lone News By ECHO PALMATEER Mrs Adon Hamlett gave a birthday party Wednesday after noon July 30 in honor of her son, Richard, who was five years old. Children present were Ter ry O'Connor, Kathy Holtz, Deb bie and John Kincaid, Christine Lindstrom, Jerry Pettyjohn, Cher yle Hams and Sharlene and Tom my Hamlett. Mrs Donald Peterson gave a party Saturday afternoon, Aug ust 2 in honor of the sixth birthday of her daughter,,' Kris tine. Other children present were Sandra and Cheri Carlson, Anita Crawford, Michelle Miller, Car ley and Shauna Bergstrom, Deb bie, Darlene and Marilyn War ren, Christine and Doris McCabe, Linda Pettyjohn, Ann Hoskins, Kristine Nelson and Kerry, Joel and Paul Peterson. Mrs Mary Swanson, Mrs Anna Lindstrom and Mrs O L Lundell attended a party Friday of last "There Is Always A Best Way Of Doing Everything" By Phil Blakney v When pharmacists com pound your prescriptions, you place your health, even your very life in our pro fessional care. First we carefully read the prescription and then select the exact ingredients specified by the physician. All drugs must be potently fresh and of the purest pos sible grade. Next, after checking the dosage and ingredients again for accu racy, we compound them, record the prescription by number and date, and place in a container label ed with directions for use. We must always do our best To do less is unthink able. fc 1 YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE 6-9962 WHEN YOU NBED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescrip tion if shopping near us, of let us deliver promptly without extra charge, A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? PHIL'S PHARMACY 10S N. Main PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS Quotation by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 1882) Copyright 1958 (7W4) Ladies! Why ask ft Look . . . ' You have washor that lakM Hi hard work ul walking I e You havt a rang Hist takoi Hi fatlguo out of cooking I e Tom hovo vacuum rhot takot Hio muscl out ol cleaning I But what good do they do if you . break your back every ironing day? i 'fi I ill I-:LwjL iii .. . v is- rvm 4j Ironrito Model 860 it takes you by hand. That appliance is the Ironrite Auto matic Inner. It s simple to operate and amazingly inexpensive. It will iron anything you can wash, and it will end, once and for all, the achy, worn-out, tired-all-over feeling of old fashioned ironing days. We want you to try ironing the simple way ... on an Iron rite. We want you to come in, sit down at one of our floor models, and see for yourself how simple, how relaxing this revolutionary way of ironing really is. Ironrilelr L E. D I week at the home of Mrs Anne Smouse in Heppner. The party was in honor of Mr and Mrs Frank Tews of Seattle who were visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs Paul Tews. Others present were Mrs Paul Tews, Mr and Mrs Alfred Troed son and Mrs Minnie Forbes. Mr and Mrs O L Lundell are visiting their son and family, Mr and Mrs Harland Lundell in Boise, Idaho. They were ac companied by their other son, Kenneth, of Oakland, Calif. They also visited relatives in Portland recently. Mr and Mrs Berl Akers and family were Portland visitors last week. Mrs Howard Adams and child ren of Portland are visiting at the home of her sister and fam ily, Mr and Mrs Robert Hoskins. Billy Jepsen, son of Mr and Mrs Robert Jepsen, was a pat ient in the Pioneer Memorial hos pital three days last week. Mrs Ray Turner and sons of Pendleton are visiting her par ents, Mr and Mrs Cleo Drake. Mr and Mrs .Arnle Hedman and children are staying at the Dallas Shockley home. They will move into the A A Stefan! house on Third Street after It Is re modeled. Mr Hedman is the mu sic instructor in the lone schools. Mr and Mrs Elmer Holtz have purchased the Henry Clark house on Second Street. Mr and Mrs Franklin Ely spent the weekend In Portland and in Forest Grove where they visited their son and family, Mr and Mrs Fayne Ely. Mrs Dora Pierrot, who has been visiting at the Ely home return ed with them to her home in Portland. ; Mr and Mrs David Baker are visiting in California. Peggy Voorhees of Portland is visiting her grandparents, Mr and Mrs Wate Crawford. Mrs Tad Miller and children of Lexington spent the weekend at the Craw ford home. Mr and Mrs Elbe Akers, Les lie Madden and Dennis Sanders spent Sunday in The Dalles. Mrs Arvilla Swanson is visi ting her daughter and family, Mr and Mrs Frank Lundell in Mil waukie. Mrs James Botts is visiting her daughter and son-in-law. Seaman and Mrs "Daniel Graves in Taft, Calif. Mrs Sylvia Baker and daugh ter, Esther Mae, of Walla Walla visited at the-E R Lundell home last week. Mrs Keith Rea and Mrs Wal ter Jacobs entertained at a pi nochle party at the Lloyd How ton home Wednesday evening of last week. Those receiving prizes were Mrs Richard Rea, high; Mrs Leland McKinney, low; Mrs Howard Crowell, 300 pinochle and Mrs Wallace Gaarsland the door prize. Gary and Jeffery Hardisty of Eugene are visiting their grand parents, Mr and Mrs Walter Do byns. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Howton left for Redondo Beach, Calif this week to attend the wedding of her nephew, Larry Campbell of Echo to Miss Sharon Price Sat urday, August 9. Miss Price was for backache? The appliances you have are wonderful! They help you live longer, look younger, feel better. So why let hand ironing . . . the meanest job of all, rob you of your looks, your health and your youth? You don't have to! For now there's a simple way to iron, too. There's a wonder ful appliance that lets you it down,- relax, and iron beautifully, in less than half the time C K I Miss Nevada last year. Miss Louise Botts returned home from Taft, Calif last week where she has been visiting rel atives. Mr and Mrs Henry Halvorsen and grandsons of Medford visi ted his brother and family, Mr and Mrs Lewis Halvorsen last week. Mrs John Botts and son, Bruce and Mrs Robert Crowell and sons are visiting relatives in Vancou ver, Wash. Louis Buschke returned home from Santa Rosa, Calif Satur day where he attended the re union of the 16th regiment of the Sea Bees. Mr and Mrs Tony Martin and children of Sacramento, Calif are visiting her sister and family, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Rice. The Rices gave a barbeque party in their honor Wednesday evening of last week. Others present were Mr and Mrs E W Bristow, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Morgan and fam ily and Mr and Mrs Paul Petty john and family. Mr and Mrs Ray Helmblgner and family are visiting relatives in Odessa, Wash. Mr and Mrs David McLeod and children returned home Sunday from 'Junction City where they visited relatives. Bradley Ram sey of Eugene, a nephew of Mrs McLeod, returned home with them for a visit. L R Jackson and John Hughes are leaving the last of this week for Yellowstone park. Grant Rigby and children are visiting relatives near Seattle. An electric food freezer means garden-fresh foods all year long for you and your family. Save money on your food budget buy fruit and vegetables in season and freeze for use throughout the year. And a home freezer costs so little to operate with dependable low-cost PP&L electricity. ,Mr and Mrs Rodney Crawford Jr, and children of Portland were visitors at the home of her mo ther, Mrs Ida Coleman, last week. Their daughters Nancy and Pat tl remained for a longer visit. Mr and Mrs Art Dalzell and Mr and Mrs Clyde Crawford and sons were guests at the Mrs Edith McClintock home Sunday. The occasion was Mrs McClin lock's birthday. Mr and Mrs W G Seehafer and daughters, Billie and Mil dred, of Bickleton, Wash spent the weekend here. Mr and Mrs Norman Hanson of Portland spent the weekend with his sister and family, Mr and Mrs Donald Peterson. Mr and Mrs John Sanders and sons of Portland visited rela tives here the first part of last week. They were on their way home from British Columbia, Canada where they camped and fished at Kamloops and Lake Okanagan. Mr and Mrs Ted Palmateer and children returned home last week from a trip to Spokane through Montana, Yellowstone Park, the Tetons and Salt Lake City. Mr and Mrs Pete Cannon and children and Mrs Echo Palma teer .returned home Thursday of last week from a weeks trip. They went to Long Beach, Wash and to the Oregon beaches and also visited in Portland. Mrs Ha zel Beers of Eagle Creek, sister of Mrs Palmateer, accompanied them. Miss Patricia Peck of Mon QgoH Let Low-Cost PP&L Electricity Help You Live Better For Less! My living costs have gone But since you are working me so many more hours per month you are getting the advantage of my quantity rates. That's why today's average price per kilowatt-hour for PP&L residential electric service is 16.6 lower than in 1949. PACIFIC POWER 2c LIGHT COMPANY Electricity is today's biggest bargain mouth is visiting her grand father, Ed Bucshke and other relatives. Mr and Mrs John Eubanks and ! daughter, Sandra, were Portland! visitors last week. They also! made a trip to the coast. P J Linn and Mrs Clara Howk of Troutdale were visitors here over the weekend. They were guests at the Roy Lindstrom and the Fannie Griffith homes. Stephen Lindstrom and Roland Ekstrom are attending the Con gregational summer camp at camp Adams this week. Mr and Mrs Roy Lindstrom and family took Stephen there and Mr and Mrs Dick Ekstrom took Roland. Linda Halvorsen attended Camp Adams last week. Ever-widening circles of discriminating Westerners are discovering. Oly oiYMPIA MtWINO COMPANY. OLYMP1A, if t v i X 5 1949 up, too. f Notional consumer price Index. Average cost of PP&L loetridty per kilowatt-hour for horn use. HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, August 7, 1958 A pink and blue shower was given In honor of Mrs Clifford Aldrich at the Howard Crowell home Monday, July 28. Mrs Crowell and Mrs Harry Ring were the hostesses. There were 21 pre sent. Games were played and re freshments were served. Mr and Mrs John Proudfoot and children spent a few days last week in Portland and the coast. Mr and Mrs Milton Morgan and children were Portland visi tors last week. Mr and Mrs Charles Chick of Portland were lone visitors Fri day of last week. Those attending a picnic in j IHK. 0.0. A. mm The Dalles Sunday were Mr and Mrs Carl Bergstrom, Mr and Mrs Roland Bergstrom, Mr and Mrs Roland Bergstrom and daughters and Mr and Mrs A E Stefani and children of lone, Mr and Mrs Oscar Bergstrom, Mr and Mrs Donald Bergstrom and children, Mr and Mrs Wayne Bergstrom and children and Mr and Mrs Bill Bergstrom and Mr and Mrs Arthur Bergstrom and children of Portland, Mr and Mrs Norman Bergstrom and daughters of Brookings, Mr and Mrs Walter Nelson of Los Angeles and Mr and Mrs Robert Cochran and children of Yakima. Water makes Olympia refreshingly diflereiit 1958 21 -16 PHONE 6-9633 HEPPNER