HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, October 30, 1958 Classified Rates 3c pe word minimum 50c per Insertion Black face or caps, double rata Cards of Thanks SI JO CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 5 p. ib. Wednesday HENS FOR SALE Large, $1.00; small, 75c. Beach ranch, phone 3-8149. 34-35c "WINTERIZE" your hair with ex pert reconditioning. Get ready for the holidays with a new permanent. BEAUTY MODE SHOP. 34-tfc ACCORDION LESSONS In Lex ington, accordians furnished. , Write or call Caroline Flem ming, 1116 S W Emigrant, Pen dleton or phone CR 6-1617. 3334p FOR RENT apartments, fur nished or unfurnished. Phone 6 9723. 3l-34p FOR SALE 80 stock cows, 12 bred heifers. Ralph Beamer, phone 6-9743. 33-34c ST WILLIAMS AltarSociely-ls collecting old eyeglasses for the needy. They may be left at Phil's Pharmacy, Lexington - post office or Dick's Market in lone. 34-46c HAY FOR SALE Alfred Lovgren, Heppner, phone 6-9712 32 34c STATE LINE Livestock Commission ' SALE EVERY TUESDAY at 1 p.m. Furniture and Miscellaneous auction every Thursday at 7 p.m. Open for consignments 24 hours dally Milton-Freewator, Ore. Old Highway Phone 1135 25c SAND AND GRAVEL delivered anywhere. Call Pete or Sue Hams, phone 8-7277. lone. 50tfc WILLDO baby sifting iiTrny home days for children under 4 years old. Monday through Friday. Phone 6-5886. 33-34p WINNER of the Gilliam & Bisbee Little Buck jackpot was Bar bara Warren of Heppner. You still may register for our other contest. Watch for Gilliam & Blsbee's November "Buy of the Month" with special gift items it will be In your mail. 34-c DBRW PFEIFFER, Chiropractic physician. 6 E Willow, phone 6-9694. 9 to 5:30 Monday through Friday, 9 to 12 Satur day. 22-tfc FOR APBUANCE REPAIR "call or bring to Case Furniture Co. phone 6-9432. 5tfc FOR SALE 15 foot upright home freezer, Frigidaire 30" electric, range; 8 foot refrigerator; auto-' matte washer and dryer. Phone lone 8-7241. 33 35c FOR SALE Spark oil heater, used only 1 year, $60. Phone 6-9415. 31-tfe BIG AUCTION SALE i lpm this Saturday, Nov 1 at Hermiston near Drive-in-theater. Furniture of all kinds; 40 beds, all sizes; 30 stoves, heaters and ranges, all kinds; refrigerators, washers, mangles; 50 assorted chairs; 20 assorted tables; 6 breakfast sets; davenos and chairs; hideaway bed; complete home of furniture; miscellaneous storage items also on sale; 2 milking machines; 2 cream sep arators; farm items; antiques; 4 trailers; 1 all metal 2-horse trailer; 2 furnaces; water soften er; 5 ton winch; 1948 Chevrolet sedan. Sales Manager, Hermiston, phone JO 7-5920. 34-c ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, portables, electric and stand ards; tales, service and repair. Office equipment office sup plies. Roscoe N. Allen, Milton Freewater, Ore. For service call HecDner 6-9228. - 33-34c DR. L. C RICHEY, Optometrist 207 S. Main St, Pendleton, Of fio. Phnno 609. 48tfc FOR SALE Service age Here ford bulls, horned and polled. Clayton Wright Prairie City, Ore. 3335c NfcFn FINANCING? Our ABC financing plan fs available for anything we sell, lumber, build ing supplies, tools, paints etc. in amounts up to $1,000. No down payment, up to 36 months to pay. Ask us at Turn-A-Lum Lumber Co., dial Hepp ner 6-9212. ?tfc GENUINE PRESTONE antifreeze, $2.75 per gallon. Barratt Sales Co. 32-33C EST. FOOD ROUTE ' 800 family Watklns route now available. 90 year reputation. A top-grade one-man business, and no experience or money required. Write for full infor mation to The J R Watklns Company, 3903 Brooklyn Ave nue. Seattle 5. Washington. 29-34C FOR RENT furnished apart ment, adults only. Phone 6 9684, after 5 pm. weekdays, or all day Saturday. 34-tfc FOR SALE registered 4 H Guernsey to calve. $210. Joyce Peck, phone 3-8170, Lexington. 34-tfc FOR SALE 1953 Chevrolet, 26, 000 actual miles, perfect con dition. Selling on account of illness. Reasonable price. Walt Gilman, phone 6-9262. 33J4C FOR SALE We have a low-priced Dodge Sedan In good me chanical condition with good rubber. Call Heppner 6-9731. 32-tfc SMART, EASY TO CARE FOR haircuts, soft permanent, for the back-to-school set Beauty Mode Shop. Phone 6-9951. 24-tfc FOR RENT or sale, 2 bedroom house in Lexington. Phone 6 9715. 34-35c FOR SALE good" used - daven port. Mrs Charles Vaughn, Heppner. 34 c FOR SALlP-Red cedar poles, call after 8 Dm. G L Briees. P O Box 310, The Dalles, Oregon.! FOR SALE OR RENT unfurnish ed house in Lexington. Phone 3-8183. 25-tfc FOR RENT Two bedroom, un furnished apartment Call Dick Meador, 6-9192 25 tfc 'WE DONT WANT All the busi ness, Just yours." O'Donnell's Cafe. 39tfc KUGS AND CARPETS cleaned in your home. Wool or cotton Fast Service. Phone 6-9432. 46tfc MAKE YOUR RUGS and carpets look like new. Call Case Fur niture Co. for carpet cleaning service. 46tfc CARD OF THANKS Our heartfelt thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy and help in our recent sorrow. For the beautiful service, floral offerings and other kindnesses, we are deeply grateful. Mrs Maud Craber The Harold Craber family The Dallas Craber family The Gordon Craber family The Darrel Harris family The brothers and sisters of Ed Craber 34-p CARD OF THANKS I want to thank all my friends for the cards, flowers and -gifts sent me during my stay in Pio neer Memorial hospital. I also want to thank the hospital staff for the care I received. May Hartman 34-c CARD OF THANKS ' This committee takes this means to thank all persons who in any and all ways helped with the project of renovating the Hardman cemetery, especially those persons who have contri buted of their time and labor and finances. And, to the ladles for their delicious dinners, and thanks to the Gazette -Times. Work has been postponed until spring. The Hardman Cemetery Board 34-c CARD OF THANKS To the many friends of the kindergarten who supported it by giving to and buying at the Rum maep Sale, we express our sin cere thanks. We are also ap- preciative of the hospitality of Empire Machinery Company, the help of the Heppner Cleaners, and the cooperation of the Ameri can Legion Post no 87, Gazette- Times, Bill Cox, the Methodist church, Catholic church, and the Dorcas Society. Heppner Civic League 34-c Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated Oct 6, 1958, I am hereby author ized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Commencing at the quarter corner of Section line between 22 and 27, in Township 5 North, Range 26, E. W, M., said point beinc the Southeast corner of the southwest quarter of Section 22, thence north 880 feet to the South boundary of the Columbia River hgihway from the point of beginning, thence South 880 feet, thence West 490 leet, thence North 890 feet, thence Easterly along the South boundary of said highway to the point of begin ning: containine 9.42 acres more or less for the minimum price of $20.00. THEREFOR, I will on the 7th day of November, 1958, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. at the front door of" the Courthouse In Hep- pner, Oregon sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN Sheriff, Morrow County Oregon By: Elvira Irby, deputy 31-35c IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY Of MORROW SUMMONS H D Reeves and Mary R ) Reeves, ) Plaintiff, ) vs. ) MELVIN HUGHS and JANE) . DOE HUGHS, husband and) wife; BOYD M HUGHS and) JANE DOE HUGHS, hus- ) band and wife; EUGENE ) HUGHS and JANE DOE ) HUGHS, husband and wife;) RICHARD HUGHS and ) JANE DOE HUGHS, hus-) band and wife; VERA ) HUGHS DAVIS and ) CLYDE DAVIS, wife and ) husband; PHILIP M ) HUGHS, a single man; Ce- ) CIL HUGHS and JANE ) DOE HUGHS, husband and ) wife; VIOLA HUGHS, a ) single woman; BETTY LOU ) HUGHS, a single woman; ) LEONA MAE HUGHS, a wi-) dow and unremarried; the ) unknown heirs of ERNEST ) HUGHS, deceased; and all ) other persons or parties un-) known claiming any right ) title, estate, lien or interest ) in the real estate described ) in the Complaint herein. ) Defendants ) TO: Melvln Hughs and Jane Doe Hughs, his wife; Vera Hughs Davis and Clyde Davis, her hus band; Jane Doe Hughs, wife of Richard Hughs, Philip M Hughs, Jane Doe Hughs, wife of Cecil Hughs, Viola Hughs, Leona Mae Hughs, the unknown heirs of Er nest Hughs, deceased; and all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, Hen or interest in the real estate described in the Complaint here in. ' IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the' complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause within 4 weeks from the date of first publication of this summons and if you fail to ap pear and answer for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief as prayed for in the said complaint, to-wit: For a Decree that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the following described real property, to-wit: Lots Three (3) and six (6) in block Six (6) West in Sec tion Twenty-five (25) and Lot Six (6) in Block Seven (7) West in Section Twenty four (24), all in Township Five (5) North, Range Twenty-six (26), E W M, con taining 12.76 acres more or less according to the official plat thereof, In the County of Morrow, State of Oregon. And that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of the said land, free of any right, title, es tate, lien or Interest of you and each of you, and that you or any of you have no right, title, estate, Hen or Interest in the said land or any part thereof and perpetually restrain and en join you and each of you, your heirs and assigns, from assert ing or claiming any right, title, eslate, lien or Interest in the real estate herein described or any part thereof adverse to the plain till. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four weeks in the Heppner Ga zette Times by order of the hon orable Oscar E Peterson, Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, which said order was made and enter ed on the 3rd day of October, 1958. MAHONEY AND ABRAMS, Attorneys for Plaintiff Address: Heppner, Oregon 31-35C NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the es tate of J B ADAMS, deceased, has filed his final account of his administration of said estate with the County Court of the State of Oregon . for Morrow County and said Court fixed Monday, the 3rd day of Novem ber, 1958 at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day In the County Court Room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon as the time and place for hear ing objections to said final ac count and the settlement of said estate and all persons having ob jections thereto are hereby , re quired to file the same with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 2nd day of October, 1958. Jos J Nys Attorney for Executor FORREST ADAMS Executor i 30-34C COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS September, 1958 The minutes were read and approved. The following warrants were issued on the General Fund. Darl Hudson, Janitor $291.90 Sadie Parrish, deputy 259.85 Elvira Irby, deputy 229.43 Lillian Sweek, deputy 188.85 Rod Thomson, deputy 281.90 Velma Glass, Health Nurse 343.47 Carolyn McDanlel, Office clerk : 88.43 Josephine Rands, Office clerk 47.67 A D McMurdo, Physician .... 24.44 Herbert W White, Jr, Ct Rep. 91.23 Oscar E Peterson, Cty Ct ....82.41 Northwest Hosp Ser 64.45 1st Nat Bk, salaries 513.60 Pac Tel . & Tel Co, Current ex pense 113.15 State Ind Accld Comm 16.03 Public Emp. Retirement board 362.73 Bruce Lindsay, Clerk 13.23 Cltv of Heppner 7.50 Gilliam & Bisbee Hdwe Co ....1.90 Public Employes Retirement 19.35 Sadie Parrish, Registrar .... 20.50 Velma R Glass, Health Nurse 20.10 Union Oil Co Health Nurse 4.76 Parke, Davis & Co Health Nurse 23.22 Standard OH Co Health Nurse 66.32 J K Gill & Co Health Nurse 29.94 Norman C Nelson, Sheriff Incld 62.19 Central Meat Market, Indigent fund 5.04 John A Pfeiffer, cthse 4.98 Packer-Scott, cthse 42.60 Mahoney & Abrams, D A .... 56.00 Mahoney & Abrams, D A .... 20.13 State Public Welfare Comm - 3624.25 Dunham Printing Co 222.75 Bancroft-Whitney Co Cir Ct 17.50 Burroughs Corp, Tax Coll .... 2.75 Heppner Hdwe & Elect, Cthse 2.30 Heppner Gazette Times 43.02 Herman Green, cthse 3.00 Harry Dinges, Assessor field work 47.20 Heppner Laundry, cthse .... 1.75 Oregon Juvenile Judges Assoc 5.00 C J D Bauman, sheriff incld 10.55 Standard OH Co sheriff car 14.66 Fulleton Chevrolet Co sheriff car 26.21 Josephine Rands, Justice Ct 47.02 Roscoe N Allen, tax Coll 6.30 Dr John M Miller, teachers In stitute 175.00 Kllham Stationery & Printing Co 42.51 Pac Power & Light Co 94.18 Chamber of Com, cty Ct .... 50.00 Velma R Glass, Nurse Incid 27.00 Inland Empire Waterways Assoc 250.00 Harry Dinges, Assessor Field work 68-84 The following warrants were issued on the General Road Fund. Harold Wilson 319.07 Kenneth Merryman 352.59 Gerald Rood 318.89 Charles Bailey 261.23 William Anderson Hayes 276.91 James Wllhelm 337.91 Glenn Irby 330.99 W C Heath .. 342.49 Lewis Ball 332.49 Donald Ball 280.99 Dick Borman 323.37 Donald Munkers 365.49 Ray Bailey 291.71 Calvin Yackley 342.49 Alex Thompson 367.72 Harold Sherer 403.15 Becket Equip Co 1,020.00 Northwest Hosp Ser 14.45 First Nat Bank of Ore 546.10 Pac Tel & Tel Co 10.30 State Ind Accld Comm 244.90 Public Empl Retmt Bd .... 145.07 Bruce Lindsay, Co clerk 7.31 City of Heppner 3.85 Gilliam & Bisbee Hdwe Co 24.16 City of Heppner 1,079.80 City of lone 232.92 City of Lexington 163.08 City of Boardman 91.16 City of Irrigon 42.46 Standard Oil Co 87.76 Union Oil Co 130.62 D H Jones & Son 15.00 Barratt Sales Co 16.92 Rosewall Motor Co 63.22 Lexington Oil Co ... 69.35 Umatilla Ready Mix Concrete Co 62.70 Ford's Tire Ser 1,336.87 Heppner Auto Parts 142.58 English & Co 102.00 Umatilla Elect co op Ass'n 1.00 Paul Pettyjohn 187.66 O W Cutsforth 120.00 Dewey's Chevron Station .... 4.51 Empire Mach Co 676.41 Loggers & Con Mach Co .... 99.30 Alex Thompson - 181.48 Pacific Power & Light Co .... 5.47 Oil Filter Ser Co 27.77 The Texas Company . 623.10 Industrial Air Products Co 9.59 A W Davis Supply Co 163.20 Clyde Equip Co 195.13 Howard Cooper Corp '5.85 Lexington Implement Co 152.20 The following warrants were issued on the Miscellaneous Fund. Elmer Peterson, Weed Cont 277.26 First Nat Bank, Weed Control 52.60 3? OS MUM State Ind Accld Comm, Weed control 8.78 Public Employes Retirement Board, weed control 7.88 Standard Oil Co weed cont .... 4.50 Lyle Cox, Alcohol Enforcement 85.00 CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Willis W. Geyer. Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. Morning wodshlp, 11:00 am. Evening service 7:30 p.m. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev C Bruce Spencer, rector Holy Communion, Sunday, 8 a m. Family service, 10:30 a m. Holy Communion Wednesdays, at 7 and 10 a m and all Holy days. LEXINGTON CHURCH OF CHRIST Rev Norman Northrup, Pastor Sunday school 10:00 am. Worship 11:00 am. Evening service, 7:30 pm. Prayer meeting Tuesday, 7:30 pm. LATTER DAY SAINTS CHURCH American Legion hall Priesthood meeting, 8:30 am. Sunday school at 10:30 am. Sacrament service at 11:30 am, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH lone Rev Bill Collier, Pastor Sunday school 10 am. Morning worship 11 am. Evening service, 7:30 pm. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, at 7:30 p m. ST WILLIAM'S CHURCH lone Masses: Sunday, 8:30 am. THE HEPPNER METHODIST CHURCH 8 Church Street Lester D Boulden, Minister Church school, 9:45 a m. Morning worship, 11:00 a m. Methodist Youth Fellowship, 7:0n p m. Choir practice, Thursday, 7:30 p m. A USED CARS WITH AN THAT COUNTS 1956 Chevrolet 4 door, over drive $1600 1951 Chevrolet 4 door, dual exhaust $550 1852 Dodge W50 Trucks Pickups 1955 GMC 34 ton pickup 11000 1953 Chevrolet t ton pick up $950 1942 Chevrolet Vi ton pick up, 4 speed transmission 1300 Thrifty Financing Of Course! FULLETON Chevrolet Co. VALBY LUTHERAN CHURCH Worship Services 9:15 am. Sunday school 9:15 a m every Sunday. Services held the second and fourth Sunday of the month. ST PATRICK'S CHURCH Heppner Rev P J GAIRE, Pastor Masses. Sundays, 7:00 and 10:00 am. Weekdays, 7:30 am. IONE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Charles Wilkes, Pastor Sunday school at 10 am. Morning worship 11 am. Young People's meeting at 7:00 p m. Evening worship at 8:00 pm. Prayer meeting at 8:00 pm on Thursday evening. IONE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev Floyd S Bailey, pastor Church school at 10 a m. Morning worship at 11 a m. Junior Pilgrim Fellowship meeting at 6 p m. Senior Pilgrim Fellow ship meeting at 7 p m. Choir practice Monday at 8 p SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH C L Vories, Pastor Saturday Services: Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Sermon, 11 a.m. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charles V Knox, minister Bible school, 9:45 am. Worship, 11 a m. Choir practice, Thursday, 7:30 p m. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Alfalfa Street Worship services 11:00 am. Sunday school 9:45 am. BUSINESS-PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Heppner City Council Citizens having matters for discussion, please bring them before the Council. Ph. 6-9618 J. H. ANGELL PLUMBING & HEATING PHONE 6-9288 Marion C. Green Equitable Life Insurance Society Life Ins. Farm Loans Phone 6-9104 Heppner Morrow County Farm Bureau Reg. Meeting 4th Tuesday Bill Barratt Insurance Agent PLUMBING SERVICE Gilliam Cr Bisbee HARDWARE CO. Phone 6 9433 DR. J. A. LEE Dentist Heppner Clinic Bldg. Tues. & Thurs. 9 to 5 Phone 6-9953 JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner, Oregon J. O. TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 6-9213 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon MAHONEY AND ABRAMS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Collins Building Phone 6-9141 Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph 6-9210 Off. Ph. 6 9616 A.D.McMurdo,M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Monument H M Hanson was in town Sun day evening from his home out on the flat, he reported that they had rushed Johnny Cox to the John Day hospital Saturday night. He was badly burned from starting a fire with gas which exploded and caught his clothes, after which he ran out doors yelling for help. Thelma Williams drove her son, Walter and Miss Carolyne Martin to Long Creek Thursday afternoon, where they caught the mail stage to Pendleton, where they were met by Charlie Wil liams who took them to Pasco, Wash for the weekend. Mr and Mrs Clayton Sweek and children were here over the week end from their home in Spring field. Mr and Mrs Richard Martin took Mr and Mrs Ansel Martin to Heppner Tuesday, where An sel received medical aid. A large crowd turned out Fri day evening for the Buckaroo supper which Is put on by the grange each year. Pearl and Richard Martin and II Hymingworth were terminated from the State forestry work for this year. Mr and Mrs Henry Martin and daughter Margaret Ann were in Pendleton Sunday where they met their other daughter, Caro lyn and Walter Williams on their return from Pasco, where they had spent three days visiting. Mrs Gene Hazelhurst and son Jimmie spent the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs James Valentine. Their home ls In Spo kane. Another daughter of the Valentine's, Miss Karen, was al o home from Oregon State col lege. The family visited in Walla Walla Saturday. HASKELL'S TV AND RADIO Sales & Service Ph 6-5846 Heppner Dr. Rob'r W. Pfelf fei Chiropractic Physician Heppner Hotel Bldg. Phone 6-9694 Wallace H. Wolff, M. D. Office Hours 10 to 12. 2 to 5 Monday through Saturday Ph. 6-9253. Res. 6-9620 The Heppner Clinic C. M. WAGNER, M. D. D. J. BAYLINK, M. D. Physicians and Surgeons Ph., Day or Night 6-9114 ' If No Answer 6-9133 J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches. Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Marter and Bryant GENERAL INSURANCE .. CRESWICK MORTUARY Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 6-9600 Heppner, Oregon Dr. E. K. Schaffitz OPTOMETRIST Next to Hotel Heppner Entrance Telephone 6-9465 Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Office in Peters Building C. A. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-9625 Box 611 Heppner, Oregon MONUMENTS -MARKERS- See Oliver Creswlck Creswlck Mortuary