Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 04, 1958, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, September 4. 1958
North Morrow Fair To Open At BoardmanSept 11
Opening day of the North Mor
row county fair' will be Thurs
day, Sept 11. All exhibits, In
cluding livestock and poultry,
must be entered and in place
not later than 6 pm Thursday.
Exhibits will be Judged Friday.
The parade will start at 10 am
Saturday at the school house.
Saturday afternoon there will be
musical entertainment, a bicycle
parade and horse races. There
will also be a pig scramble at
1 pm.
All exhibits must be left In
place until 4 pm Saturday.
Members of the Boardman
Garden club went on an inspect
ion tour of flower gardens of
different members Tuesday after
noon of last week. They visited
the gardens of Mrs Nathan
Thorpe, Mrs Louise Earwood, Mrs
Elmer Messenger, Mrs Leo Potts,
Mrs Florence Root and Mrs Earl
Briggs. At the home of Mrs
Briggs they were served refresh
ments. Those making the tour
Included Mrs Walter Hayes, Mrs
Florence Root, Mrs Elmer Mes
senger, Mrs Earl Briggs, Mrs
Nathan Thorpe, Mrs wen car
penter, Mrs Russell Miller, Mrs
Louise Earwood and Mrs Rollin
Mr and Mrs Eldon Lilly and
children Jimmie, Janet, Jay and
Jerry of LaGrande visited from
Tuesday till Thursday last week
at the homes of Mrs Lilly's par
ents, Mr and Mrs Elvin Ely, and
her brother and sister-in-law, Mr
and Mrs Allen Ely. Jimmie Lilly
remained here for the rest of
the week at the home of his
grandparents. He returned to La
Grande Saturday with the Al
len Ely's, who with the Lilly's
went to Wallowa Lake Sunday.
Mr and Mrs Robert Garvison
and son Paul of San Jose, Calif
arrived Saturday to visit at the
home of Garvlson's parents, Mr
and Mrs Charles Anderegg.
Weekend visitors at the nome
of Mr and Mrs Glen Carpenter
were Carpenter's cousin, Mrs
Nora Johnson of Bellingham,
Wash and Mrs Carpenter's sis
ter,. Mrs Esther Emmons of La
Grande. Mr and Mrs Nick Taylor and
ikkie Jean. Jamie and
Terry of Portland were weekend
visitors at the home of Taylor's
parents, Mr and Mrs Algy Taylor.
Sunday visitors were Mr and Mrs
Jess Schmidt and son Bud of
Zlllah, Wash.
Mr and Mrs Earl Downey and
Lynn and Luella Larson of Pro
ser, Wash were weekend visitors
nt thP home of the Downey's son
and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs
Don Downey.
Mr and Mrs Lyle Tannehill
nnH rhildren of Eucene visited
at the home of Tannehill's par
ents, Mr and Mrs Clyde Tanne
hill from Saturday till Wednes
Mr and Mrs Darrell Rash and
daughter Valerie of Portland were
weekend visitors at the homes
nt thpir parents. Mr and Mrs
Harold Rash and Mr and Mrs
Henry Zivney. Other visitors were
Mr and Mrs Bob Smith ana son
Ricky, also of Portland.
Visitors at the home oi Mr
and Mrs Ed Kuhn from Thurs
day till Saturday were Kuhn's
nephew, Mr and Mrs Kenneth
Kuhn and daughter Barbara of
Boise, Ida. The two ladies are
Mr and Mrs Russell Miller
have spent the past week va
cationing at East Lake.
Mr and Mrs Toiva Simila and
six children of Portland visited
at the home of Mrs Slmila's par
ents, Mr and Mrs Adolph Skoubo,
during the weekend.
Rosemary Deulen left Satur
day for Puyallup, Wash where
RhP will attend school this year,
living with her grandfather, Ed
Kunze, and her great aunt, Mrs
Hattle Edmondson.
Mrs Delbert Macken of Lake-
, wood, Calif visited at the home of
'Mr and Mrs Elmer Messenger
1 Tuesday. She Is Mrs Messenger's
i niece.
Mr and Mrs Richard Stanley of
I Connell, Iowa visited at the home
'of Mr and Mrs Guy Ferguson
woHnooHav of last week." Friday
guests were Mr ana Mrs t-ugene
Harwood and children Kenneth
Janet and Patty of Pendleton,
and Mrs Harwood's mother, Mrs
Kenneth, Peabody of Wisconsin,
and "Mrs Delia earner ui mi
icinn T.nhnr Dav visitors were
Mr and Mrs Stanley Zunker and
children of KennewlcK, wasn
ii jr..; ...jr . m . .
nr. on1 Trc Rnlnh Skoubo and
sons Dick and Bobble attended
the 45th wedding anniversary of
Mm Rkouhn's narents, Mr and
Mrs B E Getchell, at Hermlston
Mrs Ed Hall of Shelby, Mont
and Mrs Djarne Borgen of Landa,
N Dak were called nere last ween
by the illness of their mother,
Mrs Victor Sadler, who suffered
a heart attack. They will leave
for their homes this week.
I Mr and Mrs Dewev West and
.hiifirpn T.arrv and Dewena, and
Mrs West's parents, Mr and Mrs
Sam Beeks of Arlington, return
ed home last Thursday from an
interesting vacation trip througn
Wpvflrta and California. They
went to Reno and Lake Tahoe,
and visited the ghost town oi
Virginia City, Nev, did some gold
panning in the north fork of the
Yuba River In California, return
ing home by way of the Redwood
Mrs Ralph Skoubo was hostess
for the Tillicum club at her
home Tuesday evening of last
week, with eight members pre
sent. Guests were Mrs Richard
Waymire and Mrs Harold Gau
ger. Mrs Ronald Black, who was
phnirman in charge of the ma-
bile X-ray unit when it was nere,
reported there were 125 persons
that had X-rays.
Further discussion was neia on
a fence to be put around the
fitv nnrk. and the float and booth
for the North Morrow county fair
were also planned.
Mrs George Baker was In
charge of the program and pre
sented an article in connection
with the "Religions of the World",
taken, from "the Clubwoman,
on the "Essence of Hinduism,"
written by Mdme Shusheila Lall.
iNext meeting win De ai me
home of Mrs Joe Tatone Sept
A GOOD YEAR FOR PRODUCE And there was a lot of It dis
played at last week's fair in Heppner. This picture shows only
the squash end of the big display, one of the largest ever at
t. Th rficnirrv. nimnt into the west end of the pavilion
l.iC luu. J ' ------- -
this year, and given additional room, showed off the best efforts
of many gardeners ol tms area. ivi more;
With The Wranglers
The horse show is over for an
other year and it seemed better
than the last maybe it was just
that I took more interest in u.
It will do the same for you.
In the gaited pleasure class
wo had four entries (one last
year). Bill and Kite Healy's Jet
took the grand champ wonting
horse while Bruce Lindsay took
his baldface Into reserve champ
position. His willingness got him
there for he never complains or
switches a tail when asked for
is somethine to bp croud of.
Then came the rodeo, and from
where I sat it was a show well
managed with no dead time. If
the contestant wasn't on the ball
hp was nassed ud. Windv West
and his helpers kept everyone
informed wnetner a participant
or spectator. I would say he was
well worth his fee.
The last day was a dilly
that bucking stock of Ring and
Hutzel can sure separate the men
from the boys. Someone must
have told them It was eliminat
ion day for few ever reached
the grass. It could be someone
who reached it the first day told
the others the dirt was softer.
Three bulls were ridden the first
dav hut onlv one rider listened
to the horn from the hurricane
deck Sunday
Monument News
t. mjbtha MATTESON
Mr onH Mrs Alvin Gienger and;
two sons returned to their home
in Junction City alter visaing
with his parents, Mr and Mrs
Bob Gienger.
Mrs Sophia Leasy and Rubyj
turned home Wednes-.
day evening after spending sev-
eral days in Hermisiun vii.....6
relatives and friends. Mrs Gien
ger attended the school lunch
workshop in Pendleton on Mon
day, which she reports as very
interesting and valuable to any
school cafeteria cook.
Mr and Mrs Gus Peterson and
sons returned home Wednesday
evening from Portlana wnere
thev had been several days.
Miss Georgia auiDoieneiu anu
Bobbie Porter returned home
Tuesday night after a two
week's trip through California
and Nevada, visiting relatives.
Glenn Williams and Elmer
oro Hncv this week nut-
iviancaun -
ting new cement curbs in around
the gym, play grouna aim
Vim ico Mavnard Hamilton and
George Stirritt have the new
lawn coming along preuy wen
out front of the buildings.
Laura Lee Shank, Dianna Lea
thers and Mr and Mrs Jack Chan
and daughter returned Thursday
night from Portland where they
had been for a church meeting.
Mr and Mrs Ansil Martin, Mrs
Forrest Noland and two daughters
and Mrs Sam Scott and son were
I business callers In Long Creek
! Friday morning.
I Edna Moore drove to Heppner
Thursday morning. She was ac
1 companled by her daughters Miss
Jackie Moore ana Mrs Lmrienc
Boyer and son Jimmie.
ThP Morrow county derby with
10 entries made the three-quarter
mile run without a mishap but
before the horses could be stop
ped four plied up. Christine, ap
parently from exhaustion, fell
from her horse; Bill Healy rid
ing to protect her from oncoming
horses was upset with his horse
rolling over him; one of Hutch's
entries figured in it as did Mor
ris McCarl but Bill was the only
one requiring a stretcher on the
way to the hospital. We hope
he will soon be up and fit as
stake your claim on
The Good Light Beer
Slow Brewed
There were lots of blue ribbons !
nacc-oi nut hut In that sort of
iiii .ton q iVilto 1 Hppir Rnndav. . '
COmpeUUUIl a icu iu even w -
Boysen Paints
Every Color In Every Finish
Finance The Job
lone News
Francis Rieth and Robert Rieth
nt Harrinetnn and Mr and Mrs
Lester Smith of Davenport, Wash
were visitors last week at tne
Paul O'Meara home. Francis
Rieth took his mother, Mrs Ellen
Rieth, home with him for a visit.
Susan and Marv Healy of But
ter Creek are staying a few days
with their uncle and aunt, Mr
and Mrs Ted Palmateer.
Mrs Gordon White and child
ren, Gary and Lona, returned
home Saturday irom a trip to
rnilfnrnla. Thev took Bing John
son who has been working here
back to San Francisco. While
In San Francisco they were guests
of the Walter Johnsons and at
tended the ball game between
tho riants and the Red Legs.
They also visited the Donald
Springers at Morgan Hill near
Santa Jose. Mr Springer was a
former band instructor here and
hand teacher in the Mor
gan Hill school. In Los Angeles
they visited the Wayne Whites.
Thpv attended TV shows, went
to Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm
Pacific Ocean Park and the Ice
Follies. Mrs White visited with
hpr unrip and aunt. Mr and Mrs
George Boswell of Texas who
recently returned from tne Ha
waiian Islands and stopped In
California. The Whites also vis
lted Yosemite Park.
Phona your nws items to 6-8228.
y4' -fe
Housewarmer Heat
Our Heating Oil Budget Plan makes"
It easy to enjoy comfortable, modern
oil heat without seasonal fuel bills.
We simply spread th cost of your oil
over ten monthly payments-and no
Interest or carrylngchargesare added.
You get more for your money with
Standard Furnace Oil
and Standard Stove
Dil hitcausa thev are
super-refined-every JJ
drop turns to golden
For prompt HOUSEWARMER service, call
L E (Ed) Dick. Heppner, Ph 6-9633
L F (Peek) Leathers, lone Ph8-7i25
Foam Rubber Mattresses
I'm T fc", -
Note the clean, mooth holei
properly (paced to give you
exactly the rijht support for
proper rest, every night.
Cheap mattressef have poor
lv made loam rubber "coree"
with low compreMion that
do not lupport your body.
REGULAR $169.50
Yes it's true! Now you can have the
real "Certified Comfort" of Texfoam
mattresses by B. F. Goodrich for only
These famous mattresses give
every inch of your body exactly the right
support guarantee your family health
ful, restoring rest every night.
Case Furniture Company