Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 12, 1958, Page 5, Image 5

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    Social HAPPgNN6S
tmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillllniii iiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiii'aiiliilijw imrii.'iiiniiwiiiiiii
J Miss Ruby Ann Rietmann, Mrs Bob Rietmann and Mrs Bill
daughter of Mr and Mrs Victor
Rietmann, lone, became the
bride of Dean Rohde, son of Mrs
Eileen Rohde, Echo, on June 7
at 3 p m at the lone Community
: Dr A Myron Nichols of the
.Pendleton First Presbyterian
church read the ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage
by her mother and father, wore
a wedding gown of white im
ported chantilly lace and tulle.
Her fingertip veil was held by
a crown of lace and seed pearls
and she carried a nosegay of
pink rose buds and stephanotis.
r Maid of honor was Miss Shir-
iee mcureer. she wore a gown
of pink crystalette and a head
band of seed pearls. Her nose
gay was of pink carnations.
Best man was Ernest Rohde,
brother of the groom. Ushers
were Roy Rohde, brother of the
groom and Bill Rietmann, bro
ther of the bride.
i Organist was Mrs Darrell Mul
ler, Pendleton, daughter of the
, former superintendent of the
wne scnoois, Dr and Mrs Roy
Skeene of La Grande. Soloist
was Mrs Van Rietmann, Condon,
who sang, "At Dawning," "The
Lord's Prayer" and "Through the
' I For something old the bride
tcuueu a nanaKercniei made by
her great-grandmother Glock;
something new was a single
strand pearl necklace, a gift
from the groom; borrowed were
her mother's earrine-s and snmp.
thing blue was a gift of blue
hose from her aunt, Mrs John
Turner. The bride also wore in
her slipper a goldpiece belong
ing to the grandmother, Mrs
Olive Engelmann.
The bride's mother wore beige
Kilk with white accessories and
ihe groom's mother wore royal
"blue with white accessories.
J A reception followed in the
Ifhurch parlors which were dec
jorated with pink carnations and
Jwhite gladioli. Miniature bride's
iioscgays decorated the recept
ion table.
J Serving the brides cake were
Irs John Turner and Mrs Esper
Hansen, aunts of the bride, and
111:;- '-
$Q95 To
9.95 TO 19.95 io,95 TO 19.95
Sox Handkerchiefs
Ties Jewelry
Give Dad A
.Wilson's Mens Wear
The Store of Personal Service
Rietmann, sisters-in-law of the
bride. Serving the grooms cake
were Mrs Ernest Rohde and Mrs.
Roy Rohde, sisters-in-law of the
groom, Mrs William Melena,
aunt of the bride and Mrs David
J Rietmann, cousin of the bride.
Pouring coffee were Mrs Wal
ter Roberts and Mrs Omar Riet
mann, aunts of the bride. Presid
ing at the punch bowl were Mrs
Victor Peterson and Mrs David
Rietmann, aunts of the bride. As
sisting about the rooms were
Miss Julianna Rietmann, Miss
Sally Peterson, Miss Marilyn
Morgan and Miss Arleta McCabe
who distributed rice favors.
Mrs Harlan Crawford was in
charge of the guest book and
Mrs James Pettyjohn was in
charge of the gift table. In
charge of the reception were Mrs
Verner Troedson, Mrs Milton
Morgan, Mrs John Proudfoot, Mrs
Wallace Mathews and Mrs Earl
The couple will make their
home on a ranch near Echo.
Out of town relatives and
friends who attended the wed
ding were: Mr and Mrs Jack
Penney, Mr and Mrs Adam
Schneider, Mrs Georgia Brews
ter, Miss Alice Nichoson, Mr and
Mrs Esper Hansen and Mrs Low
ell Powers, Portland.
Mr and Mrs Darrell Muller, Mr
and Mrs A C Holmes, Mr and
Mrs Arthur C Holmes Jr, Miss
Rena Roach, Mrs Dorothy Requa,
Miss Otha Egelston, Mrs Lavelle
Probince, , Mr and Mrs Rudy
Rada, Dr and Mrs Myron Nich- J
ols, Mr Wayne Winters, Mrs
Walter Hill Jr Mr and Mrs Frank
B Hayes, Pendleton.
Mr and Mrs Leon Reese and
son, Mr and Mrs Albert Niesche,
Mr and Mrs Ray Rohde, Mr and
Mrs Ralph Reese, Mr and Mrs
Clarence Weltzen, Mr and Mrs
J W Reese and Mr and Mrs Har
lan Crawford and daughter,
Mrs. Tad Miller, Mrs Paul His-
ler, Mrs Raymond French, Miss
Ida Lee Chapel, Mr 'and Mrs
Earl Blake and Mrs James Mai
Ion, Heppner.
Mrs Harold Nygren of Spirit
iLake, Idaho; Mr and Mrs Eu
Wosh'n Wear
$195 white
Hendersons Observe
Wedding Anniversary
Mr and Mrs Alonzo Hender
son were honored with a garden
party at their ranch home on
Sunday honoring their 25th wed
ding anniversary. This was a
potluck dinner with Mr and Mrs
Henderson cutting the four tier
ed anniversary cake. It was dec
orated with doves and roses with
a 25 year silver top surrounded
by silver leaves. LaVerne White
and Alonzo Henderson were Mar
ried June 14th 1933, at-Van
couver, Washington.
Those present for the occasion
were Mrs Hendersons rather,
Claude White and Mrs White;
Mr Henderson's mother Mrs Jes
sie Henderson of La Grande; Mr
and Mrs Grant Henderson and
children Durinda and Lynn, Mr
and Mrs Howard Henderson and
children Steve, David, Peggy,
Patty, Dan and Lennea, Mrs Lois
Price and son Darrell and Ken
neth, Ab Christman of La
Grande, Mr and Mrs Neil White
of Pilot Rock, Mr and Mrs A G
Fry of Hermiston, Mr and Mrs
Jasper Myers and Mrs Phoebe
Bartholameu of Butter Creek,
Miss Dona Barnett, Mrs Trina
Parker, Mr and Mrs E E McFad
den, Mr and Mrs M V Nolan and
son Vern, Mr and Mrs C C Jones
and daughter Charlene, Lyle
Allyn, Hank Pointer and Larry,
Laddie and Betty Ann Hender
son, children of Mr and Mrs!
Alonzo Henderson. After a very
delicious dinner, Mr and Mrs
Henderson opened their many
and lovely gifts.
Duplicate Bridge Is
Played At Pratt Home
Mr and Mrs Gordon Pratt en
tertained the Duplicate bridge
club at their home Sunday even
ing. Mrs LaVerne Van Marter
and Dick Meador were high
north-south partners and Mrs
Lowell Gribble and Mrs James
Mallon, high for east-west.
Other guests were Mr Van
Martef, Mrs Meador, Mr Gribble,
Mr Mallon, Mr and Mrs C E Mc
Quarrie Mr and Mrs Tom Wilson,
Dr and Mrs Wallace Wolff and
Mrs Ed Dick.
gene Runyon of Rathdrum, Ida
ho; Mr and Mrs Wm Moller of
Gresham; Mrs Paul Lamb and
daughter Gayle of Weston; Miss
Rita Martin, Madras; Mr and
Mrs Ernest Rohde of Waitsburg,
Wash; Mr and Mrs John Turner
of Baker; Mr, and Mrs David J
Rietmann and family of Rich
land, Wash; Edgar Goakey,
Richland, Wash; Mr and Mrs
Victor Peterson and daughter
Sally of The Dalles and Miss
Shirlee McGreer of Eugene.
Father's Day, June 15
New Camera
hides in
your hand!
complete with leather case,
strap and 2 close-up lenses
You et regular
3Vk 4 V inch
Takes color slides
to tit any 35 mm
Flash synchro
nued for bulbs
and Electronic
ter, counts expo
sure. lent. Famous Roll
kor 3-tlemant, 25
mm, coated, (35
lens. Everything
from few feet to
infinity always In
focus - with free
close-up lenses
down to 21 Inches.
. Completely auto- "" ,'c
matic: In and out ltol2UO tc.
action, advances lens epinlnfS
film, cocks shut- 1:3.5 to 1:11.
Color t Black I Whit film in 20 expo
sure daylight-loading magazine.
nscochrome Kodak Panatomlc-X
Kodachrome Kodak Tri-X 1 Plus X
$4 Down - $1 A Week
Cameras RCA
CR 6-1821
Birthday Party Held
Saturday Afternoon
At Episcopal Church
All Saints' Episcopal church
entertained Saturday afternoon
at the parish house with their
annual birthday party.
There were five tables of
bridge and three of pinochle in
play during the afternoon with
prizes in bridge going to Mrs
Bruce Lindsay, high and Mrs
Fred Parrish, second. In pinochle
Mrs Edna Turner was high and
Miss Esther Bergstrom, second.
Mrs Mervin Leonard received
the door prize.
The committee serving dessert
preceding the cards were Mrs
Ambrose Chapin, Mrs Clarence
Rosewall, Mrs Grace Nickerson,
Mrs Allen Case, Mrs James Dris
coll and Mrs Howard Cleveland.
Portland Girl Bride
Of Larry Groves
The wedding of Lindell Grif
fith, Portland, to Larry Groves,
Lexington, was an event of May
30 at Palatine hall on the Lew
is and Clark college campus in
Portland. Dr Cecil, president of
the college, read the marriage
Miss Maureen Groves, sister of
the groom, was maid of honor.
Asa Way, Lexington, was best
Mr and Mrs Archie Munkers,
Lexington, were present for the
ceremony which was attended
by relatives and a few close
Mr and Mrs Groves will be
juniors at Lewis and Clark this
fall. They are making their
home this summer at Atomic
city, Wash where he is employ
ed. The groom is a graduate of
Lexington high school.
Buffet Dinner Given
lone Wedding Party
A buffet was given at the
David Rietmann home after the
rehearsal of the wedding of Miss
Ruby Ann Rietmann and Dean
Rohde Friday evening, June 6,
Mrs David Rietmann, Mrs W E
Melena and Miss Julie Rietmann
were the hostesses. Others pre
sent were Dr and Mrs Myron
Nichols and Mr and Mrs Darrell
Muller of Pendleton; Mr and Mrs
Ernest Rohde of Waitsburg,
Washington; - Mrs Eileen Rohde
and Mr and Mrs Roy Rohde of
Echo; Mrs Van Rietmann of Con
don; Miss Shirlee McGreer of
Eugene; Dean Rohde -of Echo
Mrs Victor Rietmann, Miss Ruby
Ann Rietmann, Mr and Mrs Ro
bert Rietmann, Mr and Mrs Bill
Rietmann and David Rietmann
of lone. An unusual dessert of
ice cream representing miniature
brides, grooms, wedding rings
and wedding bells was served.
Pinochle Club Meets
At Earl Evans Home
Mrs Earl Evans was hostess
to the Pinochles club at her
home Friday afternoon. Mrs Wal
ter Becket won high score, Mrs
Fred Mankin received low and
Mrs Orlan Wright and Mrs Hen
ry Happold won the pinochle
Other guests were Mrs Ed
LeTrace, Mrs Ben Anderson and
Mrs Bob Lowe.
Sizes 3 to 6X 7 to 14
Sizes IQ to 20
Size 38
Methodist Group
Plans Summer Picnic
The WSCS of the Methodist
church met last Wednesday ev
ening in the church basement
with the new officers presiding
for the first time.
Program chairman, Mrs Lu
cille Owens, arranged a pro
gram on changing patterns in
the march of missions. She was
assisted by Mrs Douglas Drake,
Mrs Lester Boulden and Mrs Bill
Hostesses for the evening were
Mrs Fred Gimbel, Mrs William
Turner and Miss Opal Briggs,
The next meeting will be the
annual summer picnic on the
court house lawn Wednesday,
July 16, the third week in July.
All members are urged to come
and bring their families.
Group Enjoys Picnic
At Cutsforth Park
Enjoying a picnic at Cutsforth
park Sunday were Mr and Mrs
Archie Munkers, Mr and Mrs
Vernon Munkers, Mr and Mrs
Earl Evans, Karl Miller, Mr and
Mrs Lowell Harris of Missouri
and Mr and Mrs Edmund Clark,
Salem. Mrs, Harris is the daugh
ter of Mr and Mrs Vernon Mun
kers and Mr and Mrs Clark are
visiting her brother, Karl Mil
Scholarships Told
By Soroptimists
Soroptimist International of
Heppner held their annual busi
ness meeting Thursday noon at
All committees gave written
yearly reports and Mrs Grace
Nickerson was elected treasurer
for the coming year to fill the
vacancy caused by the resigna
tion of Mrs Jean Mallory, who
is moving to White Swan, Wash
ington. It was announced that Libby
Van Schoiack received the clubs
4-H scholarship and Laura Lee
Sumner and Rhoda Ott received
the citizenship summer camp
The annual banquet and in
stallation of officers will be held
Saturday evening, June 7 at the
Christian church.
Sewing Club Meets
At Spaulding Home
Mrs Carl Spalding entertain
ed the Sewing club last Wed
nesday afternoon at her home.
Those present were Mrs John
Pfeiffer, Mrs Claude Graham,
Mrs E K Schaffitz, Mrs Raymond
Ferguson, Mrs P W Mahoney and
Mrs Robert Penland.
Lexington News
Newt O'Harra is a patient in
Pioneer Memorial hospital.
Gary Miller of LaGrande is
visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr
and Mrs C C Jones.
Mrs Berniece Wihlon and son
Richard Wihlon were Pendle
ton visitors on Monday.
Mrs Barbara Williams is a pa
tient in Pioneer Memorial hos
pital where she is the mother
of a son born Sunday night. He
is the grandson of Mrs Armin
TO 44
HEPPNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, June 12. 1958
With The Wranglers
Last Saturday shavings were
hauled to cover the arena and
hold the dust. Stanley Doe drove
one truck and hauled from Hep
pner Pine Mills, Ray Papineau
and pardner hauled from the
Stud mill, Tum-A-Lum Lumber
Co furnished the loader and
Bruce Lindsay slung the shav
They turned out a mighty
good job. Thanks fellows. We
will have a ground fit to play
on next year; if we get some
spring toothing done before
someone flips a cigarette on
those shavings, without first
putting it out.
Our next play day will be
at the Don Evans ranch this
coming Sunday, June 15. We will
truck to the Cohn place or forks
of road that leads to the Kirk
Robinson place. Unload there
about 10 am and ride from there
on to the ranch, arriving hungry
and just In time for the eats.
The hot dish is furnished by the
committee, while everyone else
brings a salad or a dessert dish.
Looking at the program I
would say eat quick, but not
too much. With cow riding, pole
bending, stake race, musical
ropes, clover leaf barrel race,
scurry races, cowmilking, calf
roping and sack race sounds like
a full afternoon.
So let's all be there, if you
can't find transportation for
your horses contact John New
man or one of the directors Sat
urday evening or very early Sun
day morning.
This is the last play day for
this season so let us make the I
Pennies from Heaven
Central Market has made arrangements with Dorothy Camp
bell of Portland, Oregon, to display her colossal Coin Col
lection, the largest in the Northwest, in this market, Sat
urday through Saturday, June 7 through 14. This collection
consists of half pennies, proof sets, mint sets, colonies, com
memoratives. It is very educational and rich in history. All
school children should see this display. Dorothy Campbell
will be on hand to give information on coins to anyone.
Anyone desiring to dispose of old coins see Dorothy Camp
bell at coin display.
Central Market will give grocery orders or credits to the
amounts shown for the following coins; All coins must be
in good shape. Please take your coins to Dorothy Campbell.
She will issue you a credit slip which will be honored at
the check stand as you check out.
1856 Flying Eagle cent $125.00
1857 and 1858 Flying Eagle 70
1859 and 1860, each 30
1861 1.00
1862 25
1863 : .15
1864 30
1864-L 3.75
1865 . 15
1866. 1867 and 1868, each 1.40
1869 and 1870, each 1.80
1871 and 1872, each 2.75
1873, 1874. 1875 and 1876. each .50
1877. each 10.00
1908- S 2.25
1909- S 12.00
1909- S VDB $ 12.00
1914-D 7.50
1910- S, 1912-S, 1913-S, 1914-S
end 1915-S. each .10
1921 -S, 1924-S. 1926-S, 1932. 1932-D.
1933. 1933-D, 1939-D. each OS
1885 8.50
1886 3.00
1884. 1887. 1888, 1889. 1890 .25
1912-S 2.50
1913 type 2 D and S. each 2.00
1918-D over 1917 9.00
1937-D 3-legged buflalo 2.00
Cukes . ea 13c
LEMONS 2 lbs. 25c
CELERY Ig. bunch 25c
NEW SPUDS ...10 lbs. 59c
TV Dinners 59c
Turkey, Beef, Chicken
Central Market
PHONE 6-S614
most of it.
Winners last playday: 12 and
under, pole bending, Tag Green
up, 28.4; Sharon Bunch, 29.2;
Diane Fulleton, 30.4. Figure 8
stake race, Sharon Bunch, 18.6;
Barbara Hutchens, 19; Vickie
Barratt, 21.3. Cloverleaf, Barbara
Hutchens, 15.6; Wayne Evans,
16.5; Tag Greenup, 16.7.
13 to 18, pole bending, Bar
bara Steagall, 25.8; Jim Steagall,
26.1; Chery Hartman, 29.5. Figure
8 stake race, Bernard Doherty,
19.6; Jim Steagall, 19.81; Barbara
Steagall, 19.9. Clover leaf, Jim
Steagall, 14.3; Bernard Doherty,
14.4; Bobby Fetsch, 15.1.
18 and older, pole bending,
Bill Smethurst, 24.7; Don Evans,
and Bob Steagall, 24.9. Figure
8 stake, Roice Fulleton, 17.8;
Bob Steagall, 18.5; Bill Smeth
urst, 18.6. Clover leaf, Charles
Daley, 13.1; Cornett Green, 13.8;
Bruce Boylen, 13.9. Musical ropes,
Bob Steagall, first; Bill Healy,
second; Bernard Doherty, third;
Kite Healy, fourth.
Mr and Mrs Clark are visiting
at the home of her brother Carl
Mrs Gerry Messenger and dau
ghter and brother Buddy Laney
is now living near Lexington at
the Carl Marquardt ranch.
Lexington streets are being
paved around the town.
Vacation Bible school is being
held this week for pre-school
children at the church.
Mr and Mrs Bill Labhort and
family are spending a three
weeks vacation on the Oregon
coast and will visit her parents,
Mr and Mrs Henry Tetz at Mon