S OCIAL APPENIN6S FILM A BOTHWELL announces engagement jVilma Bothwell ej!s Engagement Mr and Mrs Bruce Bothwell rainounce the engagement of lielr daughter, Wilma Lee to maid Jay McClintock, son of ir and Mrs Tress McClintock of onmouth, Oregon. No date has been set for the Wedding. hursday Tea Honors Kiev and Mrs Spencer Mrs Walter Wright, Mrs Gene pall and Mrs LaVerne Van Mar- Kr entertained last Thursday ternoon with a tea at All Saints Episcopal parish house, honor ing the Rev and Mrs Bruce Iencer. Guests included members of e Altar Guild, circle leaders Stiid Sunday school teachers. iMrs Frank Ayers and Mrs J Nys poured during the tea pur. Those attending were Mrs mes Valentine, Mrs Jack Loyd, is James Norene, Mrs William hbhart, Mrs Harold Wright, Mrs iJtbert Abrams, Mrs R B Rice, fjfrs Richard Wells and Mrs Mer- Gray. bona your newt items to 6-9228. Long Distance Nation -Wide Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans Portland Bros. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phone 338 Dinner Celebrates 30th Anniversary . Of The John Graves Mr and Mrs John Graves were honored with a surprise dinner on their 30th wedding anniver sary at the home of their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Louis Carlson of lone. Assisting with the dinner were their daughters, Mrs Howard Pettyjohn, Mrs Walter Hill and daughter-in-law," Mrs Gene Graves. Pinochle was enjoyed in the afternoon, followed by the cutt ing of the wedding cake by Mr and Mrs Graves. The Graves were married Nov ember 15, 1928 at Lexington and have been residents of Morrow county since that time, except for four years spent in Hermiston. They now reside on their ranch near ""Hardman. They have four children and ten grandchildren all living in this vicinity. Out of town guests present for the occassion were Mrs Grave's mother and father, Mr and Mrs R B Wilcox; brother and wife, Mr and Mrs Glen Wilcox and two children, all of Portland; brother and wife, Mr and Mrs Lester Wilcox and three boys; sister-in-law and family, Mrs Charles Wilcox, Mrs Robert Wil cox and Mrs Marvin Kennedy and four children, all of Her miston and Mr Graves' sisters and husbands, Mr and Mrs Leo nard Munkers and four children of Lexington and Mr and Mrs Don Heliker of lone. " Deviled Ham Twirls Add A Festive Air To Holiday Parties' 1 Mrs Hall Has High Score At Bridge Club The Renegers bridge club met last Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs LaVerne Van Mar ter. Guests were, Mrs Lowell Grib ble, Mrs P W Mahoney, Mrs Al ien Case, Mrs Frank Anderson, Mrs Gene Hall, Mrs William Lab hart, Mrs William Barratt, Mrs James Norene, Mrs Gordon Pratt, Mrs Eddie Gunderson, Mrs Ri chard Meador and Mrs James J Farley. High score was held by Mrs Hall; Mrs Gunderson, second and Mrs Mahoney, low. hlWw)i a 'ritolr. iMrt.WrtH JlK Jjj fhTMHii ISSSJM Cm ruTUt -jTcnu' miV'''' Have a whirl with these deviled ham twirls that are as festive as this holiday season. Fix them hours, or even days ahead, store in the refrigerator until it's party time and then just pop them into a hot oven for a few minutes before serving. Your guests will enjoy the zippy deviled ham flavor served in these bite sice whirls that are toasty brown, hot and crunchy. For 60 deviled ham twirls youll need: Deviled Ham Twirls 1 Family Size (4V4 or) can 6 slices fresh white bread deviled ham Melted butter Trim crusts from bread. Spread with deviled ham. Roll up tightly and wrap in wax paper. Chill at least an hour. Brush lightly with melted butter and bake at 400' for 10 minutes. Cut into Vj inch slices. (Slicing is easier if before toasting, rolls are sliced about half-way through.) Sewing Club Meets At Schaffitz Home The Sewine club met at the homp of Mrs E K Schaffitz last Wednesday afternoon. Those present were Mrs Ray mond Ferguson, Mrs P W Ma honey, Mrs John Pfeiffer, Mrs Claude Graham, Mrs Carl Spaul ding, Mrs C E McQuarrie, Mrs Gene Pierce, Mrs Jack Bedford, Mrs Robert Penland and the hostess. , , , , .Vj C ttlBISiilIlsllll I f:',y 4 illjllit lllili mm r .--r -r . . . Need a new loafing barn? Save with Western Aluminum Roofing Exclusive 4-V Corrugated Sheets Only Western Aluminum's exclusively designed 4-V Corrugated offers the combined advantages of other standard roofing materials. Added Strength More Coverage Panel Beauty Superior Weather Tightness Les Cost per Job We'll be glad to help you estimate your requirements for a new loafing barn. You'll find loafing barns built with heat-reflective aluminum sheets go up quickly and easily, last indefinitely and reduce maintenance chores. We stock 4-V corrugated embossed roofing sheet made of Alcoa'Aluminum. We also carry Alcoa Aluminum Roll Valley, Ridge Roll, Flashing, Aluminum Nails. Come in now to see our catalog of Alcoa building plans. Your Quid o ffie Bed in Aluminum Vout Coming Events Friday, November 21 S a n s Souci Rebekah lodge. Saturday. November 22 Tea and Bazaar, Methodist church. 2 to S p m. Monday, November 24 Farm- City banquet. Legion halL 6:30 p m. Tuesday, November 25 Book worms. Degree of Honor. Wednesday, November 26 Wil lows lodge No 66, IOOF. Thursday, November 27 Thanks giving Day. Friday, November 28 Ruth chapter No 32, OES. Saturday, December 6 Lunch, Tea, Bazaar, All Saints, Epis copal church, starting at 12 noon. Portland Minister Speaks At Dinner At All Saints Church Approximately 90 persons en joyed a potluck dinner Sunday afternoon at All Saints Episcopal church. The Women's Auxiliary of the church had chargeof the dinner with Mrs Walter Wright as chair man. The Rev Robert Grafe of St Barnabas church in Portland was guest speaker at the meeting after the dinner. Other out of town guests were Mrs Grafe and Cliff Moynihan of Lebanon. Scholarship Girls Guests Thursday Of Soroptimi-st Club Guests of the Soroptimist Club of Heppner at their Thursday noon meeting at O'Donnell's were the girls who had received scholarships from the club dur ing the year. Each girl told something about the school or camp that they at tended with the scholarship. Those speaking were Carol Anne Anderson who attended Girls State; Libby Van Schoiack, 4-H summer school; Rhoda Ott, church summer camp and Laura Lee Sumner a church summer camp. Carolyn McDanlel was the senior girl guest from the high school and other guests were Mrs Nels Anderson and Becky Fulle ton. Birthday cake was served in honor of Mrs Lucy Rodgers, Mrs Roice Fulleton, Mrs Clara B Gert son and Mrs Grace Nickerson. LaVerne Van Marter Feted On Birthday Mrs LaVerne Van Marter en tertained last Thursday evening with a dinner party in honor of her husband on his birthday. Guests were Mrs Elaine S George, Kit and David George, Mr and Mrs Arch Ball and Archie Jr, Mrs Sadie Sigsbee, Mr and Mrs Bob Runnion, Mrs Cliff Dougherty and Marie, Paul and LaVerne III Van Marter. Kathy Prussing Has Fourth Birthday Mrs Fred Prussing entertained last Thursday afternoon in honor of the fourth birthday of her daughter Kathy. Games, stories and refresh ments were enjoyed by Shelly, Kelly and Tommy Wolff, Bobette Jones, Shannon Farley and Kit Anderson. Also as guests were Mrs Wal lace Wolff, Mrs Robert Jones, Mrs James J Farley, Mrs Nels Ander son and Mrs Floyd Adams. ALCOA H ALUMINUM KEIM '-t YK V ALUMINUM J SEE YOUR LOCAL BUILDING MATERIAL DEALER Pratts Entertain Bridge Club Sunday Mr and Mrs Gordon Pratt en tertained the Duplicate bridge club Sunday evening at tneir home. Guests were, Mr and Mrs C E McQuarrie, Mr and Mrs Lowell Gribble, Mr and Mrs LaVerne Van Marter, Dr and Mrs Wallace Wolff and Mr and Mrs Richard Meador. High couple was Mr Meador and Dr Wolff and second high couple was Mr Van Marter and Mrs Pratt. ELUTA CAMP FIRE NEWS At our meeting November 17 our committee was Tamara Smith and Diane Warren who were in charge of the games. All of the requirements for Wood Gatherer's rank were gone over. All jackets should be completed by next week. Joan Stockard, reporter FOLLETT MEAT CO. ttennlston. Ore. Ph 707-6651 Op Hermiston McNary Highway CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING VHOLESALE MEATS iSlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll YouV wl W talct a Utt! liability Insurance along to protect yourwlf It In cal t52 C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY PHONE 6-9625 BOX 611 Lexington P-TA Has Varied Program By DELPHA JONES The Lexington P-TA met at the school auditorium on Tues day with the president LaVonne Bloodsworth presiding. The pro gram for the evening consisted of several numbers by the 3rd and 4th graders under the dir ection of their teacher, Mrs C C Carmichael. After this very en tertaining part of the program Harry Bongers, administrator of Pioneer Memorial hospital gave a most instructive talk on the functions of the hospital, and also on the financial organiza tion. Following this, Dallas Shockley, principal of lone school and president of the Umatilla Morrow County league presented the captain of the Lexington football team, Laddie Henderson with the Umatilla-Morrow Co league trophy. At this time the coach, Bob Matthews was intro duced and asked for a few words, and all the team was asked to come forward where they receiv ed a big hand. Later in the even ing following the business meet ing, refreshments were served in the cafeteria, by the 6th grade mothers. On Thursday evening the Lex- HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, November 20, 1958 Reception To Honor Wate Crawfords On 50th Anniversary A reception will be held hon-, oring .Mr and Mrs Wate Craw ford on their 50th wedding anni versary, Sunday, November 30 from 2 to 4 p m at the home of Mr and Mrs Milton Morgan, lone. Children of the Crawfords will be hosts and all friends and relatives are cordially invited. It is requested there be no gifts. ington girl's volleyball team mo tored to lone where they took part in the jamboree. On Saturday night the Way Edwards V F W gave the Lex ington, lone and Heppner high school students a party at the city hall in Lexington. Mrs Bob Davidson and Mrs Bill VanWin kle were chapcrones for this party. Dunk, potato chips and hot dogs were served. Pvt Richard Wihlon who has been at Cutsforth's cabin in the mountains enjoying some visit ing with his father, Armin Win don left on Saturday for Fort Lewis where he will be shipped to the Far East. Mrs A F Majeske has return ed to her home after a stay in Pioneer Memorial hospital in Heppner. Mr and. Mrs Dewie Lovelace of Cove visited over the week end with his uncle and family, Mr and Mrs C C Jones. On Sat urday they, accompanied by Wayne Papineau, were Fossil visitors. Mrs Aimee Sperry of Portland has accepted the position of Eng lish teacher in the local School to replace Miss Betty Obrist who has recently resigned. Mrs Sperry is a major in home ec and science and a graduate of Oregon State college. She has been teaching the last eleven years at New berg, Oregon and previous to that she taught in lone. She will make her home at present with her daughter and family, Mr and Mrs Eldon Padberg. The Lexington Cafe has been closed due to the illness of the proprietor, Mrs Merle Cornileson. Among those attending to bus iness in Pendleton last week were; Jo' Irvin, Florence Mc Millan, Margaret Nichols, Bertha Hunt, Shirley McCarl, Bertha Hunt, Lorene Ledbetter, Charlene Jones, June Ledbetter and Del pha Jones. USE GAZETTE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Q F COURSE, when you buy health pro tection for your family, you want the best, most complete, most reliable plan your money can buy. Which one will give you the kind of protection you need? P .IL.ERH .ERHAPS the best possible authority on health protection is your family doctor. lie works with many health plans. And, chances are, he is one of the more than 1400 Oregon doctors who actually sponsor a plan specifically designed for Oregon families Oregon Physicians' Service. Enjoy Thanksgiving at ELLA'S GRILL HOTEL BUILDING Have a really delightful Thankstr'.ving! Sit back and relax while we serve you the most de licious turkey dinner in townl Complete Turkey or Ham Dinner $1.50 Child's Plate $1.00 IV f r0.v. ask your doctor. You can rely on his expe rience and judgment in helping you select the plan that's best for you. And, if he recommends OPS, remember that there's an OPS represen tative ready to give you full details. Don't wait you'll be glad you askedl OMQOlt PMSICMS' SERVICE BLUE SHIELD Spomored and approved by Orsgon State Medical Society 29 S. E. Court Ave. Pendleton, Oregon 1 Ki I F 1 m M o - WW ...when you join First National's Christmas Cltib Thi. month, Oregon people who joined First National s Christmts Club s year go will receive checks totaling $2,000,000! You can enjoy the holidays with extra money, too. lust join First National Bank of Oregon's Christmas Club now. Save s little each week (50c ,$100, $200, etc ) and next year you will receive s check for the full amount saved,.. plus interest 1 It's s sure way to s merrier Christmas! FIRST OIH.i National Bonk of Oregon III IMH.I MIMlt ihimi 5 Jlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll