10- HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, Octobw le, 1958 lone News Rodney A Crawford and Rod ney Crawford of Portland are vis iting at the home of Mr and Mrs Clyde Crawford and other rela tives for a few days. Mr and Mrs Al Llehtgarn of Portland were guests of Mr and Mrs Oscar George over the week end. Mr and Mrs Walter Dobyns were in Portland and the coast over the weekend visiting with Mr and Mrs Noel Dobyns. Mr and Mrs Robert Hoskins at tended the USC vs Oregon foot ball game in Portland Satur day. The Valby Missionary Society are having a birthday dinner on or,-, ' I' f 'S I 1 r f , A '! .; -..'-i iff ;, :i;..;f .'.fl ':i... ""' '.'';" .'''';:':,?. '. ;!"1 ' A ' V COMING CITIZENS Top row, from left, David, 6, and Dean 5, sons of Mr and Mrs Albert Wright of Heppner; Donna, 3, daugh ter oi Mr and Mrs Frank Miles of Lexington. Bottom row, How ard, 1, and Gregory, 3, sons of Mr and Mrs Marion Green of Heppner; Shirley, 2, daughter of Mr and Mrs William H Nichols of Lexington. "Htm , J x X -1 h GROWING UP FAST are these youngsters who in a few years will be leading citizens. They are, top row from left, Suzanne, 2 months eld daughter oi Mr and Mrs Pat Cutsforth of Lexing ton; Trina, U2, daughter of Mr and Mrs Myron Rill; Bonnie Jiae, 7, daughter of Mr and Mrs Berl Akers of lone. Bottom row, Debbie 20 months, daughter oi Mr and Mrs O Storro of Heppner; Kyle, 8 months old, son of Mr and Mrs Delmer Buschke, and Kathy, 8 month old daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth lutsiortn or Heppner. S f f I i (1 MORE JUNIOR CITIZENS Top row from left are James, 5; John 3 and Judy, IS months old children of Mr and Mrs Jack Healy of Heppner. Second row, Jean Marie, 9Va yea old daughter of the Jack Healy's; Billie, 5 year old son of Mr and Mrs Forrest Tnornburg ol Lexington; John Joseph, 8 month old son oi Mr and Mrs F J Loss of Arlington. r" ii .1 HEPPNER YOUNGSTERS Le-TWINS who pesed recently for Roy, 10 and Shirley, 11. child- their picture. They are Bryan ren of Mr and Mrs Cecil Hicks and Janice, 13 months old, of Heppner. children of Mr and Mrs James Green of Arlington. w 1 U - 'ill ft. wni 11 mum v.-'.is DAUGHTERS of Mr and Mrs IONE GIRLS Carol, 14 months, Clyde Allstott of Heppner are and Kathy, 5 years, are daugh Cyde Marie, 2 and Barbara ters ol Mr and Mrs Elmer Holti Lynn, 4 years old. of lone. Sunday, October 19 at 1:00. A chicken pie dinner will be serv ed In the Valby parish hall. Everyone welcome. Mr and Mrs R A Horton of Dallas, Oregon are visiting their daughter and family, Mr and Mrs Fred Martin. Mr and Mrs Lowell Pierson and family of McMinnville were re cent guests of Mr and Mrs Fred Nelson. Mr and Mrs Charles Hudson visited relatives In Pendleton over the weekend. Mr and Mrs Bill Rietmann and Mr and Mrs Robert Rietmann were guests of Mr and Mrs Dean Rohde of Echo on Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs Bill Rietmann vis ited her parents, Mr and Mrs Roy Hurst in Arlington on Sun day. Dinner guest of Mr and Mrs Marion Palmer on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Lawrence Palmer of Lexington, Mr and Mrs Dale Ray, Mr and Mrs Lee Palmer and Barbara, Mrs Thomas C Harri son, of Cascade Locks, and .Mrs Carlyle Harrison and son of Her miston. Dick Shercr spent the weekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs Harold Shercr. Dick is attending his second year at Eastern Ore gon College. New books in the library are Space Satellite, Beeland; Science and Health, Eddy; My Dog and I, Lord; A Brother the Size of Me, Doss; Secret of the Andes; The Fairy Doll, Godde; The Lost Birthday Present, Wyndham. Topic Club meeting was Fri day afternoon at the school house. Roll call was a new in dustry. Mr Norris Stettler, adver tising manager for the East Ore- gonian was the speaker. Six guests were present Mesdames Walter Jacobs, Raymond Lun dell, Arthur Stefani, David Ba ker, Don Peterson, John Eubanks. Hostesses were Mrs Dixon T Smith and Mrs John Proudfoot. Mrs Milton Boyce and Mrs Tom Philbrlck and children of Condon were guests of Mr and Mrs Ray r.oyee Sunday. Mr and Mrs Van Hubbard are .pending the week at Ritter. Mr and Mrs Dick Gridly from Monument News By MARTHA MATTESON The George Stubblefield family drove to John Day for dental ap pointments. Mrs Ellen Stubblefield, Mrs Norris Stubblefield, Mr and Mrs Morton Cupper and Wayne Lea thers were In John Day Friday. Mrs Mary DuBosh and Mrs Hel en Brown went to Pendleton and LaGrande Sunday and Monday to visit. Hack Hobby of Mitchell was in town Saturday evening on busi ness. Mr and Mrs Stuart were here for the weekend to hunt and to visit their son who is the coach. Mr and Mrs Raymond Smith announce the coming wedding of their daughter, Colleen Marie of Grand Junction, Iowa to Richard Henry Martin, son of Mr and Mrs Henry Martin of Monument, Ore gon. Mr and Mrs Clayton Sweek and family of Springfield were visit ing in Monument over the week end. Miss Kay Lee of Fox was a visitor at the Freda Wheeler home Sunday. II D Hinton and Reeta Hunti and two daughters were in John Portland and Mr and Mrs Pete Wheelhouse of Arlington were guests over the weekend of Mr and Mrs Harvey Smith. Day Monday. Mr and Mrs Richard Cox re turned Monday evening from a trip through Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho. They stopped in Clarkston, Wash and visited with his uncle, George Fox. Mr and Mrs Jim O'Brien have moved their new trailer house from Mitchell to the Mead Gil man lot In Monument. Ira Barnard of Mt Vernon visit ed his brother, Earl Barnard. Alvin Brown of Springfield has been in town visiting with old friends. Mr and Mrs Don Burskrk spent a week hunting in the Theron King ranch. They and Mr and Mrs King and son of Pendleton were dinner guests at the Earl Barnard home. Mr and Mrs Joe Mellor and Earl Lewis of Dayton, Washing ton were weekend hunters at the Dick Williams and Mike Hutch isons. Roy Arlet Cork of Madras was injured when a truck tire he was repairing blew up. He is In- a Portland hospital suffering from head injuries. Mr and Mrs Stan ley Boyer, Edna Moore and Mr and Mrs Roy Cork went to see him on Thursday evening, re turning home Saturday night. Doris Vinson took her daugh ter, Laura Ann to Heppner for medical aid. Mrs Lewis Neal and children and Oida Cork were in Heppner Tuesday. Guests at the Roy Cork. home last weekend were, Mr and Mrs Rosco Hart and daughter, Joyce Andvwas of Coquille. The two families went to Spray Friday to get Mrs Hart's father, Gene Thomas. Other company was Bucky Morris and Lewis Sligall of Oregon State College, Cliff Adams and son charles of Her miston, Mr and Mrs Victor Rhine and children of Beaverton and Mr and Mrs Jack Stockton of Prineville. Bob Thorington of Portland visited at the home of Mr and Mrs George Capon, for hunting. David Conklin, Billy Neal, Sharon Hinton, Theo Vandetta, Laura Lee Shank and Merinda Musgrave left Friday morning for the press conference at Eu gene. Mr and Mrs Robert Gert son drove Rev Chann's car down, They returned Sunday evening, tour class A fires were re ported by careless hunters. One on Page place where George Kirk lives, one on Rudio area, South Fork Long Creek and one on Deer creek. Henry Martin has purchased the Van Detta lot in Monument. ELECT Orville W. Cutsforth "a 1 LEXINGTON REPUBLICAN FOR State Representative 22nd District "Knows Your Problems" Pel. Adv., O. W. Cutsforth, Lexington, Ore. 1' Said.e.ndidate,tothenati "I'd talk longer by & Could have Union SW waioi,. Jtyci CmliU, Slmmn Qok$, Cilif. W point with pride to the record: Many a car U quieter, moother-riding, because of Union Oil atations' Stop-Wear Lubrication, guaranteed for 1000 happy milei. Union forever! WIN $25,001 Send us a limerick about your favorite Union Oil product or service. If it's a winner, we'll pay you $25 on publication. Write to: 76 Limericks, Union Oil, Box 7600, Lot Angeies 01, iain. UNION OIL COMPANYor California Witch n Sportt Club on CBS-TV 6el Im 76 Sport) BooU at Union Oil SWIonl HERE TOMORROW! Ford w brings Thunderbird elegance to the low-price field with TP F u MOST IONID BEAUTIFULLY PRGPGIS CMS ' J li""' These Ferdiroe've got t try 1 Far left is the new f CSNSSfe -sfc4lll C "" """"' V?;'i. Thunderbird . . center, the new Cutrom 300 !S "'''''"JUl" ' . 080 new (safety tius) Foirlane 500 Town Victoria AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL lor BMwtvf proporh'oni bf lilt Comilo fm(oh do tt logonce I Nil lrvini WarU; Hit Styled, powered and priced for today's driving! There never was a Ford like this before! Its classic new design was awarded the Gold Medal of the Comite Franca is de l'Elegance at the Brussels World's Fairl With new Thunderbird flavor in each lively line and tastefully new interiors, these 59 Fords are beautifully pro portioned for elegant driving. Power, performance and economy are served up in new proportions, too. All standard Ford engines -Six or Thunderbird V-8- thrive on regular gasoline at regular prices. You save up to 5 cents on each gallon! There's a new alumi nied mulllcr that normally will last twice as long as conventional milliters used on other ran . . . full flow oil filtration that lets you change oil at 4000 miles instead of the 1000 often recommended . . . new Tyrex cord tires for greater economy and safety ... a brilliant new Diamond Lustre Baked Enamel Finish that's so durable you won't have to wax it ever . . . and two new economy power-transmission teams that will bring you savings automatically. That's why we say, for '59, Ford is truly a masterpiece of underpricingl NEW economy team Number One! Get all the high performance of a completely new Fordomatic Drive teamed with a Six or Thun derbird V-8-at a price that puts automatic Come in jnd get th.u NEW FORD FEELING driving within everyone's car budget. It's a sim plified Fordomatic with nearly is fewer parts. NEW economy team Number Two! Take Ford'i versatile new Cruise-O-Matic Drive, add the responsiveness of Thunderbird Special V-8 power and you have the last word in automatic driving plus the "built-in" overdrive savings of an economy-geared axle. Altogether NEW in everything you can see. feel or touch ! in the cars with Thunderbird elegance ROSE WALL MOTOR COMPANY MAY AND MAIN HEPPNER. OREGON