i ne Council Opposes Paving North-South Road By ECHO PALMATEER the regular lone city council Ing Tuesday evening, July I council went on record as ting the prospective black Jig job on the north Lex Oi grain elevator Boardman JJ)ue to a large sum of mon laving been spent on this a U 1 I t . i Line tuuncii ieeis mere are f roads in the county that oning in preierence xo mis as it Is primarily serving group of people. The council ises the completion of the t' Creek as the next project. I resolution was sent to the .ty court. ' I the council meeting the jet was approved and or nee granting the Pacific Tel tre and Telegraph company anchise to operate in lone approved and passed, ml Turner and children, lias, Judy and Jimm, of Wal Creek, Calif visited at the e of Mr and Mrs Roy Lind Ti one day last week. They Is on their way to Baker to i relatives. Mr Turner Is a in of Mrs Lindstrom. rs Fannie Griffith is visiting tives in Olympia, Wash and Falls, Ida. arjorie O'Connor and Trova y are attending the Ascent camp of the Episcopal church Ove for ten days. Mrs Charles Minor took them to Cove Wed lay of last week. Uman Cannon and his niece, ie Hughes, of Portland visi his brother and family, Mr I Mrs Pete Cannon Sunday. f were on their way to Hep- where Marie will visit rela S. His mother, Mrs Ada Can I' returned to Portland with 'j and Mrs Sam Pomerantz $son, Dannie, of Hollywood, ity Clark and son, Lowell, of miston were visitors here last k. Mr and Mrs M G Greer and son, Dick, made a trip through the John Day country and Baker over the Fourth weekend. Bonnie Akers, daughter of Mr and Mrs Berl Akers, received a cut on her nose last week while playing with a sky shooter. Three stitches were required to close the cut. Weekend guests at the C E Brenner home were Mrs Ellen Chapin and Mr and Mrs Tommy Otto and daughter, Monta, Gary Brenner, and Don Hastay, all of Portland. Robert Northrup and son, Mark showed pictures, handicraft and art work on Mexico at the Bap tist church Sunday evening. Mr Northrup is a missionary at Sal tillo, Mexico. Rev Charles Wilkes, Frank Wiley, Bruce Botts and Bobby and Monty Crum are attending a Nazarene church camp at Pine low near Spokane. The Fourth of July was ob served here with fireworks the evening of July 3 at the mem orial athletic field and a dance afterwards at the Legion hall. Both were sponsored by the American Legion post. A large crowd attended the activities. Several from here attended the McNary Aqua Capers at Hat Rock the Fourth where Miss Mardine Baker, daughter of Mr and Mrs E M Baker, was a princess of the royal court. Several from here also attend ed the rodeo at Ukiah where Ann Belle Coleman, daughter of Mrs Ida Coleman one of the prin cesses of the Morrow County Ro deo was introduced in the arena with the others in the court. Mrs L L Farrar of Junction City is visiting her daughter and family, Mr and Mrs David Mc Leod. Mrs McLeod's brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Fran cis Dillon of Moses Lake, Wash were visiters there last week. OLD rui nl E33 KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY YEARS OLD 35 m 6 -asgSSjiiii wwn team Qui OLD HERMITAGE BRAND KimiCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY . iminn , 8j IiiOuHiimtuiCoii" , MM , - , ..j. ,, $2 80 PINT to find a greater bourbon anywhere! THE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY ! DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS COMPANY 86 PROOF Big Kitchens Are Back Fred Ely returned from a trip last week to Portland, Coos Bay and other places. Weekend guest9 at the Bryce Keene home were Gary Stephen son of Salem, Mr and Mrs Car son Brandhagen and son, David, of Pendleton and Mr and Mrs Loy McFerrtn of Heppner. Mr and Mrs Adon Hamlett and children spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Harland Lundell and family in Boise, Idaho. Corliss Lundell came home with them and is visiting with her grand parents, Mr and Mrs O L Lun dell. Mr and Mrs Leo Crabtree and children Sharon and Ronald spent the weekend in Eugene and oth er places. Mr and Mrs W E Melena re turned home last week from a months trip. They visited rela tives in Nebraska and Minne sota went through the Ozarks into Arkansas, into Kentucky where they visited the Calmuth and the Spendthrift horse farms, visited in Duluth and Superior, Wisconsin and in Kansas City. They came home by way of Jack son Hole, Wyo. Mr and Mrs Wallace Gaars land returned home from Port land last week. They brought back Patti Crawford who is visi ting at the home of her grand mother, Mrs Ida Coleman. Mr and Mrs Henry Buschke and sons, of Los Angeles are visiting at the home of his fa ther, Ed Buschke, and assisting with the harvest there. Mrs Mary Swanson is visiting relatives in Portland. She also visited in Seattle. The Valby Lutheran church members held a picnic at Cuts forth camp in the mountains Sunday and potluck dinner was served at noon. Those coming from a distance were Mr and Mrs Gillespie of Portland. He Is a brother of Mrs Henry Baker. Mr and Mrs Corliss McLeod at tended the wedding of her sis ter, Miss Nancy Burres, daugh ter of Mr and Mrs O R Burres and Kelly DeShaun at Ridge field, Wash, June 28. Mrs Mc Leod was matron of honor for her sister. Mr and Mrs Ray Barnett re turned home Tuesday of last week from a trip to Denver where they visited Mr Barnett's aunt, Mrs Charles Standon and other relatives. They visited her par ents, Mr and Mrs Herman Have kost at LaGrande and her uncle and family, Byron Ahalt in Glenn's Ferry Idaho. They also stopped at Salt Lake City and at Yellowstone Park where they saw Gilbert Lujan, a park ranger there and a high school teacher here and went through the Te tons. They spent most of the trip camping. Mrs Gaylord Salter was hon ored with a cradle shower at her home Tuesday evening, June 23. The hostesses were Mrs Joe Gaarsland, Mrs Garland Swan son and Mrs Gordon White. Mr and Mrs William Gorger of Portland were visitors at the home of his sister and family, Mr and Mrs David Baker, last week. Airman Wayne Gollyhorn who is in the US Air Force and sta tioned at Oak Harbor, Wash, Is spending a 30 day leave with his mother, Mrs Doris Gollyhorn and other relatives. He Is work ing in harvest at the Charles Carlson ranch. Mr and Mrs J H Booher of La Grande were weekend visitors last week at the M G Grees home. DATES TO REMEMBER: July 18 HEC of Willows grange meeting at the home of Mn Echo Palmoteer. Chief Petty Officer and Mrs Fred Painter of Bremerton, Wash visited his mother, Mrs Betty HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday, July 10, 1958 ! Muz i u 1BS SB -,.1 ddft 3 i Ljrir., vs-v i .- .. i Hi Jsfl The big kitchen which doubles as a family living room is back in style with the food preparation center close by a spacious round-the-clock dining center, and provision for music and games. In many of these kitchens a change in flooring defines the various areas. In others, such games as shuffle board and checkers are laid in the flooring or counter top space. In the room pictured, the flooring defines the end of the kitchen and the beginning of the recreation area. The chord organ, played by all members of the family, provides music for singing and dancing. Lieuallen and sister and family, Mr and Mrs Robert DeSpain. He is working at the Denward Ber gevin ranch In harvest Miss Cecelia Healy of Port land visited at the home of her sister and family, Mr and Mrs Ted Palmateer last week. Visitors over the Fourth at the Ray Heimbigner home were Mr and Mrs Ben Helmbiener and children of Yakima and Mr and Mrs Tony Nichols and son, Mike. Mike remained to work in har vest at the Heimbigner ranch. Mrs Ray Turner and sons of Pendleton visited relatives here last week. Mr and Mrs Vester Hams and children and Mr and Mrs Oscar George and children spent the 4, 5, and 6th of July at Wallowa Lake. Mr and Mrs Eldon Tucker and children spent Sunday at the 13 fi 0Y0Y? Gain money you wouldn't otherwise have possibly from J1000 to $30001 Let your Equitable man show you how you can put operating funds to work and still keep them available for use. By setting up such accounts, he's helped farmers, ranchers, and other businessmen gain thousands of extra dollars. This program is backed by the association noted for safety since 1890. It'i well worth finding out about : just ask your Equitable man, or send the coupon. your Equitable representative WILUAM K. MORGAN 39 S. W. Dorion ; Pendleton, Oregon Phone: CR 6-2421 EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. Equitable Bldg Portland 4, Oregon Please tell me how operating fundi can malt extra dollart. home of Mr and Mrs A J Queen er at Stanfield. Mrs Queener is the grandmother of Mr Tucker. Gordon White's cousins, Stan ley and Coleman Kolsth of Port land were Injured in the fire works explosion there last week. Mrs Gordon White and daugh ter, Lona and Mrs Edythe White and son, Dale were Portland visi tors last week. Dr and Mrs James Keller and son, James, of Klrkville, Mo visi ted at the home of Mr and Mrs Omar Rietmann one day last week. Their son, James was re cently discharged from the service. Baker Judge to Seek State Democratic Post Judge Lloyd Rea, Baker, will seek re-election as secretary of the state Democratic Central Committee when the group meets in Portland July 20, he announ ced here today. He said, he had the support of a number of coun ty delegations. Judge Rea has held the secre tary post four years. He is chairman of Governor Holmes' second district campaign com mittee, was district delegate to the 1956 Democratic National Convention. He is a past presi dent of both the Oregon County Association and the Oregon County Clerk's Association and currently is a member of the 12- man executive committee of the National Association of County Officials. "I have been among those who have successfully worked for the revival of Democratic politics in Oregon and desire to continue on the team that is pledged to give the people sound and hon est government at the highest state and national levels as well as In our communities." "As a party, I know we can work for the election of our peo ple with assurance that we all hold this common objective." Long Distance Natlon-Wlde Moving Service Mayflower Agents Padded Vans Penland Bros. TRANSFER CO. Pendleton, Oregon Phone 338 tj INSURANCE TODAY! Don'l risk the costly liagsdy ol a vicious kail storm without the pietscttra ei Crop Baa ftm once. Come la today. C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY PH. 6-9625 HEPPNER urn It's Dance Time Again! 1958 Morrow County Fair 6 Rodeo cm FF A 1 SATURDAY NIGHT J y lly 10 TIL 2 IT'S THE MUSIC OF JOHNNY ICs ORCHESTRA FROM PASCO FAIR PAVILION HEPPNER MEET Queen Pat: AND HER COURT Admission $1.50 Per Person Name,