'E Student Speaks at lone Maranatha Meeting f ECHO PALMATEER .committee. Guests at the meet Maranatha club met at in? were Mrs H Hermann, Miss me of Mrs Harold Dobyns fiday afternoon, Sept 10 4rs Marion Palmer as co L Mrs Lee Palmer also as ; I Miss Marja Virkkala, occhange student from Fin Showed movies and slides nland and explained the is there. She was dressed native dress. lie business meeting con i by Mrs Bryce Keene, pres a bazaar and food sale lanned for Sept 26 at the ah hall starting at 1 p m Virkkala and Mrs Lee Palmer Mrs Ella Burgoyne received the door prize. Sept 4, Mr and Mrs John Proud foot and Pamela and Paul drove Mrs Proudfoot's mother, Mrs J G Van Ness of The Dalles, to Van couver, Wash where Friday, Sept 5, she christened the Col umbia river tugboat the "Cap tain J G Van Ness" in memory of her late husband. The boat, recently completed by the Tidewater-Shaver Co for their barge traffic is the most loyd Bailey gave a report 'modern on the river, being equip- ( Women's fellowship work vlll be held in Condon Sept women of lone and Con This will be an all day ag. Mrs Omar Rietmann, d Baker and Mrs Berl Akers elected on the nominating NEW M of insurance at enroll -t, at TURNER. VAN MAR & BRYANT INSURANCE INCY 183 N Main Street as soon as they are in a like New YORK youll find the big insur- firms had places the size mr own CITY aind when they formulated I new insurance. Call INER. VAN MARTER & TANT AGENCY about any trance worry and see how :kly that wort DISAPPEARS! ped with radar, electric heat and air conditioning. After christen ing the boat, Mrs Van Ness and family were honored guests at a luncheon at the Columbia Edgewater country club. Guests last week at the Jerry Howard home were his sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs Mar ion Bench of Portland and her parents, Mr and Mrs Ira Can trell of LaGrande. Mrs Florence Swanson visited her aunt, Mrs Delia Corson re cently. Mrs Beulah Lundell of Port land is visiting relatives and friends here. Mr and Mrs Robert Bailey were Salem visitors last week. Walter Roberts visited relatives in Chehalis, Wash last week. Mr and Mrs David Baker re turned home recently from a trip. They visited her brother, Bill Gorgor in San Jose, Calif and went to San Francisco, Lake Ta hoe and Reno. Mr and Mrs A E Stefani and Mr and Mrs A A Stefani and children attended the funeral services of Mrs Alaide Stefani of Canby Sept 10. She was the mother of A E, Stefani. Mr and Mrs Bud Newlin of Seattle spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Paul O'Meara. Mr Newlin is a nephew of Mrs O' Meara. fan E)D'KI D. A. Short, your Telephone Manager for Heppner Mr and Mrs Claire Rood and daughter, Kathleen, of Coos Bay were recent visitors at the Dixon Smith home. Mr and Mrs George Newton and Mrs Ted Hall of South Bend, Wash visited relatives here Sun day. Mr Newton is a nephew and Mrs Hall a niece of Mrs Clive Engleman, Mrs Arvilla Swanson, Mrs Edith Nichoson and G A Pet teys. Billie Lundell of Milwaukie visited relatives here Sunday. He was accompanied by Gene Hosh ins. Mrs Adon Hamlett and Mrs C E Brenner made a trip to Port land last week. Mr and Mrs Charles White and children, Donna and Allen, of Portland visited his parents, Mr and Mrs Gordon White last week. They and Mrs White and daugh ter. Lona. attended Happy Can yon In Pendleton. Jimmy Swanson, son of Mr and Mrs Garland underwent sur gery at the Pioneer Memorial hospital Monday. Phillip Carlson, son of Mr and Mrs Louis Carlson, underwent an appendectomy at the Pioneer Memorial hospital Sunday. A pink and blue shower was given in honor of Mrs Richard Rea in the Community church parlor Friday evening, Sept 12. Mrs Wallace Gaarsland and Miss Judy Mason assisted with the gifts. The hostesses were Mrs Keith Rea, Mrs Herbert Ekstrom Jr, Mrs Roger Kincaid, Mrs Tom White, Mrs Dick Ekstrom and Mrs Elmer Holtz. Miss Lillian Cox is visiting her mother, Mrs Clayton Ayers. She came here from Arizona. Mr and Mrs W H Lytton of fiiesham visited at the M G Greer home last week and at tended the Round -Up. The Garden club met at the home of Mrs William Rawlins and Mrs Etta Huston Tuesday afternoon. Sept 9. Mr Rawlins gave a very interesting talk on the culture of dahlias and the members visited his dahlia gar den in which there were over 100 varieties. At the business meeting conducted by Mrs Raw lins, president, final plans were made for the flower show. It was decided that if an individual was a winner of the sweepstakes in the uast three years, their entries in the flower show would not be In competition. There were 14 members and one guest, Mrs Beulah Lundell of Portland. The Rawlins gave cantaloupes to those present. Gordon White, Mrs fcayine White and Mrs Imogene Mooney are visiting relatives at Vvhidby Island, Wash. Delbert Emert lost a pickup by fire on the road near the Donald Heliker ranch Monday morning about 7:30." The pickup had oil and gas barrels on it which also burned. The origin oi me nre was unknown. Mr and Mrs Byron Bradshaw of Albany were guests last week at the home of the son-in-law, HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, September 18. 1958 and daughter, Mr and Mrs Charles Doherty. They also at-1 tended the Round-Up. -3 Dates To Remember: Sept 19 A potluck supper at the school cafetorium at 6:30 pm in honor oi the teachers and parents. Sponsored by the P-TA. aept 19 Members ol the HEC oi Willows grange will meet at the grange hall for a clean up of the hall. Sept 20 Grange meeting at 8 P M. Sept 21 Annual church meeting of the Community church at 1:30 P M and potluck din ner at 12:15 P M. Sept 26 Three Links club meet ing. Sept 28 Promotion day at the Community church school during the church school hour 10 A M, Parents are urged to attend. Sept 28 Rev and Mrs Stuart Goude of Condon will bring an exhibit of Oriental arti cles and speak on the Orient at the Community church at 7 pm. This is sponsored by the Pilgrim Fellowship. There will also be a silver tea. Mass begins at 9 A M Sundays at ' the St Williams Catholic church. Father Condon has charge of the services. Mr and Mrs Clarence Emert of Santa Rosa, Calif visited his mother, Mrs Mary Emert and other relatives over the weekend. They were on their way to Cana da. Mrs Emert's nephew and family, Dr and Mrs Ben Ogle and children of Rlelly, N C re cently visited here. Guests last week at the Fannie Griffith and the Roy Lindstrom homes were Mrs William Loos and Mrs Harold Gaggs of Orcas Island, Wash and Arthur Turner of Tacoma. They are nieces and a nephew of Mrs Griffith. Miss Grace Cunningham of Post Falls, also a niece of Mrs Griffith, is visiting here. Mrs G V Crumb of Morton, Wash is visiting her mother, Mrs Grace Ware. Mr and Mrs Walter Dobyns loft for Portland Monday. Where they will visit the Noel Dobyns. Linda and Maryann Williams of Pendleton spent the weekend with their grandmother, Mrs Ida Coleman. Funeral services were held for Mrs Frances BeTider 90, at Ash land Sept 12. She died Sept 10 at Clarksburg Calif. She and her husband, the late Fred Bander operated a store here over 40 years ago. Word was received of the birth of a daughter to Mr and Mrs John Armington of Los Angeles. Mr and Mrs Dale Ray are the grandparents. GflR AVIATION SPRAYING-FERTILIZING DUSTING-SEEDING HOME OWNED AND OPERATED We're As Near As Your Telephone PHONE LEXINGTON DAY OR NIGHT 3-8422 ; V o r r. is These days there's no telling where you'll find transis tors, those mighty mites developed by phone people. They've been whirling through space inside U.S. satel lites, helping to radio information back to earth. And, down here, they're helping to bring you good phone serv ice. The special transistor held by the phone man above, for instance, helps speed out-of-town calls. For it auto matically picks the fastest voice paths to the town you're calling. On top of that, it enables more and more folks to dial their own long distance calls. Transistors are among a whole host of tiny, space-saving parts we use to bring better service to you. . - - u I 1 1 low that September's here, a lot of young people will be ping away to school. With so much going on those first reeks, they won't always have much time to write. So hy not tell them to call home collect certain evenings r on Sundays. That way you'll keep up on all the news. Jvening and Sunday station-to-station rates are extra yw, too. Pacific Telephone ON BUICK 34i "A A iU 1 in x-;: -r ... iJil m,m '"faf7777 - KTU H1MM m-KOfft40 MW 4-eOOt HAMfOT Here it is ... and now you know! Know why we have called this THE CAR. Know that a new generation of great Buicks is truly now here. From just this one view you can see that here is not just new design ... but splendidly right design for this day and age. A car that is lean and clean and stunningly low . . . and at the same time great in headroom and legroom, easy to get into or out of. And when you see your Buick dealer and walk the whole wonderful way around this Buick, you'll know still more how right all this is. From anywhere you look, here is a classic modern concept that is Buick speaking a new language of today. A language of fine cars priced within the reach of almost anyone. A language of quality and comfort and quiet pride of ownership. And when you see your quality Buick dealer and get behind the wheel, the car will speak to you in a language of performance satisfactions without equal. r 1"" ' THE LOOK. A dean, lean, sew kind of fine car look. The look of the best-engineered, best-manufactured Buick ever built . . . aiU the most ezdtinfly beautiful design i a Buiek't nearly 60 proud yeara. THE ACTION. Get the feel of thrifty new Wildcat engines. New Equipoise ride. New fin-cooled rear brakes and aluminum front brakes. New Twin-turbine and Triple turbine transmissions. THE QUALITY. Buick quality to the core, new super-quiet bodies by Fisher. New Magic-Mirror finish retains Its beauty longer. Nw interior decor throughout. Safety-Plate Glass everywhere. Magnificent new quietness, new comfort, the feel of fine-car quality everywhere! Yours to test, yours to savor the magnificent new Buick for 1959. OjitUmal at txtn x( m tiiaim wuxttU. A NEW CLASS OF FINE CARS WITHIN REACH OF 2 OUT OF 3 NEW CAR BUYERS IMI JV cm TUtkriflUd Buick The mad $pirited Buick The moat luxurious Buick