Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 05, 1959, Page 4, Image 4

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    HEPPNEH GAZETTE -TIMES, Thursday, March 8. 19S9
Over The
Tee Cud
By Jackie Labhart
CHEERS! Tee time is here full of rocks we decided to quit
again, and this brewer of golf- i and eat lunch. (We had planned
ing gossip has the old pot per
kin' once more.
Even tho No 1 green (Affec
tionately known as the "sink
hole") is somewhat submerged,
the rest of the course is in peak
condition, thanks to the diligent
efforts of Raymond Ferguson and
his harrow.
A few golfers have been play
ing the course the past few
weeks, but due to most of us
being a little "rusty", our scores
show signs of being a little
"moldy" too. Among those play
Ing have been Dee and Lowell
Gribble, Coramae and Ray Fer
guson, Kay Robinson, Inez Mea
dor, Cork Norene, Vi and Conley
Lanham, Maxlne Gray, Marie
and Clint McQuarrie, Fannie Do
herty, Ed Bennett, Hazel Ma
honey, Velma Glass, Hester Cres
wick and this "aching athlete."
The women's first, somewhat
disorganized, ladies day was
held Tuesday morning. Ten fro
zen females braved a brisk nor
easter to partake in a coffee
break at Dee's before venturing
to the north and the golf course.
Eight of us were there at the
appointed time, but somehow
Cork got her signals crossed and
had proceeded to the links where
she waited, somewhat disgust
edly, for some golfing gals to
show up. Finally she decided no
one was coming so she drove
back up town where she was
informed to go to G r 1 b b 1 e s,
(That's the nice thing about a
small town . . . you can' leave
messages at all the business es
tablishments). She finally arriv
ed, but one "Bonnie" lass was
still missing; so Dee called and
told her to put on some warm
clothes and come running. She
did, but her warm clothes con
sisted of a jacket, heels, hose,
skirt etc which was not what
we had in mind . . . because the
order of the day was to work
on the course.
It seems as tho' a few people
thought we could use some exer
cise, so we did knee bends all
the way down No 4 and No 6
fairways; and as the old saying
goes, "it was strictly for the
birds." (But in this case it was
for rocks and you might say we
really took the fair-way for a
cleaning.) The "rock pickln' wo
men were Coramae Ferguson,
Dee Gribble, Cathy Collins, Hazel
Mahoney, Bonnie Mattoon (she
changed her clothes), Cork Nor
ene, Maxlne Gray, VI Lanham,
Marie McQuarrie and myself.
After two hours and a pickup
to golf but the blustery, bitter,
blowing March atmosphere soon
quelled our spirits.)
OVERHEARD; that Marie Mc
Quarrie Is working out with a
Heppner High School
The Junior play Is finally un
derway! Mr Pratt, who is the
director of the play, announced
this week that he had selected
the members of the play cast.
Tryouts were held last week and
selections are: Carolyn Carter.
Tom Hayward, Judy Cochell, Tom
Driscoll, Roseann Ayers, Carol
K Anderson, Connie Anderson,
Sam Green, Mickey Van Schoiack,
Jean Collins, Stan Schoonover,
pair of dumbells to strengthen Cliff Green, and Mary Johnston,
her arms 'Now there's one gal
you can't call a "dumb-belle")
. . . . that John Williams, Ted
Palmateer, Paul Koening and
myself are planning a Country
Club party for around the first
of April . . . that the Mahoneys
and Fergusons are planning to
play a lot of golf on their trip
to Phoenix . . . that we certainly
appreciate the heated patio room
and the wonderful service from
Herb Hamilton at the Wishing
Well . . . that "Grlb" was one
under par until the last hole
and then he zigged when he
should have zagged.
That's about all I can see in
the tee leaves this week . . . but
with spring approaching and
things turning green, golfers will
also approach the golf course
greens more profusely than the
budding daffodills; then the tee
cup should be full to the brim.
Lexington News
Paul Breeding and mother, Mrs
O G Breeding were Portland vis
itors over the weekend.
Mlra T alia Palmar anA Mm Tol.
pha Jones attended a coffee hour fd to altend a"d he'P suPPrt th
The title of the play Is 'The
Bus Stops Here" and Is a three
act comody-drama.
The Future Business Leaders
of America met on Tuesday,
March 3 for their regular even
ing meeting. The guest speaker
for the evening was Miss Esther
Kirmis, who is the Morrow coun
ty home extension agent. Miss
Kirmis spoke about her job and
the type of training" one must
have to become a home extension
agent. The FBLA members are
making plans for attending the
state FBLA convention. Many
plan to try out in local contests
for Mr and Miss FBLA, the spell
ing contest, and the speech con
test. The winners of the local
contests will then compete at the
state convention in the same cat
egories. Moneymaking projects
are being put into operation, so
there will be more funds for at
tending the convention. A car
wash, a pancake breakfast, and
an entertainment night, present
ing 3 one-act plays are among
the new projects.
Heppner's Mustangs will play
Dayville at 8:00 at the district
playoffs In Pendleton on Thurs
day night. Townspeople are urg
the seniors with the banquet and
prom, and it has become a tra
dition. The banquet is exclusiv
ely for juniors and seniors, but
underclassmen may attend the
Students will have a two day
vacation on March 19 and 20.
During the vacation, on March
20, the Elks will sponsor a party
for lone, Lexington and Heppner
students. This is an annual event
and everyone is looking forward
to it.
Monument Starts
TV Hookups
TV has come to Monument.
Some persons got hooked up Fri
day evening before the meeting
was held in the grange hall.
Arrangements were made at the
meeting for others who wished
to hook on.
Buzzie Leathers, son of Mr and
Mrs Wayne Leathers had a gun
at the home of Esther Ander
son In Heppner on Thursday. Mrs
team. Remember, the winner of
the playoffs will go to the state
Jones gave a short talk on the I"1" Be,nd as the dls
, i trict 7-B champs!
a home is part pleasure and
part headache but the TUR
183 N. Main Street, can allev
iate the headache by seeing
that the home Is
properly both during construc
tion and alter it's finished
the proper amounts. Come to
us for sound advice when you
plan to build. Our insurance
counsel costs you not
ial hospital auxiliary of which
she is president.
The Social club met at the
home of Mr and Mrs Johnnie
Ledbetter on Sunday. After an
p m buffet dinner games were
played with Johnnie Ledbetter
winning the high for the even
ing. Those present were: Mr and
Mrs Dean Hunt, Mr and Mrs
George Irvln, and Mr and Mrs
Cecil Jones and the host and hostess.
William J (Bill) VanWlnkle Is
at home after a several days
stay in Pioneer Memorial hos
pital. Mrs Franklin Miles entertain
ed with a party at her home on
Wednesday night. Those present
were: Mrs Sam McMillan, Mrs
O W Cutsforth, Mrs James Peck,
Mrs M V Nolan, Mrs Cecil Jones
and daughter, Charlenc, Mrs Bob
Davidson and daughter, Dora Sue,
and Mrs Sue Hams of lone. Lov
ely refreshments were served la
ter in the evening.
Visitors in Pendleton Saturday
evening were Mr and Mrs Dean
Hunt, Mr and Mrs Johnnie Led
better, Mr and Mrs Gene Orwlck,
Mr and Mrs George Hermann,
Mr and Mrs Al Frost, Mrs Ber
tha Hunt and Mrs Clarice Mc
Fadden. Franklin Messenger is again
at his work at the Co-op after
major surgery.
Mr and Mrs Cecil Jones and
children visited Sunday in Uklah
at the Kenneth Gililand and
Earl Kendall homes.
Mr and Mrs Al Frost were
weekend visitors in Lexington
from their home in Kinzua.
Mrs Kenneth Marshall has
been on the sick list and con
fined to her home the last week.
The dates of the junior-senior
banquet and prom have been set
as April 30, and May 1, respec
tively. As always, the theme is
a well guarded junior secret
Each year the Junior class honors
ed to her home Sunday after
visiting with her grandparents,
Mr and Mrs O W Cutsforth. Her
mother, Dorothy ZIta motored to
Lexington after her.
Guests of Mr and Mrs Gar
Leyva over the weekend were,
Mr and Mrs Jim Lemon and
daughter, Linda from Monroe.
Helen Leyva returned home
Sunday from California where
she motored taking her mother
after a visit in Lex at the Leyva
Miss Marlene Glayen visited
over the weekend with her par
ents in Ontario, Oregon.
Dates to remember: P-TA on
Tuesday of next week. Program
consists of 4-H entertainment.
Rebekah lodge Thursday,
March 5, 8 p m.
Women's Fellowship group
Tuesday, March 17.
Tess Hatfield and daughter,
Donna are spending some time
in Madras at the John Hatfield '
Mrs Clarice McFadden moved i
her household furniture to Her
miston where she will make her
home. At present she Is staying'
with Bertha Hunt until she'
moves. ; j
Mr and Mrs Armin W 1 h 1 o n i
have moved their trailer house
to the Schrage lot. Mr and Mrs
Frank Schrage has moved to Pen
dleton. Mr and Mrs Bob Kilkenny and
family have moved to their
ranch after several weeks in
At our meeting Monday night
the flags were carried in by the
Cobra patrol and we saluted. We
learned the Stars and Stripes
should always be on the right
side of the speaker. We reviewed
the flag so as to be ready for
a demonstration bv the Bov
Scouts for the Odd Fellows next
Bob Abrams scheduled a trip
for our spring vacation as an
overnight hiking trip. We are
making a schedule to see who
will cook and wash the dishes.
Donald Munkers, Mike Sweek
and Lee Daggett passed their
Tenderfoot requirements; Ken
neth Case his second class re
quirements. Donald Munkers and
Douglas Anderson volunteered
for the cooking. We went to the
courthouse and played games.
Our meetings will be held
every Monday night at 7:30 in
the basement of the Methodist
Douglas Anderson, reporter,
assistant scribe.
arrldpnt Fridav afternoon. A 22
pistol went off while he was
taking It out of the holster and
he was shot in the leg. The bullet
went in just under the skin for
about five inches but missed the
bone. His dad rushed him to
Mrs Flowers for first aid then
to John Day to the hospital.
Henry Durst and George Kirk
drove to John Day Monday on
Mr and Mrs Joe Gassner and
two daughters of Madras spent
the weekend here visiting his
brother and wife, Mr and Mrs
Fred Gassner.
Jim Croker drove to John Day
Tuesday on business.
Mr and Mrs Alve Ogle spent
the weekend at Boise, Idaho on
Helen Holmes took Mrs Bob
Neel and one of her girls to Pen
dleton Tuesday for medical aid.
They returned Wednesday.
Mr and Mrs Lilburn Hunt of spent In Salem and Prlneville
Long Creek were visiting rela
tives and friends Tuesday even
ing. Mrs Emery and daughter Mary
have moved back to the ranch.
They stayed in town at the Min
nie Gamble house while he was
feeding cattle over on the creek.
Mr and Mrs Gene Vaughan
drove to John Day for medical
aid for their daughter Debby on
Mr and Mrs Dick Williams
drove to Bend Monday afternoon
taking their daughter, Mrs Ross
McDonald and her -two daugh
ters to catch the bus back to
Southern California.
'Mr and Mrs Dick Williams
and George Kirk were in John
Day Thursday.
Mr and Mrs Darrell Farrens
and Wave Jackson drove to John
Day Monday.
Mr and Mrs George Capon and
with relatives and friends.
The Jim Croker family return
ed home Friday from Salem
where they had been for four
days to attend funeral services
for her brother Homer.
Mrs Jessie Scott and son, Mrs 'Mrs Delsia Sweek drove to John
Ross McDonald and two girls
spent Wednesday in John Day
visiting at the J Walker home.
Mr and Mrs Earl Barnard spent
several days at the Theron King
ranch helping Ruben Patzer take
care of things while Theron was
in Pendleton with his family and
Mr and Mrs Richard Cox were
in Heppner and John Day,
The M M M club met Thurs
day afternoon at the George Stir
ritt home with Mrs Fred Shank
as the hostess.
Norma Rynearson of Prairie
City held a Stanley party at the
Matteson home Friday afternoon
The American Legion Auxil
iary held their regular meetings
Friday night in the grange hall
Long Distance Nation-Wide
Moving Service
Mayflower Agents,,
Padded Vans
Pendleton, Oregon
Thone CR 6-3111
Day Tuesday on business and for
a medical checkup.
Mr and Mrs Dave Ogle left
Tuesday for a visit on the coast
with relatives.
Mr and Mrs Fred Gassner spent
Friday in Prineville on business.
They also visited Mr and Mrs
Art Waldroff, formerly of Kim
berly. Mr and Mrs Henry Martin re
turned Sunday night from a week
The Kook-etts met Feb 19 at
the home of our leader, Mrs
Herb Case. During our meeting
we learned to make cocoa and
celery sticks. Next time we are
going to make hamburgers.
Present were Linda Warren,
Amanda Smith, Joyce and Claud
ia Noland, Peggy Snyder, Ter
esa Monahan, Betty Angell, Mel
ody Frye and Melame Bailey.
Betty Angell, reporter
Livestock Marker
Cattle Hogs Sheep
12 Noon
On U. S. Hiway No. 30
JO 7-6655 Hermiston, Oregon
Frank Wink & Sons, Owners
Don Wink Mgr.
Res. Hermiston JO 7-3111
. ..
We're As Near As Your Telephone
You are looking at a time machine
It sounds like science fiction: traveling across the
continent in hours, New York to London in 6V2,
cutting airline schedules almost in half.
Yet these are routine for jet liners in the jet age
an era people at Standard's research laboratories
have been working toward since the day seventeen
years ago when we fueled the first U. S. jet flight.
Since then our scientists have worked with the
armed forces to perfect fuels and special lubricants
for planes that fly faster than sound, or cruise non
stop around the world. They've also helped engine
designers solve problems of heat and cold; aided
airlines with faster airport fueling systems.
The sum of these years of development has been to
add hours to the traveler's day, days to the tourist's
week. In helping to harness time, as well as putting
petroleum to many other uses for you, the people
at Standard are planning ahead to servo you better.
town during the remodeling of
Earl Miller of LnGrande was neir ranch home.
a Lex visitor over the weekend.
Mrs June Davidson and family
have moved to the Ola Ward
house recently vacated by the
McCann family.
Judy Zlta, daughter of Mr and
Mrs Dick Zlta of Condon, return-
2-4 D
Weed Killers
Let us talk to you about your needs. We will deliver one
barrel or a carload to your Job,
Distributor For All Leading Chemical Companies
At Shell Oil Plant
lone, Oregon
Phone 8-7254
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. . . ow r.idy (or mailing. If
you art not on Jacklin'i mail
ing lilt, land nam and addrm
Olskmon, Washington
Complete Stock of
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Orchard Gross . . , 40.00
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