NE HEADLINES ECHO PALMATEEH nd Mrs Lawrence Jones Jr lleton are the parents of Eonald Dale, born at St y hospital In Pendleton, 1 15. nd Mrs Lawrence Jones of .nd Mr and Mrs Delbert : of Heppner are the grand i. Mrs Anna Snyder of Ab- til For One, One For All ' By Phil Blakney lesearch scientists, phy. ana, dentists, nurses and - vmacists are all united the purpose of helping I to live a longer and ilthier life. Every mem , of this health team has particiular duty to per m and has spent years l study to perfect thalr owledge. Dur duty as pharmacists to provide you with the tdicines and health-aids u need. As loyal mem rs of the health team, we ilcome the opportunity to rve you. $ I I YOUR PHYSICIAN I CAN PHONE i 6-9962 I WHEN YOU NEED I A MEDICINE I Pick up your presotip on if shopping near us, ot t us deliver promptly itheut extra charge. A reat many people entrust with the responsibility f filling their prescriptions, lay we compound yours? PHIL'S PHARMACY I 105 N. Main PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS "Quotation by Alexander lumas (1803-1870) Copyright 1958 (8W3) ' erdeen, Wash is the great-grand, mother. Rev and Mrs Plovd Bailev re turned home Sunday after vacat ioning in California. Rev George Pollard of Portland has been preaching at the Community church the past two Sundays during Rev Bailey's absence. The Bailey's son and family, Mr and Mrs Robert Bailey returned with them from Hemet, California. Mr and Mrs Eldon Tucker and family returned home Saturday from a trip to Portland, Salem and the coast. Mr and Mrs Merle Baker and family of Portland were visitors here Saturday. They "brought Bobby DeSpain back with them. Their daughter, Ann remained here for a loneer visit. She is the euest of Marilyn Morgan. Mr and Mrs Dick Ekstrom are vacationing at the coast Robin Yarnell of Madras spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs Kathrvn Yarnell. Ellen Reith was a patient in the Pioneer Memorial nospuai last week. Mr and Mrs Walter Corley and daughter, Sherry, were Portland visitors Sunday. Mr and Mrs Herbert tKsirom Jr are the parents of a son, John August 18 ai xne orial hospital. Weight 6 lb and 8 oz. Mr and Mrs Herbert Ekstrom Sr ol lone ana Mr and Mrs Archie Ball of Hepp ner are the grandparents. Mrs Frida Ekstrom of Beaverton, Mrs Lester Wilkins of Albany and M E McClain of Portland are the great grandparents. Mrs Frida tusirom ana vmui Jean Alpenalp of Beaverton are visiting at the Herbert Ekstrom Sr home. Mr and Mrs Clifford Aldrich are the parents of a daughter, Arlynda Dawn, born August 23 at the Pioneer Memorial hospit al. Weieht 6 lb and 10 oz. Mrs Monetta Aldrich of lone and Mr and Mrs Vernon Christopherson from near Condon are the grand narents. Mr and Mrs Ernest Christopherson of Donald are the great-grandparents. Mr and Mrs Vernon Christoph erson and daughters, Kathy and Debra, of Condon visited their new eranddauehter Sunday. Mrs Marion Palmer underwent surgery in the Pioneer Memorial hospital last week. She is expect ed to return home this week. Sister Emma Peterson of Oma ha. Nebr i3 visitine her brothers, Oscar and Carl Peterson. She is home in Omaha. Mr and Mrs Leo Crabtree and son, Ronnie, went to Portland, Salem and Eugene last week. They brought their daughter, Sharon, home with them. She spent the summer with relatives in Eugene. Johan Troedson and son, can, rotiirnpri home from a 24 day trir to Sweden Thursday of last week. They made the trip Dy ninnp nn the Polar route. While in Sweden they visited relatives. Johan Troedson has a oroiner tho-A and thev also visited a sis tpr nf the late Mrs Troedson and many cousins. They spent 3 days and 2 nichts at the Uota canai. a laree canal which has 65 locks and also scent some time in i nndon CoDenhaeen and Stock holm. They left London around nnnn hv London time and arnv ed in Seattle Wednesday, August 2n at dusk. Thev passed over Tnoinnd and (Greenland. Mr and Mrs Howard Nottage of Portland who have been staying at tne rnri Trnpdson ranch during his absence met them in Portland. Mrs ffmest McCabe entertain ed the Bridge club at her home Vridnv pvenine of last weeK Those receiving prizes were, Mrs Pete Cannon, high; Mrs KODen Jepsen, 2nd high; and Mrs Del- mer Crawford low. Mr and Mfs Walter Dobyns re a'tA Mr Cecil Thome ere BUM '- . visiting relatives in Newberg Mrs Wate Crawford is visiting relatives in Portland. Mrs Wallace Gaarsiana was a patient in the Pioneer Memorial hospital last ween whcic ic un derwent surgery. Linda Esteb, daugmer oi xwr ,i Mrs Arch e KsteD, iniurea her fingers in a pump recently. She was taken to me nuneer Memorial hospital for treatment. Mr and Mrs Berl Akers and family returned home from the coast and other points auimay. They visited George Ely at a hos pital in Salem and reported that he was getting along uausiaci orilv following surgery. They al so visited Charles Ely at Loos Bay. .. Mr and Mrs Wallace xaaunews h rtnnehters returned home Sunday from the coast and Rose- burg where tney anenueu me Matthews family reunion. ' Mrs Grace Ware returned home last week from Portland and Morton, Wash where she visited her son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs G V Crumb. Arthur Johnson left by plane last week for Sweden where he intends to make his home. Among those at the coast last week from here were, Mr and Mrs E W Bristow, Mr and Mrs Paul Pettyjohn and children, HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, August 28, 1968 Mr and Mrs waiter uouyiis .,, " M. flnfl Mrs Llovd turned home Thursday of last Ivan , Ak rs M r Jfr. Lgd a deaconess in the Lutheran 'Pryses. wppk from a trip into Canada, They spent most of the time at Watch Lake. They were accomp anied by their daughter and fam ily, Mr and Mrs iaa naruisiy of Eugene. Dates To Remembert Sept i City council meeting at 8 pm. Mr and Mrs Fredrick Martin and family returned home Sun day. Jean and Meivin auenueu summer camp at Suttle Lake and poinh attended at Camp Magru- der near Rockaway. Mr and Mrs Martin visited relatives at uai las and Roseburg and also at tended a couple of fairs. The Three Links ciud oi RimfhcrrasH Rebekah lodge met at the home of Mrs Sam Esteb Friday afternoon, August 11 wun Mra riA Drake as co-hostess. At the business conducted by Mrs Mary Swanson plans for the dis trict convention were made. The mnvuntion will be held at Hard man, Sept 15. Mrs Edna Osten of Mollalla, president oi tne e bekah Assembly of Oregon, will make her official visit in lone Sept 11. Games were played after the meeting. Mrs E R Lundell received the door prize. Wavne and Julie Rietmann made a trip to Prairie City last week where they visited the Morgan and family, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Rice and son, .Bobby, Mr and Mrs Robert Rietmann and sons, Mr and Mrs Donald Peter son and children, Mr and Mrs Carl Bergstrom, Mr and Mrs Her- shal Townsend and cnuaren, ana Mr and Mrs Franklin Ely. Let's Talk REAL COST ' u ( i - LES WYMAN, Your Brea Brand Solution Man servine this area, can help growers lower the "real cost" of their fertilizer. Drop in and talk this over with him to- dav. or call Aori-Chem. Inc., Rer resented by Les Wyraan, phone Heppner 6-9619. 1 Wl f Iff THE WORLD MARKET ?tMUC PORTLAND On the West, the World ... on the East, the productive Inland Empire. These are the boundaries of a gigantic market, of which Portland is the recognized distribution center. The land area alone served by Portland is roughly the size of New England, and is one of the most productive regions in America. To this vast market potential, add one of the nation's finest harbor facilities, maintained at peak efficiency by the Commission of Public Docks. That's why we say the market begins in Portland . . . where our Inland Empire trades with the world.. )niiiillB(M5B WtMK HtMif. twin, tnuil ni V V J jj EASTERN REP.! BUCKLEY A CO. 170 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 8I.N.Y, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU MORROW COUNTY FAIR & AFTERNOON AND NIGHT i t Ticket Schedule For Saturday afternoon and Sunday after, noon performances. Reserved Buckaroo ...... $3.00 General Admission $1.75 Student, Gen. Adm V. 75c SATURDAY NITE SHOW All Seots $1-00 Children 50c You Can Still Get n IN THE NEW "OVER-THE-CHUTES" GRANDSTAND GET YOURS BEFORE SHOW-TIME 83.00 EACH All seats in the new North grandstand are reserved to give you the finest view you have ever had of a rodeo. You'll sit right be hind the chutes where you'll see every bit of the action and the fun. But, you'd better get your Buckaroo tickets now before show time (they're for sale at the Bank of Eastern Oregon) for there will be few if any left by then. Get 'em today! 2f YOU'LL SEE NORTHWEST AMATEUR BRONC RIDING CONTEST MORROW COUNTY AMATEUR CALF ROPING MORROW COUNTY DERBY, CHARIOT RACE WILD HORSE RACE, & MANY MORE TOP EVENTS Rodeo Dances- Friday & Sat. Nites Don't Miss THE ' Saturday Nite SHOW It's One Of The Best IIIMIIIUIIljlllllllltllllllllllllllllllllli