! 4 HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. December 18, 19S& Lexington Boy Scout Drive Opens By DELPHA JONES The "Kick-off" breakfast for the Boy Scout drive was held on Monday morning at the E E Peck home. Those present were, Eldon Padberg, Leonard Munkers, Nor man Northrup, Don Hatfield, Ce cil Jones, Bob Mathews, Johnnie Ledbetter, Dean Hunt, Gar Leyva, Armin Wihlon, George Irvin, Franklin Messenger, Bill Van Winkle, and E E Peck from Lex- Singer Tune - up SPECIAL S2.95 Regular $6.50 Value - Only YOU GET ALL THIS A Singer trained mechanic will come to your home and adjust, balance tension, check fabric-handling mechanism, de-lint thread handling assembly and oil entire machine. FREE during this special, a supply of oil and needles. USE COUPON OR PHONE I would like the Singer Tune Up special for $2.95. (Please give good directions) Name Address MAIL TO MRS. DAVID ECKMAN, HEPPNER. OREGON OR PHONE 6-9101 HERMIAGE A FINE KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON lngton and Jack Long ol Pendle ton. Carl Northrup small son of Rev and Norman Northrup ha& return ed to his home again after a stay in Pioneer Memorial hospital. Mr and Mrs O G Breeding are spending a few days in Bend on business. Word has been received here by Mrs Emma Breshears of the death of Martha Burchell, wife of H N Burchell of Sheridan, Ore- ffnn. I Mrs Lonnie Henderson and son Laddie were Pendleton visitors this week. ' Mrs Bertha Hunt and Mrs Mor ', rls McCarl and children were Pendleton visitors one day last week. j Plans are being made by the room mother's of the high school for a Christmas foiVial for the high school. The senior class par ents will be hostess for this af fair. Miss Marlene Galyen was ill a couple of days this week and Mrs M V Nolan has been teaching. I Miss Marlene Galyen Is now living at the George Hermann home In Lex. spending a week at the C C Jones home. Mr and Mrs O W Cutsforth, Mr and Mrs E E Peck and Mr and 1 Mrs Gar Leyva were Condon vis itors on Saturday. Mr and Mrs Vernon Christ opherson and daughter of Rock Creek were callers at the Cecil Jones home on Saturday. Mr and Mrs Jack McMillan and family of Portland have been recent callers at the home of his mother, Mrs Frances McMillan. Mrs Bertha Hunt spent the weekend in The Dalles. Mr and Mrs Johnnie Ledbetter entertained with a brunch Sun day morning. Those present were Mr and Mrs Roger Campbell and Mr and Mrs Dean Hunt. Funeral services were held on Thursday morning at 10:30 for Ida Burchell of Corvallis. Ser vices were conducted from the McKinley Funeral Home. Mrs Burchell, the widow of the late Chas Burchell, leaves to mourn her passing one daughter. ;(S"ive Nature's Finest Bourbon .a. ci turn ii n nil mmjtit r JZfVx. t5Qt. yg fr jf- it ligcii if OVT-WKAPPCO NO EXTRA torr Mi THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY, lOUISVIUL KENTUCKY DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS COMPANY 86 PROOF Gillespie Rites Held at Boardman By MARY LEE MARLOW Funeral services were to be held here Tuesday at the Board man Community church for Don ald I Gillespie, 24, who died Dec 12 in the Walla Walla Veteran's hospital after an illness of nine months. He became seriously ill last March while serving with the U S army in Albuquerque, N Mexico, and has been in and out of the hospital since. He was born, Dec 22, 1933, in Boardman, the son of Mr and Mrs Zearl J Gillespie, who sur vive him. One brother, Lynn, pre ceded him in death ten years ago. Merrill E Shaw, missionary pastor of Community church, will conduct the services, with Mrs Shaw as organist. Singers are, Mrs John Partlow and Mrs Na than Thorpe, who will sing "Near To The Heart of God," "The Love of God" and "Beyond The Sun set." Pallbearers will be Darrell Marlow, Harold Marlow, Bob Thornhlll, Gunnar Skoubo, Bob Sicard and Jim Aardappel. Burial will be in Boardman Riverview cemetery. Burns Mort uary is in charge. Those from out of town here for the funeral include, Mr and Mrs Ed Barlow and daughter, Bonnie of Riverside, Calif, Mr and Mrs Ray Barlow of Eugene, Mrs Crystal Barlow and Albert Ball of Taft, Mr and Mrs Truman Messenger, Sr and son Carroll of Mitchell. Mr and Mrs Delmer Hug are the parents of a son, born Dec 9 at the Good Shepherd hospit al In Hermlston. He has been named David Delmer. Grand parents are, Mr and Mrs Arnln Hug of Boardman, and Gene Gurley of Irrigon. Great-grandparents are, Mrs May Miller of Portland and Mrs Katie Bickford of La Grande. The baby weighed nine pounds. He has two sisters, Debbie and Pam4 l!3Ef Inches of rain fell here in less than six days last week, which is a lot of moisture for this desert community. Greenfield grange had a Christmas party with exchange of gifts following their meeting Thursday night at the hall. A potluck supper was held at 6:30. Hosts were Mr aril Mrs Ronald Black. It was decided that in stallation of officers would be held on the regular meeting night, Jan 8, at 7:30 p m. Mem bers were urged to attend Po mona grange, Jan 3, at Willows grange in lone. Mr and Mrs An drew Skiles of Irrigon grange were guests. Skiles is master elect of Irrigon grange. The Home Economics club of Greenfield grange met Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs Ronald Black. Mrs W G Seehafer was a guest. Members were asked to take gifts to send to the state hospital in Pendle ton to the grange meeting Thurs day night. Following the meet ing, Mrs Black served refresh ments. Mrs Ronald Black was hostess for the annual "Carnation Sis ter" Christmas party of the Tilli cum club Tuesday evening of last week at her home. Fifteen members were present and guests were, Mrs Harold Baker and Mrs Charles Higuera. Exchange of gifts was held, and Carnation Sisters 'revealed. Names were drawn for next year. Mrs Zoe Billings read the Christmas story from the Bible, and a poem, "The Sound of Christmas." Mrs Harold Baker won a prize In a game played. Mrs Richard Waymire played Christmas carols. $17.20 was raised to send to CARE by having a Dutch cake auction. Mrs Billings got the cake. A collection was also taken for the Sadie Orr Dunbar nurs ing fund. The club voted to send a Christmas gift to Judy Watkins, who recently returned home from many months hospitilization in Portland after being burned. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Don Downey in Jan. Sigvald Aase, Harold Gauger and Ronald Black attended a committee meeting of the OEA in Lexington Friday evening. Mr and Mrs Ed Barlow and daughter, Bonnie of Riverside, Calif are visiting at the home of Barlow's brothers-in-law and sisters, Mr and Mrs Claud Coats and Mr and Mrs Zearl Gillespie, and Mrs Barlow's sister, Mrs Florence Root. Other Sunday vis itors at the Coats and Gillespie homes were, Mr and Mrs Truman Messenger, Sr and son Carroll of Mitchell, Mr and Mrs Truman Messenger, Jr of Hermiston, Mr and Mrs Bill Marquardt and children of Lexington. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Ralph Skoubo were, Mrs Skoubo's parents, Mr and Mrs B E Getchell, her brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs A E McDuffee, Jr, and her bro thers and sisters-in-law, Mr and Mrs James Getchell and Mr and Mrs Earl Getchell, all of Her miston. Mr and Mrs Don Kress and Mr and Mrs Wendell Kress of Lewiston, Ida were visitors last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Harold Kress. The men are bro thers. Saturday visitors were, Mr and Mrs Ollie Welch of Orofino, Idaho. Connie Baker, student at EOCE at La Grande, spent the week end at her home here. Mr and Mrs Delbert Ball and three children of Mountain Home, Idaho were weekend visitors at the home of Ball's parents, Mr and Mrs Roy Ball Sr. j Mr and Mrs Charlie Smith of , Union visited last Thursday at ! the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Harold ' Marlow, and at Smith's brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Nathan Thorpe. o)(o D. A. Short, your Telephone Manager for Heppner Season's Greetings VJ 5y r .1 N V 111 SPECIAL PRE-CHRISTMAS All Open &5JP Stock Patterns CLEARANCE Fiesta, Luray, Homer-Laughlin 30 Off 2 Only 50 Gallon WATER HEATERS ZENITH & FOWLER 15 0FF STILL PLENTY OF FINE TOYS But, You'd Better Hurry Gilliam & Bisbee Hardware HEPPNER Our sincere best wishes for a Very Merry Christmas and a Bountiful New Year to all of our friends in Eastern Oregon-from the men and women of Pacific Telephone in Heppner. i vi liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pendleton Sportswear makes one of the finest gifts you can possibly give her this Christmas. We have her favorite Jacket, Sweater and Skirt and will be glad to help you choose the style and color she wants. Better hurry, though, while we've still got her size I PENDLETON SWEATERS JACKETS & SKIRTS SHE ALWAYS WANTS -A BOX OF Berkshire Nylons (WE KNOW HER SIZE) i-Vn ""rvNi Wherever your voice goes, telephone patrols keep a careful watch over the lines that carry your calls. And here you see a sky patrol in action. Every day the pilot or his partner check 350 miles of cable, most of it under ground. They're on the lookout for landslides or con struction work that could cause trouble. By using a loudspeaker on the plane, or by dropping notes, they can warn anyone working near a hidden cable. Time and again, cable patrols have headed off costly damage. And they've helped make your telephone service more depend able than ever. FOR HIM- o ffO Wash 'N Wear SHIRTS IN White & Colors $g95 UP WASHABLE SPORT SHIRTS $95 UP MEN'S PENDLETON TOPSTER JACKETS AND JANTZEN SWEATER-VESTS AND SLIPOVER SWEATERS REDUCED TOPCOATS Regular To $55 Now Only $35.00 Open Friday Nite Till 8:30 Wilson's Men's Wear The Store of Personal Service PlllliMIM'iif'IP illllj'T'11'1''"'!''?1" 7fw-W' - "