pncr High School I SCOOP f CAROLYN McDANIEL fdate of the basketball ree has been set as Decern and It will be held at Ila this year. Each partici fteam will play for a half, year Heppner has drawn (rnatilla Vikings as their ree opponents. The cheer S hope to see as many tts as possible at the Jam es an award is given for set cheering section. A bus is being taken to the jamboree, and anyone wishing to go may do so if he signs up in advance. Townspeople are also urged to attend and support the team. Clint Agge, who is this year's basketball coach, recently start ed practice with the squad. The whole team has hieh hoDes for a good season, and coach Agee I Is particularly optimistic about the team's chances. Heppner will madt TTckHv Vr Hn , IICIC, uji ita UWIi floor, for the season's first of ficial game on December 5. I Quill and Scroll and the Nat ional Honor Society combined their clubs recently and formed I one single club. This was done (because of the small member ship of the two groups. It was decided that the club's functions would be the same, but officers would remain separate in each group. Carol K Anderson was chosen as president of the Nat ional Honor Society and Caro lyn McDaniel was selected presi dent of the Quill and Scroll. On Tuesday, November 25, the club met and elected the remaining officers of the National Honor Society. Those elected were Ste- ;van Flug, vice president, and ! Roseann Ayers, secretary-treasurer. Plans were also made to A. .- -' - - . - -- - I ' i -ii. r Q) COURT STREET MARKET iV:nim IP? a m I ) i ST PUZ 6-9643 FREE PARKING LLSBURY-ALL BUT ANGELFOOD fa 0 SSSSt 4f or XSBURY LOUR 1 25 lbs $2.19 PENNANT MINCE MEAT 26 oz. 39 IF YOU HAVE OUR Heppner Lucky Number YOU'LL WIN Eor-S Fully Cooked PORK ROLL ILLSBURY IIHGERBREAD IY1IX 2 For 48c FARM FRESH PRODUCE CELERY SWEET POTATOES unch 19c 2 lbs 29c FRESH MEATS LOCKER SERVICE Christmas-New Year en tertainment for the nursing home patients. Future Homemakers of Amer ica, under the supervision of Mrs Homer Hager, sponsored a dance on Friday, November 21. The dance was given in honor of the football squad, and all team members and their dates were a Emitted free. Wilma Bothwell was crowned queen of the dance, and king was Stuart uriDoie. initiation and installation of new members and officers was hH nt the monthly meeting or tho V R L A on Wednesday, Nov ember 19. The Chamber of Com merce members were guests of the Future Business Leaders dur ing the meeting, and also for the tasty refreshments served after the installation and initia tion ceremonies. For their next project, F B L A'ers will string boughs for the downtown Christ mas decorations. Each year mem bers rise early on some Satur day and work several hours to prepare these decorations. This year work will be done on Nov ember 29. Joe Stewart, Heppner high school superintendent, was re cently in the hospital and under went minor surgery. Mr Stewart will return to school on Wednes day, November 26. After being released from the hospital, he attended the Northwest drive-in conference at Spokane, Wash ington. An all out campaign to sell as many 1959 annuals as possi ble is being launched by the Mustang staff. A contest between the 4 high school classes began on Monday, November 24 and will continue until December 19. The class selling the most an nuals will have their name en graved on annual placque. A prize of $3.00 will be awarded to the person making- the most sales. Second prize is $2.00. Thanksgiving vacation will be gin officially when school is out on Wednesday, November 26. Students will then enjoy a nice fmir dnv weekend then return to school on Monday, December, 1. and Davy of Sunnyslde, Wash. Mr and Mrs Clayton Allen and children, Camml and Bobbie of Sunnyside, Wash were weekend guests at the home of Allen's parents, Mr and Mrs Arthur Al len. Mr and Mrs Dewey West, Sr of Arlington visited at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Dewey West, Jr, over the weekend. . Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Dale Fades were Eades' brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Charlie Woolley and daughter. Marcia of Pasrn. Wash. They were accompanied by their aaugnier-in-iaw, Mrs Jean Wool ley and sons, Mike and Stanley, who have been in Pasco the past three months from Saudi Arabia, where Woolley has been employed the past eighteen months. They plan to return there before Christmas. The Woolleys also visited at the home oi Mr ana Mrs Eivin Ely while here. Mr and Mrs Neil Bleakney of Sunnyside, Wash, residents here about 18 years ago, were Sun day visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Claud Coats. HEPPNER GAZETTE -TIMES, Thursday, November 27. 1958 be held at Julie Smith's home, PICK A PECK of Pleasure! December 9. Gifts will be ex changed. Refreshments were served by Mrs Bill Doherty. Karla Luciani, reporter 4-H Club News PINE CITY SADDLE CLUB The Pine Citv Saddle Club met at the Bill Doherty home Tues day evening. Seven members and one new member, Ronnie Belsma, being present. The meeting was called to or- der by Billy Doherty and the minutes were read bv Tommv Martin, secretary. Leader Charles Daly asked questions about care, feeding and safety rules of horses. Nels Anderson showed a movie on horses. The Christmas party will HAPPY STITCHERS The Happy Stitchers club met in the home of Mrs Hausler, November 20. The club is happy to have Su san Hams as a new member. The members started on their needle cases. The game the members played is called observation. The song they sang was called, "If Your HaDDv and You Know It." Cathy Hausler served the refreshments. Karen Nelson, reported Thanksgiving EVE or Thanks giving EVENING, relax and enjoy the tops in adventure, fun and romance. Star Theater. FOLLETT MEAT CO. Hermlston, Ore. Ph J07-6651 On Hermiston McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WHOLESALE MEATS K-'IS " Enjoy Thanksgiving at ELLA'S GRILL v," -.' - HOTEL BUILDING Have a really delightful ftM Thanksgiving 1 Sit back and relax ft while we serve you the most de- (fi?fiJ licious turkey dinner in townl Q C Complete Turkey or Ham Dinner $1.50 Child's Plate .... X f. "'MA Boardman Notes A special meeting of the Till! cum club was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs Ron- aiH Haas for the Dumose of mak' intr rlothes for the club doll Guests were, Mrs Wayne Kuhn and Mrs Andy Jones. Mr and Mrs John Erlckson and rhlldren. Janice and Jan of Port land arrived at the home of Mrs Erickson's parents, Mr and Mrs W A Simcox, Friday to visit over the weekend. Mrs George King has returned home from St Anthony's hospital in Pendleton, where she was for two weeks following major sur gery. The temperature has been much warmer the past several days. Maximum Friday was 64 above, and Saturday was 58. WAPkend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Joe Crouch were Mrs Crouch's uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Robert Davis oi Vancouver, Wash, and her bro ther and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs Frank Van Atta and child ren, Marilyn, Marsha, Dennis lllllllllllllllllllllilll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'ii'iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini I . Nothing Could Please Her More THAN A IFriiMiiirii APPLIANCE SEE THE NEW FROST-PROOF FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR WASHERS DRYERS FREEZERS AIR CONDITIONERS NOW READY AT WILSON'S a bagful of OUR Lucky Number GALLON PRESTONE A Gift For Your Car Goodyear Nylon Snow Tires He Wants- ARROW DRESS SHIRTS - Always a wonderful gift. White and colors SPORT SHIRTS Smart Wash'n Wear cottons, Pendleton wools. JANTZEN SPORTWEAR All lha nam TnnivAn mnrlala 4nr1iit Inet ttiA Inner sleeve lambswool-cotton vest (illustrated at 1 left), knit shirts and others. They're top gifts. PENDLETON TOPSTER JACKETS J DRESS SLACKS And Many More Suggestions !""""""" limiimillMIIMIIIII MM IMIIIIIIMIiniMIIIIII Ill, IHIIIUhHIIH IHM.MIII , IIIIHIMIimiMIH MIMIMIIMIIIM j MEN'S Topcoat Sale NOW $38.50 A big selection of fine topcoats that have been selling regularly up to $55.00. Reduced. fiiiHiiiiiimiil inn milium iiimmi ill ill iliiiiiiniiiii , Umu imlili i iiiiimiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih" For Her- GRAFF BLOUSES AND SKIRTS She knows and loves all the Graff line and we have a wonderful Holiday selection. PENDLETON JACKETS, SKIRTS The Famous 49'er and Topmaster Jackets and go together skirts. PENDLETON SWEATERS IF YOU HAVE OUR LUCKY NUMBER YOU WILL WIN AN ARROW DRESS SHIRT Will Be Glad To Lay-Away Your Selections Wilsons Men's Wear The Store of Personal Service HEPPNER llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllNIIIIIIIIIIIIII