JfNER GAZETTE-TIMES, Thursday. April 3. 1958 i 5 1-1 APPENINGS ALLSTOTTS CELEBRATE 60TH NIVERSARY IN HERMISTON and Mrs R E Allstott ob- y,l their 60th wedding anni-, Wry, Sunday March 23. At i I b R C in Hermiston, there kd 350 friends and relatives pfnt from various parts of puntry. 6 brides table with lace fy cloth was centered with olir tiered wedding caKe top- with a miniature bride and n. Yellow daffodils and itjief decorated the tables. The :4 was baked and decorated Mrs Gladys Ulmer. Alter trie inred couple cut the first piece tjie cake, coffee and punch tnen serveu Dy me gicmu- ranters. ftohert E Allstott and Mary E irdwell were married at Beef feek, Indian territory in Okla- tin in 1898. Alter a snort wea ig trip thoy traveled to Pur ll by horse and buggy and a on a came rancn. iney ip west in 19UJ witn tnree Idren. Dollie. Robert Jr. and :ty, and settled in the Eight- la district about 26 miles irom (ppner on the John Allstott ipt ranch. fTrjroughout the years they m been active in religious; social and school activities. . . . At ene time Mr Allstott was a stork holder and promoter of the Jordan siding grain elevator, and hauled grain by wagon and team as the custom in those days. He can remember when ranchers for miles around hauled water by wagon from a spring on his ranch. They recall the religious camp meetings held in the Willow Grove, children's day programs and Easter services which eased the toils of the day. Baptismal services were held in the near by creek, they recall. At one time Mr Allstott was chairman of the Rocky Bluffs school board and Mrs Allstott was active in the library meet ings of the day and supplied large amounts of food for school activities. By the time eight more chil dren were born, Sue, Otis, Gladys, Tressie, Mary, Jane, Dor ris and Don, they were forced to sell their old Model T Ford and buy a Hudson Super Six a "sup er" occasion in those early 1900s. In 1920 they bought the Henry Guy ranch on Rhea Creek where I uiey uiu KAienaivc oilmen. -5if : : T 1 I 5r ..Iff V.fTT?'.. & fc i it:,;.-, .hc, .4-7, ; - rw'rf Coming Events Friday April 4 Sans Soud bekah lodge Re- Aldermans Feted At Sunday Shower Mr and Mrs Dunne Alderman, Saturday April 5 Easter eggwho were recently married, were hunt, court house lawn, 10:00 honorod Sunday." March 30 with am, for all younger children. L shower at the home of Mr and Sunday April 6 Easter. Mrs Al Lovgren. Hosts and host- Monday April 7 Chamber of ' esses, besides Mr and Mrs Lov- noon at O'Don- commerce nell's. Easter Monday card party, Lovgren. i : v. v. . . o.nn ; episcopal paiisn nvuac, o.uu pm. Tuesday April 8 Degree of Hon or. Bookworms. Wednesday April 9 Willows lodge no 66, IOOF. P-TA, school, 8:00 pm. Thursday April 10 Soroptimists, noon at O Donnell s. Elks. - gren. were Mr and Mrs Rohert Peterson and Mr and Mrs Robert Guests were Rev and Mrs Will- iss Geyer. Duane and Diane, Mr and Mrs Archie Alderman and Dovie, Mr and Mrs Howard Koithley, Joan. Kay and Jerry, Mr and Mrs Cliff Dougherty, Mr and Mrs James Lovgren and Frankie, Mr and Mrs Marshall Lovgren, Mr and Mrs Darrell Mc Lachlin and family, Staeey Lov- and Ricky 4-H Club News SPOON LICKERS Tlie Spoon Lickers met at Judy Smith's home March 25. We worked on record books. There was no old or new business. Douglas Anderson gave a demon stration on carrot sticks. Refresh ments were served. Our next meeting will be at Jean Stockard's house and Judy Smith will demonstrate on easy cookies. Douglas Anderson, reporter Friday April 11 Kutn cnapier . Petorson. no 32, OES Saturday April 12 Elks family night potluck. After the opening of gifts, re freshments were served featur ing a three tiered wedding cake, fanned bv a miniature bride and groom. Mrs Geyer, mother of the Sorontimists Head Fnctr Wil fnmnainn brKl0' 30urert tne puncn ana C01' taster ieai campaign , &nA Mrs Ald(?rman mothcr montlntr nf of the groom, served me caKe. v r- - i OiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiMiiij EEfiWEXHSj t ww 1) X. f BifeiSKiW . I' i. ti 50 SWEEPING YARDS . DRIP DRY IN MINUTES! Penney's nylon net and mar quisette underscores your every fashion in pastels. f Needs no alternate change- effs cause it hand-washes drips dry in no timel Small medium, large ,4 1 i' i REMEMBER EASTER 1 is Sunday, April 6 "make" . PENNEY'S YOUR FASHION HEADQUARTERS pill s X- - -it . i mimmmm ii Seamless Gaymodes! Sheath your legs in one oft mist . of color with out seam bother. Con ventional, micro -mesh tyles. Ml Illiiii! DRIP DRY SLIPS 398 Sizes 32 to 44 Penney's nylon tricots are also shadow-panelled, la 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY of Mr and Mrs R E Allstott was celebrated March 23 at Hermiston with a reception attended by family and friends. (Lyons Studio Photo) dairy farming. In 1935, the family, now only three children at home, moved to the Tat Sullivan farm near Hermiston which they bought. During the building of Ordnance they operated a trailer camp. Mr Allstott was enmployed at the Ordnance Depot for 10 years. Thev have lived In Hermiston for many years and since re tirement have devoted their time to gardening and raising of beautiful flowers. Both have been active in church work and contribute their Ion? life to their large family of 11 children, 35 grandchildren and 25 great-grandenudren ana also a host of friends. Children present for the anni versary were Mrs Dome carr, Betty Lieuallen, Bob Jr, Sue Whitman, Otis Allstott, Gladys Burnside, Tressie Wilcox, Mary Bray, June Meek of Portland, Don Allstott. Umatilla, Dorris Spen cer of Calif, who was unable to attend, also all their husbands, wives, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Two Members of lone Sorority Elected District Officers The Easter Oregon district of Epsilon Sigma Alpha held the annual spring meeting Sunday, March 30 in the Green Room of the Pendleton Hotel. Those attending from Beta Omega chapter, lone, were Mrs Eileen Padberg, Mrs Betty Haus- ler, Mrs Francine crawiord, mrs Melba Miller, Mrs Martha Peter son, Mrs Eulenna Corley, Mrs Irene Leathers, Mrs Joanne War ren. Mrs Darlene Hoskins and Mrs Mary McLeod. A lovely luncheon was serv ed from tables decorated with spring flowers. During the business meeting, Mrs Leathers was elected dis trict president and Mrs Padberg, corresponding secretary for the coming year. At the luncheon Soroptimist International of Hep- pner at O Donnell s last lhurs day, Mrs E E Gonty made a report on the Easter seal sale and final plans were made for mem bers to sell lilies for the crip pled children's fund, at the Bank of Eastern Oregon and the First National Bank on Saturday March 29 and Saturday April 5 from 10:00 am till noon. Mrs James Hager was appoint ed as the member of the club to attend a Red Cross luncheon meeting Friday and Mrs Oliver Creswick reported on the Elks teenage party. Mrs Alfred Mattoon was a guest at the meeting. Tom Wilsons Hosts Duplicate Club The Duplicate bridge club met Sunday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Tom Wilson. Those invsent were Mr and Mrs Lowell dribble, Mr and Mrs r v. McOuarr e. Mr and Mrs Gordon Pratt. Mr and Mrs Rich nrd Meador. Mr and Mrs Laverne Van Marter, Dr and Mrs Wallace Wniff and Mr and Mrs L E Dick. Rnfrmihments were served at the close of the evening. Lexington News Donald Hunt who has been vis iting his mother, Mrs ' Bertha Hunt returned to his school at Corvallis. P-TA meets on Tuesday night at 8 pm In the school auditor ium with Frances Nickerson of Eugene as speaker. His topic will be "College, a grade school de cision". All youngsters from the 7th grade up are urged to at tonfl this educational meeting. Refreshments will be served lat er. Sewing Club Meets At Wilson Home Mrs Tom Wilson was hostess last Wednesday afternoon for the Sewing Club, at her Willow creek home, Guests were Mrs John Preif for Mrs far! Snauldincr. Mrs E R Schaffitz, Mrs P W Mahoney, Mrs Ravmond Ferguson, Mrs Lowell Gribble, Mrs Claude Gra ham. Mrs Jack Bedford, Mrs Al fred Mattoon and Mrs Robert Penland. School Of Instruction Held Here For Three Rainbow Assemblies The Rainbow for Girls assem blies of Heppner, Condon, and Umatilla attended Hope Luther an church Sunday morning in a body and later held a potluck dinner at the Masonic temple. In the afternoon, Mrs Harold , Becket supreme deputy for the district, held a school of instruct ion for the three assemblies. At the close of the afternoon, Harold Becket showed slides he had taken of different Rainbow functions held throughout the district; Janice Martin played a piano solo and a pantomime was given bv Sandra Jones, bheryl Harris, Judy Cochell, Janet Keithley and Judy Brinda. Mrs William Brannon Honored at Shower Miss Janice Beamer and Miss Phyllis Quackcnbush were host esses on Friday evening, at the home of Mr and Mrs Roy Quack enbush, for a bridal shower hon oring Mrs William Brannon (Ju die Spaulding). Guests were the Misses Shirley Kononen. Meredith Thomson, Mona Howard, Helen Graham, Ifarnn Valentine. PcCtTV Apple- gate, Joann Brosnan, Margaret Hughes, Rhoda Ott, Janice Mart in, Carole Groshens, Judy Collins, Boulah Davis and Mrs uuane Alderman, Mrs Herman Blettell, Mrs Roy Kirk, Mrs Carl Spauld ing and Mrs Quackenbush. Games were played with Beu lah Davis and Peggy Applegate receiving prizes. After the open inrr nf thp pifts and visiting, re freshments were served by the hostesses. Phone your news items to 6-922S. EASTER MONDAY PARTY The Women's Auxiliary of All Saints Episcopal church is plan ninp their annual Easter Mon- dav card Dartv for the evening of April 7 at the parish house at 8:00 pm. km ELUTA CAMP FIRE GIRLS At our Marcn zi meeung we elected new officers. Thev are as follows: president, Vicki Krel- mever: vice president, Karen Mc Curdy; secretary, Barbara Blake; treasurer. Lvnn Burkenbine; re porter, Judy Smith; Sgt at arms Jean Stockard. At our March 31 meeting we stuffed envelopes for the Cancer Crusade, then we had a short business meeting and closed by singing "Now Our Council Hre Burns Low." Judy Smith, reporter TTl YOUR 1 1 mkpendait Insurance II AGENT "ilKVIl llt" Unpredictable! From the kind of weather That does now prevail, It seems that this year We may have some Han: Why not insure that crop now For what It may make you? The premium is high, but It surely won t break you! That's more than we'll say For a Hail storm severe; It might not leave you much For expenses next year! hr For All Your Insurance Needs C. A. RUGGLES INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 6-9625 Box 611 HEPPNER. OREGON c P COURT STREET MARKET 1 w ' f ' ' j r 2 ' mrw- U r-mmrtX'-f h ?-""lt 'Ti wr if cj-i n: LT iTT TV2V ?! iM -mm--. iWr" "wnmiini i mm m m itriinij ,.v I t.' i PHONE 6-9643 STUFFED APRIL 4 S 5 FREE PARKING JUST ARRIVED! White Stag CHILDREN'S Sportswear Blouses Pedal Pushers Shorts Sizes 3 To 6x and 7 To 14 lb. 5 to 8 pound average. Each one stuffed with Armour's spec ial Dressing;. What could be liner for Easter. BAR-S HOLIDAY WASTE-FREE WHOLE -lb 12 HAM-lb $1.10 9Bc OREGON CHIEF A wonderful buy If you prefer a ham with the bone in. Whole- lb ggc Half-lb ggc BISQUICK gQc SHORT BREAD .... lb Pkg OQc Large 40 oz Pkg. NABISCO COCOANUT A Real Easter Special PILLSBURY'S CARNATION CAKE MIXES 3 for 89c iJjjy All kinds except Angle food ALL FLAVORS rPCo. kraft cracker barrel 12 GALLON A CHEESE 5c Off i m Any varjety with Kraft Coupon PRODUCE FLAV-R-PAC FROZEN Green Onions bu. 5c Raspberries 2 for 49c Bulk Carrots . . 3 lbs. 25c Asparagus Spears .... 2 for 57c Broccoli Spears 2 tor ile Potatoes 10 lbs. 69c Pea$ 2 for 29c I - 1 Norah's Shop den with lace, and they're p,i,98c priced way down here I t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 III tl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIHIIIlllll