gociAL -lAppENNes Annual Triple Link Benefit Card Party Held Friday Night There were eleven tables of cards in play at the party spon sored by the Triple Link club Saturday evening at the IOOF hall. This party is an annual affair for the benefit of the Unit ed Nations delegate from this district. The room was decorated in the Valentine motif and there were many antique articles from the Wright homestead used around the room. Mrs Grace Nickerson received high score in bridge and Dr L D Tiblbes the Jack high prize and also low. In pinochle Mrs Jack McTimpeny was high, Mrs Ro bert Dobbs low and Mrs Al Lov gren and Miss Bess Huddleson received the traveling pinochle prizes. Mrs Charles Becket re ceived the door prize. Mrs It G McMurtry was chair man of the refreshment commit tee, assisted by Mrs Roy Quack enbush, Mrs Glen McLachlan, Mrs Roscoe Slovig, Mrs Rufus Piper and Mrs Gerald Rood. In charge of tables and cards were, Mrs Deb Wright, chairman, as sisted by Mrs Art Fergeson and Mrs Pearl Devine. Monday Dinner Party Honors Birthday Mrs Archie Padberg entertain ed Monday evening with dinner in honor of her husband's birth day. Guests were, Mr and Mrs El don Tucker and family of lone and Mrs Dewey Britt. FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hermiston. Ore. Ph. JO 7-6651 On Hermiston-McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS iPhyllis Quackenbush Sets Wedding Date Miss Phyllis Quackenbush, daughter of Mr and Mrs Roy Quackenbush, has set Sunday, March 22 as the date for her wedding to Delbert Piper, son of Mr and Mrs Rufus Piper. The ceremony will take place at 7:00 p m at the Heppner Methodist church with a recep tion following in the church basement. All friends and relatives are cordially invited to attend. Soroptimists Hold Initiation For Three New Members Eighteen members of the Sor- optimist Club of Heppner atten ded a Valentine party at the home of Mrs Elaine S George last Thursday evening. New members Initiated by the president, Mrs Floyd Adams, were, Mrs Conley Lanham, Mrs James G Thomson and Mrs Joe Wright. These new members, to gether with two others recently initiated, Mrs Alfred Mattoon and Mrs Frank. Connor, were pre sented hats depicting their class ifications. An auction sale was held to raise funds for Refugee Villages being constructed in Europe by Soroptimists. Mrs Frank Hamlin and Mrs George served as auct ioneers. Valentine sifts were prepared by the service objectives commit tee, with Mrs John Fleiller as chairman, and sent to the nurs ing home patients of Pioneer Memorial hospital. MISS MARGARET INGRAM Ingram-Swanson Engagement Told Mrs Margaret Ingram of Seat tle, Washington, announces the engagement of her daughter, Jo ann, to Dennis Swanson, son of Mr and Mrs G L Swanson of lone. Both are attending the Univer sity of Portland, where Dennis will graduate in June. A June wedding Is plannel. Coming Events Friday, Feb 20 Sans Souci Re- bekah lodge. Saturday, Feb 21 Elks Annual. 2:30 p m-lodge meeting, in itiation and ladies card party. 6:30 to 8:30 p m. din ner fair pavilion 8:00 and 9:00 p m, floor show at Star Theater: 10:30. dance. Sunday, Feb 22 St Albln's guild. spaghetti dinner, tptscopai parish house, 2 to 5 p m. Monday, Feb 23 Chamber of commerce, noon at O'Don nell's. Tuesday, Feb 24 Bookworms. Degree or Honor. Wednesday, Feb 25 Willows lodge no 66. IOOF. Thursday. Feb 26 Soroptimists, noon at O Donneus. Elks, stag night clam feed. Friday. Feb 27 Ruth chapter no 32. OES. Mahoneys Celebrate Wedding Anniversary By ECHO PALMATEER A dinner was served a tStef ani's Fine Foods at 4 o'clock in the afternoon Sunday, in honor of the 23rd wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs P W Mahoney. Others present were, Mr and Mrs C E, McQuarrie, Mr and Mrs Raymond Ferguson, Mr and Mrs Claude Graham, Dr and Mrs E K Schaffitz and Mr and Mrs Low ell Gribble. . . - Everett and Elma Harshman ANNOUNCE THE PURCHASE OF Norah's Shop FROM NORAH RASMUS We have taken over ownership and operation of Norah's Dress Shop and will continue to offer the finest lines of women's and Misses' apparel and accessories available. We will continue to carry the name "Norah's Shop." SPECIAL Tim Loyd Celebrates Ninth Birthday A Centennial theme was used for the birthday party of Timmy Loyd who celebrated his ninth birthday last week. His guests were his Cub Scout troupe. They were, Steve Petty john, Chris Labhart, Jerry Healy, Randy Stillman, Johfi Van Win kle and David Hall. The centerpiece was a small covered wagon, and to complete the theme a horseshoe shaped cake was served on tin plates, and later cowboy games were played. Bridge Club Meets At Meador Home Thursday night, Mrs Dick Meador entertained her bridge club, and her guests were, Mrs Ned Sweek, Mrs Jack Healy, Mrs Donald Bennett, Mrs Kemp Dick, Mrs Bill Heath, Mrs Don Bellen brock, and Mrs Creston Robin son. First prize went to Mrs Dick, second was won by Mrs Sweek, and Mrs Healy won third. Large Group Enjoys Valentine Dinner At lone Saturday Fifteen husbands escorted their wives to a Valentine dinner in their honor Saturday night at Stefani's in lone. Dinner was enjoyed to the background music of Karen Lun dell at the electric organ, and several numbers were sung by the Quintones of lone high school. In keeping with the Centen nial year two films were shown. Those present were, Mr and Mrs Rnh Abrams. Mr and Mrs Clinton Agee, Mr and Mrs Nels Anderson, Mr and Mrs Donald Bennett, Mr and Mrs Bert Cor bin, Mr and Mrs Elwin Hughes, Mr and Mrs Bob Jones, Mr and Mrs Jim Mallon, Mr and Mrs Rod Murray, Mr and Mrs Riley Munkers, Mr and Mrs Gordon Pratt, Mr and Mrs Ralph Rich mond, Mr and Mrs Elmer Schmidt, M and Mrs Harley Young all of Heppner, and Mr and Mrs Bob Mathews of Lexington. Mrs Collins Hostess For Coffee Hour A coffee hour was held at the home of Mrs Bud Collins Tues day morning for the lady golf ers. There was some discussion for future ladies days golfing. Those present were the Mes dames Rod Murray, Allen Case, Merritt Gray, Lowell Gribble, Al Mattoon, Creston Robinson, Con ley Lanham, Jim Valentine, Wil liam Labhart, C E McQuarrie, Raymond Ferguson, P W Ma honey and the hostess, Mrs Col lins. There will be a notice in the paper announcing the first la dies day. -ON- Womens Dresses LOFTIES KNIT DRESSES In sizes 12 to 18 and 2 dresses size 18Y2. AND WOOL JERSEY DRESSES In size range from 10 to 20. now Vz off LANAKNIT DRESSES IN SIZES 14 To 16 NOW 1 V price Norah's Sbp Sharon Bunch Has Valentine Party Sharon Bunch entertained a group of friends for a Valentine party at her home, Friday evening. Dancing and games were en joyed and the room was decora ted in the Valentine motif with red heart mobiles and ribbons. Refreshments were served later in the evening to the ten guests present. Sewing Club Meets At Graham Home The Sewing club met last Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Claude Graham. Those attending were, Mrs E K Schaffitz, Mrs John Pfeiffer, Mrs Carl Spaulding, Mrs Tom Wilson, Mrs P W Mahoney, Mrs Raymond Ferguson, Mrs Jack Bedford, Mrs C E McQuarrie, Mrs Lowell Gribble and Mrs Gene Pierce. Rev Rydgren Speaks To Church Group Rev John Rydgren gave a chalk talk on stewardship at the reg ular meeting of the Methodist WSCS Wednesday evening, Feb ruary 4. About 20 members were present. At the business meeting after the program plans were made for a musical tea and a father-son banquet during the month of April. Mrs Ted Smith, Mrs Tom Wil son and Mrs Louis Case served refreshments. HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, February 19. 1959 Centennial Theme At Card Club Meeting Mrs L L Robbins entertained the Pinochle club last Thursday .evening with decorations in the Valentine and Centennial theme. Prizes were Oregon plates and cup and saucers. Those present were, Mrs Glenn Smith, Mrs Tom Hughes, Mrs Merritt Gray, Mrs Riley Munkers, Mrs LeRoy Gardner, Mrs JacK Van Winkle and Mrs Joe Dan iels. High score was held by Mrs Hughes, Mrs Gray was second and Mrs Van Winkle and Mrs Daniels received the traveling pinochle prizes. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. IONE Fredrick Martin left Sunday for Salem where he will present the county administratived dis trict plan of Morrow county to D W Patch, state director of dis trict reorganization. Mr and Mrs Gerald Howard and children moved to Portland last week. They were living at the Ralph Crum ranch. Parkers Entertain At Sunday Dinner Mr and Mrs Loyal Parker en tertain Sunday with a dinner party at their home. Guests were, Mr and Mrs Earl Blake, Mr and Mrs Ted Smith and Mr and Mrs Harlan Mc-Curdy. Seventh Birthday Celebrated Sunday Mrs Deb Wright entertained Sunday afternoon with a party In honor of the seventh birthday of her daughter, Teresa. Games were played and the refreshments served featured a birthday cake. Guests were Mollie Becket, Barbara Payne, Cynthia Harsin, Gedola Rugg, Sheila Healy, Lin da Eckman, Sandy Matheny, Pa tricia Keithley, Marcia Young, Sandy Kinoshita, Sandra Math ews, Susan Melby and the guest of honor. Miss Betty Wilson Tells Engagement Mrs Perry Wilson announces the engagement of her daughter, Betty Blanche to Max Breeding, son of Mr and Mrs O G Breed ing of Lexington. No wedding date has been set. Pat Boone, Tommy Sands, Gary Crosbv. Christine Carere, a bevy of fresh, young talent in a wonderful MARDI GRAS, Star Theater, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, February 22, 23 and 24. CAMP FIRE NEWS February 9 we nominated sev eral candidates for Father of the Year. Each girl was to give a speech on her candidate on Feb 16. The secretary and treas urer gave their reports and re freshments were served by Diane Warren. February 16 we elected Rev Boulden as our candidate for Fa ther of the Year. We discussed and decided to give $5 to the National Camp Fire headquarters In New York for their 50 year celebration. Our leaders took our honors and some of us recited the Wood Gatherer's Desire. Re freshments were served by Vlckl Barratt. Vicki Kreimeyer, scribe Phone Your News Items te 6-9228 IN HEPPNER Friday, Feb. 20 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. ! FOR PORTRAITS TO BE TAKEN AT HOTEL HEPPNER Appointments may be made by calling Heppner 6-9923. LYONS PHOTO STUDIO OF HERMISTON I St. Albin's Guild I Spaghetti Dinner SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 SERVED 2 TO 5 P.M. EPISCOPAL PARISH HALL 1 4,4,4.4, ;M "The Practice Of Medicine Is A Thinkers Art" By Phil Blakney If you have headaches of ten, it is not enough to just get relief from the pain. The cause must be discovered and cured. Headaches can be a symp tom of fever, acute indiges tion, chronic appendicitis, eye strain, food poisoning, consti pation, or even a brain tumor. When a physician prescribes a medicine, you can be sure that he will not only relieve the immediate pain, but will also try to cure the cause. Be wise. Depend more on your physic ian than self-treatments. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE 6-9962 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE e Pick up your prescription If shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly with out extra charge. A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. May we compond yours? PHIL'S PHARMACY 105 N. MAIN PRESCRIPTIONS CHEMISTS Quotation by Emil Fischer (1852-1918) Copyright 1959 (2W1) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN LOOK What's New In Fertilizer PLENTY- At Inland Chemical FOR INSTANCE With plenty of moisture be sure to consider Top Dressing with Shell Urea Liquid (non-evaporatable) Nitrogen. Use it along with your 2-4-D. YES, We can supply 2-4-D, too! SELECT THE APPLICATOR That will give maximum coverage with power available-60 foot, 52 foot, 45 foot and 36 foot applicators. 55 foot Uran and 2-4-D sprayer. ALSO, A NEW METHOD OF SIDE DRESSING WITH NH3 SPECIAL - Reg. $5.50 Sack LAWN FERTILIZER 3.50 Bank on Shell NHs -AT- Inland Chemical Service CALL HEPPNER 6-9103 OR 6-9765 CALL CONDON DU 4-5600 OR DU 4-5601 llllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllffl IBIi-irillililililliiril.iv'lli:!!:'!;!!:!!::.!!!:'!!!