HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. October . ldS8 lone News By FRANCINE CRAWFORD A pink and blue shower was held In honor of Mrs Kenneth Turner (Jean Ann Swanson) Tuesday evening at the lone American Legion hall. Those helping Mrs Turner with the gifts were Mrs Clint Agee and Mary Emert. There were many lovely gifts received. Mrs Adon Ham lett and Mrs Gertrude Applegate cut and served the cake and Mrs Nora Turner and Mrs Garland Swanson poured. Mrs Kenneth Smouse played a violin selection and Karen Lundell played a piano solo. Hostesses were the Ladies of the Alter . Society. SPECIAL FEEDER CALF SALE Nov. 6 12 Noon Consign Now NORTHWESTERN LIVESTOCK COMM. CO. On tfT S. Highway 30. JO 7-6655 Hermlston Frank Wink & Sons, Owners Mr and Mrs David Baker and family were In Pendleton Mon day on business. Mr and Mrs Donald McElllgott and family spent the weekend In Portland visiting Mrs Cecilia McElllgott. The Brldee club met at the home of Mrs Pete Cannon Fri day evening. Those winning H7ps were Mrs Walter Jacobs high, Mrs Oscar George, second high and Mrs Charles Hudson traveling prize. Others present wpre. Mrs Rav Boyce, Mrs Robert DeSpain, Mrs Ernest McCabe, and Mrs David McLeoa. Mr and Mrs Noel Dobyns spent the weekend at their home here. Mr Dobyns went to the moun tains hunting. Mr and Mrs Louis Carlson and family spent the weekend at her parents, Mr and Mrs John Graves. Mr and Mrs Keith Rea and son spent the weekend in lone visit ing Mr and Mrs Loyd Howton and Mr and Mrs Clel Rea and other relatives. Mr Rea Is a stu dent at OTI in Klamath Falls. Mr and Mrs W C Crawford and Rollo Crawford visited Mr and Mrs Vernice Crawford of Helix Sunday. GO TO THE STAR THEATER TONIGHT! Mr and Mrs Richard Ekstrom and daughter were visiting rela tives and hunting In the lone area over the weekend. Mr Herb Well and sons Ron nie and Stanley of Portland were visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs C E Brenner Sunday. The teachers of lone school at tended teachers workshop in La Grande Monday. Mrs Mary Swanson and Mrs Adon Hamlett and children spent the weekend In Salem visiting Mr and Mrs Elmo McMillan. Norma n Swanson of Portland was here and hunting in the mountains over the weenena. Mrs Rnv Lindstrom and child ren and Mrs Fannie Griffith left Friday to visit Mr and Mrs Dwight Haugen and family of Portland for a few days. Guest of Mr and Mrs Earl Mc Kinney over the weekend were, Mr and Mrs Malcolm McKinney and Bryan of Wasco, and Mr and Mrs Leland McKinney of Klamath Falls. Mr and Mrs Le land McKinney also visited at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs L A McCabe. The Bunchgrass Rebekah lodge held their regular meeting Thurs day evening. After the lodge meeting refreshments were serv ed by Mrs Milton Morgan and Mrs Adon Hamlett. Mrs Ernest Heliker is spend ing a short time in Seattle with her daughter, Mrs Jerry Bolman. Mrs Bolman has just had major surgery. Mr am! Mrs Arnold Ekstrom and family of Warrenton, are visiting his brother and family, Mr and Mrs Herbert Ekstrom, for a few days. Mr and Mrs Milton Morgan and family spent the weekend in Portland. Mrs Oscar George, Jody Snow, and Mrs Harvey Smith were in The Dalles Monday. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Morgan and family were in Portland over the weekend. Many from lone were hunting in tho mountains over the week end, And many were bringing deer back. The Home Extension Unti met at the home of Mrs L A McCabe Thursday. Esther Kirmis was the leader of the lesson on coior. Mrc FrPflrirk Martin won the door prize. The next meeting will be Nov 6 which is an an aay meeting at the home of Mrs Oscar Peterson. The lesson will be "Holiday Happiness. Mr and Mrs E M Baker attend ed a family reunion at Hatrock Sunday. Others present were, Mr and Mrs Kedrick Baker from Walla Walla, Mr and Mrs Amil Van Buren and family of Walla Walla, and Mr and Mrs Pete Jensen and family of Vancouver, and Mr and Mrs Ronald Baker of Stanfield. NO HUNTING otiiimiu tiiMUMi'" w major anus? Now! iPn A. BIG NEW CFI FrTlOKI I i OF j ' AS LOW AS ' j fnntcd with Tour name (Only $1.25 for 25 Not Printed) If you order now you are sure of getting j just the card you want! Hundreds of new j samples I I Heppner Gazette Times I . i in in r : . V?' l v .- CONVEYING THE IMPRESSION of eager action is the 1959 Ponflae Catalina sport coupe. Reflecting ultra-modern design from every angle, it is destined to win wide popularity in the lower-priced, high-volume Catalina series. A wheel track nearly five inches wider for handling ease and safety, a new high-performance Tempest 420-V-8 engine, new, heavier true-contour brakes and a completely redesigned chassis frame are among Pontiac's 65 brand new features. Weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Patricia of St Helens, Ray Heimbigner were his par ents, Mr and Mrs H G Heimbig ner. Mr and Mrs Wallace Matt hews and daughters and Mr and Mrs Berl Akers and family visit ed George and Charlie Ely who are living in the Oddfellows Home in Portland. Dates To Remember: Oct 12 Dedication service for all church school teachers, sub stitute teachers, and officers. All ol them should be in church for this service. Oct 152:30 Mid Columbia As sociation meeting in this church. Business meeting at 3:00 at 4:15 will be an ad dress by Dr Bhasker Hivale of India He will speak again at the evening service which will be held at 7:00 o'clock. Dinner will be ser ved at 5:30 at $1.25 per plate. Oct 15 Arnica club at Mrs Ray Heimbigner' s. . LADIES NIGHT THURSDAY Tonight (Thursday, Oct 9) the Heppner Elks lodge will have ladies night at the IOOF hall. LEXINGTON Mr and Mrs O G Breeding and son Max returned Wednesday from several days In Portland. While there Mr Breeding receiv ed a check up at the vet's hospital. A E Stefani were Bousha of Portland TOO MANY KIDS and OTHER LIVESTOCK Ray Smith Wightman Bros. Ranch Kendall of Portland. A coffee hour was held Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs G Hermann. Those present were Mrs Victor Rietmann, Mrs Edith Nicholson, Mrs Cecil Thorne, Mrs Dale Rae, Mrs Gary Tullis, Mrs Lee Palmer, Mrs Mar ion Palmer, Mrs Harold Dobyns, Mrs Clel Rea, Mrs Harold Sherer, Mrs Wate Crawford. The Valby Lutheran church llssionary Society held a gen- eial meeting Sunday at the home of Mr and .".Irs Henry Esker, Mr and Mrs Bill Rietmann and Mark were guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs Ron Anderson of Bla lock. Mr and Mrs Rolland Wade and daughters of Walla Walla were guest of Mr and Mrs David Riet mann Sunday. Mr and Mrs David Rietmann and sons were in Walla Walla Saturday visiting Julie Rietmann who is a student at Whitman college. Mrs Hazel Devyi and son Ralph Benge visited her mother, Mrs Lana Padberg Sunday. Ralph Benge then went on to La Grande where he is a student at Eastern Oregon college. Guest of Mr and Mrs Gordon White are, Mr and Mrs Delbert Foote of Canby, Mrs Sylvia Quinten of Lyle, Wash. Mrs Hazel Richardson and Linda and Donna of Portland, and Mr and Mrs William Walters of Portland Mrs Hale Hubbard and daugh ters are visiting her sister in Camas. Washington this week end. Mr and Mrs Leo Crabtree and family are spending a few days in Salem. Guests at the Marion Palmer cabin in the mountains Sunday was Mr and Mrs Paul Pettyjohn and Paul and Dianne, Mr and Mrs Lincoln Nash and Rose of ! Heppner, Mrs Mike Baseel and Mr and Barbara, and Frank and Montee Robinson of Heppner. Mrs Merle; Mrs Lee Palmer and HERM9IAGE A FINE KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON Mrs Sarah Aldrich is a patient in the Pioneer Memorial hospit al after a fall which she received at her home one day last week. Mr and Mrs Verner Troedson spent a few days in Portland last week. New books in the lone public library are Cappy and the Jet Engine by Duane Bradley; Henry and the Paper Route by Beverly Cleary; March Wind by Inez Rice; Who Lives In The House by Glenn Blough; Magic Fingers by Lucille Mulcahy; Meet North Miica by John Gunther; This Dear Bought Land by Jean Lee j Latham; Cherokee Boy by Jean Bailey. Several from lone attended the tea Sunday in Heppner for Mr and Mrs Mark Hatfield. Guest at the Peterson moun tain ranch over the weekend were Mr ana Mrs ari iwisiao. of Astoria and Earl Anderson and Norman Logan, cousins of Mrs Donald Peterson who are from Portland. Weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Tom White were Mr Ray Crea son of Hood River, and Mr and Mrs Michael Moretz of Portland. Mr and Mr Leo Crabtree and Sharon and Mrs Alvin McCabe attended a birthday party Sun day for Mrs Crabtree's mother, Mrs Blanche Sheelar's 60th birth day. Mr and Mrs Ray Heimbigner and family were in Portland over the weekend. Recent guests of Mr and Mrs rm uiiHTirifJ j iiu nuiiiiiiu On My Premises J ' Ethel Adams j Ooublt bed ilzi. Fully automatic with tlnglt control. Waihabl. Full 2 year guarantee! Regular value '21.95 Special T SINGLE CONTROL $21.95 DOUBLE CONTROL PHIL'S PHARMACY Phil Dlakney, Owner IT'S ALL TRUE! the '59 CHEVROLET is NEW AGAIN! NEWEST AGAIN! e new form new grace new feel new space NEW '59 Trucks too! coming OCT. 16 PLAGE YOUR ORDER NOW! FULLETON CHEVROLET COMPANY Tm making my I Nature's finest bourbon None Letter even at IiiIicr prices! Aicd 4. $2 Six "awi- rt' Year. v THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS COMPANY 86 PROOF y"'" M Hud jfeg m$ savings deposit P Stort FirstomaHc Savings NOW! SAVINGS DEPOSITS mad on or before Octobor JOfh tarn infresf from October I iff "These days, it's do-thlt-yourslf, do-thavyoursetf until all t fella rtally wand to do himself is rest up. Now, it's not that I'm lazy, you understand, but when somebody says 'don't do it yourself, well d it for you' . . . that's for me! "Like Firstomatic. A few months ago, I asked First National to take over my savings paper work for ma . . . told them just how much to take out of my checking account each month and deposit for me in my savings account. Now, while I just relax and take it easy, they're doing it for me. And all the time, my savings keep building up and earning regular interest, to boot! "Great idea, Firstomatic. Makes resting so much more pleasant, especially when you're dreaming of moneyr 70t? Mcmbtt Federal Depoiit Insurance Corporation