I 'OCIAL APPENIN6S piiaawaiM ip NE' FLOWER SHOW SWEEPSTAKES fON BY MRS RALPH THOMPSON By ECHO PALMATEER Irs Ralph Thompson of Hepp won the sweepstakes at the iver show Sunday, Sept 14 at lone Legion hall which was imsored by the lone Garden b. The theme of the show was Irvest Splendor. Mrs Fredrick rtin was runner up; Mrs Etta jston had the outstanding hort- Iture exhibit on cactus danila; Mrs Elbe Akers the out- Inding arrangement. Ribbons were received by the flowing: Mrs Victor Rietmann, lue, 4 red and 1 white ribbon; s Echo Palmateer, l red rib- Mrs Louis Carlson 1 blue, red and 1 white; Mrs Omar tmann 1 blue, 3 red and 2 ite; Mrs Etta Huston 7 blue, red and 6 white; Mrs Cecil orne 1 blue, 2 red and 2 white; s Ralph Thompson 8 blue, 4 ip and 4 white; Mrs O L Lun ill 1 blue, 9 red and 3 white; Js William Rawlins 7 blue, 2 tl and 3 white; Mrs Harold fbyns 1 blue; Mrs Fredrick irtin 7 blue, 9 red and 5 white; s Paul Pettyjohn 3 blue, 2 red Hd 1 white; Mrs Earl McKin fciy 1 blue and 2 white; Mrs Dale Sty 1 blue and 1 white; 'Mrs Ljna Lindstrom 1 red; William iwlins 3 blue, 1 red ana 2 Aite. llalph Martin 1 blue, 3 red and i white; Mrs Walter Dobyns 1 le; Mrs Fannie Griffith 1 red d 2 white; Mrs Wate Crawford lue and 2 white; anonymous lue; Mrs A W McLeod 1 white; s Elbe Akers 3 blue, 2 red and hite; Noel Dobyns 1 blue rlb- n. Mrs W E Melena 3 red and s Garland Swanson 1 blue and white ribbons.. n the children's division Ste en Linastrom l Diue ana l Carol Rawlins 2 red. and white; Connie Emert 1 blue oustanding arrang e m e n t arles Nelson 1 red; Susan ndstrom 1 blue; Tom Rawlins hite; Bob Dobbs 1 white; Tom wlins 1 blue and John Raw lins 1 white. In the children sun flower division were Russian sun flower, first grade, Teresa Tuck er, 1st; Anita Crawford 2nd and Kristin Nelson 3rd; red sunflow er, 2nd and 3rd grades, John Rawlins 1st, Carol Rawlins 2nd and John Gaarsland 3rd; mari golds, the 4th and 5th grades, Tom Rawlins 1st; zinias 6th and 7th grades, Ralph Martin 1st. The program conducted by Mrs Ernest Heliker consisted of piano solos by Karen Lundell; songs by Dianna Pettyjohn, Jean Mar tin, Linda Halvorsen, Lona White and Dalene McDonald accom panied by Karen Lundell; piano solos were played by Arleta Me Cabe, Susan Lindstro mand Mari lyn Morgan. Refreshments were served from a table decorated with wheat, fruit and vegetables. Mrs Walter Roberts and Mrs Cecil Thorne poured. Mrs O L Lundell had charge of the guest book. There were 131 registered. The judges were Mrs Tellefson and Mrs Myers of Hermiston. They were luncheon guests of Mrs Carl Bergstrom. Mrs William Rawlins, presi dent of the Garden club gave a talk and presented prizes. Mrs Hnrold Dobyns was the general chairman. The exhibits consisted of hor ticulture, garden bouquets, junior gardeners, arrangements and table settings.. Q F COURSE, when you buy health pro tection for your family, you want the best, most complete, most reliable plan your money can buy. Which one will give you the kind of protection you need? P JLerh .ERHAPS the best possible authority on health protection is your family doctor. He works with many health plans. And, chances are, he is one of the more than 1400 Oregon doctors who actually sponsor a plan specifically designed for Oregon families Oregon Physicians' Service. State Rebekah President Visits lone Lodge. Thursday Mrs Edna Oster of Markham, president of the Rebekah Assem bly of Oregon, paid her official visit of Bunchgrash Rebekah lodge Thursday evening, Sept 11 at a special meeting. Visitors were there from Hermiston, Hep pner and Lexington. At the meetin'g, Mrs Oster gave a talk, an adenda was given in her honor by members of the lodge and she was presented with a gift from the lodge by Mrs Ernest Heliker, Noble Grand. Mrs Paul Pettyjohn and daugh ter, Dianna, sang "Invisible Hands," accompanied by Mrs Cleo Drake; a skit was given by Mrs Althea Kirk and Mrs Lillian Smith of Hermiston. The hall was decorated with oak branches and imitation blue birds, the presi dent's emblems. Refreshments were served by Mrs Milton Morgan, Mrs Berl Akers, Mrs L A McCabe, Mrs Lloyd Morgan and Mrs Ida Coleman. A potluck supper preceded the meeting in honor of the presi dent at the Omar Rietmann home. Those assisting rs Rietmann were Mrs Charles O'Connor and Mrs Harvey Ring. Mrs Oster was a guest at the Ernest Heliker home while here. I Several members of Bunch I grass lodge attended Holly lodge Ill tlCAUllUH ih.uih.puuj California Girl Tells Engagement to Richard Kononen Mr and Mrs George R Barkhorn of Stockton, Calif are announcing the engagement of their daugh ter, Barbara Ann, to Mr Richard LaVerne Kononen of Heppner, Oregon. The young couple met in the fall of 1956 while attending Ore gon State college. Mr Kononen "pinned" his future bride at Christmas of that year. Miss Barkhorn is now a junior on the Corvallis campus, enrolled in child development and nursery school work, while her fiance is a senior in the school of phar macy. She now belongs to the Assoc iated Women Students and As sociated Independent Students at Oregon State, is social chair man of the living group, and participated in freshman orien tation. Her future husband, son of Mrs C W Cox of Heppner, is a grad uate of Heppner high school where he was active in athletics, served as student body president and yearbook editor. He belongs to Theta Xi frater nity, in which he has held sev oral posts, and is a member of Phi Kappa Psi, national phar macy honorary. He also served as "senator" representing the school of pharmacy in the Associate Students senate. His sister, Shirley Carol, is Miss Barkhorn's roommate at the college. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs William Cunning ham of Heppner. Wedding plans are indefinite at the present time. Sorority Hears of Educational Program The Beta Omega Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha met Sept 3 at the home of Mrs Eileen Hudson with Mrs Eulenna Corley president, presiding. Mrs Donna Peterson gave a report on the educational pro gram for the year and passed handbooks for the year. The social chairman, Mrs Mari lyn Rietmann, presented her pro gra mfor the year. The Eastern Oregon district council is meeting in Arlington on Sept 14and the state council meeting is in The Dalles on Sept 27 and 28. .. For the educational program, Joan Wright gave a report on "What s New in Medicine. j Mrs Mary McLeod and Mrs Virginia George were co-hostess. Jasper Myers to Note Anniversary A silver wedding anniversary reception will be held Sunday, Sept 21 in honor of Mr and Mrs Jasper Myers of Butter Creek. An open house will be held at their home from 2 to 5 oclock with friends and neighbors invited. Arlington Site of District Sorority Meeting Sunday Eastern Oregon District Coun cil meeting of Epsilon Sigma Al pha was held in Arlington at the home of Mrs Margaret Marsten Sunday, Sept14. Forty nine mem bers were served luncheon around Mrs Marstens swimming pool. ' Those attending from Beta Om ega Chapter of lone were Mrs Peck Leathers, Eastern Oregon District council president; Mrs Eldon Padberg, corresponding secretary; Mrs Walter Corley, Mrs Joe Hausler, Mrs David McLeod, Mrs Delmer Crawford, Mrs Robert Hoskins, Mrs Robert Rietmann, and Mrs Art Warren. ing, Sept 10 also the convention at Hardman, Sept 15. rO;. ask your doctor. You can rely on his expe rience and judgment in helping you select the plan that's best for you. And, if he recommends OPS, remember that there's an OPS represen tative ready to give you full details. Don't wait you'll be glad you asked! , Guild Hears Report !On Plate Sale i St Monica Guild met at the home of Mrs James Norene Tues 1 day night, Sept 16, at 8:00 p m. Those present were Mrs P W Ma honey, Mrs John Pfeiffer, Mrs iH?rold Wright, Mrs Frank An i derson, Mrs James J Farley, Mrs Merritt Gray, Mrs Bob Jones, Mrs Floyd Jones, Mrs LaVerne Van Marter and president, Mrs Nor ene. A favorable report was made on the sale of the court house souvenir plates. ' It was decided that the dolls for the drawing at the annual '( hiistmas bazaar would be on : display by Oct 15, at the Wes tern Auto Store. I Refreshments were served. Bridal Shower Held For Miss Anderson Mrs Walter Becket, Mrs Roger Palmer, and Mrs Elmer Palmer entertained Saturday evening at the Becket home with a bridal shower honoring Miss Dee Ander son, v Guests were Mrs Ron Hague wood, Mrs Ben Anderson, Mrs Dick Wilkinson, Mrs E E Gonty, Mrs James Thomson, Mrs C H Frlvett, Mrs Archie Padberg, Mrs Fred Parrish, Mrs F E Parker, Mrs D E Husdon, Mrs Al Parent, Miss Carol Anderson, and Mrs Frvin Anderson. Refreshments were served and games were played. Prizes were won by Mrs Padberg, Mrs Parent, Mrs Parker, Mrs Privett, and the honoree. Mrs Marshall Entertains Club Msr Bernard Marshall enter tained her bridge club last Fri day evening. Those attending were Mrs Marshall Lovgren, Mrs Fred Gim bel, Mrs Glen Ward, Mrs Ned Sweek, Mrs Creston Robinson, Mrs Pat O'Brien, Mrs Bill Heath. Mrs Robinson won high for the evening, Mrs Sweek second, and Mrs O'Brien low. lone News Students attending and plan ning to attend college this fall are: University of Orecon Shar on Cutsforth and Mardine Baker, Oregon State Ldrry Rietmann and Dick Ekstrom. EOCE Bill Salter, Dick Sherer, Robert Hub bard and Kay Sherer. Pacific Uni versity Judy Mason, Ernest Drake and Berl Akers. OTI at Klamath Falls Wavne Riet mann, Paul Millar, Leland Mc Kinney, Keith Rea. Lov Keene and Ann Belle Coleman. Willam ette University Garry White. Whitman College Julie Riet mann. Stanford University Duane Baker. University of Port landDennis Swanson. Mrs Ldna Turner and Mrs Nora Turner of Heppner showed slides on their trip to Central America at the Topic club meet ing at the Roy Lindstrom home Saturday Sept 13. The pictures jwere taken on their trip there ! a year ago. At the business meet ing conducted by Mrs Dixon Smith, president, plans were made for Know Your Library Week at the public library. The roll call was answered by giving a current event. Mrs Lindstrom and Mrs Smith were the hos tesses. Marilyn Morgan, assisted by Da lone McDonald, conducted the church school at the community church Sunday morning. The fol lowing children gave reports on their church camps this summer, ' Linda Halvorsen, Roland Ek-! stroni and Stephen Lindstrom went to Camp Adams near Mol alia; Ralph Martin to Camp Mc gruder near Rockaway; and Jean and Melvin Martin to Suttle Lake near Sisters. The members of the public li brary board entertained the fac ulty of the lone school at a coffee hour at the library Wed nesday afternoon, Sept 10. Re freshments were served from a table with a center piece of pink mums. Several books have been purchased for the library and new island shelves have been installed. The library will be open each Wednesday morning 10 A M to 11:30 A M beginning Sept 24. Oilier days open are Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5 P M. Robert and Susan Baker, child ren of Mr and Mrs David Baker underwent tonsillectomy operat ions in Portland last week. Mi' end Mrs Stuert Aldrich of 112 lo;th 51 Street, Seattle, Wash are the parents of a son, Darrell Lee, born Sept 11. Weight 6 lb and 9 oz. Mrs Monetta Aldrich of lone and Mrs Clara Tomkins of Seattle are the grandparents. Fred Ely visited his brother Charles Ely in Pendleton last week. Charles Ely, who is a resi dent of the Odd Fellows home in Portland came to Pendleton with ihe group to attend the Round- Up. , I HEPPNER GAZETTE -TIMES, Thursday, September 18, 1958 5 Boardman Notes By MARY LEE MARLOW The Boardman Garden club met Monday evening at the home of Mrs Claud Coats, with Mrs Russell Miller as co-hostess. Roll call was answered by giving the name of an herb. A report was given that the club won second on its booth at the fair. The club voted to cooperate with the Till! cum club in plans to put a rail ing on the east side of the city park, but was not in favor of a fence around the park. Mrs Flor ence Root was appointed to con tact Ronald Black, FFA Instructor at the high school, to see if his class would be interested in mak ing some benches for the park, material to be furnished by the Garden club. A discussion was held on how to prepare gardens for whiter. The Tillicum club met Tuesday evening of last week at the home of Mrs Joe Tatone, with 11 mem bers present. Mrs Ray Gronquist read the "Collect", Mrs Tatone, who is third vice-president of the Oregon Federation of Wo men's clubs, presented the club with an award for one hundred percent participation and out standing work in all projects and deportment. The award was sign ed by Mrs Genevieve Burnaf of Corvallis, second vice-president of the Federation. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Dewey West, Sept 23. Mr and Mrs O H Street of Tualatin were visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Earl Briggs over the weekend. ' Mrs Kent Campbell and daugh ter Joanie of Roseburg visited at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Elvin Ely, Saturday. Mr and Mrs Warren Dillon and children Debbie and Jimmie of Bonneville were weekend visitors nt the home of Dillon's parents, Mr and Mrs Charlie Dillon, and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Jack Getz. Mr and Mrs Russell DeMauro and daughters Anna Marie and Donna of Hood Rver visited Mrs DeMauro's brothers and sisters-in-law, Mr and Mrs Ralph Skou bo and Mr and Mrs Ed Skoubo, Saturday. ESPECIALLY APPEALING 1 s THE PROUD REBEL, Techni color "mid-western", starring Alan Ladd and his 10-year-old son, David, with Oscar-winning dramatic star Olivia de Havilland. Star Theater, Sun day and Monday. rrri yOM ,Jependent , Insurance JJ AGENT How About It? Would you sell your home or its contents for The present insurance on it? Oh, you'd need more? What if the property were To burn up today? Could you replace the things Needed right away? Consider what inconvenience Would be endured, If you had a loss while so Badly underinsured! hr For All Your Insurance Needs C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-9625 Box 611 HEPPNER. OREGON E. DICK offers you this wonderful Sdroptimist Club Studies Finland Miss Leta Humphreys was in charge of the program on Fin land at the Soroptimist club meeting Thursday noon at O' Donnell's. , Each member participated in the program by reading some thing about the people, geogra phy and customs of the country. The club voted to contribute $3 towards the purchase of a street banner to- advertise the high school football games. OREGON PHYSICIANS' SERVICE BLUE SHIELD Sponsored and approved by Oregon Slate Medical Society 29 S. E. Court At Pendleton, Oregon NEW CONVENIENT RAIL SERVICE TO KANSAS CITY fours Faster en Enjoy all the comforts of U.P.'s Domeliner travel thru Omaha, arrive Kansas City before noon, the second day . . . bourt faster. Money-saving family Fare also apply on con necting trains. .A CITY OF PORTLAND Save Time to St. Louis, too Call: UNION PACIFIC is u n .;. n nv tsii r - I' " f" ' MIXING GRAVIES l J' "Sfe J T' , f . tTIRRINQ IN IAUCIIMN ft 'w& "5 I , ' rOH BLENDINQ BATTER JO BEATt IN CUP J '"231 - J the amazing kitmftiil with 101 uses! A ; r f whik the ' ? f ' 1 I " v y u 'fei- -v'" fx-1 '- ' hi f'SM romsmmJusTfOR . ' I I ' 1 ll III 1 t 1 1 J L I I I I " - OIL HOME HEATER that now gives you iyonderfif The great step fyrmrf in heating comfort! is. mm PHONE 6-9633 OR 6-9920 HEPPNER