PNER GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday. June 12. 1958 HEPPNER' F d rst fSE TRAPS at 2 for 13c lead other Friday the 13th bar ins at HEPPNER HARD RE AND ELECTRIC. UE PLUS Cabinet hard ire, pulls and hinges, 13c. sh $1.13 to $3.13. TUM-A- M LUMBER CO. TICK 2 tubes for $1.13 ades midnite black to skel- n white. PHIUS PHAR VCY. ET DREAMS Don't lay ake nights worrying about 9 or burglars a safety De 3it Box for your valuables its less than lc per day at ur home owned BANK. JTO 1957 four door sedan. Torque Flight transmiss- I, power steering and power ikes, low mileage, June 13th ecial $2513.00. SK FRIDAY SPECIAL on neral Paint-gallon reg. $7.94 $4.13; quarts reg. $2.33 for .13. GILLIAM AND BISBEE IRDWARE CO. JUMPREYS DRUG CO. Re re MOVIE CAMERA, 16 mm ig., reg. $157.50 Friday for 13.13 cash. UE PLUS sliced Beets and :ed BEETS 13c per can at :NTRAL MARKET. E'S A GOOp ONE! Buttons f Button-Aire curtains, 13c r dozen, pink only at PEN SY'S. YOUR DOG IN CONDITION chase black cats-25 lb bag USKIES dog cubes, reg $2.75, Iday only $1.86 plus 13c. CPPNER MARKET 15 nylon tubed black TIRES for $100.13 Friday at FORD'S RE SERVICE. RE'S GOOD LUCK in a ppner Gazette Times gift bscription. One year, in jnty, regularly $3.00, Friday ly $2.13. SPRAY 13c can. Good for blins too. Also EASTER EGG JfDY, 13c pound. Peter cot l tail over did it. PHIL'S IARMACY. DING MONEY OUT OF )WN? Use a Bank Money der. They're safe and inex nsive. 15c sends $100 any ne at your HOME OWNED r 1958 CHEVROLET 4 door, aio, heater, nylon tires just 213.00 Friday only at FUL rrON CHEVROLET CO. REVERE MOVIE PROJECTOR 16 mm Model 48, reg. $182.50, Friday $113.13 and case $13.13 cash. HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. PONTLAC 1953 Catalina hard top coupe, new paint and new appearance. June 13th Special $613.00. ROSEWALL'S. SCATTER RUGS Wunda Weve, color gay. Reg. $4.95-$3.13; reg. $10.95-$7.13; reg. $17.95- $11.13 Friday at CASE FURNITURE CO. DO YOU WANT TO BUY EAR MUFFS CHEAP Only 13c this Friday at PENNEY'S. IF YOU are truly interested in the welfare of this community, prove it by buying from local tradesman where YOUR pa tronage is most appreciated Remember your HOME-OWNED BANK. NEW 1958 CHEVROLET 1 ton pickup, four speed, 650X15 tires. $2113.00 on Friday' at FULLETON CHEVROLET CO. NEW VAUXHALL 1958 model, Friday only $2195.13. FARLEY MOTOR CO. CAN'T BEAT THIS-BEDROOM SET reg. $187.00 Friday for $113.13 at CASE FURNITURE CO. HAND LOTION 13c, reg. 50c to $1.00. Aged in the wood. PHIL'S PHARMACY. GOOD external PAINT-gal $3.13, qt $1.13. TUM-A-LUM LUM BER CO. WHEN YOU buy your goods lo cally you also get service, from a local business man who will be here tomorrow and the years to come. IT PAYS to BUY AT HOME AND BANK AT HOME. 670X15 FULLCAP tire $8.13. FORD'S TIRE SERVICE. CHEVROLET 1951 two door se dan. Has Power Glide trans mission and other extras. June 13th Special $413.00. ROSE WALL MOTOR CO. BA'BY PANTS 13c. Keep your baby socially acceptable. PHIL'S PHARMACY. BUDGET STRETCHER GREEN ONIONS and RADISHES, 2 bunches 13c at CENTRAL MARKET, Friday the 13th. 1951 FORD STATION WAGON, V-8, automatic $513.00. FUL LETON CHEVROLET CO. DAVENPORT AND CHAIR reg. $239.50 Friday for $150.00 plus $13.00. CASE FURNITURE CO. This Page of Advertisements is Sponsored OUTDOOR COOKING TIME Special-10 lb. bag charcoal briquets reg. $1.45, Friday on ly for $1.13. GILLIAM AND BISBEE HARDWARE CO. NEXT TIME take the train FRIDAY 13th special at FULLE- TON CHEVROLET CO. 1938 Studebaker,. $13.00. FRIDAY the 13th BARGAIN-Hi West frozen peas, 13c package. HEPPNER MARKET SPECIAL group of gabardine SLACKS only $1.13 with pur chase of regular slacks. Fri day only at WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR. 8p DANK OF: WHAT A BUY! This Fri, 2 only BOTTLE HOLDERS 13c at PENNEY'S. CHEVROLET 1952 three quarter ton truck. Has grain bed and stock rack. June 13th Special $513.00. ROSEWALL'S. CAKE DECORATOR SETS only $1.13 at HEPPNER HARD WARE AND ELECTRIC on Friday the 13th. BELL AND HOWELL Diplomat projector 16mm. Reg. $299.95 Friday $213.13 and case $13.13 Cash. HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. 1956 CHEVROLET sport coupe, V-8, power glide, $1513.00. FULLETON CHEVROLET CO. FORD 1950 four door sedan. Has the economy six cylinder mo - . . ..- ,o.u c., m xor. June ioui jyciicu xo.uu. ROSEWALL MU1UK UU. TEACH YOUR DOG some new trick-Feed him FRISKIES dog cubes, reg $2.75 for 25 lb bag, Friday only $1.86 plus 13c. HEPPNER MARKET HERE'S A GOOD BUY this Fri at PENNEY'S Women's rub ber KNEE BOOTS, $1.13, sizes 5, 6, 7. SWIVEL ROCKER reg. $79.50, Friday for $49.13. CASE FUR NITURE CO. SHINGLES 11 square 290 lb, three tab, red composition, $14.13 per sq. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. THIS Page of Values IS PROOF YOU DO BETTER WHEN YOU f 1 BUY AT HOME AND BANK AT HOME HEPPNER BRANCH D JEastern Oregon Your Friendly Home-Owned Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation IN COOPERATION WITH HEPPNER MERCHANTS BRINGS YOU THESE FRIDAY THE 13TH BARGAINS A BLACK CAT jinxed the freight truck. PICTURES $1.13, slight ly damaged. PHIL'S PHAR MACY. BRING GOOD LUCK on Friday the 13th Be sure and get - Hail Insurance from TURNER, VAN MARTER AND BRYANT. CAN YOU USE THIS ONE? Wo men's rayon VESTS 13c. Size 44 and 46 only. Also one only DENIM JACKET size 44. It's yours for only 13c at PEN NEY'S, Fri 13th. and Paid for by the Heppner Branch of the Bank of Eastern Oregon FRIDAY 13th Specials JADE 1 ITE COFFEE MUGS 13c at HEPPNER HARDWARE AND ELECTRIC PICNIC TIME Van Camps PORK AND BEANS 13c can. CENTRAL MARKET. WOMEN'S CHROMSPUN DUS TERS this Fri at PENNEY'S for only $13. 24 month group 1 BATTERY, $13.00 exchange, Friday 13th. FULLETON CHEVROLET CO. SILK toilet tissue, 2 rolls 13c. Friday 13th at HEPPNER MARKET PICNIC SPECIAL TIN CUPS 13c and THERMOS BOTTLES for $2.13 at HEPPNER HARD WARE AND ELECTRIC on Friday the 13th. YOUR CANCELLED check is the best guarantee that you paid that' bill. The protection is permanent at YOUR HOME OWNED INDEPENDEN' BANK. Every item that goe through the bank is micro filmed and kept as a perma nent record on tape. If state ments are lost or destroyed t that's no problem. We can re; produce them for you. Friday Special at FORD'S TIRE SERVICE-one 30 months BAT TERY, $12.13 exchange. SUMMER SPECIAL at WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR Short sleeve SPORT SHIRTS, special group reg. $2.95 and $3.95 for $1.13; Reg. $4.95 and $5.95 for $2.13. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO CATCH up on your letter writing one ream (500 sheets) typing paper $1.13, Friday only. Limit one to a customer. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES. This Is No Bull WE JUST wanted to see how many got down this advertise ment to read this. To the 1st person, the 50th person and the 100th person that clip this ad and bring it to your FRIEN DLY HOME OWNED BANK will get one silver dollar for .13c. SALT AND PEPPER SHAKERS The buyer was hypnotized. Re duced to move, 13c. Also, COL OGNE, many brands. 2 bottles for $1.13. Bewitch that man in your life. PHIL'S PHARMACY. FRIDAY 13th BARGAIN 5 square, 290 lb, blue blend com position shingles, $13.13 per sq. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. With each TDC Headliner 303 slide projector, 13 TDC SLIDE TRAYS FREE on Friday at HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. STOCK of JANTZEN colored Tee Shirts, reg. $2.95 and up for $1.13 at WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR on Friday. cy-si ROSY SAYS: For the life of me, I can't see why anyone will put off buying a new or used truck when they are about to harvest the largest grain crop in history. Time is running short. 13 DISCOUNT on any BELL AND HOWELL movie camera, Friday only. Cash. HUMPH REYS DRUG CO. YOU CAN'T TOP this one tlav eno and chair, reg. $129.50 on Friday for $65.13. CASE FURN ITURE CO. BOXED CHOCOLATES $1.13. Over stocked, must move be fore the witch rides again. PHIL'S PHARMACY. FOR THE COWBOYS We're closing out 12 inch top ACME boots, crepe sole, dogger heel. AT PENNEY'S Friday 13th $13.13. SERVICE CHARGES are lower at your HOME OWNED BANK. We are always happy to serve you. DAVENPORT AND CHAIR reg. $234.50 Friday only $170.00 minus $13.00. CASE FURNI TURE CO. INSURE with TURNER, VAN MARTER AND BRYANT be fore you walk under that lad der. FRIDAY THE . 13TH IS YOUR LUCKY DAY RECAP TIRE 670X15. Friday on ly $13.00 exchange. FULLE TON CHEVROLET CO. HEPPNER HARDWARE AND ELECTRIC Has G E RANGE (30 in) $313.13.