IONE HIGHLIGHTS By ECHO PALMATEER The American Legion Auxil iary met at the home of Mrs Echo Palmateer Tuesday after noon, March 3 with Mrs Edith Nichoson as co-hostess. At the business meeting con ducted by Mrs C E Brenner, pres ident,, it was. voted to give $5 to the sister Kenney Tuhd and $5 to the Easter Seals. The Legions birthday will be observed March 17 with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p m .at the Legion hall, .AH leg ionnaires " and Auxiliary . mem bers and their families are wel come. A meeting will be held March 24 at the home of Mrs John Eubanks to make: paper flowers for the wheel chair par ade at the Veteran's hospital in Portland. Mrs Sam Esteb receiv ed the door prtee. : At the city council meeting Tuesday evening March 3, an ordinance was passed to tax the Pacific Power and Light com pany for business In the city. Mayor Charles O'Connor appoint ed Bill Rietmann and James Bar nett to see about getting volun teer firemen. 12 stop signs were ordered .-to., be placed on the streets. Clean up of the city park and cutting down trees in the park were, discussed. . Mrs Arthur Dailzell underwent surgery in. the St Anthony hos pita! in Pendleton last week. Mrs Betty Lleuallen was a vis itor 'in Hermiston and Pendle ton last week. Mrs Darlene Donald is stay ing with her mother, Mrs Elbe Akers and is working at Stefani's Fine Foods. Mr and Mrs William Frost of Portland are living In their trail er house here and he Is working for the Builders Supply. c 1 Get 101! Profits From FEWER Acres 1 1 "l ' i nMn iiiii.n '.mm::'! APPLY YIELD-INCREASING PHILLIPS 66 AGRICULTURAL AMMONIA It'i just good business to get maximum profits from each acre of land you farm. One of the biggest problems you face as a farmer is the fixed cost of producing a crop. These costs are the same whether you get high or low yields. But you can make more profit and lower your total unit production costs by growing more crops on less acreage; Successful farmers know from experi ence that proper fertilization and other good farm man gement practices help produce higher yields and re sulting higher profits. -Adequate nitrogen is essential to produce maximum ' yields of cash crops. Phillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia is 82 nitrogen . . . more nitrogen per dollar than you can get in any other form of commercial fertilizer avail able. Plan now to get higher yields of more marketable cropi by applying Phillips 66 Agricultural Ammonia. Order your (Jp supply todayl EKSTROM FARM CHEMICALS PHONE 8-7289 IONE. OREGON Mr and Mrs Floyd Qrablll and family of Pendleton spent Sun day at the E W Bristow home. The lone Extention Unit met at the home of Mrs E Markham Baker Thursday afternoon, March 5 with Mrs Baker and Mrs Elmer Holtz as hostesses. The subject was new fabrics and fin ishes. The project leaders were Mrs L A McCabe and Mrs Roger Kincaid. They told of the differ ent fabrics, showed samples and told of the new styles for spring. A sack lunch was served. Mrs Kincaid received the door prize. At the business meeting plans were discussed for the Home maker's Festival to be held In lone. Mrs James Pettyjohn, is chairman of the festival which will start at 9:30 a m with the registration. A luncheon will be served at noon. The next meet ing of the unit will be held at the home of Mrs Roger Kincaid at 1 P M and final plans will be made for the festival as mak ing corsages, name cards etc. Members of the Eastern Star Social club were entertained at the home of Mrs James Lind say at a meeting Wednesday af ternoon, March 4. Mrs Dixon Smith assisted Mrs Lindsay with a luncheon at 12:30 P M. The members spent the afternoon sewing. Mrs Oris Padberg receiv ed the door prize. At the regular meeting of Bunchgrass Reb ekah lodge Thursday evening, March 5, Mrs Adon Hamlett, noble grand was presented with a 20 year jewel by her mother, Mrs Mary Swan son. The elimination contest of the United Nations Pilgrimage will be held In Pendleton March 21 In the evening. The lodge has a fund started to purchase lin oleum for their hall. The 4-H clubs have a very at tractive display in Swanson's store window with the theme "Throueh the Years in Morrow Countv." beeinnine In 1918 to 1959. Mrs L A McCabe, Mrs Louis Carlson, Mrs L F Leathers were among those decorating the win dow. Dotes To Rememberi March 13 -Topic club meeting at the home of Mrs Carl Berg strom at 2:15 P M. March 14 Progressive dinner for the high school Pilgrim Fellowship of the Community church at 6 P M meet at parsonage. March 17 Legion and Auxiliary party at the Legion hall with potluck dinner at 6:30 P M. All Legion members and Auxiliary members and their families are welcome. March 18 Arnica club meeting. Home of Mrs Lewis Halvor sen. March 20 H E C of Willows grange at the home of Mrs Wate Crawford with a lun cheon at 12:30 P M. March 22 Willows grange meet ing in the afternoon with a potluck dinner at noon. March 21 A dance at the Leg ion hall sponsored by the Legionnaires. A dinner at Stefani's Fine Food will be served to the members of the Lection before the dance. March 19 and 20 Spring vaca Hon of schools. Mr and Mrs Joe Schmidt and daughter, Karen of Kalowna, B C. Canada are visiting at the Garland Swanson home. Mr Schmidt and Mrs Swanson are rnusins. Mrs Walter Jacobs. Mrs David McLeod, Mrs Delmer Crawford and Mrs Pete Cannon were vis itors in The Dalles Tuesday of last week. Dr E E Zakary, district super intendent of the Church of Naz arene from Yakima spent Wed nesday of last week at the Ralph Crum home. Elmer Lorence and George Carpenter of Silverton spent the weekend with the James Llnd- qbvs. Mr Lorence is a oroiner-in law of Mr Lindsay. Funeral services were held lor rr uonctnri in Silverton. Wira ftmc - February 24. She is survived by one son, Richard Hanstad of Sil verton, 6 grand children and 2 great-grandcnuaren. one was sister-in-law of Mrs Ida Coleman. Mrs Mary Emert underwent in a hosDital in Boise, Idaho Tuesday of last week. She is getting along sausiaciuruy. i... i onhtrw underwent JY1IS - , , surgery in the Pioneer Memorial hospital last ween. Patients In the Pioneer Mem orial hospital last week were, Mrs Pat Doherty and Clayton Ayers. The American Legion Auxiliary .a o cmrrPSRful traveling food sale Saturday afternoon. The pro ceeds will go towara senuiiis a girl to Girl's State in June. Mrs Ray Barnett returned home .Axr.i. fnm RpAttle where she visited her daughter and family, . . . . . ITh. Mr ana Airs vernun auhc. im Aune recently underwent sur gery. Mrs Franklin Lindstrom at tended the funeral services of Mre venire Ahalt in Portland MnnHflv. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs Hugh Bell of Condon. Mrs Ahalt died In Portland Friday, March 6. She wna thp former Venice Cochran and lived here for several years. She is survived by one aaugn ter and a sister, Mrs Eunice War- field. Mrs Ted Palmateer and child ren snent Sunday at the William Healy home on Butter creek. Bonnie Akers celebrated her 8th birthday at her home Sun day, March 8. Guests present were Bonnie Morgan, Teresa Sta- fani, Teresa Tucker, Connie tm ert, Joyce Howton, Kathy Shock- ley, Sharlene Hamlett, Linda Williams, Jodlne Snow, uernice and nenleee Matthews. Kathy Keene, Marlene and Anita Craw ford. A dinner was served at nonn hv Mrs Berl Akers and games were played In the after noon. Mrs Walter Corley entertained the bridge club and at a coffee hour for the Easter Seals at her home Friday evening of last week. Those receiving prizes were Mrs Robert DeSpain, high; Mrs Robert Jepsen, 2nd nign ana Mrs Walter Jacobs, low. Mr and Mrs RalDh Crum and family attended church in Pen dleton Sunday and visitea ner brother and family, Mr and Mrs Lee Strahm. Hall. Mrs Robert Jepsen and Mrs Walter Jacobs were the tifipes for thp Umatilla County Fair aueen in Pendleton one night last week. Thp Great Decisions study meeting was held at the home of Mrs Fannie Griffitn rmay s mm m 1 SUNNY E II f BRAttO I KENTUCKY AVORZTE OF THE, OZD WEST' TODAY'S GREAT WHISKEY $090 si THE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KY., DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CO. 86 PROOF 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS CalvingSupplies FRANKLIN CALF PULLER TRI-SULFA and PENICILLIN FRANKLIN SULFA-UREA UTERINE SOLUSES mi UTERINE BOLUSES INFECTIOUS SCOUR TREATMENT HUMPHREY'S DRUG CO. S & H GREEN STAMPS afternoon of last week. Those present were Mrs Kenneth Smouse, Mrs Verner Troedson, Mrs Dixon Smith, Mrs E Mark ham Baker, Mrs Norman Nelson and Mrs Omar Rietmann. The next meeting will be held at the Griffith home, March 12. Miss Jo Ann Ingram and Den nis Swanson students at the Uni versity of Portland spent the weekend at the Garland Swan son home. Dick Sherer, student at EOCE spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr and Mrs Harold Sherer. HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, March 12, 1959 James Healy left last week on a business trip to San Raphael and San Francisco and expects to return the end of this week. RANCH AERO OWNED AND OPERATED BY PAUL N. HANSEN Will Be Back Again this year with two airplanes to assist the farmers of this area with their spraying problems. Use Gazette Times Classifieds For Results! COME TO CENTRAL MARKET FOR NESTLES Chocolate C BUlld-A-Set5 KINO SIZE EXTRA l '0,aSnCpu ; SALE IT wSMK-. ksIIyj rM EXTRA WIN Sss 10,000 cash ( N -O builo-a-set jfj I ENTRY BLANKS HERE y "J --fC SPECIAL COUPON PACKS Q $S3iffi W WHITE KING SOAP GIANT SIZE I on next purchase of lhe LIQUID LAUNDRY STARCH 2 fine washday prorJuctl Chips 4 pkg. $a NESTLE'S CANDY BARS 3 Kinds Milk, Almond and Crunch Reg. 10c Bars 7 for 49c MIHIilllliimiHMtltllllHIMMMIItllH NESTLE'S QUIK COCOA MIX 89c TJ. S. NO. 1 POTATOES 10 lbs. 39c ORANGES BAG 49c PINK GRAPEFRUIT 3 F0R 25e Central Market 6 Grocery PHONE 6-9614 HEPPNER a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH 3 wide-track PON haw YViuu " WWP - ........ mu.eiiro o$l AMERICA' ., NUMBER ROAD CAR Wheels ore 5 Inches farther apart. This widens the stance, not the body. Gives you a steadier, balanced, road-hugging ride. 8il YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER FARLEY MOTOR CO. (MAY Cr CHASE STS.) 0