iatthews is Reelected lone P-TA President HEPPNER. GAZETTE-TIMES. Thursday, March 20. 1958 !HO PALMATEER demonstrated seperating dahlia lace Matthews was re- bulbs. At the business meeting sident of the lone P tne following chairmen were ap leeting Wednesday ev- pointed on the spring flower sale Jch 12. Other officers t0 be held later: sale of plants ?re, Mrs Norman Nel-Mrs Pnil Emert; posters, Mrs president and Mrs PhlliWilliam Rawlins; publicity, Mrs cretary and treasurer. ' Ecno Palmateer; pje and coffee, ilness meeting the flag Mrs Edith Nichoson; cashier, Mrs given, Rev Floyd Bai- Lundell; and food sale, Mrs Gar the prayer, Fredrick 'and Swanson. The roll call was ve a report on the rural naming a bird and describing it. ard and drivers train- The Maranatha club met at the home of Mrs Noel Dobyns Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Grace Ware as co-hostess. Mrs Bryce Keene, president, named her committee for the Easter breakfast to be held Easter Morn ing at the Community church basement at 7 a m. She announc ed a meeting of the Women's Fellowship at Milton Freewater, April. Mrs Floyd Bailey gave a reading, "Sunshine Comes charge, the school band i Through the Cracks." The mem- three numbers led by bers of the club made clothes for im. He stated that there no drivers training pro- year. Mrs E M Baker ill who helped with the ler recently. Mrs Matth tinted the following to .egates to the state con O be held in Bend, April d 23: Mrs Leo Crabtree, Rea and Don Brostrom. entitled to 6 delegates. t program with Mrs Phil jphenson; Linda Heim- a doll to be drawn April 10 dur- ,ave her United Nations ing the school play. There were ititled, What the United 23 members present and three Means to Youth and to 'guests. Mrs Anna Lindstrom re .d at Large. She won the'ceived the door prize, .n the school here which I a hirthdav rjartv was eiven in ored by the Odd Fellows homT of Mrs Edith White at her bekah lodges and will home Wednesday evening, March for the finals in Pendle-12. Mrs Lewis Ball and Mrs Sam rch 22. Mrs L A McCabesteb were the hostesses. Others short talk on 4-H clubs preSent were Mr and Mrs Walter ce McCabe, Brenda Town- rv.hvns. Mr and Mrs n L l.un. dell, Mr and Mrs Gordon White, Mrs Anna Lindstrom, Mr Ball, Mr Esteb, Mrs Imogene Mooney, Dale White and Elmer Petersen. Games were played and refresh ments served. Mr and Mrs Robert Peterson and son are spending a few days in Portland. d Linda Heimbigner gave id demonstrations on ar sewing rooms, making ind 4-H activities. Mem id leaders of 4-H clubs le pledge. neeting was preceded by Satellites, Schools and 1. lostesses were Mrs Lloyd Irs Donald Linnell, Mrs Hams, Mrs Ray Heimbig Mrs John Voorhees and daugh ters of Portland are visiting at 1 Mrs Adon Hamlett. The' the home of her parents, Mr and were decorated in the St Mrs Wate Crawford, day motif. Those from here who attended Garden club met at the the church school teachers meet of Mrs Anna Lindstrom ; ig in Heppner, Thursday after y afternoon, March 11 noon and evening of last week Irs O L Lundell as Co-to hear Mrs Grace Sayre, were Harold Dobyns gave a Mrs Norman Nelson, Mrs Alfred ' Insects and how to spray j Nelson, Mrs Kenneth Smouse, Mrs jm. Mrs Omar Rietmann Garry Tullis, Rev and Mrs Floyd I Bailey, Mrs Fredrick Martin, Mrs Delmer Crawford, Mrs Milton Morgan, Mrs Earl McCabe, and Mrs L F Leathers. Mr and Mrs W E Tompkins of ; Glenn's Ferry, Ida are visiting ,tier brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Ernest Heliker. Mr and Mrs E R Lundell spent Sunday in Walla Walla, t Mr and Mrs Walter Bristow of Vancouver, B C spent the week end with their neice and family, Mr and Mrs David Rietmann, The Rietmanns met them in The Dal les and took them back to The Dalles where they took a bus to .California to visit relatives. Mr , Bristow is a brother of the late E J Bristow.. I Mrs Mabel Davidson returned home from the Pioneer Memorial hospital Saturday where she was a patient for a few days with pneumonia. Cary Jannsen, son of Mr and Mrs Martin Jannsen, received 2nd degree burns one day last week at his home when his pa jamas caught fire from the stove He was taken to Heppner for treatment. Mr and Mrs L A McCabe and daughters, Mr and Mrs Leo Crab tree and children, Mrs Hattie Crabtree and Linda Pettyjohn spent Sunday in La Grande with Mr and Mrs Alvin McCabe. The occasion was a birthday dinner for the Alvin McCabes. Mr and Mrs James Lindsay gave a birthday dinner Sunday March 16 in honor of her mother, Mrs D W Akers. Others present were. Mr and Mrs Roy Pettyjohn and son, Jimmie of The Dalles and Mr and Mrs Earl McCabe and daughter, Arleta. Mrs E W Bristow and Mrs Lloyd Rice were Portland visitors last week. The Topic club meeting was held at the home of Mrs Fannie Griffith Friday afternoon, March 14, with Mrs Dixon Smith as co hostess. At the business meeting con ducted by Mrs John Proudfoot, president, a dinner was planned to be held at the school cafetor ium March 30 from 1 to 3 pm. The proceeds will go to the lone Pub lie Library. Jothing Costs So uch As What Is Given Us By Phil Blakney ill the world loves a bar n, but everyone knows it one always gets no re than they pay for. en when we think we i getting something for I than its proper price usually find out that we re paid more than its 1 value. Therefore, we never te that our prescription ces are low priced bar ns. We do promise that ; charges will always be low as careful compound f will permit. " YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE 6-9962 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE ick up your prescrip. a if shopping near us. or us dsliver promptly Jhout extra charge. A at many people entrust with the responsibility filling their prescriptions, y we compound yours? PHIL'S HARMACY 105 N. Main PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS totation by Thomas Ful ' (1608-1662) 7t's the Water that makes Olympia beer refreshingly different OLYMPIA HIWWS COMPANY. I OlYMPIA, WASHINGTON, U.I.A, , The roll call was answered by naming a close associate of Christ. The book, The Day Christ Died by Jim Bishop was dis cussed. Each member of the club had previously read the book. Dallas Shockley, superinten dent of the lone schools, gave the address at the Community church Sunday morning. His sub ject was. Our Youth. Fredrick Martin, moderator of the church conducted the services. Rev Floyd Bailey, pastor, attended the Pilgrim Fellowship mid-winter conference in Enterprize last weekend with several youg peop le from here. Mr and Mrs Frank Lundell of Milwaukie, spent the weekend here with relatives. College students home for spring vacation are: I Mrs Joseph Kalister from Pac ific University, Dennis Swanson from Portland University. He was accompanied by two friends. Judy Mason of Pacific Univers ity visited at Hines. Mr and Mrs Ernest Drake and daughter spent the weekend with his parents, Mr and Mrs Cleo Drake, Ernest is a student at Pacific University. He returned to Forest Grove Monday and Mrs Drake and daughter will visit in Heppner. Those from Oregon Tech who spent the weekend at home were Wayne Rietmann, Paul Miller, Leland McKinney and Lindsay Kincaid. Mr and Mrs Clinton Agee of Ranier are visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Howton. Those who attended the Pil grim Fellowship conference of the Congragatlonal church in Enterprise last week reported a very enjoyable time. There were over 300 registered. They held communion, a banquet, classes and also made a trip to Wall owa Lake. Most of the churches in Enterprise cooperated in the conference. Seaman and Mrs James R Buchanan and children of Berk eley, Calif visited at the homes of Mr and Mrs James Botts and Mr and Mrs John Botts last week. The sewing class met at the home of Mrs Adon Hamlett Thur sday evening, March 13 with 9 present. Dresses were made for themselves and for their child ren. Mrs C E Brenner and Mrs Harold Snider are the leaders. The next meeting will be March 26 at the home of Mrs Ted Palm ateer. Refreshments were served after the meeting by Mrs Ham lett. Mr and Mrs Elmer Swart were Hermiston visitors over the week end. DATES TO REMEMBER: March 21 HEC of Willows meet ing at the home of Mrs Hat tie Crabtree. March 28 Three Links club meeting. March 30 A dinner sponsored by the Topic club for the benefit of the lone Public Li brary at the school cafetor ium 1 to 3 pm. $1.50 for adults and 75 cents for child ren. April 3 Maundy Thursday meet ing at the Community church in the evening. April 5 Food and pie and cof fee sale at the Rebekah hall beginning at 1 pm sponsored by the Eastern Star " Social club. April 6 Easter sunrise services. Easter breakfast in the com munity church basement, church school program and church services at communi ty church. The Nazarene church will have an Easter program Easter morning. April 25 The Doris Long dance recital will be held at the school cafetorium at 7:30 pm. Proceeds will go toward the lone Public library. The Nazarene church will be gin their vacation Bible school May 26. The members of the American Legion Auxiliary are urged to gather used clothing for the Child Welfare federation to be sent to Knoxville, Tenn. The clothing may be left with Mrs C E Brenner of other members. Mrs Roland Bergstrom, clerk of the lone school district 35cj reports that petitions for one local board member will be re ceived at the superintendents of fice. Petitions must be in by Ap ril 3. Books received by the" public library are, Exploring the Weath er, Gallant and Hess; Maggie Now, Smith; The World's Great est Showman, Bryan; Farmers Boy, Wilder and White Mother, Sams. Mr and Mrs Elbe Akers are re modeling their home on Third street. Mr and Mrs Wallace Matthews are remodeling and decorating their house on Second street. Mrs Charles O'Connor enter tained the following children at a dinner party at her homo Wed nesday evening, March 12, in honor of the eighth birthday of her daughter, Terry, Susan Hams, Susan Lindstrom, Renne Leath ers Karen Hams, Marlene Craw ford and Marjorie O'Connor. Mrs Leo Crabtree, Mrs Archie Munkers and Mrs Hattie Crab tree went to Salem recently and brought back the remainder of Mrs Hattie Chabtree's household goods. Mr and Mrs Herbert Ekstrom Jr and children have moved in to the Ekstrom house on Main Street. He will assist his father, Herbert Ekstrom Sr with the farm. They have been living in The Dalles for several years. Mr and Mrs John Proudfoot vis ited relatives in The Dalles Sun day. V Mrs Ed McCann is a patient in the Pioneer Memorial hospit al following surgery. " Those from here who attended the Past Noble Grand club lun cheon in Heppner Monday were: Mrs Ernest Heliker, Mrs Cecil Thorne, Mrs Wate Crawford, Mrs Sam Esteb, Mrs Adon Hamlett, Mrs E R Lundell, Mrs Wallace Matthews, Mrs Omar Rietmann, Mrs David Rietmann, Mrs Clell 4-H Club News THE SPOON LICKERS The Spoon Lickers rooking club met at Kathy Ray's house March 11. The meeting was call ed to order by president Jean Stockard and roll call was an swered by naming a kind of sandwich. We saluted the flag and then told how many sand wiches we made. Susan Drake is ahead with six. Patricia Van Winkle gave a demonstration on hamburgers. Then our leaders Carole Anderson and Celia Boul d.n finished the hamburgers while our activity leader, Dar line Anderson lead us in a game. Ketreshments were served. Douglas Anderson, reporter about three hours then went to the Federated Livestock comp any near Ordnance. We saw where the pigs farrow ed and where the pigs stayed if there was not any other room. They had self feeders and self waterers. We were there about two hours. Douglas Anderson, reporter GET OUT of that everyday grind, go out to the Star Theaer tonight. HOOF AND HORN LIVESTOCK CLUB The Hoof and Horn Livestock club met at Anderson's March 15 to get ready to go on our tour to Hynd's sheep camp and the Federated Livestock comp any, i nose present were Runny and Judy Jones, Diane Fulleton, Connie, Jerry David, Douglas and Kit Anderson, N C Anderson and Marcel Jones. Our first stop was at Hynd's sheep camp where we learned how they operate. He showed us where they keep the lambs until they were 24 hours old, then they are turned outside. He showed us how to graft. We stayed there I 1: M V4 j 7i Rea, Mrs Arvilla Swanson, Mrs Mary Swanson, and Mrs Cleo Drake. Mrs Gordon White and daugh ter, Lona, spent the weekend in Portland and Forest Grove. Mr and Mrs Raymond Lundell and daughters, Mrs Emma Dally and Gary Stephenson spent the weekend in Portland. Mr and Mrs Ray Hurst of Ar lington and Mr and Mrs Ron An derson and children of Blalock, spent Sunday at the Bill Riet mann home. Wdklori fwith'the nation's style leaders v.i wu iw.dr II I euihlon 1 I Cushioned Mil) I'M i.V'-.iSi Double- psJ.Vi cushion httl Tmprtd it. el thank Only ciassagic give you all these built-in comfort feature! Come see what foot comfort means! Wilson's Men's Weai The Store of Personal Service 11,028 independent businessmen like these serve you better with Standard's help n ni4 i r Ti' ( (l Wholesale distributor Bob Evans, Mesa, Arizona, uses a plant provided and maintained by Standard. We help Bob develop new business and back him with engineering assistance on his customers' lubrication problems. Robert "Bob" A. Juner, San Francisco, operates his own service station. We supply him with business forms, maps, lube guides and major equipment. Bob makes good use of Standard's training programs to improve his service lo you. Standard's special Aviation Divlson helps airport dealers like Frank Kersey, Salt Lake City, Utah, with wind direction indicators, flight guides and credit card service ... all welcome conveniences to his customers. See Us For FEED SUPPLEMENTS 18 Proticn Cubes $55 Per Ton 11 Protien Pellets $3520 Per Ton 4X8 SHEATHING 4X8 PLYWOOD LOW PRICES BARRATT SALES Linden Way Phone 6-9157 w if? L11 if k -3 . -; .. ' rT-jfl-n-ii 1 nHr IrnTr lu J I i: ft-vy , I U, o 14- "utt H ki JL . KM " 1 P . i" Vffrf :m 7 A ! i 1 'Mr ' ii4il;y if J !XX ' 4 -1.1 .si'fmt Hi' .7 .' ,r, w i V 48 Standard credit cards make it possible for independent marine dealers like Joe Faires, Port Angeles, Washington, to honor charge accounts. When fuel and lubri cation problems arise, his customers can rely on help from Standard's engineers. Liquefied Petroleum Gas dealers like Louis Marx, Atascadcro, California, find our operations manual helpful in almost every phase of his business . . . especially when it comes to saving customers time and trouble on deliveries. Keith L. Tweedie, Salem, Oregon, is a heating oil distributor. Our complete program shows him how to set up an accounting system, handlo credit, cut operating expenses and give you the cleanest, most convenient service possible. "Big Business" creates opportunities for "small business." With each doing the job for which it is best qualified, both are able to operate more efficiently . . . give you better service. In our particular case, here's how it works. Standard research and manufacturing skill assure quality products. In turn 11,028 distributors of Standard products represented by the six Western independent businessmen above help bring you these products in the U. S., Alaska, Hawaii, British Columbia and many other parts of the Western Hemisphere. Because these independent businessmen perform an important service for us, we assist their efforts with technical help, suggested operations pro cedures, advertising and merchandising support. Thus by helping them to help themselves, we are both able to serve you even better. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA plans ahead to serve you better