HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. February 19, 19S9 Sweetheart Dinner By MARY LEE MARLOW The annual Sweetheart din ner for members of the TUllcum Club and their families was held Sunday evening at the grange hall, with 58 present. Special guests were, Mr and Mrs Marion Weatherford of Arlington. Weath erford showed slide pictures of their recent world tour, which included pictures of the Holy Land. Present were, Mr and Mrs El don Shannon, Mr and Mrs Andy Jones, Mr and Mrs Richard Way mire and Mike. Christy and Ter ry, Mr and Mrs Dewey West and ry, Mr and Mrs uewey wes pnc n Larry ana uewena, Mr ana irB joe -i atone ana unaa ana -ouy, m rwm , V 1 1 T .1 - . Mr and Mrs Ralph bkoubo ana Dick and Bobble, Mr and Mrs Vernon Russell and Bruce and Donnle, Mr and Mrs Delmer Hug ana uebbie ana ram, jvir ana Mrs Charles Hicuera and Susie Mr and Mrs Ronald Haas and Ronda, Mr and Mrs Ray Gron quist and Keith, Dennis and Kar en, Mrs Mary Ilealy, Mr and Mrs Don Downey, Mr and Mrs Ronald Black and Diane, Mrs Zoe Billings and Brenda, Sigvald i The best-known secret in brewing Since before the turn of the century, brewing authorities in Europe and this country have agreed that a common link exists between the world's great beers. Whether brewed in Bavaria, the British Isles or America, beers with world-wide reputations for quality always have been found to possess brewing waters of exceptional character and unchang ing excellence. These rare waters are capable of extracting from select hops and grains the most delicate flavors and aromas. One such water flows cold and clear from Olympia's own artesian wells. It is this rare, naturally perfect brewing water that makes the refreshing difference in light Olympia Beer. the one priceless ingredient "Its the Water 8 ?w?!" ""WW' amZf4 OlYMPIA IttWINO CO. I I Olympic, Wh, U.S. A. I Held at Boardman Aase and Lyane, Mrs Woody Ma lone and Diana, Carina, Tim Woodrow and Stevie. Members of the Boardman Garden Club who served the din ner were Mrs Rollin Bishop, Mrs Nate Macomber, Mrs Glen Car penter, Mrs Earl Briggs, Mrs Nathan Thorpe, Mrs Walt Wyss, Mrs Claud Worden and Mrs Flor ence Root. The Tllllcum CluD met Tues day of last week at the home of Mrs Vernon Russell, with Mrs Andv Jones as hostess. 14 mem bers were present. Final plans were made for the bweetnean Wegt and -- , . . - tht . - . f -j - . . . f Boardmar , w 1 J be JJ to " T ihV M West explained the Jos " - it was decided to wear old fashioned dress In honor of the Centennial at the meeting of the 4th district of the Oregon Feder ation of Women's Clubs to be held here in April. Mrs Ray Gronquist, benevolent chairman, reported that the club had given baby albums to Mrs Harold Gauger and Mrs Andy Jones. Mrs Ronald Haas, program chairman, held a quiz on "Test your knowledge on cnecKS. The next meetlne will be at tne nome oi Mrs naas, reu Mrs Velma Glass, county nurse . a mm rV n A will show a film on cancer The lunior class of the Good Shepherd Lutheran church Sun day school entertained the inter mediate class with a Valentine Dartv at the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Partlow last week. Pres ent were Dewena West, Jimmie and Michael Partlow, Cindy Mor lan, Steve Partlow, Johnnie Pierce, Linda Tatone, Patti and Rirkle Partlow. Mr and Mrs Sig vald Aase and Lvnae and Sigurd. Games were played and refresh ments were served. Mrs Elvin Elv entertained the seventh and eighth grades with a Valentine Dartv and tally pun Thursday night at her home. She was assisted bv Mrs Harold Rash. Guests were Richard Waymlre, seventh and eighth grade teacn er, Sandra Thorpe, Charlotte Mc- Kpnzie. Pattv Miller. Br en a a Billings, Dorothy Rash, Pattl Partlow, Irene Potts, fclleen tiy, Jerrv and Garv Beeler. Max Moore, Ted and Jim Hoffman, Rnhert Ohermeier. Richard Watts, Bill Getz, Johnnie Partlow and Keith Gronquist. A miscellaneous shower was given in honor of Mrs Daniel Mack (Donna Watts), recent hrlde. in the basement of the Community church Friday night Committee was Mrs Arnin nug, Mrs Elvin Ely, Mrs Guy Fer- REMEMBER, no show at the Star Theater, Saturday, February 21. See the fine double-bill program on Thursday or Fri day. NO one goes to the TURNER, VAN MARTER 4 BRYANT INSUR ANCE AGENCY, 183 N. Main Street, Just to buy a policy. Our clients feel they get a little MORE In the way of service and at tention and they know we fit Insurance protection to a client's INCOME and needs. The TURNER, VAN MARTER & BRYANT AGENCY fits right into the picture too, when your mortgage pay ments include your insurance premiums and real estate TAX! iwtriad: Sure - Safe - Save - Sound 670-15 100 Level Whirewall 41.09 670-15 KRAFTREAD 1 5.00 You Save 26.09 New Mileage Guarantee ... We guarantee KRAFTREADS ... mileage as the 'Terms to Suit FORD'S TIRE SERVICE LaGrande Pendleton Heppner Tfive F")P HOSPITALS In Mnrrnw nnrf Ilmnfilln counties were made and donated by this group of Irrigon Happy Sewers 4-H club. They are, front, from left, Barbara Davis, Janice Parker, Linda Senn, Janice Marlow, Georgene Hash, Pamela Hubbert Back row, Sharon Franke, Susan McCoy, Cecelia LaHue, Sherry Williams, Mrs M E Hadwick leader, Mary Gerberding, Mrs Fred Murtishaw, assistant leader, and Shirley Jackson. Hospitals Receive Toy Animals From Irrigon 4-H Girls Can little girls perform a com munity service? That is the question members of the Happy Sewers 4-H club of Irrigon pon dered when they began their 4-H club year this fall, under the leadership of Mrs M E Had wirk and Mrs Fred Murtishaw. After a visit had been made to the Hermiston hospital by sev eral of the members a need was discovered in the children's ward no toys! Under the supervis ion of their leaders and junior leader. Sandra Davis, the vouns 4-H members fashioned plastic toys out of every conceivable color. Although most of the people in the Irrigon area use the services of the Hermiston hospital when necessarv. the eirls felt a cer tain loyalty to the county in which they live. They decided to send half of the toys they made to the Pioneer Memorial hospital in Heppner and half to the Good Shepherd hospital in Hermiston. Miss Esther Kirmls, Morrow county extension agent, presen ted the clever toys to the Pio neer hosbltal. Henpner, last Thursday. Mrs Eva Jean Caw- dry, acting superintendent oi nurses, expressed delight upon receiving them. A similar presentation was made to Miss Alice Anderson, sunerintendent of nurses at the Good Shepherd hospital, Hermis ton. guson, Mrs Earl Briggs, Mrs Seth Russell, Mrs Ernest Obermeier, Mrs Claud Worden, Mrs Russell Miller, Mrs Lyle Williams, Mrs A R Fortner, Mrs Algy Taylor, Barbara Gantenbein and Barbara Anderegg. Mrs Nathan Thorpe won the prize in a game played. Others present were Mrs Charles Anderegg, Mrs Elmer Messenger, Mrs Walt Wyss, Mrs Bob Miller, Mrs Harold Rash, Mrs Arnold Hoffman, Mrs Bob Sicard, Mrs George Sicard, Mrs Margaret Klitz, Mrs Henry Gantenbein, Mrs George Wiese, Mrs Nate Macom ber, Mrs Glen Carpenter, Mrs Walter Hayes, Mrs Rollin Bishop, Mrs Bill Aardappel, Mrs Royal Rands, Mrs Effie Miller, Colleen and Karen Anderson, Lorelei Hamilton, Etta Jones, Mrs Ron ald Black, Mrs Ray Gronquist, Mrs Cecil Hamilton, Mrs Louise Earwood, Mrs Ronald Haas, Mrs Charles Higuera, Mrs Florence Root, Mrs Myron Watts and Mrs Frank Marlow. Those sending gifts but unable to attend were, Mrs Eldon Shannon, Mrs R B Rands, Mrs Sigvald Aase, Mrs Arthur Allen, Mrs Jim Agee, Mrs Harold Kress, Pat Kress, Mrs Franklin Ball, Mrs Charlie Dil lon, Mrs Jack Getz, Mrs Merrill Shaw, Shirley Earwood, Mrs George Anderson, Mrs Dewey West, Mrs Joe Tatone, Mrs Ralph Skoubo, Mrs Marlon Morlan, Mrs Richard Waymlre, Mrs Emery Lvons. Mrs Jack Taylor, Maxlne Sicard, Mrs W G Seehafer, Mrs to give you the same tires recapped. . Your Needs' Ervln Flock, Mrs Claud Coats, Mrs Zearl Gillespie and Mrs Wil lard Baker. Guests last week at the home of Mr and Mrs W G Seehafer were their daughter, Mrs R J Tye and five children of Enter prise. Weekend visitors were See hafer's brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs W E Seehafer of Rufus. Mrs Harold Marlow has been a patient in the Good Shepherd hospital in Hermiston since Tues day of last week. Greenfield Grange met Thurs day night of last week at the hall starting with potluck supper at 6:30 p m. Hosts were Mr and Mrs Clyde Tannehill and Mrs Cecil Hamilton. Guests were, Mr and Mrs Andrew Skiles of Irri gon. Rev John Rydgren, pastor of Hope Lutheran church, Hepp ner, showed a film, "The Secrets of the Heart." The following committees were appointed for the year: agricul ture, Earl Briggs, Ronald Black and Royal Rands; Legislative, Clyde Tannehill, Mrs Ronald Black and Walter Hayes; finance Black and Walter Hayes; fi nance, Guy Ferguson, Zearl Gil lespie and Roy Ball; youth, Mrs Joe Tatone and Mrs Cecil Ham ilton; insurance, Arthur Allen; building, Guy Ferguson, Russell Miller and Arthur Allen; social, Mr and Mrs Earl Briggs, Mr and Mrs Claud Worden, Mr and Mrs Frank .Marlow, Mr and Mrs Elvin Ely; hospitality, Mrs Earl Briggs; publicity, Mrs Frank Marlow. IONE NEWS Mr and Mrs Ted Palmateer took her brother. Tom Healy of Heppner to Pendleton Monday where he underwent a tonsiiec tomy. Mercury's new c fe M Here's proof you needn't sacrifice comfort for beauty. Unlike most '59 cars, Mercury is beautifully built for roominess. For instance: the hump on the floor has been cut in half, giving the middle rider ( . . . . . , OTHER CARS i ir" 1 IN MERCURY THERE'S MORE SEAT CUSHIONING, deeper, thicker, sofu-r under the middle rider. You'll find it'i the most comfortable canter-of-the-car ride on the road. Mercury give you normal sitting height, too, for relaxed riding comfort. 59 MERCURY TW-t SEE IT-DRIVE IT AT YOUR MERCURY DEALER'S Don't miss the big television hit, "THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW," Sunday e-ening, 8:00 to 9:00. Station KEPR-TV, Channel 19. BRUCE MOTORS, INC. MAY AND MAIN HEPPNER, OREGON QUALITY NIW CARS SAPI-BUY USIO CARS RILIABLI 8ERVIC1 Lexington News By DELPHA JONES The Women's Fel 1 o w s h 1 p group met at the Cecil Jones home on Tuesday afternoon. It was announced again that mem bers were trying to Increase at tendance by meeting in homes. This will be tried for three months. The next meeting will be at the LaVerne Henderson home. At this meeting, Mrs Henderson- was appointed to check on the price of material for bap tismal robes and get the mater ial, which the group will work on at the next meeting. Devot ionals were given by Mrs Lola Breeding. Pie and coffee were served to the following: Mrs Henderson, Mrs Mae Campbell, Mrs Lola Breeding, Mrs Florence McMillan, Mrs Cora Allyn and the hostess, Delpha Jones. Group singing was enjoyed as the en tertainment for the afternoon. Let us remember that this group meets the third Tuesday of each month. Franklin Messenger is a pa tient in Pioneer Memorial hos pital where he underwent sur gery on Tuesday morning. Mr and Mrs William J Van Winkle and family spent the weekend in Mt Vernon, Oregon where they visited Mrs Van Winkle's parents, Mr and Mrs C A Lowry. Mr and Mrs Tom Faircloth and children of Pendleton are new residents in Lexington. Mr Fair cloth is a member of the mechan YOU CAN EAT FOR n QQSarurday 5 To 8 P.M. W AND Sunday 12 To 8 AT ELLA'S HOTEL beauty is planned for 1U1 Ml I MT ical staff of the Bruce Motors In Heppner. Carol Ann and Janet Palmer daughters of Mr and Mrs Ken neth Palmer and Charlene Jones, daughter of Mr and Mrs Cecil Jones were initiated in the Rain bow Girls In Heppner on Mon day night. The Lexington high school stu dents entertained the cook, Mrs Gladys VanWinkle with a sur prise birthday party in the cafe teria one day last week. Cookies and ice cream were served. lone News Denny Swanson, student at the University of Portland spent the weekend at the home of his par ents, Mr and Mrs Garland Swan son - He was accompanied by Miss Joan Engram of Pendleton and a student at the University of Portland. Denny has been ta king flying lessons in the ROTC at the University and had his first solo flying Monday oMast week. Cheryle Ann Turner, of Hepp ner spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Gar land Swanson while her parents, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Turner at tended the Currin-Lazinka wed ding in Pendleton Saturday ev ening. Guests Saturday at the home of Mrs Ruby Nichols were, Mr and Mrs Ralph Kincaid of Stan field and Sunday guests there were, Mr and Mrs Leslie Roundy and family of Kennewick, Wash. GRILL BUILDING people - makes room for 6, not just 4! more leg room ...and a thicker, softer cushion. Mercury has the roomiest passenger compartment of all. Has the widest doors. Has the most visibility. Yes, you're comfortably fixed ...in a Mercury. i$ ' " '' "A rfim' JTML MERCURY ; i FIRST SIDE TO SIDE WIPERS that clear a 5-foot swath, including the center area! Gives you better visibility thru the world's largest windshield. OTHER CARS AJUk"'' Ci rF COURSE, " when you buy health pro tection for your family, you want the best, most complete, most reliable plan your money can buy. Which one will give you the kind of protection you need? P JLerh .ERIIAPS the best possible authority on health protection is your family doctor. He works with many health plans. And, chances are, he is one of the more than 1400 Oregon doctors who actually sponsor a plan specifically designed for Oregon families Oregon Physicians' Service. r0.v. ask your doctor. You can rely on his expe rience and judgment in helping you select the plan that's best for you. And, if he recommends OPS, remember that there's an OPS represen tative ready to give you full details. Don't wait you'll be glad you askedl omm PMSICMS' SERVICE BLUE SHIELD Sponsored and approved by Oregon State Medical Society 29 S. E. Court Ave. Pendleton, Oregon NEW KIND OF RESPONSE FROM 4 GREAT ENGINES 210-HP Economy V-8. 280-HP Marauder V-8 -newest, most advanced engine In America. 322-HP Marauder V-8. 345-HP Marauder V-8, biggest o all '59 engines. MERCURY DIVISION V