Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 21, 1957, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, February 21,1 957
Page 5
Social H;
Mrs. Jack Bedford, Reporter Social
Degree of Honor
f Installs Officers
' Tuesday Evening
I Degree of Honor installed new
officers Tuesday evening, Febru
"f ary 12 in ceremonies at the Le
I gion hall.
t .) Installing officer was Mrs.
Clara B. Gertson, national com
! mitteewoman and state director,
? assisted by past presidents Mrs.
Carl McDaniel and Mrs. Pete
i New officers are Miss Marilyn
i Bergstrom, president; Mrs. Carl
i King, past president; Mrs. Lin
:f coin Nash, vice-president; Mrs.
A. L. Casebeer, second vice-presi-J
dent; Mrs. William Farra, secre-
( tary; Mrs. tan Bryant, treasurer;
j Mrs. Oma Cox, usher and Mrs.
( Bryant, assistant usher; Mrs. Del.
! bert Wright, inner watch; Mrs.
! Earl Soward, outer watch; Mrs.
. Ad Moore, right assistant; Mrs.
Owen Leathers, senior left as-
sistant; staff Mrs. John Berg-
Strom, Mrs. William Cunning
ham, Mrs. Theta Stratton and
Mrs. McMurtry.
j Refreshments were served by
' Mrs. Stratton and Mrs. King,
past presidents.
Mrs Little Has High
Score At Club Meet
f Mrs. Herbert Hamilton was
hostess Wednesday evening of
last week to the King's Little
Queens for dessert and bridge.
v High score was won by Mrs.
George Little. Mrs. C. E. Mc
' Quarrie was second high and Mrs.
?Paul Koenig, low. Mrs. Dick
Brunner won the traveling prize.
- Others playing were Mrs. Jack
'Angel, Mrs. Philip Blakney, Mrs.
.Pat O'Brien, Mrs. Harry O'Don-
nell, Jr., Mrs. William- Sowell,
Mrs. Lester Wyman and Mrs. Oral
I .1
We have
C i
f jakifasiionalc
I If v v i i m; I
Coma In and select your colors from our big Color
Cascade selection free take-home color samples.
j For beautiful velvet-like walls in living rooms, dining
rooms, and bedrooms, use your favorite colors in
j guaranteed washable Super Kem-Tone.
j Match your woodwork to your walls with the same
) color in Kem-Glo, the miracle enamel with the rich
i subdued lustre.
f Make your kitchen and bathroom high in style with
Kem-Glo's new colors, too.
Case Furniture Co.
News Deadline 6 p. m. Tuesdays
Reception Honors
Herbert Ekstroms On
25th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom
of lone celebrated their 25th wed.
ding anniversary with a recep
tion at their home Sunday after
noon with Mrs. Franklin Llnd
strom and Mrs. Garland Swanson
as hostesses.
Serving at the table, which
had a centerpiece of white car
nations, were Mrs. Carl Berg
strom, Mrs. Roland Bergstrom,
Mrs. Arthur Stefani, Jr., Mrs. A.
E. Stefani, Miss Marilyn Ek
strom, Mrs. Arnold Ekstrom and
Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom, Jr. Mrs.
C. E. Brenner assisted with the
guests and Roland Ekstrom had
charge of the guest book.
Those coming from a distance
were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ek
strom and daughter, Marilyn of
Warrington; Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Lewis, Astoria and Mr. -and
Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom, Jr. and
family, The Dalles.
Mrs. Meador Has
Mrs. Richard Meador enter
tained her bridge club Friday
night at her home. Dessert was
served preceeding the play.
Others present were Mrs. Cres -
ton Robinson, Mrs. M. R. Wag-
goner, Mrs. William Heath, Mrs.
Kemp Dick, Mrs. Don Bellen -
brock, Mrs. Ned Sweek and Mrs.
Riley Munkers.
Mrs. Robinson had high score,
Mrs. Sweek, second and Mrs.
Munkers, low.
The Past Matrons of Ruth
chapter No. 32, OES, will meet
Thursday evening February 28
at the home of Mrs. Harold
uecKet at 8:00 p. m.
the paint
you want !
VM.'t f3 (VcodnO'tj
See our Cascade of Color display
of this year's newest colors
precisely matched in both
...deluxe latex wall paint
...America's favorite enamel
Rebekahs Hear Report
On U. N. Pilgrimage
Contest in County
Sans Souci Rebekah lodge No.
31, held a regular meeting Fri
day at the Odd Fellows hall with
Miss Esther Bergstrom In the
Two candidates were recom
mended for the Degree of Chiv
alry. Mrs. Pete McMurtry. mem
ber of the U. N. Pilgrimage com
mittee gave a report and an
nounced that several Lexington,
lone and Heppner high school
students are working on essays
and two will be chosen from this
district to go to New York on the
annual pilgrimage.
Mrs. Gerald Rood was accepted
as a new member by transfer from
Fossil. The lodge donated to the
polio fund above individual col
lections. Members enjoyed a valentine
party after the meeting in honor
of former and older members.
Hostesses were Mrs. Altha Kirk,
Mrs. Pete McMurtry and Mrs.
John Bergstrom.
Thirty one members and one
guest attended. The next meet-1
ing will be Friday, March 1 and
initiation March 15.
Mrs. Harnes Honored
At Stork Shower
Mrs. Paul Koenig, Mrs. John
Williams and Mrs. Phil Blakney
were hostesses Friday evening at
a stork shower and dessert,
honoring Mrs. Lawrence Harnes,
(Dorothy French) at the Koenig
Besides the honoree, other
guests were Mrs. James Healy,
1 Mrs. Sam Turner, Mrs. Paul His
ler, Mrs. Jerry Brosnan, Mrs. Zetta
! Brosnan, Mrs. Randall Martin,
iMrs. Ebb Hughes, Mrs. Allen
Hughes, Mrs. Marion Green, Mrs.
Jack Sumner, Mrs. George Currin,
Mrs. Gertrude Applegate, Mrs,
William Kenny, Mrs. Jerry Dag
gett, Miss Marguerite Glavey,
Mrs. Bud Marshall, Mrs. Wallace
Wolff, Mrs. Carl Thorpe, Mrs.
Rose Francis and Mrs. Raymond
Games were played and the
prize was won by Mrs. Healy.
j 0 -
Valentine Motif Used
At Triple Link Party
The Triple Link club of Sans
Souci Rebekah lodge sponsored a
public Valentine card party at
the-Odd Fellows hall February
Mrs. Richard Wells had high
score in bridge and Mrs. Floyd
Worden, low. In pinochle, Arn
old Springer was high and Mrs.
Lennie Louden, low. Mrs. Grace
Nickerson received the door prize.
Hostesses for the dining room
and decorations were Mrs. Del
bert Wright, Mrs. Clarence Bau
man, Mrs. Gerald Rood and Mrs.
Pete McMurtry. In charge of
refreshments and serving were
Mrs. Archie Padberg, Mrs. Winn
Crist, Mrs. Don Munkers, Mrs.
Wright, Mrs. Bauman and Mrs.
Valentine ice cream, cake and
coffee were served and tables
were decorated in the Valentine
Thirteen tables were In play.
The Nun's Story
Reviewed At Club
Bookworms met Tuesday, Feb
ruary 12 at the home of Mrs. Jack
Flug who reviewed the book,
"The Nun's Story", by Kathryn
Other members present were
Mrs. Ted Smith, Miss Leta Hum
phreys, Mrs. W. E. Hughes, Mrs.
Floyd Jones, Mrs. J. O. Turner,
Mrs. Fred Parrish, Mrs. Lucy Pet
erson, Mrs. Harry Dinges and
Mrs. Cornett Green.
There will be a coffee hour fol
lowing 10:30 a. m. mass at St.
1 Patrick's Catholic church on Sun
: day, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Rich
Jard Brunner, who are leaving to
. make their home in Baker.
You're probably planning
To retire some day!
If so are funds ready &
Laid carefully away?
Good Life Insurance plans
Could help you lots
And the sooner started,
The less they cost!
A few winter evenings Is
Little time to spend
For plans that could pay
You food dividends!
Make a date to discuss your
retirement plans & needs with
Heppner, Oregon
Phone 6-9625 Box 611
Coming Events 'Triple Link Club
Friday Feb. 22- Washington'. P,QnS Fd S'e
Birthday I The Triple Link club of Sans
Ruth chapter No. 32. OES i Souci Rebekah lodge met Mon-
Saturday Feb. 23 Elks Annual, 'day at the home of Mrs. Frank
lodge 2:00 p. m.. card party. Avers with Mrs. N. D. Bailey as
2:00 p. m.. dinner 6 to 7:30 p.-co-hostess.
m.. first floor show 8:00 p. A repor WM ma(,e Qn the
m, dance 10:00 p. m. Valentine card party and plans
Monday Feb. 25 Chamber of discussed by the ways and means
commerce, noon at O'Don-' committee to raise funds for the
nell's jU N. riigrimage candidates.
American Legion buslnes.j Plans were made fof a candy
meetin9 j and food sale Saturday, March 2
Tuesday Feb. 26 Bookworms at the Red and White store. Mrs.
Degree of Honor
Wednesday Feb. 27 Willows
lodge No. 66. IOOF
Thursday Feb. 28 Soroptimists,
noon at O'Donnell's
Friday March 1 Sans Souci R.
bekah lodge
Wolffs Entertain
Duplicate Club On
Sunday Evening
Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Wolff
entertained the duplicate club
Sunday night with dessert and
Others playing were Mr. and
Mrs. La Verne Van Marter, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Gribble, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Meador, Mr.
and Mrs. Phil Blakney and Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Wilson.
Handkerchief Shower
Honors Mrs. Fancher
Mrs. P. VV. Mahoney was hos
tess Wednesday evening of last
week at a bridge party and hand,
kerchief shower honoring Mrs.
Bradley Fancher.
Mrs. Larry Dowen had high
score, Mrs. Richard Meador, se
cond high.
Other guests were Mrs. James
Norene, Mrs. William Labhart,
Mrs. Eddie Gunderson, Mrs. Tom
Wilson, Mrs. Paul Webb, Mrs.
Gene Hall, Mrs. LaVerne Van
raanur, ivirs. james raney ana
Mrs. Alex Thompson.
Soroptimist Club
Makes Valentines
For Hospital
Valentines were made by mem
bers of the Soroptimist club
Thursday noon at their meeting
at O'Donnell's. Red carnations,
paper doilies and ribbons were
used in the project.
They were delivered later by
Mra Frank Hamblin, to the pa
tients in the nursing home at
Pioneer Memorial hospital,
Miss Leta Humphreys, vice
president of the club, was In
charge of the meeting in the ab
sence of the president, Mrs. Ro
bert Penland.
Party Given in Honor
Of Fifth Birthday .
Mrs. Delbert Wright was hos
tess Saturday, February 16 at a
party honoring the fifth birth
day of her daughter, Teresa El
len. She was assisted by her
daughter Bonnie, in serving indi
vidual birthday cakes and valen
tine ice cream.
Guests were Mrs. Ray Myrick
and Stephen, Mrs. J. S. Johnson
and Pamela, Mrs. Matt Hughes
and Terry, Mrs. LaVerne Van
Marter. LaVerne and Marie, Mrs.
Winn Crist' and Cheryl, Sandra
Mathews, Mary Ann O'Donnell,
Patricia Keithiey, Bobby Dobbs
and Kirk Robinson.
Fill In lh cupon blw un4
mail for compltt. dvlailt.
I 619 I. W. 1 1th Avenue, Portland,
PlMit wnd at flill 'Mil, wllh.ut rtllftflu,
O.P.S. In4ingl-Flhi Mm
O.P.S. Oru Flaw 4 7 aplr
I Mm
pvill(lU Will P)HWfWM mj m
Delbert Wright, Mrs. Frank Ayers
and Mrs. Clarence Bauman were
appointed to the poster commit-
Members present were Mrs.
Wright, Mrs. McMurtry, Miss
Esther Bergstrom, Mrs. Mary
Wright, Mrs. Lennie Louden,
Mrs. Bauman, Mrs. Cornett Green,
Mrs. Lincoln Nash, Mrs. Pearl
The next meeting will be on
Monday, March 18 at the hall
with Mrs. Bauman and Mrs. Lou
don as co-hostesses. .
Brunners Entertain
J. C. Penney Staff .
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brunner
entertained with a farewell din
ner Monday evening at the
Wagon Wheel, for the staff of
J. C. Penney Co.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Matteson, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Borman, Mr. and Mrs. John Hart
man, Charles Bailey and Miss
Barbara Warren.
Brunner leaves this weekend
for Baker where he will be
manager of the Penney store.
Wolff Home Scene of
Valentine Party
Mrs. LaVerne Van Marter and
Mrs. Wallace Wolff were hostess
es at a Valentine party for pre-
Wolff home
ooicrs last Thursday at the
Present were Mrs. Bradley Fan.
chcr and B. J., Mrs. William Lab
hart and Laurie, Mrs. Gene Hall
and Johnny, Mrs. James Norene
and Tracie, LaVerne Van Marter
III and Marie and Billy, Shelly;
and Kelly Wolff. '
Appropriate refreshments were
Lindstroms Feted On
15th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom of
lone were honored at a buffet
dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Franklin Lindstrom Thurs
day evening, February 14, cele
brating their 15th wedding an
niversary, After the dinner cards were
played. Those receiving prizes
were Mrs. Roy Lindstrom and
Raymond Lundell, high and Mrs.
Adon 'Hamlett and Charles
O'Connor, low. I
There were 24 guests present.'
Sewing Club Meets
At Schaffitz Home
The Sewing Club met at the
home of Mrs. E. K. Schaffitz last
Wednesday afternoon. j
Guests were Mrs. Claude Gra
ham, Mrs. Carl Spaulding, Mrs.'
P. W. Mahoney, Mrs. Tom Wilson, '
Mrs. John Pfeiffer, Mrs. Robert
Penland, Mrs Lowell Gribble and;
the hostess.
O. P. S. covin bfoed Bald (
medical needs and wfthla the
pocket book of the veraie lamilyl
You get quick, reliable half for
everyday medical xpenaee, phu
http whH you matf U matt tot
long, complicated illnesses when
cost are heavy.
For best protection at least cost.
Join the Oregon plan designed tot
Oregon Physicians' Service
ler aw
By Shirlee Upton
Irom Mrs. Bouluen s room
comes the report of a new square
dancing group. They presented
three dances at the Valentine
party, Friday night. Members of
the group are Libby Van Schoi-
ack, Ronnie Belsma, Geraldine
Swaggart, Julie Pfeiffer, Archie
Ball, Bob Irby, Marion Biddle
and Dennis Sanders.
Mrs. Brosnan taught class 7B
Wednesday and Thursday during
which time Mrs. Boulden was ill
An Experiment In Diet
A number of rats were moved
from Mrs. Erwin's room to the
showcase in the main entrance
of the grade school. This attracts
a large share of attention from
the children of lower grades.
Charts were made of diets and
feeding to go in the showcase,
In the beginning "Muscle Rat"
was the largest, but under the
influence of a poor diet has be
come the smallest. After being
fed a balanced diet the smaller
rats overtook Muscle Rat and
became even larger. This ex-
Mark Koenig Has
Sixth Birthday
Mrs. Paul Koenig entertained
at a birthday luncheon Wednes
day of last week, honoring her
son Mark on his sixth birthday.
Guests were Mark Labhart,
Mark Blakney, Brian Thompson
and Billy Wolff.
Games were played following
, lite:-. - Ai
LJ for shcerncss, wear, easy-care!
t, Tiny-priced at Penney's . . .
today's wispy sheer, crystal
white, no-shrink marquisettes
I j that hand wash, need
, j ioucri-up ironing, stana up gg x 45 39
jk'' to sun, fumes, resist mildew, 96 x 63 .'ZI3.98
insects. 6-inch pleat shirred 142 x 81 7.50
ruffles and tops.
I Panels almost care
111! k:k::!Sfliy
I i". H : j
i 1
a if 1 :! i li (I
$ k h
j Fabulous panels, fabuously
1 priced at Penney's. Strong as
they are sheer, they drip dry,
never shrink, need only a
t i touch of the Iron. Resist sun,
i J mildew, insects. Tailored with 42 x 45 1.09
15 inch bottom hems. White. 42 x 63 1.49
u Pastels. 42 x 90 1.69
perlment is to present the veri
fication of the Influence food has
on the body.
Fourth, fifth and sixth grade
intramurals were played In the
multi-purpose room Monday,
February 11. The two opposing
teams were Case and Springer.
Personal scorings are as follows:
Case, 4; Cox, 8; Heath, 2;
George, 6; Warren, 0 Total 14.
Springer, 0; Williams, 1; Dick,
2; McDonald, 0; McBath, 2. To
tal 5.
4-H Club News
The Merry Tailors had a meet-
ing at Marilee Leathers' house
on the afternoon of Feb. 15 The
article we made was a wrist Din
cushion. For refreshments we
had hot chocolate and ginger
bread. Marilee Leathers and
Trova Ricbv wrote this noem
about the Merrv Tailors:
The Merry Tailors stitch and
And our scissors, we do not throw.
We take good care of all our
And our needle nearlv sines.
We measure our material very
Soon we'll learn to gather and
Our boxes are in good condition,
So we'll always keep stitchin'.
We will always sew and seam.
We keep our scissors neat and
Our next meeting will be at
Frances McLeod's house oh the
afternoon of March 1.
Cheryle Lundell
News reporter
) aTvvvi.aMfe' m IMP? T
96 by 90
inches long
184 x 81
for themselves
each .
42 x 81