Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 31, 1958, Page 6, Image 6

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    HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thuraday. Jul 31. 1958
lone News
The Three Links club met at
the home of Mrs Ernest Heliker
on Friday, July 25 with Mrs Da
vid Rietmann as co-hostess.
There were seven members pre
sent and one guest. During the
social part of the afternoon
camps were enioved. Mrs David
Rietmann received the door prize.
Mrs Helen Cassidy and child
ren of Pendleton were guests of
Mr and Mrs David Baker over
the weekend.
Rollo Crawford and Harold
Holtz spent the weekend at Port
land and the coast
Johnny McCabe, son of Mr and
Mrs Ernest McCabe had a tonsil
ectomy at the Physicians and
Surgeon Hospital In Portland on
Thursday. They returned home
on Friday.
Miss Betty Gorger of Pendle
ton is helping at the David Ba
ker ranch during harvest
The pinochle club met at the
home of Mrs Roger Kincaid on
Friday with Mrs Elmer Holtz as
co hostess. A surprise shower was
also held In honor of Mrs Her
bert Ekstrom. Those winning
nrizes In Dinochle were Mrs Dick
Ekstrom high, Mrs Keith Rea
low, and Mrs Howard Croweii tne
door prize.
something for somebody but
lust about everything for
everybody, all wrapped up in
a big, bright, colored package!
Star Theater, Sunday and Monday.
Mr and Mrs Louis Halvorsen
and Frankie took their daughter
Linda to Camp Adams at Colton
on Sunday. They also visited Mr
and Mrs Bud Roach.
Mr and Mrs Adon Hamlett and
children and Connie Emert spent
Sunday at Lehman Springs.
Mr and Mrs David McLeod and
children left Saturday for Junct
ion City, where Mrs McLeoa ana
children will attend a meeting
In Portland.
Mr and Mrs Gary Tullis and
children left recently on a trip
to Knoxvllle. Tennessee wnere
they will visit relatives.
Mr and Mrs Larry Fletcher
and children are spending a few
days here visiting Mr ana Mrs
itarvev Rlnz. The Fletchers are
on their way home from a trip
to Yellowstone Park.
Mr and Mrs Dwight Haugen
and family are spending a few
days here returning from a trip
to Wallowa Lake.
Mr and Mrs Clyde Crawford
and sons returned home Satur
after soendine a week visit
ing relatives In Portland.
Mr and Mrs Ernest Heliker leu
Sunday for Seattle to visit their
daughter, Mr and Mrs Jerry Bol
man. Mrs Katherine Yarnell was
hostess for a surprise birthday
party on Wednesday In honor of
Mrs Wate Crawford. Games were
enjoyed during the afternoon by
the guests, Mrs Dale Ray, Mrs
Mary Swanson, Mrs Oscar Lun
dell, Mrs Anna Llndstrom, Mrs
Sam Esteb, Mrs Omar Rietmann,
Mrs Mabel Cotter and Mrs A W
Mr Arlie Rohn of Seattle was a
guest of Mr and Mrs Cecil Thome
on Sunday. He came after hla
two daughters, Robin and Kathy
who have been visiting the
Mr and Mrs Don Brostrom and
Tracy left Saturday to spend the
month at the home of his par
ents, Mr and Mrs Julius Bros
trom In Monmouth.
Mr and Mrs Dean Rohde of
Echo visited her parents, Mr and
Mrs Victor Rietmann and other
relatives on Sunday.
Roy Pettyjohn and son, Jimmy
of The Dalles visited relatives
here over the weekend.
Mr and Mrs Tom West (Mar
Jorle Bristow) of Portland are the
parents of a son, Terry Lee, born
July 19. This is the West's sec
ond son.
Mr and Mrs Leland McKinney
spent the weekend In Wasco visi
ting Mr and Mrs Malcolm Mc
Kinney and son.
The lone fire truck was called
to the Robinson ranch farmed
by Delbert Emert on Friday.
Around fifty acres of grain was
Dates To Remember:
August 12 Garden Club
August 13 Maranatha
Mrs C A McLeod and son,
Steven returned home Saturday
after visiting her parents In
Richmond, Washington for a
1263 No. 1st Hormlston. Pb 7-6920
Our used car lot is overflowing with good used cars. They
have been reconditioned in our modern shop and are raring
to go. There is a fine selection of most makes and models
with VERY LOW PRICE TAGS lor this Special Sale. Tor
1957 Ford Fairlano 500 $2145
2 door club sedan
1956 Dodge Royal Sedan : $1795
Automatic, power steering
1954 Packard Clipper Sedan $ 895
Automatic tr real clean, new paint
1953 Olds 98 Sedan $ 945
Fully equipped, black, extra sharp
1954 Mercury $1095
H. T O.D., nice
2 1953 Willys Sedans, 0 D ea $ 450
Many more to choose from. Also some good low priced work
cars. Stop by and look at our good selectin of new Ramblers
soon. (Open oil day Saturday)
P. S.:
For the convenience of you folks in this area. Thomas
Motors will have a display of new and used cars at the
Shell Station on Main Street in lone. August 6 through
Thomas Motors
Monument News
Mr and Mrs Ivery Jewell of
Kinzua were here Sunday to take
their daughter, Lou Ann home.
She had been visiting Miss Mar
garet Martin.
Jim Croker and son, Ronny
drove to John Day Monday on
business for his shop.
Mrs Tony Hutchinson arrived
home Monday evening from Port
land where she had gone for
medical aid.
Mr and Mrs Frank Miller of
Kinzua were visiting Sunday at
the Croker home.
In John Day Tuesday were Mrs
Fern Hanes and children; Mrs
Jim Croker, Mrs Sam Scott, Mrs
Elmer Matteson, Mrs Wayne
Leathers and daughter, Mrs Boyd
Hlnton and daughters, Miss
Laura Lee Shank, Miss Theo Van
Detta and Mrs Willard Gilman.
Mr and Mrs Bob Peterson and
daughter, Nancy of Richmond,
Calif came to visit her folks, Mr
and Mrs S E Lewis of Courtrock,
and her sister and family, the
Ray Davis's. Thursday Mr and
Mrs Peterson and Mrs Lewis
drove to Redmond to meet their
older daughter Miss Cora Peter
son who came by plane from'
California to spend several days
visiting relatives here.
Mr and Mrs Tom Erhardt and
sister, Miss Caroline Erhardt
came In early Saturday from
Portland to spend the weekend
with Mrs Erhardt's folks, the Ray
Davis's. I
Mrs Richard Cox and Mrs Ray
Davis drove ud Wall Creek Wed
nesday to the McCarty ranch and
snpnt the dav v siting Mrs btella
McCarty and her mother, Mrs Jo
Schrum. I
Harold Reynolds Is working at
the Manie Neal ranch for a few
davs as Neal has gone back to
work at Long Creek for the Mc-
Bride logging company.
John Dodd has turned the salt
Job at Happy Jack over to Dar
rel Farrens and has returned to
Ms home in Washington.
Virgil Reynolds is working for
Leo Flower this weeK.
Mrs Charles Pope and children
of Baker are visiting her brother,
Willard Gilman.
Mrs June Hutchinson tended
bar at Smith's Tavern Friday
while Mrs Owen Smith left for
Seattle to get her sister who will
stay with her for a while. Later
Mr Smith came In from Ochoco
mountain to take over the tavern.
Mrs Stella McCarty and three
children and her mother, Mrs
Jo Schrum returned Tuesday
from Eugene where they had
been for a week on business.
They stayed with the Clayton
Sweeks. Mrs Sweek is a sister of
Mrs McCarty.
Phone Your News Items to 6-6228
mm I;
When you use RPM DEL0 Heavy
Duty Lubricating Oil, your diesel en
gines spend more time working, less
time in the shop. It stays on parts
whether engine Is hot or cold, run
ning or idle. Special compounds pre
vent deposits that clog and stick rings.
To extend the useful
service lite of your
diesel engines and
reduce down time, use
Duty Lubricating Oil.
For any Slandord Oil product, call
L E (Ed) Dick. Heppner, Ph 6-9633
L F (Peck) Leathers, lone Ph 8-7125
i "... I
, i
- V. ' f
uiii miwhw mil iiiiwar 1 1 i fm
This ocean-going barge is shown
loading one of its three' cargoes of
wheat, since July 1, at Morrow Coun
ty Grain Growers Paterson Ferry ele
vator. This ship has a capacity of
90,000 bushels.
dance SEieeS
Moy 31, 1958 (Per Audit Report)
Current Assets $ 405,838.30
Fixed Assets 1,022,265.34
Other Assets . 107,698.35
Prepaid Expenses 22,453.42
Total Assets $1,558,255.41
Current Liabilities 49,089.58
Non Current Liabilities 313,333.91
Total Liabilities 362,423.49
Capital Stock 155,408.30
Farmers Equities . 1,040,423.62
Total Liabilities &
Net Worth 1,558,255.41
Income Statement
(Per Audit Report)
TOTAL INCOME 265,045.29
LKS EXPENSES - 105,114.06
NET PROFIT -YEAR ENDING MAY 31, 1958.... $159,931 23
GRAIN HANDLED IN 1957 3,48Q,Q1Q bu$ho,$
NET PROFIT, YEAR ENDING MAY 31, 1958 8159931 23
This one and one half million dollar corporation contin
ues to grow because it is farmer owned and controlled.
Three quarters of a million dollars profit during the past
5 year period shows the soundness of your operating me-thods.