council and tell them that I would be willing to tell about it all if they'd like to hear it. Also I can speak at any place in lone or Heppner if they want me during spring vacation. Mardine THIRTY YEARS AGO From the files of the Gazette-Times March 21, 1929 A large crowd was attracted by the presentation of "The Young er Generation," a genuine talk ing picture at Star Theater on Wednesday evening. only 57 of a normal winter's total. Farmers thereiore, snouia consider this "stretching" recom mendation by cleaning and re pairing ditches and water con trol structures; by using ferti lizer to get more crops with the same amount of water; by "working" the water not just letting it run. The outlook for Rhea, Rock, Butter and Willow Creeks are for fair for the early spring season with a poor pre diction for later season. This office has been receiving a number of Inquiries on the adaptability of the Red Robin or "Livine Fence Rose." inis in terest has been brought about bv the ureat amount of advertis ing being done this winter. Ralph Clark. Oregon State college ex tension horticultural specialist says that while these advertise ments are written to sell a pro duct, thev are in general quite true. Possibly the profusion of bloom is not usually up to that shown, but it really is quite sat isfactory'. The Red Robin is hardy southern rose, not a multi- flora as some think, ana is usea for hedee plantings and as an When the Whitman All College 1 understock for many southern Glee club comes to Heppner on grown roses. It can readily be April 1st for the first concert crown as a narrow hedge row, nn its two weeks' annual tour. The main thins to remember is Governor Hatfield was guest inriHpH among its members will to rut it low at the beginning speaker at our banquet on Frl- be Laurci Beach of Lexington, and continue to cut back to the clay evening. He also saia we, !polnt t0 make jt branch as you could ask him questions if we Heppner's golf club elected need. It possibly will make a wanted to. Boy, he got some1 offlcers on Friday evening, hedge a little faster than privet, dlllies! I thought he was very,i..H Rnn0tf helnir rhosen nresl. Thev hioom from earlv summer ' i iti I . - . . ,Kuuu. jury yieacmuu tr.mn.ai dent; c L gWeok, vice-president until late fall. Observations snow :ior me sianuaru uu tompany and Frances Doherty, secretary- that there has been no signs 'scholarships at this banquet, we treasurer. 0f Spread either by root or seed. , nau a social nuur wiui uaiiuing snow pack during February was lh ion femae and reserve slightly above normal the water cha .on of tWQ bulls content of the mountain snow whne quamy wag goQd pr,c. cover is still far short oi the , og received were favorable to the normal winter's accumulation. r Thg sale was reported t0 This years snow accumulation Is,. . owest average of any of the spring sales in the area. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS ST PATRICK'S CHURCH Heppner Rev P J GAIRE, Pastor Masses. Sundays, 7:30 and 10:30 a m. Weekdays, 7:30 am. 2-4 D Weed Killers ALL TYPES ALSO FULL LINE OF - CATTLE SPRAYS - 50IL STERILANTS - GRAIN FUMIGANTS - SURFACE SPRAYS Let us talk to you about your needs. We will deliver one barrel or a carload to your Job. PAUL PETTYJOHN Distributor For All Leading Chemical Companies At Shell Oil Plant lone, Oregon Phone 8-7254 ML mm From where I sit ... ly Joe Marsh Curley Tables His Motion The other nlnht t the Rices, Curley u shaking his head over "y oun people," hi daugh ter in particular. "Can't tell her a thing," said Curley. "She wants a dining room et for a wedding pres ent, so I said her mother might let her have ours. Beautiful set, too, only the claims it's 'out of style,' can you beat that?" "Now, Curley," said Mrs. Rice, "you ought to know bet ter. My mother gave us that set when we got married and I told her the same thing!" From where I sit, no two people have the same taste in clothes, furniture or bever ages, for that matter. But we should all have respect for each other's preferences. For exam ple, maybe you like tea or milk. Me, I prefer a (lass of beer. That shouldn't prevent us from being (rood neighbors. Let's not be so "set" In our ways that we can't live with our differences. Copyri$Ut, 20( inittd Suus Brewers Foundation ANNUAL SPRING MM IONE AMERICAN LEGION Saturday, March 21 IONE LEGION HALL GOOD MUSIC BY DUKE SULLIVAN $1.25 PER PERSON mm Jeep' vehicles are completely engineered for 4-wheel drive, not just 2-wheel drive modifications or conversions. They go more places, do more jobs, cost less to own, have higher resale value! " KAistml VEHICLES BY WILLYS M0T0RS...W0RLDS LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF 4-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES ...ont of the irowlnf KAISER Industrie! Come in for a demonstration FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY MAY AND CBASE "EloScOK