IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR MORROW COUNTY MORROW COUNTY, Oregon, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, Plaintiff Vs. Arthur T. Edwards & Mildred F Edwards, Howard Califf & Har riat Califf, Mrs Alec Johnson, Willa E Donald, Wm Warner Wilson, & Lena M Wilson, John Bottjer, John Thorson & Henry Thorson, J C Sumner, Charles Wilson, Homer C Hayes & Bes sie Hayes, F S Stokes, Mary Elizabeth Harney, Clarence Gau kerud & Rose Gaukerud co C J Buchanan & Kikue Buchanan, Milo Hinkley & Marie Hinkley, Rene A Seits & Lora Fay Kimes co Irving Whipple, Gene M Gur ley & Gertrude M Gurley, Ruth Umiker, Est, Elanore Karlan & Florence Pompella, Paul Part low, Anna Partlow, Mabel O Peck & E W Peck. R B Rands A Josephine Rands, Jessie Hart field, T E Broyles, Nettie E Da vis co James L Davis, C W Gra ham & Mary E Graham, Earl E TViUnfil nr T-JurnM ITrrvt-f P. Anne F Kress, Oren G. Grabill,) Elbert Akers co Kenneth Akers, John Botts, A C Swanson, Mor-I row Co co Bertha Nelson, J E1 Morgan, Carl P Linn, Delbert' Vinson, Nellie M Hill Est, Char les Klinger, Clifford E Yarnell & Jessie Yarnell co Kenneth Klinger, W E Leach Est. co Billie E Ericson, W J Van Wink le, Oregon - Washington Joint Land Bank, Town of Lexington, Jack Forsyth co Town of Lex ington, Neal Knighten & Ethel Knighten, Miller & McDaniel, Florence Hastings co Oren Mc Daniel, J B Adams c. o Kenneth Batty, Levi Deos, Austin Wilson Est., M L Case Est., D E Hudson, Sherman Shaw Est., Eva Hill, Marcel Jones & Clem Stockard. Defendants SUMMONS To: All defendants above nam ed and to all persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have, any interest in any property included in the foreclosure list hereinafter set forth, and being the Morrow de linquent tax foreclosure list for the year 1958: You are hereby required to take notice that the plaintiff herein has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County an application to foreclose in lien of all taxes shown on the Morrow County Tax foreclosure list for the year Baccalaureate Held At lone 1958, hereinafter set forth in full, and that the plaintiff will apply to the Court for judgement and decree foreclosing such tax lien not less than thirty days after the date of the first publication of this notice, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and any and all persons interested in any of the real property in cluded in said foreclosure list are hereby required to file an answer and defense, if any there be, or if any they have, to such application for judgement and decree within thirty days af ter the date of the first publi cation of this notice, exclusive of the day of the first publicat ion of this summons, which date is the 15th day of May, 1958. This notice is published in Heppner Gazette Times, a news paper of general circulation, pub lished in said County, by auth ority of an order of the County Court of Morrow County Oregon, and designated in such order of the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, as the news paper in which said notice is to be published, which order is dat ed the 7th day of May, 19,58. That the delinquent list for the year 1958, which application is made to foreclose, is as follows: Name of Owner as shown on latgst Tax Roll HE M1I CA2ETTE -TIM E S, Thursday, May 22. 1958 .7 T. E. Broyles Nettle E. Davis co James L. Davit By ECHO PALMATEER Baccalaureate services were held for the high school grad uating class at the Community church Sunday evening, May 18 with Rev Floyd S Bailey, pastor of the church, giving the sermon. Rev Charles Wilkes, pastor of the church of the Nazarene, gave the prayer, the invocation, the scripture reading and the bene diction; Karen Lundell played the processional and the recess ional on the organ; the choir sang, Sword of the Spirit and Upward Guide My Feet directed by Joe Hausler and accompanied by Mrs Bill Rietmann of the piano. Those in the class are Berl Akers Jr, Mardine Baker, Louise Botts, Ann Belle Coleman, Billie Seehafer, Kay Sherer and Grace McCabe. Those from here who acted as guides at the open house at the Pioneer Memorial hospital Sunday afternoon in Heppner were Mrs Omar Rietmann, Mrs William Bergstrom and Mrs Nor man Nelson. Mrs Garland Swan son of lone is the president of the ' hospital auxiliary. Several from here attended the open house. ; A farewell party was given in ! honor of Mrs Emma Dally and ,'Gary Stephenson at the Legion hall Saturday evening May 18. The evening was spent in play ing cards and dancing. A money tree was given to each of them. Mrs Dally and Mr Stephenson have both resigned from the high school teaching staff. She has been teaching English and was librarian for two years and he has been the music instruct or for three years and will go in the U S armed forces. The hos tesses were Mrs Bryce Keene, Mrs Ida Coleman, Mrs Raymond Lundell, Mrs Paul Pettyjohn, Mrs Ray Heimbigner, Mrs Berl Akers, Mrs Delbert Emert, Mrs Harold Sherer and Mrs Lloyd Howton. Mrs Leo Crabtree and Mrs Blanche Scheelar went to La Grande recently and helped Mrs Alvin McCabe move back to lone. Mr and Mrs McCabe will move into the White's apartments as soon as school is out. Mrs Robert DeSpain entertain ed the Bridge club at her home Friday evening, May 16. Those receiving prizes were, Mrs Ro- USED TV SETS HASKELL'S RADIO b TV KEPPNER II PHONE 6-9103 OR 6-584S i 1 Lr Enjoy the great bourbon Pff o! the Old West S8S5 THE OLD SUNNY BROOK CO., LOUISVILLE, KY., DISTRIBUTED BY NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CO., KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. 86 PROOF bert Jepsen high; Mrs Pete Can non, 2nd high and Mrs Walter Corley, low. The Rietmann families held their annual reunion at the home of Mr and Mrs Van Rietmann in Condon, Sunday. Others pre sent were, Walter Rietmann, Omar Rietmann and son, Gene, Mr and Mrs David Rietmann and sons, Wayne and Harold, Mr and Mrs Robert Rietmann and sons, John and Joe, Mr and Mrs Bill Rietmann and son. Mark. all of lone; Miss Ruby Ann Riet mann of Pendleton, Dean Rohde of Echo, Mr and Mrs David Rietmann and children, Kearny Jo, Paul and Kristy Jo, of Kenne wick, Wash, and Mr and Mrs Victor Peterson of The Dalles. Robert Rietmann talked to the, group by telephone from Cali-1 fornia. j Mr and Mrs Hugh Salter visi-1 ted their son and family, Mri and Mrs Gaylord Salter last week in Milton-Freewater andj also attended the track meet inl Walla Walla in which their son Bill, of EOCE took part. Mrs Delmer Crawford under went an appendectomy at the Pioneer Memorial hospital Sun day afternoon. The members of the Baptist church held a picnic in the city park Sunday. Members of the church of the Nazarene also at tended. Mrs A C Crowell gave a birth day dinner Sunday in honor of Mr Crowell's 7 5th birthday at their home in Morgan. Others present were Mr and Mrs Al Winkleman and children and Doc Lewis of Lexington, Mr and Mrs Robert Crowell and chil dren of Morgan and Mr and Mrs Howard Crowell and children of lone. Ann Bolle Coleman cut her thumb while opening a tin can Monday and was taken to a physician. Four stitches were re quired to dose the wound. Mr and Mrs Norman Bergstrom and daughters, Donna and Dianne, of Brookings spent the weekend at the home of his par-1 ents Mr and Mrs Carl Bergstrom and other relatives. Mr Berg strom is the principal of the high school in Brookings and has been re-elected for another year. Mrs Leo Crabtree and daugh ter, Sharon, Mrs Alvin McCabe and Linda Pettyjohn took Mrs Crabtree's mother, Mrs Blanche Schellar back to her home in Salem one day last week. Mr and Mrs James Lindsay and Mrs Leo Crabtree visited the state hospital in Pendleton Friday of last week. . Mrs Georgia Brewster of Port land is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Ver- ner Troedson. Bert Johnson and sister, Miss Olga Johnson of Portland were (Continued on page 10) C. N. Graham I Hary E. Grahajn Arthur T. Edwards I Mildred F. Edwards Howard Califf & HarrUt Califf Mrs. Alec Johnson Willi E. Donald Ita. Warner Wilson &Lena M. Wilton John Bottjer ..... -A. F. S. Stokes Mary Elizabeth Harney NEW Detergent-Action DIESEL FUEL With new Chevron Diesel Fuel your engines run smoother, pull harder, stay in top condition longer, because of exclusive Detergent-Action. Rust problems with fuel system parts are ended no matter how little or how much yoif use your engine. Injectors and other fuel system parts stay clean exclusive Detergent-Action prevents deposits. 1 Injectors last longer, reduce down time. DIESEL FUEL ) For any Standard Oil product, call L E (Ed) Dick, Heppner, Ph 6-9633 L F (Peck) Leathers, lone Ph8-7125 Morrow County co Bertha Nelwn J. E. Morgo LelUrit Vinson Nellie W. Hill, Est. ft. t. Lech, Ebt. o Billie Frlrton Description Year of Amount Interest of Delin- of to Property quency Taxes 21358 Lot 25, 26 Blk 8 . 1956-57 $ 5.07 $ .35 Boardman 1955-56 5.44 .82 1954-55 5.67 1.30 1953- 54 5.87 1.82 1952- 53 4.78 1.86 1951- 52 3.80 1.79 1950- 51 4.28 2.35 1949-50 4.25 2.68 1948- 49 3.64 2.58 1947- 48 3.72 1.45 1946- 47 4.54 3.93 1945- 46 1.82 1.73 1944-45 1.36 1.40 1943- 44 1.45 1.61 1942- 43 1.52 1.81 1942 2.47 2.94 1941 17.02 21.62 Lot 13, 14, Blk 2 1956-57 .70 .03 Castle Rock 1955-56 .71 .11 1954- 55 .65 .15 1953- 54 .71 .22 1952- 53 .56 .22 1951- 52 .41 .19 1900-51 .50 .28 1949- 50 .51 .32 1948- 49 .43 .31 1947- 48 .41 .32 1946- -17 .46 .40 115-46 . 30 . 29 1944- 45 .23 .24 1943- 44 .24 .27 1942-43 .25 .30 iSwiS4 1935-56 69.10 9.67 Set. 13, Twp. 4N, fl J4EWM 1954-35 2.31 .46 1933- 54 11.62 3.25 Lott 3,4, Blk IS N 1956-37 J 60.13 $ 4.21 . 30 ft. of i Lot 2 Blk 13 H 1935-36 61.78 9.27 Lot 1 Blk 20 W. Sec. 25, Twp. 3N, R26EKM 1953-56 23.42 3.31 1954- 55 31.42 7.23 08.MS.F.P. 1934-55 45.65 10.30 1953- 54 54.20 16.80 O&M&F.P. 1953-54 67.01 20.77 Lot 4, Blk 7 W. Sec. 24, fwp. 3, R24EWM 1956-57 39.56 2.37 1955- 56 39.74 5.56 1934- 55 1J.01 4.37 1933- 34 21.49 6.66 Ut 27, Blk 25, Irrlgon 1956-57 . 63 .04 1934- 55 .53 .13 F.P. 1954-55 .04 .01 F.H. 1953-54 .04 .01 Lot 3, Blk 20 W. See. 23, Np. 3, H26EWM 1956-57 24.18 1.69 1955-56 24.74 3.71 1954- 33 6.34 1.46 O&M 1934-55 13.50 3.11 F.P. 1954-55 .46 .11 1953-54 7.16 2.22 O&M&F.P. 1953-54 12.46 3.86 1950- 51 6.20 3.41 0&IW.F.P. 1950-31 10.96 6.O4 1949-50 5.85 3.69 94NBF.P. 1949-50 10.46 6.59 LoU 3 to 8 Blk 17, Irrlgon 1955-56 1.32 .20 F.P.' 1954-55 .08 .02 F.P. 1953-34 .08 .03 Lot 10, Blk 19 W. 1955-56 25.09 1.76 Sec. 23, Tp. Hi, R26EWM 1934-33 6.34 1.46 OtM&F.P. 1934-65 14.31 3.29 1953-54 7.16 2.22 O&At&F.K. 1953-54 12.77 3.96 Lots 18, 19, Blk 37, Irrigon 1956-57 J 1.26 $ .09 1955-56 1.32 .20 1934-55 1.10 .25 F.P. 1954-35 .08 .02 1953- 54 1.23 .39 F.P. 1953-54 .08 .02 1952-53 1.08 .42 F.P. 1952-53 .08 .03 1951- 52 .82 .39 F.P. 1951-52 .08 .04 1 1950-51 l.3 .59 F.P. 1950-51 .08 ' .04 1949- 50 1.02 .64 F.P. 1949-50 .08 .05 1948- 49 .82 .58 F.P. 1948-49 .08 .06 1947- 48 .87 .69 F.P. 1947-48 .08 .06 1946-47 1.01 .88 F.P. 1946-47 .28 .24 1945-46 .64 .61 1944-45 .31 .53 1943-44 .50 .53 1942-43 .37 .68 1942 .47 .56 Ut L Blk 2E 1956-57 27.21 1.90 SC. 30, Two. 5N, R27 En 1955-56 27.84 4.18 1954- 55 6.89 1.58 04MIF.P. 1954-55 15.78 3.63 1933-54 7.79 2.41 0&MS.F.P. 1953-54 14.08 4.36 1952- 53 6.76 2.64 O&M&F.P. 1952-53 14.08 5.49 1951- 52 5.14 2.42 O&MUF.P. 1951-52 14.08 6.62 1950- 51 6.74 3.71 0&MS.F.P. 1950-51 12.39 6.81 S.7S Ft. Let 9,10, All Lot 11 Blk 9 1956-57 t 3.05 $ .21 Sfxriy1 2nd Add. lone 1955-56 3.28 .49 1954- 55 3.98 1.38 1953- 34 6.53 2.02 1952- 53 6.04 2.36 1951- 52 4.50 2.11 1950- 51 4.86 2.67 1949- 50 4.46 ' 2.81 1948- 49 3.72 2.64 1947-48 2.10 1.67 Lot 5,6, Blk t, Cluffs 8th, Add. lone 1956-57 50.36 3.52 1955- 56 54.19 8.13 1954- 55 30.63 7.04 1953- 54 33.46 10.37 1952- 53 30.96 12.07 1951- 52 23.08 10.85 1930-51 24.93 13.71 Lot 7 Blk 4 McAllsters 2nd Add. 1956-57 23.35 1.63 Lexington 1955-56 30.03 4.50 1954- 55 34.90 8.0J 1953- 54 16.47 4.61 Lots 9 I 10 Blk 2, Lexicon 1956-57 2.60 .13 1935-56 3.08 .46 1954- 55 2.7y .64 1953- 54 2.95 .91 1952- 53 2.40 .94 1951- 52 2.16 1.02 Front J Ut 10, Blk 10, Lexington 1956-57 2.60 .18 1955- 56 3.85 .58 1954- 55 4.89 1.12 1953- 54 5.16 1.60 1952- 53 4.21 1.64 1951-52 3. 79 , 1.78 1949-50 5.07 2.79 Total 128.10 10.74 96.41 415.90 138.7 1.23 138.19 1.73 78.36 23.83 204.53 62.88 313.30 123.52 20.13 39. 2 CBtlnue4 on Page I