I I and Rain e Damage he Area ECHO PALMATEER vy rain and wind storm here Thursday afternoon week. A little hail was The most damage by d wind was at the Earl t ranch north of lone, It 1.15 inches in fifteen min ld water was three feet i a chicken house. The lew off the top of a grain d upset an elevator. The ng struck a locust tree ie house and splintered it 9 barn was also damaged, nd Mrs Delbert Emert and :er, Mary and Mr and Mrs xd Bergevin returned last week from a trip into a. They fished at Nimpoo in British Columbia. On way home they came by 'som Bella Koola to Van '. B C. All reported a won,- trip. Jer guests Saturday at the tl Padberg home were Mr flrs Robert Cason and chil Mr and Mrs Ruby Misitch hildren, and Mrs C W Bur ill of Portland, Mrs Harlan t of Condon and Mrs Lana ;rg of lone. The Casons, :hs and Mrs Burton also d Mrs Lana Padberg's home week. I To Remember: 6 Mr and Mrs M R Ball rill celebrate their golden (redding at the Legion Hall wth a potluck dinner at loon and open house 2 to I P M. Everyone invited. l, 7 The regular quarterly neeting of the Pioneer Mem rial hospital auxiliary at :he Legion hall at 8 P M. 8 Garden club meeting. 9 Maranatha club meeting it the home of Mrs Echo Palmateer in the afternoon. e Three Links club of ihgrass Rebekah lodge met ie home of Mrs Cecil Thome ly afternoon, June 27 with Ida Coleman as co-hostess. r the business meeting cards i played. Those receiving s were Mrs Wallace Mat s and Mrs Dale Ray. Mrs 11a Swanson received the prize. nn Knight of Medford is vis ; at the Joe Hausler home, vill work at the David Riet n ranch during harvest, rs Dale Ray received word of death of her sister-in-law, L C Brashers of Gunnison, rado, Thursday, June 26. She irvived by her husband, three jhters and five sons. They here many years ago. rs E W Bristow gave a birth t dinner Thursday of last in honor of her sister, Mrs ett Keithley of Heppner. its present were Mr Bristow, Ida Grabill, Patricia Keith Mr and Mrs S L Wiles, Don Bristow and Pamela McCabe. rs Truman Messenger and jhters of Hermiston are stay at the Winnie Zinter ranch lng with the cooking during est. rry Bristow is attending mer school at EOCE. ilene McDonald and Marilee hers are visiting relatives in tie this summer, rs Mary Emert recently re ed home from Seymour, l where she visited her son ' daughter-in-law, Mr and Beecher Emert. She made trip by plane both ways. Iss Judy Keply of Pendleton Charles Lybecker, son of Mrs rge Roberts of Las Vegas, ada, were married at Lewis Idaho Saturday, June 21. y were students at the Uni ity of Oregon last year and both attend EOCE at La ; Continued on Page Four) HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, July 3. 1958 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii PBiiiBiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii HiHM mm-M i":f gwgggiB iiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiii !i;:iiBibifaBgEHbl8Blt?aBmilaHhiiiiiaiBi TO ALLOW EMPLOYEES AND OWNERS TO ENJOY ONE OF THE FEW 3-DAY HOLIDAYS - These Heppner, Lexington, and lone Stores WILL BE c L4 0 FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY i My 4 bbmk mm 59 WE REMIND YOU TO MAKE NEEDED PURCHASES BEFORE THE HOLIDAY AND EXPRESS OUR THANKS TO OUR CUSTOMERS FOR LETTING US HAVE THE VACATION -HEPPNER- Heppner Market Norah's Shop Wilson's Mens' Wear Morrow County Creamery Turner, Van Marter and Bryant Peterson's Jewelry Thomson Bros. Connor's Dress Shop Gonty's Heppner Bakery Gilliam and Bis bee Heppner Variety Heppner Hardware and Electric Herman Howard Barber Shop Central Market Central Meat Market Pacific Power Cr Light Heppner Cleaners Heppner Laundry Farra's Shoe Service Lott's Electric Ambrose Chapin's Barber Shop Heppner Gazette Times Case Furniture Co. Heppner Red and White Store Ruggles Insurance Way's Electronic Service Heppner Slaughter House Court Street Market Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Anderson's Builders Supply Bank of Eastern Oregon Lois's Beauty Shop Jeanne's Shop Kay's Fountain Lunch J. C. Penney Co. Carl F. Spaulding Beauty-Mode Shop Moyer's Cafe 1 -LEXINGTON- Hatfield's Grocery ! t Nichol's Red and White Store Lexington Oil Co-op Lexington Cafe - IONE - Bristow's Grocery McCabe's Meat Market Swanson's Grocery Richard M. Greer Grocery Omar Rietmann Hardware I Melvin Melena Builder's Supply j watch how fast j The Good Light Beer ! will disappear Hci6dbera Slow Brewed IAImW" CB5HiiMh(!'lW""i.i.