HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, March 12, 1959 Russell to Head Boardman Chamber Br MART LEE MARLOW Vernon Russell was elected president of the Chomber of Commerce at the regular month lv luncheon meeting at the Sad dle Room of the Hltchln' Post Cafe last Thursday. Dewey West was elected vice president, Sig vald Aase, secretary, and Wally Hendrlx, treasurer. They will be Installed at the next meeting, April 2. George Wlese, Arthur Allen, Dewey West and Joe Tatone were appointed to act as the Centen nial committee. Dale Waddill, school superin tendent, Lexington, was a guest at the meeting. The Morrow County Port Com mission met at the Saddle Room of the Hitchin' Post Cafe last Thursday evening, starting with Long Distance Nation-Wids Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans PENLAND BROS. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Thone CR 6-3111 Livestock Market Cattle Hogs Sheep SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 Noon On U. S. Hiway No. 30 NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. JO 7-6655 Hermliton, Oregon Frank Wink & Sons, Owners Don Wink Mgr. Res. HermUton JO 7-3111 dinner. Bob Abrams, district at torney from Heppner, was pres ent to report on budeet prob lems of the port commission, and to read and discuss port laws. The regular budget meeting will be held April 2. The commission members plan to visit two other inland ports at The Dalles and Umatilla in the near future. Commissioners present from out of town were Gar Swanson, lone, and Al Lamb, Heppner. Warren McCoy, Irrigon, was un able to be present. Members from Boardman are Dewey West and George Wlese. i Greenfield and Irrigon granges Jwere hosts to other subordinate granges in the county for initia tion in the first and second de gree here Saturday, with pot 'luck dinner at noon preceding the meeting. Greenfield exempli fied the first degree and Irri gon the second. Those taking the degrees were Nora Turner, Edna Turner, Martha Van Schoiack, Eva Baldwin, Andrew M Bald win, Lora M Moyer, all of Lex ington, and Jim Thorpe, Board man. Mr and Mrs Sid Ferguson are the parents of a son, born March 7 at the Good Shepherd hospit al In Hermiston. He has been named Terry Clinton. Grandpar ents are Mr and Mrs Guy Fer guson and Mr and Mrs Arnin Hug, Boardman. Great-Grand parents are Mrs Katie Bickford: La Grande, and Mrs May Miller, Portland. The baby weighed sev en pounds, 12 ounces. Mrs Louise Earwood was hos tess for the Ladles Aid Society of Community Church Wednes day afternoon of last week at her home, with Mrs Arnin Hug as co-hostess. There were 13 members present, and Mrs Tom sented the spiritual life program. Dixon was a guest. Mrs Hug pre- The ladies voted to send an Eas ter gift to the Open Door Child ren's Home In Hazard, Kentucky. Guy Ferguson left Friday ev ening on a business trip to Rapid City, S Dakota. Mr and Mrs Rollin Bishop spent the weekend in The Dalles where they visited Bishop's bro ther, Ronald Bishop of Echo, who Is In the hospital there following Lex P-TA Plans Banquet and Ball By DELPHA JONES Th executive hoard nf tho P. a heart attack. They report he TA, met at the Lois Hunt home is much improved. on Wednesday nieht with the Mr and Mrs Walter Hayes, ac-1 following present, Lorene Led companied by Mrs Hayes' sister, better, June Davidson Jo Irvin Mrs Louis LeTrace, Echo, went Delpha Jones, Em Peck and a to Condon Sunday, where they delegate from the high school visited the ladies' aunts, Jennie Beverly Davidson and Charlene Kellogg and Georgia Perry. JoneSi Plans for the athetic ban. Diane Black, daughter of Mr quet and sweetheart ball were and Mrs Ronald Black, had a dlscussedf It was -announced that tonsillectomy at Good Shepherd , the Dlans are well underway and games at the gym last Thurs day night This was an amusing evening with the fathers and sons in basketball, and the mo thers and daughters In volley ball. Refreshments were served later In the evening by some of the mothers. . The 5th and 6th grades sur prised their teacher, Miss Mar lene Galyen with a card and handkerchief shower honoring her on her birthday last Friday.! After a most enjoyable time the mothers served refreshments. Dinner guests on Thursday of Mr and Mrs O G Breeding were Mr and Mrs Clarence Blsbee of Spray. Mr and Mrs Emery Burnside visited Mrs Burnslde's children and families, Sunday, Mr and Mrs George Steagall, Mr and Mrs Wilbur Steagall, and Mr and Mrs O G Breeding, and were dinner guests of Buster Shown. Mrs Fern McCorkle and Mrs Lola Breeding spent Friday In Arlington where they were guests of Mrs Opal Pettyjohn. Ed Livingston of Spray Is stay ing at the 0 G Breeding home while employed locally. Mr and Mrs E E Peck enter tained with a birthday dinner for their son George. The entire Dartv was carried out In the cow boy motif Including the birth day cake. Hospital In Hermiston Thursday of last week. Mrs Dewey West attended a luncheon meeting of the Neigh the date is set for April 11 in the high school gym, with Bail ey's orchestra. The alumni of the Lexington high school are all In- bors of Woodcraft in Arlington ; vited, but due to some lost re- Tuesday of last week at the i cords, if any one is an alumni home of Mrs James Marshall, and does not receive a notice Mrs Earl Briggs has been 111 of the dance please feel free to at her home for the past week attend. The theme for the even- ANNOUNCING with the flu. Two new 4c stamps, both blue in color, will go on sale at the Ing Is the "Western Theme" and will be carried out through the banquet and dance. The banquet Boardman post office next is a yearly function given the month, has been announced by! high school students, faculty of Mrs Flossie Coats, postmaster. The Arctic Explorations stamp will go on sale April 6 through Crcsson, Pennsylvania and fea tures the Arctic area by surface and by sea. It commemorates the 50th anniversary of the arrival the school and parents of the high school. Following this there will be the dance at the gym. The high school boys elect 3 girls who are voted In as queen and princesses of the ball by penny votes with voting places provid' of Adm Robert E Peary at the ed throughout the town. The can- OKI j D. A. Short, your Telephone Manager tor Heppner , 4 Ms 5. j V Moit folki her In town never think of the telephone company when they see jet fighters tracing vapor trails through the sky. But the fact 13 that phone people are helping to speed up the nation's air defense by making it work almost automatically. We're building a network of telephone lines that are the nerves of a new system called SAGE. They carry signals from radar outposts to control centers in a flash. There, Air Forcemen see in an Instant what's in the air, and can use SAGE's phone lines to order jets or missiles up without a second's delay. We watch over these lines with care, to make sure they're always working for your safety and security. J For . i Y i sii v ' r.N. ... '-i-r:m North Pole, and also denotes the history making feat of the U S Navy (Nautilus), almost fifty years later In making the first under-the-sea crossing at the North Pole. didates this year are the three senior girls, Barbara Steagall, daughter of Mr and" Mrs Wil bur Steagall; Judy Darnlelle, daughter of Mr and Mrs Burt Darnielle of Reno, Nevada; and The othe stamp Is a NATO Dora Sue Davidson, daughter of stamp and will be issued April, Mr and Mrs Bob Davidson of 4 through the post office at i Lexington. The meeting adjourn Washington, D C. It is being is- ed later after the hostess, Lois sued in honor of the 10th anni-1 Hunt had served coffee to those versary of the signing of the present. j North Atlantic treaty. It features Mrs Cecil Jones assisted by the NATO emblem and motto. Mrs Pat Sawyer and Mrs Beverly Weekend visitors at the home Miles were hostesses to a wed of Mr and Mrs Eldon Shannon din? shower on Tuesday after- were Mrs Shannon's mother, Mrs noon honoring Mrs Betty (Max) Nora Parsons, and her brother in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Clarence Christiansen, of Spo kane, Wash. Ivan Kress, student at OTI, Klamath Falls, spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs Harold Kress. He was accompanied Dy uonaia Weld, Renton, Wash. Mr and Mrs Kress, accompanied by their granddaughter, Barbara Ball, of Hermiston, went to Lewiston, Ida Sunday to visit relatives. They returned home Monday evening. Mrs Glena Bellamy, Golden- dale, Wash, was a weekend vis itor at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Don Bellamy. Mr and Mrs Zearl Gillespie and Mrs Claud Coats went to Lex ington Sunday to visit at the homo of Mr and Mrs Carl Mar- quardt. LEXINGTON Mrs Clarice McFadden is visit ing relatives in Hermiston for a few days. Phone Your News Items to 6-9228 Breeding. Games were played with Mrs Anna May Steagall and Mrs June Crowell winning prizes. Later the gifts were open ed, assisted by Mrs Pat Dough erty. Refreshments were served to the following: Mrs Lydia Wil son, Mrs Pat Dougherty, of Hepp ner; Mrs June Crowell and Miss Lola Wilson of lone; and Lola Breeding, Olita Wardwell, Anna May Steagall, Dona Barnett, Trina Parker, Murl Cornileson, LaVerne Henderson, Marie Stea gall, Florence McMillan, Cora Allyn, Beverly Steagall, Rena Marquardt, and the hostesses. Mrs Bertha Hunt and Mrs Clar ice McFadden were The Dalles visitors last week. Dates To Remember: March 17 Women's Fellowship group at LaVerne Hender son's. The Holly Rebekah lodge met on Thursday night with the N G Murl Cornileson. After a short meeting they adjourned and re freshments were served. The Bunnies of the grade school challenged their parents in a basketball and volleyball THE APPOINTMENT OF Jim Valentine AS REPRESENTATIVE OF AGRI-CHEM,Inc. We are pleased to announce the appointment of JIM VALENTINE as a representa tive of AGRI-CHEM, INC dealing in FERTILIZERS and AGRICULTURAL CHEM ICALS, specializing in Liquid Fertilizer. Brca Brand Aqua Ammonia and Aqua Plus Sulphur (20-0-0-3) CONCIENTIOUS PERSONNEL DEPENDABLE-ACCURATE APPLICATION EQUIP. FOR SERVICE phone: Days LEXINGTON 3-8111 Nites HEPPNER 6-5388 certified -"BRAND , dealer Agri-Chem, Inc. Athena, Oregon Aqua Ammonia Aqua-Sulfur Prilled Ammonium Nitrate Amonium Sulphate 20-20-0 14-14-14 20-1 0-0 16-16-8 PBRTILIZKRS SEE YOUR BUICK DEALER NOW! Ml m ALSO 1035 ADDITIONAL PRIZES.;. 1060 PRIZES IN ALL! MARCH 10 THROUGH APRIL 20 S1 V ? v 1st PRIZE: Thl Bulck Elactra 223 Convertible . . . "the most luxurious Bulckl" (OR $ 1 0,000 In caih If you win and have bought a new Bulck during the contest period.) 2nd to 25th PRIZES: luick iSabr 4- toot hardtopt, (OR $3,000 cath K you win and hov bought luick during ont(t.) 26lli g 60th PRIZES: Wurlltir Ilectronk Planot with matching banch, aarphenat! Plus 1000 nor PRIZES: Sath Themat Treval Clocks, ganulna laothar ceiai. Moving oon? Then novv's the time to take advantage of an offer that lets you get the extension phone you've always wanted, and save money on the Installation charge, too. Here it is: when we install the phone in your new home, we'll also put in an extension (or two or three!) at no extra installation cost. Just call our business office. We'll be glad to take your order today. Pacific Ttlephono WHY ALL THESE PRIZES FROM BUICK? . . . Because there's so much that's new in Ruick for you . . . and we want you to know it first hand! DISCOVER THESE 6 "BONUS VALUES" ALL BUICK BUYERS GET TODAY More details at Buick Dealers . . . your 25-word statement on which seems most im portant to you is what can win you your prize. 1. NEW ECONOMY. Scientific tests of Buick '59's remarkable economy are now being made. Meanwhile, we'd like your estimate as to what mileage will result. But you don't have to be right to icin. NEW STYLE. Motor Trend Magazine haa named Buick "best-looking car of the year, overall." OUTSTANDING QUALITY. Famous for quality, Buick is turning out today the best manufactured cars in its history! LOW FIRST COST. Now within reach of 2 out of 3 new car buyers. You can buy a Buick GO TO YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY BUICK DEALER NOW AND GET IN... TO WIN! LeSabre . . . like the 4-door hardtop shown above . . . within $200 of the price of the best models of "the leading low-priced three." I NEW TRADE-IN VALUE. Outstanding style, per formance and quality of these new Buicks assure excellent trade-in value. Your investment is protected. t GREAT NEW PERFORMANCE. More efficient new engines . . . smoother, livelier Twin-Turbine and Triple-Turbine transmissions . . . exclusive fin-cooled brakes . . . new, op tional Easy Power Steering, wonderfully new in ease and sureness of control. Optional at extra cost Your Quality Buick Dealer In Heppner Is: FARLEY MOTOR COMPANY, May 6- Chase